evil spirit

Chapter 97 I'm a man and single

Chapter 97 [I'm a man and single] Yan Di was stunned. Maybe he didn't expect me to suddenly say such a word. After a while, he said: I... I didn't think about this... It's just that Mei lives with us now and let her move out immediately. She can move there... I can't let her sleep. The road, right? I laughed: I'm not that mean! I just think that since everyone's living habits are different... Moreover, she cares so much about this matter... I think that young men and women, living together, it is inevitable that similar misunderstandings will occur in the future... Who can guarantee that this kind of thing will not happen again! Shit! She almost cut me with a knife today. I don't know what will happen next time! Everyone's ideas are different, so it can only be said that it is not suitable to live together... She can continue to live here. When she finds a new place, it's not too late to move out... If she refuses to move, then I can give this house to her, and I can find a new house to move out by myself... To be honest, I If you say this, it should be benevolent and righteous.

A Mei is my friend, which is good.

But friends can't bully people like this. They can't lose their temper like this! I don't owe her. Why do you want me to put up with her? She is not my wife! It's not my mother! Yan Di on the other end of the phone recognized my resolute tone, and her tone was a little timid: little fifth brother... Are you angry when you say these words? Maybe it will be fine when your anger subsipated.

I sighed, thought about it carefully, and said: In fact... I was really angry when I came out just now. Now that I think about it, the anger has almost subsided... But I suddenly felt that this is actually quite good.

Yan Di didn't say anything. I said patiently: You miss me, I'm a big man, and she's a young girl.

It's not a relative or a reason. It's nothing to live together like this.

In today's society, there is no such thing for men and women to rent together, but most of them have a reason. Moreover, I think it's not convenient for everyone to continue to live together... In terms of today's things, it's a ready-made list.

Since living together is awkward with each other, just take it and separate it.

There is no need to find yourself unhaunted, right? There is still a word in my mind that I haven't said directly.

I think my relationship with Yan Di has developed well, if everything is on the right track in the future.

Then there is always an outsider living at home, and you will also feel inconvenient to live separately. I think it is a very suitable and reasonable way to live separately.

Thinking of this, I added another sentence: Well, you tell her that if she likes the house, then I can move out.

Leave the house for her to live in.

Although my tone was calm, I was very resolute. Yan Di didn't say anything, but sighed quietly.

After hanging up the phone, the hairwo thought about it and asked himself psychologically, is it a little unrighteous for me to do this? Is it bad for your friends? But then I rejected the idea.

I didn't do anything wrong, at least I will live separately in the future.

I can't live with Mei all my life, can I? Separated and separated.

It's my best to give her the house.

Perhaps today's misunderstanding is just a small introduction.

I didn't propose to separate everyone for this misunderstanding, but it became an opportunity.

Although I figured this out, I'm still quite uncomfortable.

I always feel that this matter is a little inexplicable, which makes people very uncomfortable! After walking all the way, I suddenly remembered that I'd better find a place to stay tonight.

Even if you want to find a house, you won't be able to find it immediately.

Looking at the afternoon, I found several real estate agencies to register when I had time anyway.

I have some money now, and I have much more confidence.

Although I gave Fang Nan the six million yuan that won the prize, I still have hundreds of thousands of deposits in my hand... I would be very grateful to Mr. Zhou Jing.

The 300,000 yuan extorted from him has always been in my account. The house I registered is spacious, bright, and convenient, and I can move in. It is better to have complete living facilities.

Several large and small intermediary companies have registered it. I checked the time and found that it was evening.

After thinking about it, he called Aze and asked him if he could stay with his beauty for one night tonight.

As a result, the boy shamelessly said no after answering the phone.

Because he basically takes the girl home for the night.

Be careful of death! I cursed it viciously.

I took another look at Qiao Qiao's number on the phone book... Er... Forget it.

I don't want to go to bed in the middle of the night, and the sound of two women next door is ** at the same time... Finally, I put my goal on the wood.

Wood, can I stay at your house for one night tonight? Yes, come on... It's that simple! I'll be happy when I turn off the phone... What a good brother! I was a little moved. Looking at the time, the wood was almost off work at this time.

I immediately went home to drive. On the way, in order to express my gratitude, I also found a braised vegetable shop and bought half of Nanjing salted ducks to bring.

The place where the wood lived is a community built in the early 1990s, which is not very old, but the community built in which era basically has no property management.

It was not the first time I went to the wooden house. I knocked on the door. The wood opened the door with a calm face. I took the salted duck in my hand, took a look, and threw it on the table.

Entering the door, the wooden house's living room was not big, and he couldn't even put a sofa, so there was a dining table. Mu didn't even say a word to me, but turned around and entered the room.

I took a look at the door and was stunned.

Is this a wooden room? I saw a large bed, a TV ghost, and a DVD player in the bedroom of about fifteen square meters.

The wardrobe next to

is very old... But these are not important... The important thing is that this room is full of books! Power comics! On the window, next to the pillow, on the bedside table, on the bookshelf, on the floor, I even feel that it is difficult to get in! Wood is reading a comic book in his hand with a serious face.

Next to it is a bucket of Master Kong instant noodles. The kind in the bucket has been soaked in boiling water, which is steaming. There is also a garbage can on the bottom, which is full of packaging bags and instant noodle buckets, which are piled up.

Isn't your house too messy? The wood did not look up, and his face was hidden behind the book.

In a light sentence: I'm a man, and I'm single.

I nodded and understood what he meant. It's normal for a single man's residence to be messy.

Go in and pick up a few discs on the DVD player... Obviously, it's a thief... Moreover, the picture on the disc.

It's very clear that it's a Western white woman, in a very ** posture, three points revealed... Shit, porn! Look at the second picture again. This time it's an oriental yellow woman, which is also an A film... Japanese.

Why are there so many porn movies in your home?? I ask again.

This book finally put down the book in my hand, looked at me, and still said lightly: I'm a man, and I'm single.

I'm speechless... It's absolutely boring to be in the same room with wood, especially when he concentrates on reading.

I'm a little hungry: Do you eat instant noodles in the evening? The wood didn't say anything, just nodded. I was helpless: Is there anything else? In the refrigerator, the second floor.

Go to the refrigerator and open it.

Open the second drawer... I stiffened on the spot... In the refrigerator, there is a bucket of anti-master braised beef noodles on the left... The red packaging is delicious soup and large pieces of attractive beef... But that's not the key! Just next to Master Kong is a white and complete human skull skeleton!! The frozen eyes of the two black holes were straight at me, as if they were emitting a faint light... I was holding my breath for three seconds before I shouted: Shit~~~!!! The body bounced back like lightning and shouted: Wood! What the hell is this!!! I'm afraid the expression on my face has changed. I stared at the wood sitting leisurely in the room reading... This dead wood put down the book and looked at me blankly. After a while, I remembered: Oh... You said that... I'm furious: How can you have this in your refrigerator!!! I felt that my hair was standing up all over my body... The wood sighed, and finally looked at me seriously this time and said patiently: I'm a man, and I'm single... At the same time, don't forget that I'm still a doctor.

I said angrily: Then you can't put this thing in the refrigerator! We have a mouse in our house, and the last one has been broken.

The wood answered innocently.

Five minutes later... I rushed out of the door of the wooden house.

I dare not live in that guy's house anymore.

Looking at the darkened sky, I was a little helpless. After thinking about it, it seemed that I was going to stay in the hotel tonight.

I looked at the car and found a hotel, but suddenly found that I didn't have an ID card with me... I began to understand... Is this my bad luck today? ***! I was so angry that I couldn't help scolding: At worst, I slept in the car for one night! As soon as I finished scolding, the mobile phone in my pocket rang. I took a look at the number, and it turned out to be Duoduo! Xiao Wu! Chen Yang!! As soon as the phone was connected, the anxious voice came, and the voice seemed to be very low, very fast, and a little panicked.

What's wrong with you? I... I'm in trouble.

Duoduo's voice on the phone was about to cry, and her voice trembled a little, as if she was very scared.

I put aside my unhappiness and said quickly: What's wrong with you! What's going on! I'm in trouble... Come and save me... I'm in Building XX, XX, in the eastern suburbs... Ah, at the end, there was an exclamation from the other end of the electric change, and then the phone suddenly cut off.

My heart immediately became nervous and quickly dialed again. Unfortunately, the other party had turned off the phone.

My heart is half cold! Something happened to Duoduo? What's the matter? And which address did she say... Shit! It's the villa area in the eastern suburbs! It's next door to the clubhouse where the casino is located! It's very close! Duoduo was entrusted to me by Brother Huan! If something goes wrong with her, I won't see Brother Huan. Just find a place to wipe her neck by myself!! I quickly drove around, and I didn't care about the red light or not. The car crashed on the road all the way, and I didn't care about the deduction of points!! I'm still anxious: Is it Duoduo's identity that has been exposed? Did Zhou Jing find something? It's impossible, but how could she appear in the eastern suburbs?