evil spirit

Chapter 121 Is it worth it?

Chapter 121 [Is it worth it?] I don't know when, I only felt bursts of severe pain coming towards me, as if the muscles of my whole body were torn and pulled. When I opened my eyes and was about to struggle, I heard the fat man's voice extremely serious: "Don't move!" I found myself lying in a dark room, with a small bed, white sheets, and the air full of the smell of blood, and a curtain hanging beside it.

The fat man stood at the end of my bed and squinted at me.

Seeing me wake up, he smiled and said, "How's it going?" I shivered my lips and used all my strength to bite out a word: "It hurts!" The pain is right."

The fat man sighed and then shouted, "The old man hasn't come in yet!" This boy is almost finished!" The curtain was lifted, and a bald man came in outside, about 40 years old, with a fleshy face, rolled up his sleeves, and a dirty white coat. I don't know what the stain was.

The muscles on the arm are very strong, the figure is strong, and the face is fierce.

"What's your blood type?" The bald and fierce man looked at me.

"Type A."

I gritted my teeth.

He hummed, and then went outside. I looked at the half-opened curtain and saw with my own eyes that the man pulled out two packets of plasma from the refrigerator and came to me: "There is no type A blood at home. Two packs of type O can be used. This boy is in good shape and should not die."

The fat man took a look and said blankly, "This is the doctor. Now I'm going to clean up the wound for you. Don't move."

To be honest, my whole body is trembling. It's the normal reaction of people's muscles under pain, and I can't control it myself.

I gave this man a weak look... Is he a doctor? Looking at his appearance, his face was full of flesh, more like a pig killer than a doctor... The bald man came to me, began to take off my clothes, took out a pair of scissors and carefully cut my bloody clothes, and then looked at me coldly: "Your life is really hard enough. How many knives have you been stabbed?" My lips were bruised, and I gritted my teeth and said, "Thirteen knives."

"Well, I remember it clearly."

The bald man opened his mouth and smiled, and the smile looked very ferocious.

"Of course...remember."

I gritted my teeth and said with a strong smile, "I will return it in the future!" Then the bald man took out a small syringe and inserted it into my arm: "It's just morphine.

Ease your pain.

I was so tired that I felt that my body was getting cold little by little, and my intuition gradually left me. Although I tried my best to open my eyes to see the person in front of me clearly, the outline in front of me still blurred little by little.

I don't know whether it was the effect of morphine or the coma due to excessive blood loss, so I closed my eyes again.

The body's perception began to be dull - this is also a little good, at least the pain is not so strong.

I spent the next few hours in a semi-conscious and half-aheaded state.

The doctor with a pig-killing face had a pair of light hands, after reasoning my wound.

Help me with a blood transfusion at the same time... There is actually a blood transfusion device here! Then he was like a tailor, carefully helping me sew up the thirteen knife wounds on my body! I feel like a torn doll, and now I'm stitched up one by one.

The fat man has been standing at the foot of the bed and looking at me.

Looking at my eyes half-opened and half-closed, he smiled and said, "You will have a lot of scars on your body in the future.

You can't wear short sleeves in summer.

I tried to squeeze a smile out of my face, but my facial muscles were a little stiff... I felt that I didn't have any strength, and I didn't even have the strength to control my facial muscles! Then the doctor turned me over and lay on my side. I let him play with me like a puppet, and I felt almost nothing.

The clothes behind were cut by scissors.

In some places, the blood solidified, and the blood scab cracked when I opened the clothes, which was very painful, but I was unconscious at this moment, and I only felt my body tremble instinctively a few times.

"Damn it."

The doctor stared at my back for a few seconds, and then turned his head to look at the fat man: "I said the sea... This boy's life is fucking hard! Look at this back, it's turned into a beehive! Damn, a piece of skin is rotten."

The fat man said lightly, "I was shot with a local gun.

Iron sand bomb, that thing is not very lethal, but it's a big hit, and it's lucky if you don't hit the face! Don't talk nonsense and clean it up quickly.

The doctor curled his lips and said, "This job is very meticulous. Add more money!" The fat man said nothing and wiped the gold ring directly from his finger: "I don't have much money with me. You can take this."

The doctor took it over. His hands were full of blood, but he took the ring in his mouth and bit it hard. He was sure that it was not a fake, so he wiped it on his body and put it in his arms.

Then the doctor took out a small tweezer and put a lens on his eyes. It took him an hour to put out the iron sand tweezers embedded in the flesh on the flesh and blood on my back.

The whole process took a full hour.

The morphine on my body has gradually faded. Finally, the beads of sweat on my forehead kept falling, and the fat man did not stand, but pressed me hard beside me to keep me from moving.

This guy is so strong! A pair of big palms pressed me, and I couldn't move anything, but the doctor behind me was still not satisfied: "Don't move! Don't let him move!" The fat man was also sweating and anxious: "** Try it! This boy is very strong!" Finally, my eyes darkened and I fainted again... When I woke up, it was already dawn. I was wrapped in bandages on my upper body and thighs. My body was like a mummy, and I couldn't turn my head.

I woke up in pain, which can't be experienced by people who haven't tried it! Obviously, his body was wrapped up, but at first his muscles seemed to be constantly whipped by a whip! The twitching made my whole body twist like a snake.

The fat man was sitting at the head of my bed and smoking. When he saw me wake up, he immediately threw away the cigarette butt. When he came up, he pressed me and shouted, "Kid, I know it hurts. Damn it! Don't crack the wound!" I was in a state of mind in pain, and I cursed randomly, "Forbear...forbear, what a fucking bird! It hurts so much!" My whole body is sweating like rain, and the pain has controlled my whole nervous system.

To be honest, I shed tears.

It's not that I'm weak, but that at this time, the secretion of tear glands is out of control! It's like someone punches you in the nose, and you can't help crying after being sore! I don't have tears at the moment. I have a runny nose.

His face was dirty, and his tears, nose and sweat were mixed into a ball.

The fat man held me down.

But people struggle under extreme pain, and their strength is beyond imagination. The fat man was anxious and couldn't help shouting, "Old-fashioned! Come here, motherfucker! This boy is crazy!" The doctor's cold voice came from afar: "Crazy motherfucker! You haven't been hurt! I don't know if this is a normal reaction! The pain will be over for a while. Just hold him down and don't move.

The fat man sweated: "Give him another injection of morphine."

"It's gone."

The doctor said coldly, "You think I'm a big hospital here!" It's good to get a little bit of that.

I couldn't help screaming at first, my voice was hoarse, and the fat man covered my mouth.

said harshly, "Don't scream! You want to die!" Then I simply pulled something and stuffed my mouth.

My body trembled with pain, my fingers grabbed the sheets, and my knuckles protruded.

White! Fortunately, this kind of pain came from time to time, a few minutes later.

I breathed a little, and my body gradually stopped. The fat man saw that I didn't move, so he let go of his hand, wiped his forehead, and scolded with a smile, "You boy is like a fucking calf. I almost can't stop you."

I still hurt. I sucked the cold air desperately and couldn't speak. The fat man lit a cigarette, put it in my mouth, and said in a low voice, "Take a breath, take a breath, it may be more comfortable."

To be honest, I was like a baby found a pacifier at that time.

Bit the cigarette butt, bit the filter, and took several mouthfuls. I sucked one-third of a cigarette in one breath, and the fat man quickly took it away.

I sprayed smoke in my mouth, looked at the ceiling, my body trembled faintly, gritted my teeth and didn't say a word... At this moment, my heart was full of hatred! This day is very difficult! I can't remember how many times I slept, but as soon as I fell asleep, I woke up with pain, and then struggled. After exhaustion, I fell asleep again, and then woke up again after a while.

After such a repetition, after the day, the fat man was tired enough, but the doctor never intervened.

I just come here occasionally to check my injury.

He looked cold, as if I was not a living person in front of him at all, but a dead pig.

I don't know the exact time, but the lights in the room were on and off. Outside the window on one side, the palm-sized sky was dark and white, and then another day had passed.

The next afternoon, I finally recovered.

In the words of the fat man, I survived! Although my body still hurts, my face is pale and it's hard to speak, but I basically don't have to press me. Occasionally, when the pain passes, I can talk to the fat man.

The doctor didn't show up again, and there were only me and the fat man left in the house.

"How do you feel?" He found a chair and sat by my bed, with his legs upside at the head of the bed, smoking and looking at me.

I reluctantly smiled: "Thank you! You saved my life!" He smiled and leaned over and stretched out a thick palm to wipe the snot and sweat on my face, and of course tears.

Then, he suddenly asked me a question coldly.

"Ask a question I asked you the day before yesterday.

Now, do you still think this matter... is worth it? The fat man looked at me with a smile...