evil spirit

Chapter 63 Visiting

Chapter 63 [Visit by xiang ke]

Qian Pan's face looked as if she had just seen the company go bankrupt. She threw the newspaper in her hand and stared at me. She said powerlessly, "Chen Yang... I didn't expect you to do such a... such an extraordinary move... such a ridiculous thing!"

Ning Yan and I sat in front of her. Ning Yan seemed to be so ashamed that she didn't even dare to stand.

Last night's underwear show caused an unprecedented sensation in the mall... Someone posted the photos on the Internet that night, and then today's morning newspaper immediately published a piece of news, with a few large photos next to it.

The first sign is the shape of the girl dancing in sexy underwear twisting her buttocks...

There is also a line of eye-catching large fonts below: "Is it an entertainment performance, or is it indulent?"

This news is not long. It probably describes the whole process of the underwear show that night, focusing on some of the hot scenes, and then the reporter who wrote this news made a sanctimidious look, like a social moral expert, or the face of a Taoist priest, mocking this. The outrageous behavior, accusing such "vulgar" activities in public places, is a kind of "ugly behavior". At the same time, it has also made some mockery of the relevant departments that specially approved such public activities, believing that they should strengthen the audit standards and should not let such bad and vulgar things "poll the sight of the masses". . "

Qian Pan was very angry. She was so angry that her face turned a little white and said with a wry smile, "Okay! We usually hold this kind of business event in order to be on a small page of the newspaper. We have to give them money... Now it's good that we didn't have a penny for this event, but now we have occupied the whole page!" She looked at Ning Yan: "Ning Yan... Chen Yang is not familiar with the company's local system, so what about you? Are you crazy too? Don't you know..."

I interrupted Qian Pan: "Sister Pan. Can you listen to me?" I looked at Ning Yan quickly and said, "This matter has nothing to do with Ning Yan."

After a pause, I said slowly, "I am the manager of the second department of business activities. Among the on-site leaders, I have the highest level. If something happens, I will naturally be in charge." Then I said a little softly and whispered, "Sister Pan, this matter is purely an accident... If it hadn't been for the modeling company's breach of contract. I won't do this. At that time, the rescue was like fighting a fire! I have no choice... I can't let male models come on stage in women's underwear!"

"Oh, my God..." Qian Pan moaned, "Then you can find a group of young ladies? Do you know that if this matter is exposed? The news is revealed... Our company's reputation is over!"

sighed, Qian Pan showed a serious expression on his face, made a business appearance, and said seriously, "In my personal position, I understand that there is a reason for your behavior... But no matter what, what you have done is too inappropriate... So, according to the company's regulations. I have to make some solutions for you... Of course, you can object, but Miss Fang has decided before she went to South Korea that I can exercise part of her power these days when she is away. So, my opinion on your behavior now is..."

At this time, the phone on Qian Pan's desk suddenly rang. She looked at us and said "Wait a minute" quickly. Then he picked up the phone and said, "Hello, Deep Blue Entertainment... Ah. I'm... Uh-huh, yes... Oh, yeah... Oh, okay, I know... Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh... Uh... Uh-huh..." As soon as she took the phone, she glanced at us quickly. Finally, after she hung up the phone,

Then the woman suddenly smiled sweetly and said in a very brisk tone: "... My handling opinion is that Ning Yan, as the on-site foreign coordinator, the company gave you a cash reward of 5,000 yuan, and Chen Yang, as the person who proposed this idea, is also the top person in charge of the department, public The company will give you a cash reward of 10,000 yuan... I hope you can continue to work hard and work hard for the company.

..." I stared at Qian Pan: "Ah?"

Ning Yan was also stunned.

"Well, cough..." Qian Pan changed to a slightly kind smile: "Just now, the underwear manufacturer called and was very satisfied with the business event we planned... According to their statistics, before and after the underwear show last night, the number of underwear sold on site was three times more than expected, and they were ready to have all the stock. Department sales... They said they were very satisfied with our company's planning ability and were ready to sign a two-year long-term contract with us..."

Ning Yan has grown her mouth.

Qian Pan stared into my eyes: "I'm curious... how did you... do it? How is that possible? The key is that the most strange thing for customers is that all the people who buy underwear are men! You should know that in the past, their sales customer base was aimed at women.

I sighed and laughed, "If thirty hot girls whistle and wink at the man, and often make a little seductive action... Not to mention underwear, even a pile of rags, I'm afraid it's sold out!"

..." Qian Pan's face is undoubtedly wonderful! She took a deep breath, as if trying to suppress some impulse in her heart, and then waved her hand: "Chen Yang... Please, before I can't help hitting you on the head with a folder... go out quickly."

Qian Pan is very efficient. Before noon, the financial staff had distributed 15,000 yuan in cash to me and Ning Yan. The other four girls in the department were very excited and curious. They all heard about what happened last night. I took the thick envelope in my hand, thought for a moment, and pulled out half of it and stuffed it into Ning Yan: "Swallow, this is yours."

Ning Yan insisted on refusing to accept: "No! You did everything last night. I'm ashamed to take these 5,000 yuan... How can I..."

We gave in twice, thought about it, and simply took out five envelopes, each of which was stuffed with a thousand. Then he distributed it to his five women and laughed, "Well, the activity is organized by everyone, even if it's everyone's hard work." Ning Yan still wants to refuse. I whispered, "If you don't take it, they will be embarrassed to take it."

Ning Yan just accepted it. The other two customer service girls and two designers had bonuses. Naturally, they both smiled.

Although I have never worked in the company, I have also been a supervisor and led my subordinates.

In fact, whether it's on the road or in a nightclub. In fact, it's similar to writing in the company. To be a leader who is respected by his subordinates, in fact, there are only four words: "to meet the top and the bottom".

To your superiors, you must look good and socialize well. Have a good relationship. This is a must.

And you must treat your own men kindly! Otherwise. If not. Who will work hard for you?

At noon, I took a few girls out to find a restaurant for a big meal, and even drank a bottle of red wine as an exception. I took advantage of the wine table and asked them not to call me Manager Chen or Mr. Chen... To be honest, I was a little uncomfortable. Just let them call me Xiaowu directly... Of course, there were only two The child is younger than me and calls me "Winter Fifth Brother". As for the two designers and Ning Yan. He is older than me, just call me Xiao Wu.

When I returned to the company in the afternoon, several of my girls were blushing.

But I feel a little emotion in my heart. Because the round-faced piggy MM couldn't help saying at lunch: "Brother Dong, although you have only been here for two days, you are really nice!" You are handsome, airless, and give bonuses... If only you could always be our leader!"

I just smiled at that time: "I'm lucky to give the bonus. Fortunately, I didn't do it. If it's done. Not to mention the bonus, I'm afraid that the department's efficiency will be lost at the end of the month, and everyone's income will be reduced at that time.

But I had a strange feeling in my heart at that time.

Actually... I can't help thinking: It's good to stay in this company. There are these kind colleagues. There is a good working environment... It's also a pleasant day.

I was not a very ambitious person. Maybe Brother Huan took me to the casino for the first time that day, and what he said to me once ignited a flame in my heart! I used to be very excited! Illusion over the *** mentioned by Brother Huan... What is that world like... Mastering the unimaginable wealth of ordinary people, making friends with those bigwigs, and having everything that a man dreams of...

However, as that thing gradually passed, my heart also faded a little.

After I left the nightclub, I rested at home for a month, and my mind changed a lot!

Living in a nightclub, I come into contact with some invisible things... Money and sex transactions, feasting, depravity and corruption... I seem to live in the dark.

And stepping out of that place, I seemed to have returned to the sunny world... From a person walking on the edge of society to a person living a normal life...

This feeling is actually quite good.

When Fang Nan comes back... Do I really want to leave here?

I have a good job now. I like the environment here and these friendly colleagues... I like the harmonious atmosphere here... Do I really want to leave?

Isn't it good to live such a calm, simple and interesting life?

As for the ring... To be honest, I don't think it can make too much difference to my life.

I haven't thought about becoming a big shot with the help of a ring... a popular figure... That's bullshit.

In my imagination, I only need to rely on the help of the ring to make a little money, win a few lottery tickets, make some money, then buy a car and a house, and live a carefree little rich life.

Well, what did you say about that famous sentence on the Internet:

Sleep until you wake up naturally, count the money until your hand cramps.

It's good! That's good!

Characters like Brother Huan, characters like Zhou Jing, although they live at the top of this society, can throw millions of eyelids at will without blinking... They are very beautiful, but can they enjoy sleeping until they wake up naturally?

With this emotion, I spent the whole afternoon thinking nonsense in the office. I had planned to read the department's business files for half a year, but I only finished less than one-third.

When I got off work, several girls in the department laughed and left. Before Ning Yan left, she deliberately ran to knock on my door and said with a smile, "After work, won't you leave?"

"Well, I'll leave in a minute."

"OK, then I'll flash first." Ning Yan smiled and then said, "Chen Yang, thank you. You...understand what I mean."

I looked at her eyes and immediately understood the meaning of her words.

She may not care about the bonus of 1,000 yuan... With her income, the bonus of 1,000 yuan is really nothing. Her thank you. I'm afraid I stepped forward in the face of Qianpan and took the initiative to take the responsibility. If I change the garbage collection, I'm afraid I will throw the scapegoat to my back.

"You're welcome." I looked up and smiled, "And...remember to call me Xiaowu in the future."

After work, I didn't take a taxi home immediately. Instead, I first found a sports lottery sales point and spent ten yuan to buy a few lottery tickets. I thought about the number on my birthday and added Yan Di's birthday. After a moment's hesitation, I simply typed up the birthday of the little money fan.

Because after waiting for two or three days, before I went to the company this morning, I finally waited for my fortune to measure the results with a measuring instrument! Of course, before paying for the lottery ticket, I put on the ring. After buying it, I immediately took it off and put it back in my wallet.

Then I went to a shopping mall and bought a LV women's handbag, which cost me 5,000 yuan at once!

After finishing all this, I took a taxi home happily.

When I entered the door, there seemed to be no one at home, and the lights in the living room were out. I looked at the clock. It was six o'clock. Usually at this hour, Yan Di and Xiao Cai fans are at home...

I went into the door in the dark and was about to turn on the light...

Suddenly, a floor lamp in the room turned on! A rotating chair in the living room turned gently!

The person sitting in the chair is facing me with a strange smile on his face!

I was stunned and instinctively stunned!

Under the light, the smile on her face was very shallow, still so calm and elegant, but there was a bunch of other content in her eyes. She crossed her legs, gently tapping her fingers on the armrest of the chair, and the other hand gently held her chin.

Watching me come in, she looked like a hostess and laughed in an understated tone, "You're back."

I was stunned for a few seconds before I finally reacted and blurted out, "Why are you here? In my house?"

She still looked calm and blinked: "Your new house is good, and the house is very clean... Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to say that I drank a bottle of beer in your refrigerator... It tastes good."

Then she stood up and approached me. Her style was so outstanding that I could even smell the charming smell of her hair.

I didn't dare to look at her eyes, but frowned and said, "Why are you going back to my house? How did you get in...Yang Wei?"