evil spirit

Chapter 116 The Safest Place

Chapter 116 [Safest Place] Although the weather in the south is much warmer, it's still quite cold to stand on the roadside in the early morning.

Ni Duoduo's clothes were not thick and a little thin. I looked at her shrinking and took off her coat and put it on her.

When I took her hand, the girl's slight frown was caught by me. I picked up her palm and took a look, which was full of blood.

"What's going on?" Just now... when I was climbing the wall, I scratched it.

She frowned in pain.

Look at the wound on your hand, it's not easy to scratch! I led her to find a backwind place to stand, and looked around, but I didn't see a 24-hour convenience store.

I can't even buy a bottle of water to wash her hands at this time.

I was a little annoyed, but Ni Duoduo gradually calmed down. She leaned against me. Originally, she rarely talked tonight, but now she asked me in a low voice, "Chen Yang, ... that woman, you already knew... Do you have any problems with her?" I thought about it and just nodded.

I don't want to talk about those dirty things in detail with Ni Duoduo.

"So...does she want you to do business with her?" The girl asked timidly.

I took a deep breath, stood in front of her, stared at her eyes, and said slowly, "What the hell are those people and those things like? Your eyes look and ears hear them.

I just want to tell you that you can't be too conscienceless! I'm not a good person, but there are some things I'm willing to do, but there are some things that I will never touch, some money can be made, and some money is dirty!" After a pause, I said lightly, "I'm talking about this. I don't expect you to understand it now, but in the future, when you have nothing to do, you will always understand one day."

Ni Duoduo lowered her little face and was silent for a while. Suddenly, she sighed: "I suddenly feel very burdensome."

"What did you say?" I was stunned. I was stunned.

"I think I'm quite cumbersome."

Ni Duoduo said slowly word by word: "When I go out, you have to take care of everything. I don't know what to do without you... I know it must be very tired to take care of me... If I hadn't dragged you down, you wouldn't have known where you had gone.

Maybe it's safe a long time ago.

When Ni Duoduo said these words, she did not cry again, but looked at me calmly and said it slowly in a seemingly calm tone.

Under the faint light of the early morning, her eyes are brighter than the cold stars in the sky! Don't say that."

I shook my head.

At this time, the sound of cars came from the street, and then the lights flashed, and the two TV stations drove by quickly.

It was E who drove from the place where I fled empty-handed from Shutian.

Behind it are police cars and a large group of people.

Looking at those stuffed police cars, it seems that the police have gained a lot from the round-up operation tonight! And it seems to be a very generous, organized and planned raid and round-up operation! Unexpectedly, the media followed the scene to shoot... Ni Duoduo leaned on my ground. I moved my body quietly and gave her a little wind with my back.

After about an hour, the movement of the car came from the street again.

A medium-sized happy noodles with the words "** clean vegetable supply" are easy to take a taxi towards this road.

The headlights of the car were on and kept flashing. I hesitated for a moment and whispered to Ni Duoduo, "You wait here. I'll call you later.

You can come out! If you see something wrong with me..." I pointed to an alley behind me: "You just run! Run as far as you can!" The van drove all the way, then turned another corner at the end of the street and turned back.

I'm sure this is the man who came to pick us up.

told Ni Duoduo, and then walked along the roadside building for a while before striding to the roadside.

Reach out to stop the car and signal him to stop.

The car stopped, and then the window fell down, and a huge head stretched out from it. Listening to the sound was the one who contacted by phone in the past two days.

Originally, there was a strong voice on the phone, but it sounded a little loud.

This is a fat man with a round head, which should have been a square face.

But he was stunned and turned into a circle by the fat. He sat in the car and dressed me: "Chen Yang?" It's me."

I put one hand in my trouser pocket, and I still put a knife in my trouser pocket.

He looked around me, and finally his eyes fell on my trouser pocket, with a playful smile on his face: "Are you too careful... Don't you believe me?" I shook my head: "I'm holding the two lives of us now. I can't do it if I'm not careful."

The fat man has a pair of eyes that are not commensurate with his broad face.

The eyes are very small, but they are not gods! In the blink of an eye, a sharp look flashed from time to time.

I noticed that he was also looked at me with great interest.

I shouted to Ni Duoduo's hiding place, and the girl quickly ran over and threw herself into my arms.

The fat man squinted at me for a while, and then pointed to the car door: "Get in the car."

There is a strange smell in it, which seems to be the smell of vegetables in the farmers' market. There are also a few rotten vegetable leaves in the corner of the ground, and there is an inspeakable smell in the carriage.

The fat man asked us to sit down, then started the car, handed over a bottle of mineral water from the front, and said lightly, "Wipe this girl's hands. Alas, this little hand is white and tender. Why does it make so much blood?"

Until now, my heart has finally settled down. Although I am still a little wary, I have relaxed a lot.

Ni Duoduo's face also had a little more blood color. I helped her wash her hand and mouth and turned over the bag. Although the bag was cut and a lot of things were lost in it, there was still half a bottle of Yunnan white medicine, which was applied to Ni Duoduo.

The fat man in front of me saw that I was finished from the inverted mirror, so he handed me a cigarette with his backhand and said lightly, "Little brother, smoke a cigarette. Take a break. You look a little bad."

This guy speaks slowly.

With a harmless face, it seems to be very generous and kind, which makes it really difficult to be wary of him.

But the more such people are, the more careful I know! After a moment of hesitation, I still lit the cigarette he gave me and took a breath. It was a little unexpected.

The smoke is very strong, and I can't tell the smell. After all, I'm an old smoker, and I can immediately distinguish it. This is not an ordinary cigarette, but a special supply from the army! This kind of cigarette is called "Red Star" and is not available on the market.

I couldn't help but take a deep look at the fat man. He held the steering wheel in one hand and said lazily with a cigarette in the other hand, "You are just too careful. How did you come to this place? This place has already calculated the city of Guangzhou! It was the time when the urban area was expanded last year.

Only then did this place nominally belong to Guangzhou.

How did you come here?"

Before I spoke, the fat man had said to himself, "Well, yes, you want to hide in the pyramid scheme nest. You are bold enough! But it's still smart..." I tried to say, "What's your name, buddy?" Fang Dahai... But my brothers all like to call me Fat Dahai. If you are happy, just call me Fat Brother. I'm nearly 20 years older than you, and I don't take advantage of you.

The fat man smiled.

The car gradually entered the city on the road.

The buildings on both sides of the way are gradually getting taller, giving people a feeling of moving from farm trees to the city.

After a while, the fat man took us to a messy place. After parking the car, he smiled and said, "Would you like to come down and have a walk?" I hesitated for a moment.

He said indifferently, "It's safe here.

Don't worry.

So early in the morning, no one came out all over the world to arrest you... Do you think the gangsters are policemen? Come out to patrol day and night?" After a pause, he smiled and said, "Come out, come down and get something to fill your stomach by the way."

I came out with Ni Duoduo.

Looking around, I found that this is a very large farmers' market.

In the early morning, the sky was only a little bright. Several large and small trains were parked around the farmer's market. Countless happy workers just took their hands into bundles of fresh vegetables and moved the raw meat under the car.

Some shipowners are busy bargaining with vegetable vendors.

At the gate on the left side of the farmers' market, there is a row of breakfast stalls.

But it seems that the business is not very good.

The fat man took us to buy something like a tea lamb, and let Ni Duoduo grab it and eat it in his hand.

Then he led us all the way into the farmers' market.

"Southern people are very particular about eating, and morning tea is also very particular. As long as the conditions permit, they are used to eating morning tea. This kind of roadside breakfast stall is only eaten by people from the north."

The fat man looked around as he walked, leisurely wandering with his hands on his back.

From time to time, there are people next to him greeting him in a friendly voice.

It can be seen that the fat man is quite popular here. Everyone politely called him a fat man, and some of them wanted to come up to respect the cigarette, but he casually shook his hand and lit the cigarette butt and refused.

Although it is early in the morning in the farmers' market, if you walk around from it, you will feel as if you have fallen into a big hive.

The noisy business around you squeezed into your ears in all directions. The vegetable dealer put the vegetables on the table, and took out a mineral water bottle with a small hole to sprinkle some water on the vegetables to make the vegetables look fresher and tenderer.

There are also bargaining business and some bickering business.

There was some damp and muddy on the ground. It seemed that someone had sprinkled water in the morning. Ni Duoduo frowned aside.

The fat man looked carefree and suddenly smiled at me and said, "You know, I'm very happy to come here in the morning every day."

"Oh..." "Work needs, I'm here to buy, so many mouths in the unit are waiting to eat!" He patted the people around him on the shoulder and continued to smile at me, "You know why I like to come here?" Why?" The fat man smiled, and his smile came out of his eyes little by little: "Because it makes people feel alive here! Don't you think that when you come to such a place, even if you are depressed, you seem to feel much more comfortable when you are looking for life? The vegetable market is full of people and anger, but it is full of vitality.

He sighed, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, and added to himself in a low voice: "Especially for those who climb out of the pile of the dead, this kind of vitality: it's the most comfortable."

These words shocked me! I couldn't help but move my heart: "This fat man smoked cigarettes supplied by the army, and he was the phone left by Jinhe... He also said that he climbed out of the pile of dead... Was he once an old comrade-in-arms of Jinhe? I know that Jinhe used to be a veteran of war! But this fat man's whole body, how can there be a little murderous and fierce momentum of Jinhe? A whole kind, fat and good man! After shaking around, the fat man didn't know how many people he said hello to. Some just smiled from afar, and some went to the cold noise, shaking hands and patting their shoulders.

I didn't see him buy anything, so he led us back.

"Don't you want to purchase?" Oh? Oh.

I bought it."

The fat man didn't go back to the edge of the car, took out the key to open the door, and then leaned aside to smoke.

In a moment, I saw some people coming out of the farmers' market. They were all those fat people who just shook hands and patted their shoulders to say hello and chatted. They carried vegetables one by one, and there were all kinds of melons, fruits and vegetables, and half of the raw pork was picked up and piled them in the car.

After that, the fat man bowed his hand to everyone and led us back into the car.

"Have you bought it now? Don't you have to pay?" The fat man smiled and said, "No, they are not afraid that I will repudiate the bill... Besides, I didn't bring any money with me.

Today is actually not my day of purchase.

But I ran out early in the morning and borrowed this car to pick you up. I have to find a reason.

Otherwise, it's not good to be targeted by someone with intentions.

Someone asked me later, and I said that I came out early in the morning to buy vegetables.

These vegetable dealers can't wait for me to take their dishes. They are not afraid that I will pay the bill.

I don't buy it myself anyway. I usually don't bargain much when I buy their vegetables.

Anyway, the public pays for it.

I see. It seems that this fat man is responsible for purchasing power.

There was a strange smell in the car, but now I got half a car of raw pork and vegetables, and the taste was even more strange.

Ni Duoduo couldn't help pinching her nose.

The fat man smiled and said, "Girl, don't pinch your nose. I'll bring these things to you when I get back. You can eat your tongue!" Where are we going?" I couldn't help asking.

"Go to the safest place in Guangzhou."

The fat man smiled and said, "I promise that no place is safer than anywhere else."

The car turned into a street, which looked very quiet, and then stopped at the gate of a huge office with armed police guard at the door.

I saw the majestic word "Guangzhou Public Bureau" on the sign in front of me.

The fat man shook open the window and the armed policeman standing guard and smiled, and then soon, the electric door was opened.

"I'm the person in charge of the canteen in the bureau.

In charge of the chef and procurement.

The fat man smiled and rubbed his nose.