evil spirit

Chapter 124 Two Roads

Chapter 124 [Two Roads] The days of hiding are very boring.

In the first few days, all I had to do every day was to lie ** in a daze.

At the beginning, I missed my family very much... I miss Yan Di, my three bad friends, Fang Nan... and even small money fans.

Because my body is full of wounds and I can't touch the potion, I can't take a shower for many days, and I feel a strange smell.

The fat man took good care of me and wiped my body with a wet towel, but I soon declined his "good intentions" later.

His strength is too great, and it doesn't matter. Sometimes it hurts so much.

And at this time, I miss the little money fan very much... After all, A Mei is a professional nurse. The last time she was injured, the little money fan often helped me wipe my body, but her movements were meticulous, thoughtful and gentle, and she almost didn't hurt me at all.

The fat man talks and laughs with me every day, and he never sees any worried expression on his face. It doesn't matter if the sky falls.

He has to go out every few days to buy some necessities of life.

I sit in my room every day and don't go out. I don't know what's going on outside. There is no TV here, and there is no report. I even forget what day it is today, or what day it is today.

I only remember that the fat man went out every seven or eight days, and when he went out three times, my injury was almost better.

When the scars on my body are almost healed, it is actually the most difficult time for me... People who have not been injured can't understand... The biggest problem I face is "itch".

There are more than a dozen scars all over the body, and the cutting edge has almost healed.

The shell of the scar outside is about to fall off, but it still sticks to the skin a little... I feel the itchyness of those wounds all over my body almost all the time as if countless ants crawling around!!! However, at this time, you can't scratch it with your hands, because the wound is not completely healed after all. Once it is scratched, it will be a big trouble! If it was just a scar, I would grit my teeth and put up with it.

But more than a dozen places all over my body are itchy... This kind of taste, I even feel more difficult than when I get stabbed! The fat man looked at me struggling to compete with myself every day for the past two days, and he looked funny.

In fact, he is also bored. The two big men stay in the house every day and don't go out. At the beginning, they can chat or something, but after a long time, no matter how many topics are over.

But I feel that I have come to life day by day, and I have survived the blow little by little.

I will occasionally show some sincere smiles on my face when I start again.

At this time, the fat man will look at me deeply.

I know that there is meaning in that look.

But I won't say it.

Sometimes the fat man will take out a wooden wrench in the room, then draw a round one and hang it on the wall of the yard, then take a large and two small kitchen knives in the kitchen, and stand at the door of the room, about seven or eight meters away, boringly throwing knives to play.

His accuracy is very scary!! It's been a long time.

At the center of the wooden wrench, a rotten pit was almost shot by the kitchen knife, and there was no scar on the front board around! I vaguely remembered that when he saved me that day, the fat man casually threw a cone and shot through the palm of the boy who shot me with a gun.

I can finally move, and all the bandages on my body have been removed for a long time.

The wound inside has basically healed, and the skin of the scar is tender red, and the color difference is obvious from that of other places.

Lying and sitting for nearly 20 days, I feel that my whole body is going to rust.

The first thing was to move around in the yard. I carefully removed a few stools in the yard and the debris on the ground. Then I took off my coat and did a hundred push-ups in the yard naked, then twisted my waist and kicked my legs, and moved my muscles and bones.

He calmed down with his eyes closed, raised his hand to light up a fist-splitting posture, and then hugged his knees and walked around.

twist the waist and cut the car, roll over, roll over... After the road fist, I felt that my body was hot from the inside out.

I was getting more and more energetic in the yard. I punched five or six times in one breath, and then I was slightly panting.

After all, I have just recovered from a serious injury, and I have been a little slack in recent years.

I feel that my state is not even as good as when I learned art from my master.

I don't know when the fat man has stood silently at the door of the room, leaned against the wall with his arms in his arms, watched me finish my last set of punches, and then clapped his hands with a smile and said, "Good punch!" He slowly came over and patted me on the shoulder: "Who did you learn this hanging fist from? It's a little hot."

I took a breath and wiped my sweat: "I learned it from my master when I was a child."

The fat man nodded without words, and then suddenly said slowly, "The master who teaches you to wear fists is a master... Hey hey, there are few people who can really do martial arts these days, and most of them are fancy."

I shook the plug: "I feel that I have regressed too much... After a long time of comfortable life, I have let go of my kung fu."

The fat man nodded: "As long as you have a sense of crisis, okay, you can eat later, and you can prepare eight."

I looked at myself sweat and laughed and said, "Damn it, I'm going to take a shower first. I haven't taken a shower for more than 20 days. I feel a strange smell in the room!" The fat man looked at the smile on my face, with a trace of comfort in his eyes. He smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid. I didn't smell anything when I squatted on the battlefield."

I finally took a shower happily and almost rubbed off the skin of my body. After washing, I felt that my whole body seemed to be a little lighter.

In the evening, the fat man actually rectified a table of food, four dishes and one soup, meat and vegetables, and a bottle of wine.

I was a little surprised that the fat man had already sat at the table, and his expression was a little serious.

Look at me: "Sit down, I have something to say to you."

I took a look at him and saw that the fat man looked serious. He nodded and sat opposite him.

The fat man poured me a glass of wine first, and then raised the glass: "It's dry!" I didn't say anything. I bumped a glass with him and drank it in one gulp.

This wine was obviously bought in a small shop near the village.

The inferior liquor tastes very spicy and tastes a little strange, but it is strong enough.

The fat man drank quietly and drank three glasses with me in one breath, and then put down the glass.

looked at me and said, "I'll check the news outside when I go out today."


I nodded.

answered, waiting for the fat man to say, "This matter is over.

Ye Huan did it very cleanly and found two corpses of a man and a woman to work.

His boss asked someone to chop up the body and feed it to the dog... Hey! Now the pursuit order on your road outside has been withdrawn.


I still have no expression.

"This time, Ye Huan got benefits when it comes to it.

He was originally in a good situation these days, but the boss's son had an incident in Nanjing. Unfortunately, Zhou Jing was the guy.

Now that Zhou Jing has fallen. If it hadn't been for his support, I'm afraid he wouldn't have escaped this time.

But let's not talk about him. He has fallen.

Now Ye Huan is back to the master... boy..." He looked up at me with a strange expression on his face: "To be honest, this matter is wrong, but you helped Ye Huan once.

As a result, he recovered the lost land and returned to power.


I still don't talk.

"Now it looks quiet outside, but your trouble has not been solved."

The fat man looked at me: "Ye Huan won't let you go... Because he handed it over. If someone finds out that you are not dead, then he is finished! There is no room to turn back now! So he won't let you go from any angle... At least find a way to make you never appear again! So..." "Say it, I'll listen."

I sighed, "Brother Huan... What does he want to do?" When it comes to the word "Brother Huan", I pulled it fiercely in my heart... "So you have to leave!" The fat man's tone did not have any emotion at all. He said lightly, "You can't go home. If you go back, Ye Huan will definitely find a way to kill you. The only advantage now is that Ye Huan dares not use the power of his E books in the sky group to brazen to brazenly mess with you, because he is also afraid

But Ye Huan has been in the organization for so many years, and I don't know how much he has controlled, boy..." The fat man took a deep breath.

The tone is a little complicated: "I know you really want to go home... but now you can't go back! You have to go and leave!! If you go back and Ye Huan finds you, you will die! Jinhe let you go once, but next time I see you again, it may not be!" So what should I do?" I smiled bitterly.

"I'll give you two ways."

The fat man looked at me calmly: "First, you go to the northwest, or go to Sichuan. Anyway, find a small place, a small county and town, find a small job, and shrink your head for a lifetime, as long as you are not found by Ye Huan and escape from Ye Huan's sight.

You will be safe! But you have to be honest all your life, and you must not cause trouble! Even if you encounter anything in the future, you should be careful to be a person with your tail between your legs. You can't stand out when things happen. Even if you are given a chance to make you develop, you can't do it! Be a low-level citizen for the rest of your life!" The muscles on my face twitched, and I said blankly, "What about the second way?" The fat man was silent for a while and suddenly smiled. His smile was a little helpless: "Actually, I really don't want you to take the second way..." He lit a cigarette, took two silens, and then stared at me: "The second way, I'll take you abroad! A friend who asked you to join me... In the future, you can follow him, get ahead outside, and find a way! When you have money and power... no one can touch you!" At this point, he slowly took out a gun from under the table and gently put it on the table: "If you walk this road, you can't turn back!" He looked at me and sneered, "No one can believe it in the future, and no one can believe it!" The only thing you can believe is this guy in your hand!" He slowly pushed the gun in front of me... The eyes were cold and quiet...