evil spirit

Chapter 42 The Only User

Chapter 42 [Only User]

[This chapter has 6,000 words. Before uploading, I was thinking about whether to divide it into two chapters, one chapter in the afternoon and one chapter in the evening. Just like most books do now, it is divided into two chapters, which can make me look like one more updated, and the reader's one click will also become two times. But after thinking about it for another minute, I decided not to. I wrote it in one go, and the forced separation will affect the reader's reading pleasure. Although there are too many words in the chapter, it is a disadvantage for the author to click and recommend, so I still decided to be kind, hehe.]

There are three contact information below the email: an email address, an MSN account, and a phone number. I checked and found that this phone number is very strange, because at the beginning of the previous international area code, I can't find which country it represents on the phone yellow page!

Is it an encrypted number?

Obviously, the email contact is too slow, and the long-distance international call is too troublesome. Because my home phone did not have a long-distance international call, I immediately logged in to MSN and contacted the MSN account on the email.

This contact was actually very smooth. Without any waiting, the other party immediately responded!

"Hello, Mr. Chen Yang, I'm the customer service staff of our company. Because you are a user from China, the company has entrusted me to serve you. You can choose to communicate with me in English or Chinese.

This sentence was sent twice by the other party, one in Chinese and one in English.

"Chinese." My choice is undoubtedly clear.

"OK! If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.

After thinking about it, I asked the first question: "Will this ring also work for me when I don't wear it?"

Then I listed some of my recent experiences and briefly said them.

Then, I almost waited patiently for a full five minutes before waiting for the other party's reply - I suddenly regretted that the phone at home did not have the international long-distance function.

"Excuse me, my Chinese input is a little slow... Our company's answer is as follows: Theoretically, when you don't wear a ring, the ring will not bring you good luck. That is to say, when you remove the ring, you will not be able to get the luck improvement function of the ring. However, in view of the fact that you are using our company's trial products, without the use of a measuring instrument, it may cause side effects of the ring. That is to say, your use of the ring improves the luck that does not conform to the rules, affects your luck balance, and will bring some... other inconveniences. We call it 'side effects'. And this situation is not within the control of the ring, so even if you have removed the ring, you will also suffer some bad results due to the previous misuse.

I sighed helplessly and wrote, "I've experienced what you said...especially the side effects, which have left a deep enough impression on me!"

"I'm sorry for causing you some trouble." The other party replied, "You can remove the ring so that it will no longer affect your life."


It's simple to say...

I sneered in my heart!

When a person really knows the magic of this ring... Who can endure this kind of **?

Think about the good luck that the ring brings me! Those magical experiences!

I don't think anyone will be willing to give up, right? Anyone, if he has experienced these things about me... Well, as long as this person is not a madman, his only idea now is: how to find a way to use this ring "correctly" without causing side effects!

If such an effect can really be achieved...

God, how beautiful will life be?!

I feel more and more that this ring is like a drug! When you are attracted to it, it's really hard to give up!

"I'm not going to give up your products. I just want to find the right way to use it!" I will send it.

I still have a word in my heart: It's a pity that your cheapest official products cost millions! ( And it's not RMB)! Even if I sell my own internal organs, I can't afford your products!

"Then, you can only choose to buy our company's official products." His return was as I expected.

After thinking about it, I tried to say, "I would like to ask, has your company provided some replacement of parts that are easy to consume? I'm just giving an example: For example, I bought a computer, but after using it for a while, the keyboard broke down, and I need to change a keyboard... The computer company can't ask me to spend money to buy a new computer, right?

The other party reacted quickly: "You mean you want to... buy a separate measuring instrument, right?"

I sat in front of the computer and smiled silently, tapping on the keyboard: "Is it okay?"

"I'm sorry, but I have to say: No."


I was silent for a while and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

Do I really have to find a way to buy a formal product? Millions of dollars!

How can I get it? To rob a bank? To sell drugs? To smuggle??

Suddenly, I thought of a very interesting idea.

If, under normal circumstances, a person can have millions of dollars, he is already a very rich person, right? If a person is already very rich, then this person should have become famous and have everything he should have... Then, under normal circumstances, he doesn't need such a ring to change his luck at all.

What can this ring bring to people?

It's not money, power, beauty...

A person who can take out millions to buy a ring is already a famous figure, so he must have already owned money, powerful and beautiful women...

I don't know what my mind is. I sent my idea!

Now, it's the other party's turn to fall silent!

For five minutes, the other party did not send another word.

Just when I almost thought he had left me offline, the other party suddenly sent a message.

"Thank you for your advice."

The words are very ordinary, but I don't know why, I seem to feel that the other party is very depressed.

After another minute, a new message was sent: "Mr. Chen Yang, I don't know if it is now. Can I contact you by phone? Is your phone number: 825XXXXX? (Ha ha, 8 is the area code in China, and 25 is the area code of the city where the dance is located. Is the number behind it hidden.)

To be honest, I was a little flattered and hurriedly knocked on a "YES" past.

A minute later, my phone rang. I picked it up and locked the door.


"HELLO, Mr. Chen Yang." The voice on the phone is very clear, and the Chinese bite is also very standard, but the tone is a little stiff: "I'm Raymond. We just talked on the Internet.

I didn't say anything, I just said "um".

The other party suddenly lowered his voice, as if sighing: "What you just said touched me deeply... I think this is probably one of the biggest reasons for the failure of this project."

I still said "um" and didn't say anything else.

"Mr. Chen Yang, in fact, I am not the customer service staff of the company. I am one of the team members involved in the research and development of this product..."

"Oh?" I was really surprised: "You mean that you participated in the research and development of this ring?"

"Yes." The tone is very calm.

I said sincerely, "I must say that I admire your invention very much! It's amazing!"

"Oh!" Raymond's tone was much more active, and his speed of speech also accelerated a lot: "Oh, in fact, we have also encountered many difficulties... Generally speaking, the reason why the ring itself can change the luck of the human body is that we inadvertently found an unknown metal substance, which is very rare on the earth. We only found a small part of it in one place. We even suspect that this substance is not produced by the earth, but a meteorite from outer space or something else... In short, after our research, we found that this metal substance can produce an effect similar to radiation, thus affecting the brain waves of the human body... ...Finally, I unlocked the true face of the substance of luck step by step..."

This guy talked endlessly when he talked about research and development. Unfortunately, I didn't have much interest in these, so I interrupted him: "Oh, that's really amazing... At the same time, I'm also surprised that a formal research and development member will contact me in person."

"Because I'm curious." Raymond's voice seemed sincere on the phone: "Maybe you may not believe what I said... But in fact, you are the first user to contact the company since the project was officially launched! You are the first and the only one so far. So... I'm very curious, because you are the only user who contacted us, so I contacted you in person and wanted to hear you talk about our products.

To be honest, I understand his behavior very well. It's like when many online authors finish writing novels, they will immediately want to get the comments from readers, whether it's good or bad.

"But I'm very strange." I asked, "Why am I the only user who contacts you?" What about other users? Didn't you follow the customer to investigate?"

Raymond was silent on the other end of the phone for a while, and then his voice was lower, as if he was a little hoarse and a little unspeakable:

"This... In fact, I shouldn't have said it originally, but... it doesn't matter now... To be honest, so far, there are only two people in the world who use our products, even you. That is to say, we only sold two rings in total. When he said this, he seemed to be a little depressed: "It cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but only two people used our results... This is simply our greatest shame!"

"Two...two?" I was stunned.

"Yes, there are only two! And you only used the sample, and the other user, although he used a high-end official product, didn't seem to believe in the work of the ring at all. It's just... It's a little shameful that when our sales staff came to see him, the generous rich man actually didn't believe it. Our research and development achievements, but he is a generous and enthusiastic gentleman who sponsors various scientific research undertakings, so he paid for one of our most high-end products, but in fact, he just paid to sponsor us. As for the ring he bought, it seems that he has never used it. I guess it will probably be collected in one of his jewelry boxes forever.

"So..." I smiled bitterly.

Withn't waiting for me to say it, Raymond said to himself: "So, in fact, you are the only customer who 'used' our product." He said this and began to smile bitterly: "Fortunately, what you said just now suddenly woke me up. I finally understand why our products can't be sold... Because the price of our products is too high, but people who can afford this product don't need it at all..."

To be honest, I really want to laugh.

This Raymond is probably the kind of scientific research nerd or something.

I admit that the possibility I guessed, maybe... there is really a certain possibility...

But I dare to bet that most, no, should be the vast majority of people who refuse this product, the only reason is that they don't believe it at all!

This is obvious!

If it were you, someone suddenly came to you one day. After knocking on the door, they told you that they had a magic ring to sell to you. As long as you wear this ring, you can have good luck, Hong Fuqitian...

Do you believe it or not?

What the hell! I'm afraid most people will call the police!

"So...what about my request? Can you think about it..." I carefully mentioned this topic again.

"Oh..." Raymond's voice on the other end of the phone was a little embarrassed. He carefully said, "I think I have to explain it further... In fact, I contacted you today mainly to satisfy my curiosity. As for your requirements... To be honest, don't say that you just need to buy a measuring device... Even if you really have enough money to buy a whole set of formal products... I'm afraid I can only say 'no' to you!"

"Why!" Seeing that the hope was about to be dashed, I was immediately anxious!

"No, no." Raymond smiled bitterly: "You should have heard what I just said... I said it's okay now. In fact, what I mean is that our project has been completely suspended. We have consumed too much money, but we have not received much benefit, so the research institute has stopped our project, and we have decided to invest our energy and financial resources in the new invention research project! Because the project was stopped, we did not continue to produce this product. That is to say, there are only two products in the world, one is in your hand, and the other is in the rich man's home.

"..." I'm speechless.

"I'm sorry to bring you such bad news." Raymond's voice was very guilty: "But in order to thank you for satisfying my curiosity, I can give you a kind advice, which may help you."


"Hmm! Well... The rich man with another ring is a very generous gentleman and a collector of works of art, and is also willing to exchange collections with art lovers all over the world. Your only hope is to find a way to get the ring from him...or a measuring instrument!"

"Is there no other way?"

"No." Raymond sighed.

I thought for a moment: "Well... his ring is much more advanced than my sample, right? What about the effect? Isn't it more powerful?"

"Of course!" Raymond's voice was very solemn: "The sample you are wearing is only mixed with a very, very small amount of special metal, but in the most expensive high-end products, there are much more of this metal substance! At the same time, it will also promote the human brain to absorb more elements of luck!"

"What will the effect be?" I'm a little curious.

"Effect..." Raymond cleared his throat and said quickly, "Have you read the descriptions in many popular novels in the East: the spirit of the king, domineering eyes, others have been worshipping on the ground, beautiful women swarming into his arms, and then the wheels of history roll forward... That's basically it. "

Wow, this Raymond is definitely a Chinese! Even the routines of popular YY novels on the Internet are so familiar!

"Well, Mr. Chen Yang... The generous rich man with another ring, his name is Mr. Herod, the famous ship king in Europe. I think you must know the name."

To be honest, I'm completely disappointed. It seems that the measuring instrument is not available, but I asked purely subconsciously: "Mr. Raymond, I'm curious about the scientific research team like you who magically created miracles... What is the next project you develop? I'm curious. I don't know what kind of miracle you will create, just like this ring..."

"Oh! This is a newly discovered substance, but it slows down the aging of the human body. We speculate that if it goes well, it can extend the current human lifespan by threefold!"

"Oh!" I was shocked! What a strong group of science maniacs!

But then Raymond's voice was a little frustrated: "But we are currently facing a difficult situation... This substance actually delays the growth rate of the human body three times, that is to say, the human body needs to spend three times more time to develop and grow than before. For example, under normal circumstances, a man is basically physiologically mature at the age of 15 and can reproduce... But after using this drug, his life expectancy has tripled, but he must wait until he is forty-five years old to mature..."

Shit... What a bunch of... science lunatics!

Three times the life span, three times the development time...

Well, think about it, a woman who is already 30 years old... but she looks like a little Lori who is only ten years old... It's evil to think about it...

I hung up the phone and turned off the computer. When I had dinner, I still looked depressed.

Two little beauties at home asked me why. I sighed and replied, "I guard a huge safe, but I don't have a key..."


When I went to the company the next day, my desk was already set up, and I put it outside Fang Nan's office. It was not far from Qian Pan's desk, but there was a partition in the middle.

I have a complete set of office supplies, computers, folders, telephones, etc. on my desk...

To be honest, I actually feel very fresh and novel.

Because I have never worked in the company! I have never worked in an office building! When I was 18 years old, I went into a nightclub to serve dishes, where I worked as a waiter to a supervisor for five years! That's also my only job so far.

Now, looking at my desk, computer, phone, folder in front of me, I'm a little excited.

The only regret is that I feel a little bit of a job.

I'm Fang Nan's personal assistant. I'm not even an employee of the company. I'm responsible for Nan alone and don't interfere in the company's work.

I sat at my desk and looked at my computer all morning. After the initial freshness disappeared, I could only watch the news on the Internet to pass the time...

At noon, Fang Nan finally came to me. She called me into the office with a phone caller.

Today, Fang Nan wore a high-profile sweater that looked much more lively, and below was a brown pleated skirt. She didn't even wear makeup. To be honest, such a dress looked like an elegant girl of two decades, adding three points of youthful vitality to her charm.

Although I knew that this woman was at least thirty years old, my heart still beat fiercely for a long time when I saw her wearing this dress with a faint smile on her face!

Fang Nan seems to have forgotten the unhappiness of my trouble yesterday.

"You accompany me to a place. I want to attend a charity auction. There is also a party after the auction. I need a male companion. You should be able to dance, right?"

Obviously, Fang Nan has more than one car. In the parking lot downstairs, I started a champagne-colored Audi A8 with her key, and then drove to the downstairs of the building and waited for Fang Nan to go downstairs.

I waited for more than ten minutes, and when I was bored, I picked up a beautifully printed brochure on the co-driver's seat next to me.

"Charity auction item book?" I muttered, and then looked through the roster.

Obviously, this charity auction is a gathering of rich people. The things in the auction are all rare antiques, or antique porcelain paintings donated by some celebrities. The lowest estimated starting price of the auction is at least six digits!

I looked over casually, and suddenly my eyes were attracted by something...

After looking carefully for two seconds, my breath began to be short, and my eyes became hot!

On the exquisite album, a picture of a ring is printed. The shape of the ring is very unique and exquisite, inlaid with a circle of fine broken diamonds, and the ring is designed in double layers, and the inner and outer rings can be rotated. On the mezzanine in the middle, it is inlaid with a large diamond, which is full

The following introduction text is written as follows: Europe's most famous jewelry master XXXX personally designed the style..., thanks to the famous European shipping tycoon, dear Mr. Ship King, Mr. Herod's generous donation...

Ring, Ship King Herod... Ring...

Ring!! This is an "official product"!!——

[Hey, everyone, say a very important thing, at least very important to me: today is February 1st, and many people ask me if I will enter VIP immediately. My answer is: NO! Of course, everyone knows that I am a professional author and a platinum author of the starting point. Even if I don't enter the VIP now, I will always enter in a few days... Of course, I will continue to be free for a period of time, but at the same time, I also need the VIP monthly ticket in February, because the monthly ticket is directly related to my But everyone knows that most readers only have one monthly ticket. If I don't canvass for votes at the beginning of the month, I'm afraid that when my book is on the shelves, everyone's votes will have been cast... Ha ha, so, if you are willing to support my book, please help keep your monthly ticket and wait for a few days. Can you vote for me after P? If possible, dancing will be very grateful for your support!!]