evil spirit

Chapter 111 Technical Content

Chapter 111 [Technical Content] Xiaofeng's appearance has changed a lot, but I still recognized her at a glance.

She has lost a little weight and her skin is slightly darker, but she looks more energetic, and her eyes are also very imposing - it seems that she is very confused.

A few thick books in his hand stamped on the table, then picked up the folder and put it on it. He casually pulled out a pair of frameless eyes from it and put them on the bridge of his nose. He held them in a soft voice and said, "Hon, everyone, I'm the teacher who lectured to you today. You' Brothers and sisters, you don't have to call me Mr. Liu so politely. Just call me Miss Liu or just call me Xiao Liu.

After saying that, she smiled sweetly.

Several men in the row in front of him were immediately half hooked out.

Xiaofeng seems to be good, but the enchanting eyes of the fun in those years are still there! Then Xiaofeng picked up a large pen and turned around and wrote a line of big words on the whiteboard of the little suggestion behind: "The Road to Fortune"! I have to admit that the words are much more beautiful than before. At least in the past, when I signed an order to send wine and fruit plates to guests in a nightclub, Xiaofeng's two strokes were simply ghost symbols.

But her words are beautiful, but a little woman who has not graduated from junior high school wears professional clothes with her eyes and pretends to be a marketing expert tutor who came back from abroad... These liars are really bold!" How to earn the greatest wealth!" Xiaofeng waved her hand with great momentum, with a longing expression on her face, and shouted loudly, "Everyone went south to Guangzhou to work and pan for gold in order to get ahead!" But whether you do business or do business.

What do we lack the most? It's a correct theory! You can't do it without a brain! The era of recklessness without theory has long passed! Today I will introduce to you the most advanced pyramid theory in the world at present!" After that.

A series of nouns that I don't seem to understand but are very familiar jumped out of Xiaofeng's mouth very skillfully, such as offline, return, sales chain... and so on.

I have to say that Xiaofeng's often said this is very inspiring... I'm sure that this kind of demagogy is often said that it is definitely not what Xiaofeng can say, and it must have memorized the manuscript.

But the woman who has experienced the dust of the happy scene, her acting skills are absolutely first-class! Xiaofeng's speech is more humane! Generally speaking.

This kind of illegal pyramid scheme is actually advocating the upgrade of the return system, that is to say, after you buy the product online and sell it to the offline at a higher price. The more you buy, the more offline you develop, the greater your return will be! At the same time, you must develop offline again... In fact.

Most of the so-called "commodities" in pyramid sales do not have market value or market competitiveness. Their prices are often several times or even dozens of times higher than the price of similar commodities in the market, because it is just a hat to manipulate the operation to defraud money.

Many people stock up a large number of goods in order to meet the sales target. They think that finding the "offline" quickly can enable them to get more funds or get the opportunity to upgrade the level faster. As a result, tens of thousands of goods cannot be sold because they can't find the "offline", causing heavy losses! What disgusts me most is that these swindlers openly deceive these fat sheep.

You can develop offline from your relatives and friends first... Do you have any friends? Do you have any classmates? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have any uncles and nieces? Are there any villagers? It's easy to do! You can develop your underground line from them and sell your products to them! Then tell them your theory! Let them join this big family! In this way, you have to change your mind! You have to understand that this is to help them again! Because they can also develop offline in this way! Then they can also make a lot of money! What is this called? This means that everyone is a family, brothers and sisters! When others do business, their peers are enemies! We are different. We are all brothers and sisters! They are all close comrades-in-arms with the great goal of common prosperity! So, join us! ..................After all, Xiaofeng is a beautiful woman, and she was blushing in the end.

With a little sweat on his forehead, he simply raised his arm and shouted, "Success is right in front of us!" It's at our feet! Now shout with me! Shout out your hearts! Let's shout together... I want to be rich! I want to succeed! I want to get rich!! Come together! Come together!! I want to be rich! I want to succeed! I want to get rich!!" At first, the fat sheep were still hesitating, but the children next to them immediately shouted loudly and shouted loudly one by one.

At the same time, those old liars, laid-off workers, private bosses, etc. stood up again to repeatedly publicize their successful experiences and share their successful achievements.

Show off their current achievements and so on... The whole room is full of fanaticism.

Human psychology has a subtle strange psychology of "blind conformity". When the general environment around you agrees with one thing, even if you still have a little doubt, you can easily be assimilated and mobilized in the atmosphere of the big environment fanaticism.

And because I was mentally prepared early in the morning, I just hid behind the crowd and looked around calmly.

I found that some swindlers next to me looked at me with doubts. These men, women and children were all over. I didn't want to be too conspicuous, and I shouted in a low voice, and then they transformed their doubtful eyes.

People! These are all people! It's these current liars. I'm sure that not long ago, they were also one of the fat sheep. They were cheated here to accept this kind of so-called brainwashing, then turn good people into liars, and then come out to deceive others! Finally, Xiaofeng took out a few certificates from the folder, which was nothing more than to prove the authority and legitimacy of the company and so on... Among them, especially a certificate of the "China Health Products Organization" certification of this product, which made me really laugh and cry.

Now the liar is really good at it! I can guarantee that this proof is true! Absolutely true! And the certification of this health care product organization is absolutely true! Why? Let me give you a very simple example: for the toothpaste announcements that are often broadcast on TV, it is often recommended by the "National Dental Defense Group" and the "Chinese Dental Defense Group"... It's very capable to listen to it, right? Authoritative! If you listen to it, you can be shocked! In fact, it's all fucking nonsense! The "National Dental Defense Group" is simply childcare! This organization is not a national organization, but a private organization! Privately run! That is to say, it is a privately registered thing! There are also some similar products that are often mentioned in TV announcements such as "Chinese Stomatological Association" and "Chinese Preventive Medicine Association". They are all non-governmental organizations! Ordinary people don't know, listen to it, damn it!" China XXX Club, that's not awesome! Authority! ! In fact, it's just a grass-roots team.

The office location of the famous National Dental Prevention Group is actually a dormitory building in the Stomatological Hospital of Peking University!! A small shabby room, a table, only two people in total! Just fooled the famous "National Dental Defense Group" that almost the people of the whole country!! In fact, it is not difficult to organize health care products made by these illegal pyramid scheme scammers in front of them.

No matter what you sell... Don't say you sell toothpaste, even if you sell shoe polish, as long as you are willing to spend money, hire two pseudo-experts to register a "National Shoe Oil Group", and then casually find a broken warehouse as an office location, register, and then you can make an announcement, bragging Can't register in China? Don't be afraid! Go to Hong Kong to register! It's very simple! There is such an organization in Hong Kong that specializes in helping people register leather bag companies. What company do you want to register? Call to explain, and then pay a sum of money, and they will go through all the formalities for you! And it's absolutely legal! Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who believe in this kind of scam... At least Xiaofeng took out these certificates. Originally, there were some fat sheep around who were still skeptical, and they were convinced at once! While the people around me rushed to the front to see the certificates, I quietly led Ni Duoduo back, quietly.

Xiaofeng didn't notice me, quickly put away the certificates, and then hurried out.

Next, the obscene man began to announce.

If you are willing to join the company, you can upgrade to the company and become a new member on the spot. As long as they immediately pay the money from the company to buy the company's products, and then work hard to develop the offline according to the theory mentioned in the training. As long as they develop enough offline, they can get rich... At this time, It jumped out in an instant, some shouted to buy, some immediately enthusiastically paid, and some immediately rushed to fill in the form.

People are often this kind of animal, even if you may still think "will there be a fake" these years.

But I saw everyone around me moving.

So soon, another idea will come to your mind: "So many people are doing this, is everyone fooled? It's impossible for everyone to be fooled. I'm the only one smart, right? It seems that I'm wrong! Everyone is right!" What's next? The fat sheep should wait to be stabbed! I immediately wanted to leave in the chaos, but the obscene man's words left me.

"Brothers and sisters, if you are a new member, please gather after registration. We will arrange accommodation for you! The company is a big family, and we will arrange accommodation for everyone!" I thought about it... It seems to be a good idea to hide here.

At least, it's much safer than outside!