evil spirit

Chapter 144 You asked for it! Next

Chapter 144 [You asked for it!] ( Next)

Princess Sophie looked at me with an unfriendly look in her eyes: "Why apologize? In my impression of you, you should be a man full of...

She spoke English, and I didn't understand the words in the middle, but looking at her expression, I guess what she said was not a good thing. I was stunned for a moment and thought hard about the meaning of those words.

Sophie's eyes were colder: "Didn't anyone tell you that you shouldn't be absent-minded when talking to people?"

"Sorry, I just can't quite understand what you said... My English is not good." I smiled bitterly.

For a person who has only graduated from high school, my English is really not good, although I have been working hard on my own in recent months...

"Big man chauvinism!" Sophie suddenly became angry. She stretched out a slender jade-like finger, put it hard on my chest, and said coldly, "What I just said: I think you are a man full of chauvinism." She seemed to be afraid that I couldn't understand, so she repeated the words "big man chauvinism" in stiff Chinese.

I frowned: "I'm not. I have great respect for women. What happened that day was just an accident.

Sophie just curled her lips.

I'm a little impatient.

Why should I coax this woman? The eighth master asked me to apologize to her and calm down, and I have already done so. If she is still like this, I can't help it.

I did what I should do, and that's it.

"You are a very proud person." Sophie looked at me and said coldly, "You look like someone I know. You are very similar. Even the expression when talking is very similar... I hate that guy very much, so I don't like it when I see you.

"That's your freedom." I shrugged my shoulders: "I didn't ask you to like me."

Then I took out my cigarette and decided not to talk to this woman anymore.

"It's better not to smoke around the lady, don't you know?" Sophie is on me.

"Okay." I nodded and immediately raised my leg and walked away a few steps away from her.

"What are you doing!" She said angrily.

"It's okay not to smoke around women, right? I'll just walk away from you.

Sophie stamped her feet angrily: "Is smoking more important than talking to me in your heart?"

I was amused by her and suppressed my laughter. He said in a serious tone, "Don't worry. In the heart of any man, a beautiful woman like you is definitely much more important than cigarettes! Of course, it includes me.

What surprised me was that. On the contrary, Sophie didn't care about the jokes in my words, or the jokes of us Orientals. Westerners have no idea. She actually thought I was telling the truth: "Well, then please put out your cigarettes."

After thinking about it, I had to sigh and put out the cigarette.

"Where did you come from in China? Hong Kong? Macau? Or mainland China?

"Mainland." I answered lightly.

Actually...there is a technical problem here.

I didn't mean not to talk to her, it's just... My English is so poor that I can still understand seven or eight points, but it's much more difficult to speak. In this way, the heart is so good that I don't seem to talk much. She seems to be insible to her... In fact, I didn't mean to, but my English is not good, so I naturally talk less.

"Oh, mainland! You are different from other Chinese people. Sophie's tone was a little calmer: "I have seen some local Chinese. Many of them are from Hong Kong and Macao, and there are also Taiwanese. You are different from them. You are very arrogant. They seem to be much more humble than you and more than your Kunshi."

Then she pointed to the people in the distance. One of the white men seems to be Chinese, about thirties.

"That guy is also Chinese. I know him. He is much more than you. It won't be as rude as you." Sophie looked at me provocatively.

I was silent and didn't say anything.

"Oh, I forgot to say that. I talked to him, and I asked him if he was Chinese. He said he was not, he was a Canadian, because he came to Canada when he was very young and had got a maple leaf card (Canadian citizenship, just like a green card in the United States). I talked to him about China, but he seemed unwilling to mention that topic. He is very polite to me, different from you!"

Looking at the Chinese with glasses in the distance, I was a little unhappy.

Then I took a look at Princess Sophie and saw the trace of mockery in her eyes. Suddenly, my heart moved, and an evil idea came to me...

I pretended to smile easily and said, "Oh, for an excellent gentleman like him, there is a general name in our country, which is a special honorific title for this kind of scholar. Do you want to learn this Chinese sentence?

"Good!" Princess Sophie's eyes lit up.

I can see that she has learned Chinese and seems to be very interested in Chinese.

"Um." I told her solemnly, "In our country, this gentleman is generally called...stupid."

"Stupid...stupid?" Sophie blinked her beautiful eyes, looked blank, and then tried to repeat it several times. I even patiently helped her correct the pronunciation...

"Believe me, this is a respectful title. If you are happy, you will be happy to beat a gentleman like him." My face is very serious.

At this time, the guy in the distance suddenly saw us, and my obvious eyes lit up, and then strode over.

"Your Highness Princess Sophie, it's nice to see you." The Chinese looked at Sophie with a ' gentleman' smile on his face. Then out of politeness, he also looked at me: "I'm Mike. Wang... Excuse me, are you..."

"My surname is Chen, and I just came from China."

"Oh." A trace of indifference immediately flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Sophie had already looked at him, and then took a deep breath, with an elegant smile on her face, gently opened her lips, asked seriously, and said to him kindly:

"Hello! Fool! Nice to meet you, too!"


I almost didn't laugh.


"You shouldn't tease me like this!"

The guy looked pale and faltered a few words and slipped away. Sophie just reacted. She looked at me angrily: "You shouldn't tease me like this! You lied to me!"

I'm still happy that I just used Sophie to play with that man. I'm very kind to the guy who doesn't even recognize my motherland.

As for Sophie scolded him SB... I believe that the guy should not dare to do anything about being scolded by the daughter of the underworld leader.

Look at Sophie staring at me. She looks a little cute when she is angry. I then took a breath and put away my smile. He smiled at her seriously and said, "Okay, I'm sorry." Spread out his hand: "It's just that it's really difficult for such a person to have any respect for him."

Sophie's blue eyes turned around, and the angry expression on her face immediately restrained: "Then you must show your sincerity to me."

"All right, say it. How do you want me to behave?

Sophie smiled and said, "The word just now... is this stupid...what...what does it mean?"

I: "..."

This can't be explained. It's good to explain. How can I explain the following word to a girl?

"I found that you still have some prank talent." Sophie smiled cunningly, and then peeked into the distance: "In the evening, my father will host the opening speech of a charitable foundation. But I have to wait for an hour... Would you like to go out with me?"

I was a little hesitant, but then Sophie changed her tone: "You apologized to me today, but the man apologized to the lady. Shouldn't you say something?"

I thought about it for a moment. Anyway, I have nothing to do. Besides, the task entrusted to me by the eighth master was to have a harmonious relationship with the princess, and then I said yes.

Sophie seemed to be in a hurry to leave. She almost dragged me out of the side door almost all the way, and at the same time, it was inconvenient for her skirt to run. Still in one hand...

Looking at such a stunning beauty running in front of you with a skirt, her white and slender legs are shaking in front of you. It's really eye-catching...

"Why are you running in such a hurry?" We rushed into the elevator all the way before I asked her.

Sophie's eyes showed some complicated eyes, squeezed her mouth and thought for a moment: "Remember what I just said to you, your confident appearance is very similar to someone I know... She will come soon. I hate her very much and don't want to meet her."

I was a little surprised: "Who do you hate? Is it a girl?"

"Yes, yes." Sophie sighed, and her eyes were a little unnatural: "And like you, it's blackheaded and yellow skin."

I smiled, purely curious, and asked casually, "Why do you hate her?"

"Because..." Sophie looked at me with a strange light in her eyes: "I courted her and was rejected by her..."

"You...you won't be..." I opened my mouth... Such a beautiful girl, if she is... then wouldn't the men be depressed to death?

Sophie raised her eyebrows and said, "You Chinese people's concept of sex is really... I'm not just gay... I like both men and women, as long as they are excellent."

My day, I sighed in my heart that this is a bisexual...

When she got out of the elevator, several uniformed bodyguards flashed from both sides, but Sophie shook her fingers at them with a calm face and drove them away. I saw someone immediately take out the phone to dial the number. I think something is wrong: "Your Highness, don't you want to leave the hotel? I'm afraid I can't..."

"Quick! Hurry up! She's here!" Sophie suddenly looked out in the distance. Several black luxury bridge cars drove over. This was a fleet of four cars, with two Mercedes-Benz in the row and the last, and an extended Lincoln in the middle...

Sophie looked there, with a complicated look in her eyes, whispering as if she were talking to herself: "She... Humph, these gamblers. I still like to be late so much.

I was pulled by Sophie behind the hotel, followed by bodyguards along the way, and were driven away by Sophie. In fact, I had taken out the phone to call Ba Ye or Tiger, but they didn't answer my phone.

Under the parking lot behind the hotel, in a separate parking room, Sophie pressed the button, and the door slowly opened, revealing a black Maserati sports car!

"In the car..." She took a look at me. He bit his lip: "If you can make me happy tonight. I can consider forgiving you... and I can also give you some help. Don't think I don't know! You took the initiative to apologize to me tonight. Didn't your Mr. Fang ask you to do this?"

I was a little confused by this... but later. I saw her suddenly bent down and tore off the hem of her delicate boshemia skirt!

The original long skirt turned into a short skirt! A pair of toned and slender, straight and round thighs immediately appeared in front of me without any obstruction...

Her Royal Highness Princess Sophie has opened the door and got on the car, because her skirt is too short, and when I got on the car with her legs apart, I vaguely seemed to see in front of me, and a little bright color flashed between her legs...

"Red..." I muttered.

Sophie sat in the car and took off the crystal high heels. Then he threw it behind the car and looked at me with a charming smile on his face. At the same time, he loosened his hair casually, and his eyes were indescribably enchanting: "Are you scared? Why don't you get in the car?"

There was an indescribable provocation in her eyes!


I didn't know what was going on in my mind at that time. I jumped into the car as soon as I jumped into my heart. My vigorous skills made Sophie immediately whistle very unladylikely.

Then she started the car...

The excellent performance of the Maserati sports car was displayed in an instant! In the roar of the engine, our car rushed out like an awakened monster!

This woman is crazy!

That's the only feeling I subconsciously have!

Originally, she looked like a very elegant and noble young girl tonight, but now she suddenly turned into a hot girl! Super hot girl!

She drove a sports car like a female knight driving a monster. She screamed excitedly in her mouth, and her hair was danced by the wind, sweeping my cheeks from time to time. Just in her scream, the sports car crashed into the street and then dusted away...


It's really fast! I felt that my body was almost close to the seat, and I saw that the numbers on the dashboard kept soaring... This cute girl who looked like innocence drove up, and the racing driver was crazy... And she was driving like crazy! I don't remember how many red lights I ran along the way. The Maserati sports car is like a flash of lightning on the street...

Several police cars were actually shocked at the beginning! With the siren ringing, we were warned to stop, but Sophie didn't care at all. She slammed on the accelerator, and several police cars were quickly thrown behind by us...

Fortunately, it's night, and there are not many cars on the street. And it can be seen that Sophie is not familiar with the road to Vancouver. She just subconsciously messed up, and soon we got rid of the pursuers behind, and I can see that if we drive all the way to the west, I'm afraid we will drive to the seaside soon!

I didn't say a word. I just watched Sophie step on the accelerator and lift the file crazily, and began to scream. Finally, her face was almost hysterical with a crazy expression...

At this time, I have seen the seaside road in front of me from afar! In a sharp turn, Sophie suddenly stepped on the accelerator. The tire of the Maserati sports car was so happy that she had a strong grip and immediately drew a thrilling black mark on the ground. It was almost a 90-degree turn. The car suddenly crossed the roadside and drove to the roadside, which was the closest to us. A maple tree, only less than ten centimeters, stopped...

I heard a crisp bell on Sophie's body, like the sound of a mobile phone.

Then I saw that the expression on Sophie's face changed slightly, and she suddenly raised her hand and lifted her skirt... On the round and seductive thighs, there was a circle of tapes with a small mobile phone plugged in... This woman actually put the phone in this place...

But think about it, there is really no other place to put the phone in her clothes tonight.

Sophie picked up the phone and took a look at the number on it. There was something wrong with her eyes... I saw that her beautiful blue eyes showed a little helplessness, a little pain, a little resentment...

Finally, she threw the phone out and threw it directly into the sea...

Then the princess suddenly pulled off the seat belt on her body, then looked at me and suddenly jumped on me... Before I could react, I felt a smell of "poison" perfume in my nose. She was almost enthusiastic, her gentle lips pressed against my mouth, and then slipped. The greasy tongue has come...

I feel like I'm losing my judgment...

But reason immediately woke me up. I grabbed her shoulder and pushed her away, but Sophie persistently rushed over again and kissed me on the face.

I pushed her away again. This time, I held my hand against her. I looked into her eyes in a low voice and said in a low voice, "Can you tell me what happened... Why?"

Sophie's eyes were full of provocation. She raised her eyebrows, gently added her lips, and then stared at me and mocked, "What's wrong? I didn't expect you to be so bold? Can't all of you Chinese men do it? Are you a man!"


I became popular all at once!

Who am I!

How could I be told by a woman that I was not a man? Is it said that Chinese men can't do it by a foreign girl?

At that time, a fire came out of my heart. I stared at her eyes and said fiercely, "Shut up, woman!"

Then I pushed her down and pressed her up rudely...

I thought viciously in my heart: what "princess" is just a bitch!

My big hands have already rudely grabbed the beautiful woman's towering chest and kneaded it fiercely through my clothes. The beautiful woman's breath gradually became heavy. She leaned down with one hand and held one of my ** parts. Then she hummed in her nose, and finally made a ** laughter. She gently bit my lips, and the blue eyes were almost dripping out...

I, Xiaowu, rolled over the *** field. It was not that he had experienced this kind of battle. His hands had suddenly tore open the princess's coat, grabbed the soft hill through her corset, and deliberately pinched the small nipples gently. Sophie ate and laughed...

Her eyes were hazy. Although she moaned and gasped in her mouth and nose, she did not forget a key, which gradually flattened the seats in the car.

You asked for it!

I thought fiercely that at this moment, my heart is full of desire and anger. The two emotions intersect together, and I can't take care of those superfluous thoughts... My eyes have begun to be congested, looking at this beautiful prey like a beast... I'm ready to enjoy this big meal!

I can't remember how long I haven't touched a woman, and now, she asked for it!!

A voice in my heart shouted crazily: Do it! Fuck her, bitch!!