evil spirit

Chapter 58 Illusion! It must be an illusion!

Chapter 58 [Illusion! It must be an illusion!]

[This chapter has more than 5,000 words... Alas, I have a good character recently. Haha, when the public version is on the list, I always post such a long chapter. Should I be rewarded?] -

I spent a lot of time studying this measuring device carefully.

I have to be more careful! After all, I have deeply experienced the many good luck brought by the ring... and the bad luck brought by improper use! So I decided not to act recklessly before using the ring this time! Be sure to fully understand the use of the measuring instrument first! Try to avoid all possible mistakes!

There is also a laptop next to the bed in the room, which I asked Yandi to bring it from home for me in the past two days. At this moment, I turn on the computer and connect to the Internet. I logged in to the website about rings that I visited last time... In fact, when I had nothing to do these two days, I often browsed on this website to try to find out something.

According to what I have now. Obviously, the measuring instrument is very important.

Because the ring itself is like a amplifier, it can only greatly improve the receiving power of my brain to the element of luck. But the measuring device can let me know which activity I should choose in line with the law of luck, so that I won't be affected by side effects!

First of all, I would like to measure that I belong to the type with the strongest element of luck.

Now I already know that the elements of luck are divided into four categories: red, orange, yellow and green. Red represents wealth, orange represents peach blossom, yellow represents longevity, and green represents career. ( For details, please see Chapter 1). Everyone's brain structure is different, and the degree of brain domain development is naturally different, so it is also different to receive which of the most ** elements.

So you need to use a measuring device to measure the person who uses the ring first. Let's see which kind of luck you belong to.

I carefully read the text on the computer screen again, took out the measuring instrument, and pinched it carefully.

There is a very small button on one end of the measuring device. I gently pressed it down. This is a zeroing device. As I pressed it, the four colors on the liquid column quickly faded, all of which retreated to "0" degrees!

Then I pinched the measuring instrument in my right hand, and the palm completely wrapped the metal handle at one end of the measuring machine and pinched it tightly...

As I stared nervously at the four colors ** column on the measuring device... After a minute, the ** column began to change!

First, the orange ** column grew slowly, the scale slowly increased from 0 to 15, and then continued to climb...

Orange, peach blossom luck?

I'm a little depressed. Am I lucky?

Fortunately, then the red ** column, which represents wealth, also moved even faster than orange! It's the same as the orange ** column in a moment! Then green career luck, yellow longevity is also slowly squirming...

I was relieved, and I became more and more nervous, and there was still a little expectation...

Finally, after five minutes, all the scales stopped and no longer increased.

I picked up the measuring machine, raised it up and looked carefully at the scale number of the place where the **post stayed above...

"Financial luck 90, peach blossom luck 9, career luck 93, longevity luck 91..."

I muttered, and then quickly took out a form on the website and compared my measurement results according to the data recorded above... Then, I was stunned!

"No way? Is Lao Tzu the legendary king's spirit? I took a cold breath!

It is clearly written on the screen: the fullness of all scales is 100, more than 0 is C level, more than 70 is level B, more than 80 is level A, and more than 90 is level S!

And ordinary people, it's generally good to have an A-level or above, but an S-level is a very successful person! Because for the brain domain development of ordinary people, it is usually only for one element**. And that kind of perverted awesome man in all four series is as rare as looking for a virgin in Japan...

I'm the one who did it! My four luck indexes are all above 90!!

4S! Four S-levels!

According to the description on the web page, such a person is almost a freak! A person with all four items are S-level, so what is the result?

It's very simple. "Successful career, groups of lovers of the opposite sex, continuous sexual encounters, good health and longevity, and super rich at the same time..."

To be honest, I'm scared!

I, Chen Yang, have been young since I was a child. Except that I often get high scores in physical education exams... No one has ever told me which item I am a genius!

And now someone suddenly tells me that you are actually a monster-level figure!

How does it feel?

To be honest, I was a little stupid for a moment, and I couldn't help thinking: Shall I try to see if I can exude the spirit of a king?

I was very proud for a while. When I slowly came to my senses, I quickly looked at the second important thing:

The activity cycle of the external luck element.

That is to say, even if your own brain domain development is very suitable for the absorption of four elements, the ** degree is S-level... But it also depends on the outside air whether there are lucky elements for you to absorb!

You should know that the four elements of red, orange, yellow and green contained in the matter of luck in the air are changing every day! With the rotation of the earth, different regions, the interference of various external factors such as gravity, tides, climate, and even temperature will change every day. Sometimes, the air is active, and sometimes other elements are active...

All of these, it all depends on personal character!

The second function of the measuring instrument is to measure the luck element index in the air every day to see which activity is suitable for today...

I carefully studied the instructions on the website and concluded that the most correct way to use the ring is as follows:

For example, according to the measurement results of the measuring instrument today, I am suitable for making a fortune, so I should buy lottery tickets... It must be noted that I'd better not wear a ring first. Instead, when you buy the lottery ticket, put it on, and after buying it, take it off!

This kind of behavior can avoid unconsciously causing side effects...

Because, if you wear a ring and go out... then Wan met a beautiful woman along the way and accidentally looked at her a few times... And because the peach blossom luck in my own brain development is also S-level, it is especially easy to trigger peach blossom luck! If this happens, it's over! The financial fortune that should have been carried out normally accidentally triggered the luck of peach blossoms... Then the next one, obviously, is a terrible side effect!

Now I finally understand why I have always had good luck and bad luck these days!!

Because my own luck attribute value is much higher than that of ordinary people!

To be specific: if a person with only C or B-level financial attributes, even if he wears a ring to buy lottery tickets, he may not win the jackpot. If you forcibly improve your luck, it won't have much effect. Because the basis of his attribute value is low. But I'm different. A strong man of the four-series S level is particularly easy to trigger luck events... If I'm not careful, it will lead to side effects!

I sighed and pressed the zeroing button under the measuring machine again, and the indicators on the measuring machine slowly fell back. Then I put it at the head of my bed and stared at it for a while.

I only saw the orange peach blossom index slowly rising.

Well, it seems that I'm still a peach blossom today!

I thought about it and put the ring away without putting it on my finger. I'm in the hospital for the time being, and I don't need this yet. When I'm discharged from the hospital, it's probably time for me to show my grandeur!

Then I was in a good mood and greeted Mei, who was guarding the door, to come in.

As soon as the girl entered the door, she stared at me with a strange look, with something extremely strange in her eyes.

"Hmm... Have you finished it? Do you want me to throw something for you? Paper towels or something? Ha ha, I can't see that you have been so long. It seems that you are quite strong..."

It took me half a minute to realize that this girl was talking about "bating off".

I suddenly became rigid, and then I squeezed out two words from my teeth: "Damn it!"


In the evening, Yan Di made a pot of pigeon soup to nourish my body. I ate well and slept well in the past two days. I felt that I had grown several pounds of meat, and I was secretly worried. Recently, I was seriously injured and hospitalized, and my health has been greatly affected. It seems that I have to practice hard after being discharged from the hospital this time.

Yan Di MM held a thermos bottle to feed me soup. Mei also shamelessly divided a bowl of my sick meal and sat next to me while watching TV while eating. While Yan Di was not paying attention, she robbed a pigeon leg from my bowl...

Alas, this girl is getting bolder and bolder.

At this time, a piece of news on TV caught my attention again:

"News from this station, this morning, in a county in the northern part of the province, the public security organ arrested several fugitives and robbery suspects. The suspects are from XXX. They have committed many crimes in Nanjing, XX, XX, XX and other places, and the public value of robbery is XXXXX. During the arrest process of the police, In the process of fighting, two policemen were injured. A suspect fell into the Yangtze River on the spot and drowned after being rescued..."

My day!

My first reaction was: this must be the robber who snatched the ring from the elevator manager!

This guy seems to have a great robbery with the help of the ring! Grab a lot of money! But I didn't escape the side effects of the ring... As a result, I even lost my life...

The screen on the TV put a little image of the guy who fell into the river and drowned, just shaking it a few times. But I noticed carefully that he was wet all over, but he didn't wear a ring on his hand...

Probably, it was washed away in the river...

I shook my head and sighed.

Without the assistance of a measuring device, the more advanced the ring is, the more terrible the counterattack power of side effects will be!

In the current situation, the most advanced ring is no longer a luck ring at all, but a doom ring! Whoever gets it is unlucky!

But I still feel a little vaguely sorry.

How good would that ring be if it fell into my hand?

Well, do you want me to salvage that section of the river?

But this idea flashed away.

Impossible. The river is turbulent, and I don't know where it has been... Alas, I don't know which guy will be by the river in the future. Maybe I will pick it... (This book is pure fiction, and readers must not go to the riverside to salvage it! Haha)

I lied in the hospital for another day, and I was planning that I would be discharged in another day. The phone suddenly rang.

I looked at it and was stunned for a moment.

The number is actually made of wood! This is a little strange! It's more difficult for a wooden man to say something than to lose money from the sky! Will he take the initiative to call me?

After it was connected, I said, "Hey": "Wood? What can I do for you?"

The charming and spicy tone on the phone: "Little hooligan, why are you missing recently! I haven't seen you for a long time. Get out of your dog hole quickly.

The voice is actually Miss Qiao Qiao!

I listened carefully, and there seemed to be Aze's laughter next to me. I immediately knew that the three beasts must be mixing together, and then I remembered my guy who had not appeared for many days.

Indeed, I haven't contacted them for more than a month since the last accident with Brother Huan. In the past, although we often didn't contact each other, it would not take more than half a month at most. Now they are probably worried about what happened to me.

Thinking of this, some friends cared about me. In fact, I still felt very warm and sighed: "I'm in the hospital. My life is in danger. Now I can't drill out."

Sure enough, Qiaoqiao's voice on the phone was immediately a little serious, and there was no teasing. Although it was still charming, she was obviously very concerned: "Chen Yang, what's wrong with you? Did you really go to the hospital?"

"Hmm." I replied, "XX hospital, XX ward."

"OK, we'll be there in ten minutes." After saying that, I hung up the phone.

I looked at Yan Di and Mei around me: "I have friends who will come over later... Uh-huh..." After thinking about it, I said carefully to Mei, "Hey, be careful later... My friend likes beautiful women the most... You'd better wear an extra dress and wrap your little body tightly."

"Cut!" A Mei was peeling apples. Hearing the words, he lit up the fruit knife in his hand and stared: "Dare! I cut his gun!!"

I sighed depressedly.


Er... Aze may be scared by you... But what about Jojo? Do you want to cut her? She has nothing for you to cut!


Ten minutes later, the door of the ward was smashed open, and then Miss Qiao Qiao rushed in heroically. Aze followed with a obscene expression, and the wood carried a bag of fruit with an unhappy expression - I suddenly remembered that the wood seemed to dislike any doctor since it was demoted by the hospital. Go to the hospital.

Miss Qiao Qiao's posture is still touching and bright! Dressed in a cool black long windbreaker, dressed like the Matrix, but after taking off the windbreaker, it made us stupid...

Inside is also a leather dress, the bottom is a leather miniskirt, a long black leather boots, and a small leather coat with a big V-neck opening, revealing a white chest, a cleavage, a pointed chin, and charming eyes. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a banshee. Her hair is hot in a

The most terrible thing is... she is dressed...

If you let the whip in her hand and then hold a candle... It's simply the model shape of the ** queen in the porn!

A Mei was obviously a little stunned. Her eyes stared at Qiao Qiao's proud chest, and there was obviously some inferiority in her eyes.

A female hooligan is a female hooligan! Qiaoqiao's eyes suddenly fell on Mei, especially when Mei is wearing a nursing uniform today... It's quite in line with the taste of that uniform**... Now he is standing with Qiaoqiao's ** queen, if you add me... cough... It's simply a standard A-scene... < /P>

The female hooligan strode over and suddenly stretched out her hand. A finger hooked A Mei's chin and stretched out her pink tongue to add a little to her lips, as if the wandy flirted with a good woman: "Beauty, give my sister a smile~~~"

Where has the little money fan ever seen this kind of formation! He stiffened on the spot, his face turned pale, and even the fruit knife in his hand fell down.

I gloat.

Cut? Where are you cutting?

Aze's eyes obviously paid attention to Yan Di beside me, and his eyes immediately showed wonderful eyes. The grandson even ignored me as a patient. He strode to Yan Di and said affectionately, "Beautiful lady, do you know? I feel that there is an artistic impulse in you that makes me blast!" Then he quickly twisted out a business card and handed it over: "My humble Aze is a body painting artist..."

I suffocated for ten seconds before I shouted, "Aze, fuck you! This is my woman!"

At this time, the little financial fan suddenly screamed and quickly dodged behind Yan Di. He didn't even dare to look at Qiao Qiao.

Aze glanced at me and then said, "Yours? Oh, forget yours. But when did you get this kind of best?

Qiao Qiao squinted at Xiao Cai Fan a few times, and his eyes were full of strong interest. Then he turned to look at me and frowned, "Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you? Why are you wrapped in bandages? Then he raised his eyebrows and shouted, "Have you been beaten?" That bastard did it? I went to kill him! Dare to touch my brother, I don't want to fool around!"

The little Cai fan's face was blood-colored, and his body was trembling in fear. He hugged Yan Di, looked at me and asked in a trembling voice, "Chen Yang... Are these all your friends? No matter how I look at it, it looks like... it's..."


It's not me who said these two words, but the wood standing next to me.

The wooden lord's face was still indifferent, but he took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and lit a branch for himself...

Boss! You used to be a doctor! Don't you know that smoking is not allowed in the ward?

A bunch of bastards!


There were a few beast-level guys in the room, which immediately became much more lively. After the magic doctor, Lord Wood, checked my injury and confirmed that my injury was almost healed, the three unscrupulous guys immediately stopped caring about my patient.

Aze even immediately dragged a chair to sit by my bedside, raised his legs, raised his legs in my **, and kicked me: "Move it, make some room for me. Why are you so blind?"

Qiao Qiao still slightly maintained the appearance of a woman and sat beside me, but Ah Mei had hid far away... I guess the little money fan is so big that she has never been teased by a woman.

"Chen Yang... Let me tell you something." Qiao Qiao opened his mouth.

"Huh? What?" I had a cigarette given to me with wood in my mouth.

Qiao Qiao sighed and said a word, "I'm going to get married."




"A man?" It was Aze, the boldest man, who said this.

"How fresh!" Qiao Qiao glanced at him: "Why doesn't the country allow same-sex marriage? It's not that you don't know."

Now I'm completely dizzy.

JoJo is getting married? With men?

My day!

Heaven and earth, mountains without edges, snow in June, thunder in winter!

All of these are fucking possible!

But how can Jojo get married!! With a man?!

"You have to help me." Miss Qiao stared at the three men in the room: "Otherwise, you will die. If I die, I will drag you to die together!"

[Tomorrow's chapter is wonderful and **very **dang]--

[Attention!!! Announce a very sad thing!! Watch out for birds! Comrades! Sisters! Brothers!! **People! Beasts, hooligans! Big wolves, little wolves, not big or small wolves!

This is the public version of the last chapter! Starting tomorrow, this book will officially enter VIP! VIP chapters will be released!

This news is also inevitable. As I said, it will be postponed to the weekend to VIP. Tomorrow, Saturday and weekend, I will keep my promise and be completely kind.

Anyway, I hope everyone can continue to support me.

I am a professional writer and a platinum contract author of Qidian. Writing books is originally my job to make money to support myself.

Moreover, I will marry my girlfriend in the second half of this year (as many readers know, I proposed successfully in January, hehe), and the time will probably be when the book is finished. Getting married, you need money very much... Everyone is young people, and they all know that the burden is heavy! House, decoration, household appliances, furniture, it's all money! I want all the silver in vain! I also hope that the cost of this book can add a little more to my wife's book...

Therefore, I shamelessly call on everyone to subscribe to the VIP of this book! Use your practical actions to support Xiao Wu! Support this book! It also makes dancing stop playing bachelors!

You have to be kind:)

I am kind to everyone, and I hope everyone will be kind to me. The VIP chapter will be updated tomorrow, and everyone will support me.

What? Do you ask if you can be an eunuch? Can it be the whole book? This... It seems that I don't need to make any guarantee... The pseudonym of dancing is the guarantee of the whole book!

Also, about the monthly ticket... Alas, I want all the tickets anyway! Recommended tickets, VIP monthly tickets, monthly bus tickets, stamps, invoices, food tickets... All tickets, come to me!!

Finally, happy weekend to all of you! Have a ** and ** wandering weekend!

I'm done with my words, flash!]