evil spirit

Chapter 138 Killing Training Course

Chapter 138 [Killing Training Course] (Part 2) In the next two days, in addition to continuing to boil water and chopping firewood every day, cleaning at the same time, and continuing to work on my orderly, I spent almost all the rest of my time studying the puppet! Like a madman, I spend almost all my time on a wooden man every day.

See the feet from the head, see the head from the feet, and then recite them one by one.

Be sure to memorize it in your heart! I firmly remember this requirement.

In fact, it's not difficult to recite something, but it's not so easy to memorize it in your heart! His request is that when you do something with someone, you don't need to think deliberately in your heart. These things must come out of your mind like a reflex! I want to turn these things and these skills into a part of my mind! It's like opening your mouth when eating, just like breathing!! It's not easy to do this! I recited it for two days and thought I had already recited it, but he checked it a little, and I was immediately miserable.

His examination process was very simple. I stood beside the wooden man, and he played with a dagger while saying any part in his mouth, and then I had to find and say everything about this part in a second! I only insisted on seven or eight parts, and the speed obviously couldn't keep up.

Conditional launch! But how difficult it is to get these four words!! Just as he was talking about the eighth part, I thought for a second and immediately heard a bang! A white light came over, ow!! The dagger was inserted into the wooden man, which happened to be the part he just asked me about! It's not bad!" I know you have memorized it... but you can't turn it into your conditioned reflex! Let me ask you, can you stop and think when you start with someone? Will the opponent give you this time?! What I ask is that you save the process of 'thinking'! When can you do this to be qualified!" ...I spent another two days, and this time the wooden people were together almost day and night.

I almost put it beside me at the head of the bed when I sleep.

Even dreaming is like watching a wooden man with words written on his body turn around me.

Moreover, even when I looked at the two of them during the day, my eyes fell on their ground. The first reaction in my mind was that I couldn't help thinking about where this part was, what was the weakness, where was the point, and what was the effect after the blow... In the past two days, my eyes were like a bloodthirsty Two days later, I finally passed the exam.

"Now I can teach you something new."

By the way, I finally know the names of these two weirdos.

This smiling man, nicknamed Old Cat.

And that cold guy is called Lao Kong.

This is obviously a flower name.

"There are a lot of tools to kill people."

After I passed the assessment, the old cat's expression was a little more satisfied. "There are a variety of tools for human killing.

War is the best performance stage to reflect all this. From cold weapons to hot weapons, it is actually the improvement of human killing skills.

Of course, if conditions permit, if you are given enough guns, you can kill one with a knife, and if you are given a knife, you can kill one empty-handed.

But the problem is that the situation is changeable, and we can't always get the tools to kill when we need it! Moreover, sometimes, on occasion, under some circumstances, some traditional killing tools can't be brought with you at all.

I understand what the old cat means.

What he means is that in many places, you can't go in with guns and knives.

"For example, the person you want to kill, where he is, there is a strict security guard, and it is impossible for you to approach him with a gun.

At this time, you need to quickly find the best tool and cooperate with the most effective way to kill your opponent!" His tone is very cold, which is completely cold! It seems that the word "killing" is like "eating" or "sleeping" for him.

In the following days, the old cat showed me countless kinds of killing skills! There are so many kinds that I'm almost overwhelmed! It seems that anything can quickly become a killing tool in his hands! Ropes, chopsticks, a book, a chair, a soup, a toothbrush... Even a toothpick is enough to kill him! You can't finish the things I taught you in a short time. I can only teach you a general and specific one. When you have a chance in the future, you can explore it by yourself.

You can learn what I showed first, but this kind of thing is not backrest, but to learn and use! When you arrive at a strange occasion, you can immediately find at least three or five killing tools from all kinds of things around you, then you will be qualified... barely qualified.

Then he looked at me and smiled, "The last sentence I want to give you is: anything can be turned into a killing tool. Remember that."

I know, that's all for what the old cat taught me.

These days, I have gradually felt that his absolute identity is extraordinary! Because although he often has a smile on his face, that kind of smile makes people feel cold! His eyes are full of indifference, which is indifference to life! Not only other people's lives, but also his own lives!" Old cat... My last question."

I couldn't help saying, "How many people have you... killed?" ..." He glanced at me and said coldly, "I can't remember."

The next morning after

, it was not the old cat that called me to get up, but the old hole! This is something that makes me very depressed.

I am woken up by them every morning! No matter how alert I am, they can stand quietly beside me and wake me up in a cold sweat.

No matter how I prepare, they always have a way to sneak up to me and not let me notice it! Unless I stay awake all night with my eyes open! But after a long time, I got used to it.

In the words of the old cat, I think it will take at least a few years to find their quiet approach.

Obviously, they are all lurking masters! This morning.

Looking at the old Kong who woke me up, not the old cat, I knew in my heart that the old cat's course was over! Lao Kong is a talkative person. He always has a cold face and often jumps out a short sentence for a long time.

Fortunately, it's not the first time I've dealt with people with this kind of personality.

When I was in China, I was very strong by wood.

That day, Lao Kong took me to the back of the farm.

I saw that the wooden man I had been holding and studying for the past two days had been placed in the distance, standing upright.

Then Lao Kong came over with a travel bag, which was the bag he brought when he came.

Bang! He threw the bag on the ground, then opened the zipper, and I was stunned immediately! Gun! It's all guns! Long guns, short guns, large caliber, small caliber... full of big travel bags, all guns! There is nothing to say about the process of learning guns.

This is a very boring process.

It's very boring! But I understand at least one truth.

There is a big difference between people who can use guns and people who can't use guns! Don't think that those people who can't use guns on TV can shoot people with a gun... That's impossible! First of all, guns have recoil! Secondly... If you haven't experienced it, you won't understand... If you give a gun to a person who has never used a gun and let him shoot a cow at a distance of five meters... Then I tell you, at least half of the ten people will be missed!! It took me a month to learn how to shoot! In the first week, Lao Kong only asked me to hold an empty gun and didn't allow me to fire bullets. First, he asked me to practice the posture of holding the gun and aiming.

After that, he allowed me to shoot live ammunition. I practiced for a month... Lao Kong's face always had a toothache.

I can clearly feel that he is not satisfied with me.

Very dissatisfied!! He is a perverted guy with good marksmanship! When I saw him bet with the old cat, he threw the empty cans on the ground into the sky in one go! More than a dozen cans were shot away by him when they fell to the ground! Shooting can't be practiced in a short time. In the past month, I can only be familiar with some firearms. At the same time... According to Lao Kong's words, "At least you are a person who can use guns. You are much better than ordinary people and far worse than professional soldiers, but you won't suffer losses when you work with the police."

This is his evaluation.

Master Ba's men come every other week.

Fortunately, he came regularly to send us some food, so that we would not only eat canned fish for more than a month.

Moreover, he will also bring some bullets, because when I practice guns, I consume a lot! Two months! I stayed with them on the farm for two months! One day two months later, the eighth master did not send any more supplies this time.

I understand that it's probably time to break up! Sure enough, Ba Ye's men came in two cars this time. I don't know the driver of the other car, but it seems that he is also from the Ba Ye's car repair yard.

Lao Kong and Lao Mao broke up with me directly here.

They seem to take a bus to the dock to get on the boat and then leave Canada.

I heard the old cat and I inadvertently say something, as if they have retired and will not come back after leaving Canada this time.

They have done too many things, and now they have decided to wash their hands and find a quiet place to retire.

Before leaving, the old cat patted me on the shoulder and whispered to me.

His tone is more solemn than ever! Xiaowu, live a good life! Don't die too early!" His tone is very serious! I'm not kidding! Then he took out a dagger and stuffed it to me.

This is a military dagger, serrated, and there is a blood tank on it, which is very exquisite! I know that this dagger is from the old hole. He likes to play with it in his hand when he has nothing to do.

"This is for you by Lao Kong.

Don't look at a cold guy, he actually likes you very much.

The old cat smiled.

I was a little moved, but I reluctantly smiled and said to him, "So... what did you give me?" The old cat's face showed a cunning smile: "I... Well, well, let's do this... Haven't you been begging us for that? I promise you, if in the future, one day in the future, the three of us can meet again, and the three of us are still alive... I will allow you to do that!" My heart trembled! I couldn't help taking a deep look at the old cat.

Then the two of them got into the car first and left soon.

They didn't look back or wave, but I stood still and watched their car go away until I couldn't see it.

The thing that the old cat promised me was... In fact, I have been beg them so that I can call them Master! These are...two good old guys!