evil spirit

Chapter 74 The Past Is Like Smoke

Chapter 74 [The past is like smoke] Looking at the way Ni Duoduo's eyes are about to fall off, I think it's a little funny.

After all, he is a child. After all, he is still young.

People of her age may not know, but in the past few years, when it comes to the famous No. 13 bus in Nanjing - no matter who talks about it, they have to give a thumbs up and say, "**, awesome!" Basically, the driver of the No. 13 bus can almost represent the highest level of racing in Nanjing! Have you ever seen a huge and bloated bus rushing at the speed of a train on the city's highway, leaving taxis behind? Have you ever seen an old-fashioned double-hanging diesel bus overtaking on the road in the "Drift" action curve of Initial D? Have you ever seen a bus catch fire because the speed is too fast and the tires are flat??! If you are not from Nanjing, you will not know that when you take the bus, you can even feel a strong sense of tear when the car starts! A few years ago, the No. 13 bus in Nanjing was extremely awesome! Several famous legends were handed down at that time. For example, someone once held the iron handrail on the bus hill, but it came down all the way, and the straight iron handrail was bent! Once a No. 13 bus crashed into a big tree, and the car was split more than two meters by the big tree! How fast it must be! Someone once sat in the last row of the bus, but the car braked, fell directly from the last row, and rolled to the cylinder next to the driver's seat in an instant! In Nanjing, the No. 13 bus overtolded a taxi on the road... Shit, what is this? It's just a common meal! What does it mean to be awesome? The No. 13 bus overtaking a taxi is not awesome! Route 13 exceeds Route 13, that's awesome!! That scene is spectacular!! All of this is the famous and powerful gold signboard of the No. 13 bus!! In the past few years, I could never be late by taking the No. 13 bus!! At the same time, if you spend one yuan on a ticket, you can enjoy a driving experience that is almost comparable to F1! Great value! Because in those days, the bonus system given to bus drivers by Nanjing Bus Company was to calculate how many rounds you can run every day and calculate the bonus according to the number of times! The more you run back and forth, the higher the bonus! It can almost be said that the convoy of No. 13 buses are all first-class masters of racing! If you are not a tough driver, you dare not transfer to the convoy of the No. 13 bus at all! Of course, after the rectification of bus companies over the years, this grand situation has gradually disappeared. All the old-fashioned buses have been replaced by air-conditioned cars. The performance of the cars is getting better and better, but there are fewer cars... It is also because the bus company has modified the driver's bonus system.

I looked at Ni Duoduo and told her these. The little girl was stunned, and then I deliberately said in an understated tone, "Do you know who the guy who opened the NSR is?" Well, didn't you say that he drove the No. 13 bus? I smiled and said lightly, "He was the captain of the No. 13 bus in those years!" The little girl was silent for a long time after hearing the words, and then she exhaled: "My day! That's awesome!" ***** As expected, the NSR took the lead and ran back as soon as possible. Looking at the road roller coaster lights flashing, getting closer and closer, the roar of the engine was a little harsh. When the NSR stopped after an hour, the driver turned over and jumped down, and there was a scream and cheering sound around.

And the thug behind waited for a cigarette before coming late.

I pulled Ni Duoduo: "Do you want to know how he won? I'll take you to have a look.

The little girl was surprised and followed me.

We came to the NSR. The driver had taken off the goggles and was checking the car. I went over and patted him, and then squinted and smiled, "Mao."

Maotou turned around and looked at me for ten seconds, and then a surprise appeared on his face: "Damn it! It's you, Xiao Wu!" I nodded and pointed to Ni Duoduo behind me: "This is my sister. She saw you running fast and wanted to have a look."

The hair is about thirty years old, with a calm look, short hair, rough skin, white teeth and bright smile.

He just nodded to Ni Duoduo and turned around and opened the lid of the car.

Immediately, a stream of blue eyes came out. He sighed, lowered his head to check for a while, and smiled faintly. I leaned over and took a look: "Another car is scrapped."

Mao shrugged his shoulders and looked indifferent: "Which time I didn't run a waste car? The engine is finished, the crankshaft is broken, the piston ring is also useless, and the code meter is also broken... The performance of this car is so poor that I can't help it. Xiao Si is too careful to give me a good car.

I beat him with a smile: "Nonsense, I'll give you a good car. Everyone will bet you to win, and he still makes a P money."

His NSR is a second-rate product at first glance, just 10,000 yuan at most.

And in this gambling game, Xiao Si earned at least 100,000 yuan and made a lot of money! Ni Duoduo opened her mouth and asked carefully, "But... how can your car run over the mob?" Cut!" Mao Tou smiled arrogantly: "It's just two words, play with your life! I could drive the bus so that the engine was on fire! No matter how broken this car is, it will be much better than the bus! I dare to play with my life, they dare not, just wait to fart behind me!" I shook my head and looked at Ni Duoduo: "They have skills... Look, this engine is useless. I tell you, half-link can continue to accelerate. This guy is half-linked oil acceleration, and the engine will be useless."

Ni Duoduo opened her mouth and looked at the blue-eyed engine. She grinned with pain.

I patted my hair on the shoulder: "How much did I earn tonight?" He slapped his head.

Five thousand? Hey! Xiao Si is still so stingy now! One car is scrapped for no more than 10,000 yuan, and the driver is 5,000 yuan.

He threw 15,000 yuan in and earned more than 100,000 yuan. This calculation is too loud! After saying hello to Maotou, I pulled Ni Duoduo and walked away.

Looking at the little girl's worshipful face, I said coldly, "What's the matter? I'm very envious?" Of course!" Ni Duoduo sighed: "It's so worshipful! A broken NSR can run the first place. It's simply a car god!!" Cut!" I smiled disdainfully, and then said in a low voice, "Have you seen his white teeth?" Well, I see, what's wrong with his teeth?" Ni Duoduo is a little dissatisfied.

I sneered: "It's all dentures! Because it's the dentures, it's so white! Let me tell you, he doesn't know how many car accidents he has had, and now he still has several steel nails in his body! Most of my teeth have been knocked out!" Ni Duoduo shivered and his face was full of cold.

I deliberately laughed and said, "What's wrong? Do you still want to drive? The little girl subconsciously touched her white teeth. She probably fantasized about the appearance of her teeth, and couldn't help sweating on her forehead.

I laughed and said, "Do you think it's so easy to be a master?" Ni Duoduo was a little depressed and sighed and said, "Forget it, I'd better watch the hustle and bustle... I still have to keep my teeth to eat ice cream!" Looking at the time, I pulled Ni Duoduo ready to leave.

At this time, the bald Xiaosi didn't know when he came over. He took out an envelope and stuffed it to Maotou. Without looking at it, he put it in his arms and waved his hand and strode away. He didn't even want the engine scrapped NSR.

"Xiao Wu, shall we find a place to talk?" Xiao Si looked at me with slanted eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders: "What are you talking about? There is no topic to talk about between the two of us, right? Then he pulled Ni Duoduo and was ready to leave.

Xiao Si grinned. He smiled strangely: "I heard recently that you are not with Brother Huan?" I stopped and looked back at him: "You are very well-informed."

This guy pretended to sneer: "Old friend, of course I have to care more."

He came around to me: "How's it going? Come with me."

"In with you?" I smiled and said, "Xiao Si, have you drunk too much tonight?" Xiao Si touched his bald head and snorted, "What's the matter? Look down on me? Xiao Wu, as I said, in that kind of place, you will be bored in the pile of women every day, and you will abolish it sooner or later! It's good to come out now. Come back and hang out with me! You saw the scene tonight! I'm fighting for money every day! Come and do it together. I promise that the feud between the two of us will be cancelled. In the future, I will eat delicious food, and you will drink spicy food! How's it going?" I stopped and stared at him: "I'm not going to drive anymore.

I haven't touched the motorcycle for a few years, and I'm almost forgetting all my skills. Now you let me ride a bike, and I can't even ride it.

"Humph, don't joke."

Xiao Si sneered.

"You look for hair. He is much better than me."

I still don't have a good face.

Xiao Si shook his head: "He can't... This guy is more strange than you. Usually, unless he lacks money to spend it, he occasionally comes to help me run. After running, he disappears for ten days and half months, and no one can't be found."

He sighed: "You know, this guy is used to being the boss and refuses to be with others.

If there hadn't been no rice at home, he wouldn't even have paid attention to me.

I still shook my head: "I don't do it."

Then I pulled Ni Duoduo to turn around and walk away, and Xiao Si suddenly shouted loudly: "Do you know? Now when it's windy and rainy, my legs hurt! Xiao Wu! Hundreds of thousands, can you buy a healthy leg? I stopped and took a deep breath, but I still didn't look back. After a pause, I pulled Ni Duoduo away.

Ni Duoduo saw that I looked wrong and didn't dare to say anything all the way, but they rode back to her home. When they were downstairs, she gently pushed me: "Hey, Chen Yang, don't be calm... What's the fourth brother's relationship with you?" The little girl's voice was obviously a little soft, and she looked at me carefully.

I looked up at her: "Go up, go to bed early, and go to school honestly tomorrow."

"Hey!" Ni Duoduo was not happy: "Did you treat me as a buddy? I'm not happy, just say it! If you're not happy, I'll go for a drink with you!" I smiled and scraped her small nose: "Children's family, what kind of wine do you drink!" Ni Duoduo dodged for a moment and was unwilling to say, "What a child! Please, I'm eighteen years old! I have an ID card! If you are in the United States, you will be legally old enough to get married!" I thought for a moment, "Do you really want to know?" Really!" There is a little more hope in Nizi's eyes.

I sighed, "Well, I told you that I broke his leg."

"Well, why did you break his leg?" I smiled, pulled Ni Duoduo to find a step to sit down, then lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. The smoke turned back and forth in my lungs. The spicy feeling made me feel as if I had relaxed all my heart... ***** It was four or five years ago. I just graduated from high school, and my master passed away. I came back. Nanjing, according to my master, I want to live a good life.

Before, I spent two years of stable student life in the small county in northern Jiangsu, but after I returned to Nanjing, some "friends" in those years still found me.

I'm young and very good at fighting. Some friends on the road want to pull me into the water.

Fortunately, I didn't forget my master's words. I was honest, found a small job, and worked hard to support myself.

Originally, I also liked driving very much. At that time, I was still young, that is, Ni Duoduo's age. I was eighteen or nineteen years old. I was not afraid of heaven and earth, and I was famous for driving.

At that time, I had a few friends, including me, who were five people.

I'm the youngest, and I'm a little five.

The bald head is the fourth.

Mao Tou is the second.

In addition, there are the eldest and the third, who are a pair of brothers.

At that time, I was still very sincere when they were friends. Of course, in a more sense, everyone was just a friend of wine and meat.

After I returned to Nanjing, the boss and the third brother had already driven a brother's car shop and made a living by repairing the car. Like me, they both decided to wash their hands and not drive the car.

Live an honest life and be an honest person.

Maotou no longer drives the bus. He simply went to the boss's brother's car to work to help, and only the bald Xiaosi was still driving.

He was doing well at that time. He wanted to pull some masters to come to gamble and sit in the house. He was rejected by me, and then he found the boss and the third brother, and the hair.

Xiao Si said that he wanted to gamble, but in those years, a big brother in *** was suppressing him. Xiao Si's own driving skills were average, and he couldn't beat others, so he wanted to find the boss, the third brother and Maotou for help.

Maotou just experienced a car accident and fell on one leg and couldn't appear. The boss and the third boss looked at their friend's loyalty and agreed.

As a result, the other party found a foreign horse, a professional master from Macao... "The amateur can never run away from the profession."

I said lightly, "Don't watch the story so strangely in the movie, but even if you ride a motorcycle all your life in the city, you can't run the professional track! It's not that you're not afraid of death. The technology is professionally trained. Born in the wild road, you can be the hero for a while on the roadside, but if you encounter a profession, it will definitely be the end.

I looked at Ni Duoduo and said something like the above.

The car? Most young people just look for excitement because they are young and experience the feeling of rapid excitement.

is very cool...but so what? The boss and the third brother helped the bald-headed Xiaosi get out of the traffic that night. As a result, they met each other's professional masters. Although they tried their best, they could only follow the people to eat the taillights of the car! The next morning, I saw the newspaper... On the Xinzhuang overpass, two motorcycles fell off the bridge, and the car fell to pieces on the spot! One of the two drivers died on the spot, and the other died after being sent to the hospital..." I said slowly in a faint tone, with a faint pain in my tone.

Ni Duoduo sat next to me, leaned against me carefully, and peeked at the look on my face: "Is it the boss and the third?" Uh-huh."

I nodded: "The two of them fought for their lives, and they really died."

I remember clearly that after I got the newspaper that day, my first reaction was to rush out of the door and run to the bald-headed house, but he was not there.

I rushed to the hospital again and found Xiao Si outside the morgue.

I beat him up like crazy at that time.

I even held a wooden stick and broke one of his legs on the spot!" That's how you broke his leg?" Ni Duoduo exclaimed.

"It's not his plea. The eldest and the third will not appear."

I said coldly, "They have all quit this *** and have been pulled back by Xiao Si."

"...So, and then what?" Then...then I broke his leg, and he still owed a lot of gambling debts!" I smiled feebly: "Actually, I didn't want to break his leg, but I just made a mistake... After he really broke his leg, I regretted it... Later, I learned that he was being chased for gambling debts. I sold my house and helped him pay off his gambling debts. From then on, I regarded him as a friend."

I know that Xiao Si has always hated me.

Although I helped him pay off his gambling debts, I also broke one leg, so that he could only limp all his life.

In his opinion, he must hate me more than brotherhood.

What he said tonight made me feel a little uncomfortable.

A gambling debt of more than 100,000 yuan... Yes, but more than 100,000 yuan, can you change a healthy leg? Ni Duoduo was silent for a long time before sighing: "**... That's too much... Your story can almost make an extreme racing movie!" However, as I looked at her coldly, Ni Duoduo quickly shut up and said with a smile, "I didn't mean to say that... I just think your story is really too tortuous..." I sneered: "The twists and turns? Two lives, one person has a lifelong disability... Do you think it's tortuous? Wait for you to think about it in a few years... Do you think it's worth it?" Humph, a car? The drivers like to brag: 100 yards on the car, how comfortable it feels, how exciting it is... ***, it's all played with your own life! Is it worth it? Is it worth it??!! I stood up and patted Ni Duoduo: "Do you remember the bet just now? If you lose, you have to promise me one thing.

"Okay, let's talk about it."

Ni Duoduo sighed helplessly.

I stared into her eyes: "From today on, before you graduate and go to the United States, you have to promise me to be a good person, live a good life, and don't come into contact with those messy lives***. Can you do this?" Ni Duoduo looked bitter: "No way? You don't want me to be that kind of good baby nerd who recites dead books, do you? I smiled and couldn't help scratching her nose again: "No, I just ask you to think about it before doing anything. There are still people in this world who care about you! As for the rest, I promise you that I will often come to see you and take you out to play.

"Okay!" Ni Duoduo promised reluctantly: "Starting today, I won't go to the lounge, don't ride, don't smoke and drink... Is there anything else? Can you hang Kaizi?" I stared, and she quickly changed her words: "I know! If you don't hang, you won't hang!" Then she made a face at me and stuck out her tongue: "My mother-in-law, just like an old woman! Humph!" After saying that, he jumped upstairs.