evil spirit

Chapter 150 Men are fearless!

Chapter 150 [Men are not afraid!] That night, Qiao Qiao and I sat on the roof until dawn.

After dawn, the two of us fell asleep back to back.

What we said all night, I even forgot what we said, only remembering that we had finished smoking all the cigarettes on me.

Two people smell like tobacco, like two big smokers.

We seemed to talk about the past and the years when we were in Nanjing, but Qiaoqiao was very careful and didn't mention any more topics about the "now".

All night, we were all caught in memories of the good past, and we all tacitly did not mention my current situation.

Until later, we were so tired that we simply closed our eyes to refresh ourselves. As a result, both of us fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already dawn.

I woke up earlier than Jojo, and I just felt that sitting on the floor all night, my waist and spine and tailbone were sore and painful. It was really uncomfortable.

As soon as I moved, I also woke up Qiao Qiao. Looking at the stiffness of her body when she stretched out, I judged that she was also very uncomfortable.

The two of us looked at each other and smiled.

"I'm going back."

I slowly opened my mouth and looked up at the sky: "It's already morning. I didn't go back all night. During the day, my brothers will be worried."

Jon said, "I'm going back. I have to go to Toronto in the next two days... Alas, if I had known that I could meet you in Vancouver, I wouldn't have promised Li Wenjing's sissy to accompany him to Toronto."

"At the way, I haven't asked you yet. Why did you come to Canada with Li Wenjing?" Qiao Qiao thought for a moment and sighed, "It's still my grandfather's problem.

Li Wenjing and I have reached an offensive and defensive alliance in private.

We are not interested in each other, but for the pressure of the family, we still do superficial work.

This is a business that their family invests in North America, and they need Li Wenjing to come to participate in a social event... It seems that he is ready to gradually hand over some Canadian industries to Li Wenjing to take care of. Anyway, I don't know the details.

This time I followed Li Wenjing to meet his parents, who are now in Toronto.

If we didn't meet you last night, we should have taken this morning's flight to Toronto.

Joe said this in an indifferent tone, but I was a little sorry: "It was me who delayed your trip... If I hadn't dragged you here for tonight, you would have been on the plane now."

"It's unrepable."

Qiao Qiao waved his hand arrogantly: "What's the point of seeing Li Wenjing's father and mother? I went there and it was just acting. It's very boring... It's much more important to meet you.

Anyway, Li Wenjing is a little sissy, although he is a little sissy.

But I'm still very knowledgeable. I met you last night, and both of us ran away. He should be able to guess that we couldn't catch this morning's flight... Don't worry, he must have adjusted the schedule.

That guy is very rigid in doing things.

Everything should be arranged in advance to make everything stable and meaningless.

I suspect that even if he goes to the toilet several times a day, he has to plan in advance!" Listening to Qiao Qiao's disdainful expression, I sighed in my heart.

In fact, my perception of Li Wenjing is not bad, and I can even feel that he is actually a little kind to me. After several contacts with that guy, especially that gamble, I can feel that Li Wenjing seems to have the intention to get closer to me.

There is a long list of unswered call records on my mobile phone, and I looked at the number.

It's all Princess Sophie's.

I thought about it and deleted it casually.

didn't intend to call her back.

"Xiao Wu, listen, I have to go with Li Wenjing for more than one today. Anyway, I always have to go to Yingjing, but I will come back earlier, the fastest.

I'll go today and come back tomorrow."

I quickly shook my hand: "Don't! You are in such a hurry to go back and forth.

Don't delay your business! After all, you still have to meet his parents with Li Wenjing.

"Cut!" Qiao Qiao's face showed a little disapproving: "Don't mention those two old people! I'll be angry when I mention them! If it hadn't been for these old guys, Li Wenjing and I wouldn't have been messed up together! What bothers me most is those self-righteous old people. Why do they think that just a few words can determine the happiness of our lives? It's none of their business who I want to marry! I'm not the daughter-in-law of the Li family. I don't need to come to make them happy! I'm going to show my face and give them the face of the Li family. It's good!" Then Jojo took out a card: "This is my phone number. I will use it before I return home during my stay in Canada.

You can call this number at any time to find me... boy! Remember to call me! If you dare to disappear again, the next time we meet, I will..." She made a "cut" posture with her fierce one palm.

Joe took my mobile phone again and took my phone number.

I also asked for my address.

I thought about it and told her that the place where I live is Ba Ye's car repair yard, but she'd better not go there.

Then we climbed all the way down the fire ladder. When we got off the ladder, I got off first... But the problem came out... Qiao Qiao was on my head. As soon as I looked up, I could see her long legs and a fluttering skirt.

To be honest, I really didn't mean to look up... It's completely instinctive, but my eyes have been noticed by Qiao Qiao. Miss Qiao is not polite to me! I was more than three meters away from the ground. She was so angry that she shouted, "Xiao Wu, where are your eyes!!" After saying that, he had already raised his foot and went straight to my face.

Fortunately, I was good at it. I dodged on the fire ladder, turned over and fell firmly on the ground.

Qiao Qiao has slipped down and immediately clenched his fist and chased me.

We chased after a few steps and walked out of the alley, but when we got to the entrance of the alley, I was stunned.

At the entrance of the alley, there was a black bridge car parked. Li Wenjing stood next to the car in dark formal clothes, leaning lazily by the car, watching Qiao Qiao and I come out of the alley with a calm smile on his face.

He also raised his wrist and looked at his watch, smiling casually, "I thought it would take you another half an hour to come down."

I looked at him in surprise: "You...did you already know we were on it? Have you been waiting here for a long time? Even Qiao Qiao's eyes widened: "Sisssy, how long have you been waiting? You won't wait all night, will you?" Of course not."

Li Wenjing's finger on the window gently knocked on the window glass a few times, and the window glass slowly shook down. A driver inside quickly pushed the door and came out. A lady's fur cloak in his hand slowly walked to Qiao Qiao's side.

"Put it on, young lady.

In the morning in Canada, the temperature is still quite low.

I don't want to take a woman who keeps sneezing and runny nose on the plane... The cabin is closed. If you catch a cold, it's easy to infect me.

Li Wenjing smiled naturally, revealing his white teeth.

Joe didn't care to get angry with him.

It's just a little strange in your eyes: "Li, to be honest, did you already know that we were upstairs? How long have you been waiting here? You won't really wait for tonight, will you?" Of course not."

Li Wenjing laughed and then didn't panic: "Joe Qiao, after all, you come to Canada alone with me. Of course I have to be responsible for your safety, otherwise how can I explain to Uncle Qiao? When you and Chen Yang ran out last night, my men had been following you from afar.

They saw you climb to the roof of the building with their own eyes... and then they informed me... I know, of course.

Your old friends are reunited, and there are a lot of things to talk about... I'm very knowledgeable, so I didn't go up to disturb you and let you talk openly... As for me, of course I won't foolishly wait here until dawn... I went back to the hotel last night to sleep, and then I got up in I took a shower, swam for a while, and had a bone massage.

I also had a Chinese breakfast... and then changed into new clothes before I came to pick you up.

Li Wenjing smiled confidently.

But his self-confidence does not seem to be arrogant at all. On the contrary, it gives people a kind of proper introversion and a trace of calmness from the heart.

Then he looked at me and shook hands with me again. His eyes were very sincere - at least he looked very sincere: "Chen Yang, I talked to Miss Sophie for a while last night, and I really didn't expect that you would join Canada now... Well, I don't have any stereotypes about the big circle, but I always thought.

These gangs are still in their infancy.

I personally appreciate you very much. I have already expressed this when we first met.

I just think you are a very good person, and you... seem to have some magical colors... God, I won't forget the experience of gambling with you! That day, I even thought the goddess of luck was your lover!" He smiled casually and indifferently, then changed his serious tone and said to me, "I just think that people like you should not stay in the underworld... Of course, everyone has their own aspirations. If you want to leave one day, please remember to come to me... I will reserve a good position for you in my family business. I I believe you will be an excellent person.

I looked at Li Wenjing with deep meaning: "Why do you think so? I don't seem to have much talent to be valued by you, right? Li Wenjing pointed to his heart and said with a smile, "My theory is 'character determines success'. I appreciate your character, so I think you will be an excellent person.

As for talents... Those can be cultivated day after tomorrow.

But only when a person's nature is good or bad will it directly impact his achievements.

Qiao Qiao stood aside, looked at Li Wenjing coldly, and suddenly interrupted, "Sisssy, what are you thinking?" Qiao Qiao, it's as if I can never guess your thoughts, and I won't tell you my thoughts.

Li Wenjing smiled a little unfathomably: "We are just acting in front of our parents. The hero and heroine in the play are not the protagonists outside the play. If you know me too well, I'm afraid you will fall in love with me."

Qiao Qiao didn't say anything and directly gave him a middle finger.

"Well, it's time for us to go, so that we can have afternoon tea with my parents in the afternoon."

Li Wenjing shook hands with me and said goodbye, and I hugged Qiao Qiao again.

"Chen Yang, remember my words... big circle... their organization may not be suitable for you."

Before Jojo got in the car, he whispered to me, "I'll fly back to you tomorrow."

They all got into the car, but Li Wenjing rolled down the window again and told me with a smile, "Yes, our princess is angry now.

You have to be careful."

As the car slowly left, I stood where I was, a little confused.

I didn't expect the reunion with Qiao Qiao at all. I thought I was afraid that I would have to endure the loneliness and loneliness in my heart for a considerable period of time, and work alone in this strange Western world... Maybe it's because I'm too lonely and my heart is too stuffy.

I will have an affair with that ** princess overnight.

Yan Di at home... Alas, I still don't want to.

I walked for a while, and then stopped the taxi back to Baye's repair yard.

I saw that there was still a business van parked there on the street... There were two men in the car, pretending to read the newspaper.

Actually, I have known these days that these are the police.

The big fuss during this period.

The police have regarded us as the focus of the defense.

It's just that the police in Canada are really uncreative. There is no concealment in their stalking, and even fools can see it.

I just returned to the garage. Several brothers outside were changing the tires of a car. Seeing me coming in, several people I was familiar with me whistled at me and mocked me in a suit and leather shoes.

I saw Ciro walking out with a battery in his overalls. When he saw me coming in, he looked a little awe.

Come and hold me quickly: "Xiao Wu, the eighth master may want to see you. Hurry up."

"Oh?" Yes.

It seems that something big has happened... A lot of uncles and uncles came early this morning, and now they are having a meeting at the eighth master's place... Tiger has come to see you once."

I also feel awe-inth.

As soon as I walked to the back yard, I saw Tiger standing downstairs in the eighth master's office and beckoning to me.

"Xiao Wu, go and change your clothes."

Tiger's tone was also very serious: "Then ten minutes later.

The eighth master wants to see you.

"What clothes to change?" I'm a little confused.

I took a look at myself, and my body is still neat.

"Change into Tang's clothes."

Tiger smiled and said, "Oh, I almost forgot. You don't have a Tang costume yet. I'll take my own one for you first. You should be able to wear my clothes too."

He smiled peacefully at me today, and then led me to his room to get a dress.

Tiger has always had a room in our dormitory building.

Although he rarely lives here, everyone here knows that Tiger is the closest assistant to the Eighth Master.

He has always followed the eighth master.

His room has always been rarely lived in.

But Tiger can almost be regarded as the second person here, so even if his room is empty, no one will replace it.

His room is exactly the same size as mine and Ciro's room.

It's just that there is a little less furniture inside.

Opening an old-fashioned wardrobe, he took out a black Tang suit for me, drew a gesture according to my figure, and said with a smile, "Just wear this."

This is a little old dress, and Tiger's eyes sighed: "This is what I did back then. I remember that when we negotiated with the Chinese gang, we all wore Tang clothes.


, it was rarely used.

My heart was moved.

Huabang? Wearing Tang clothes? Did the Eighth Master want me to wear Tang clothes today? Is it the person who took me to the Huabang? I guessed right! After changing his clothes, Tiger took me to Master Ba's office.

No one can enter the eighth master's office at ordinary times.

I've been here for a few months, and I've only been in it two or three times.

Today, I opened the door and went in, but I saw that the light inside was a little dim, and the headlights were not on.

This office is upstairs of a car repair shed, a separate room on the second floor, and downstairs is the scene of car repair.

This is undoubtedly a very simple place, but there are many benefits... For example... not afraid of eavesdropping and peeping! In this big warehouse-like repair shed, the office on the second floor is a lonely one, and there are no other rooms on both sides. If someone is peeping outside, there is no hiding at all! After I went in, I saw a long table in Master Ba's office... To my surprise, this table was not made of wood... but made of metal... After a closer look, I recognized that it was a temporary workbench for cutting spot welding.

And on both sides of this temporary long table.

There have been a lot of chairs and a lot of people sitting there.

Some are very old, some have white hair, and some young strong men.

Some look kind-looking, while others look ferocious, and they are not good people at first glance.

But the only thing in common is that everyone wears Tang costumes! The eighth master was in the main position. He was also a white Tang costume, which seemed that the eighth master looked very elegant. His face was white and he lacked the left hand of two fingers, and gently knocked on the armrest of the chair habitually... I immediately narrowed my eyes.

Because I have grasped some of the habits of the Eighth Master.

His finger tapping action is usually only made when there is a problem in his heart that needs to be thought about... or when he is very annoyed.

Now, although Master Ba's face is calm, his eyes are a little chilly.

"Xiao Wu, come here."

The eighth master said something to me faintly, and his voice was very calm.

When I stood behind him, Tiger had already left the room.

"This is Xiao Wu, and now he is my assistant."

The eighth master said lightly, "He will be sent to Vietnam.

So I think it's necessary for him to listen to what we're talking about today.

I noticed that most of the people here looked at me with a little disdain.

Maybe I'm too young, and these old guys don't agree with me.

"Xiao Wu, please salute your uncles and uncles first."

The eighth master said lightly, "Everyone here are the family members and leaders of the Huabang in Vancouver Chinatown."

I didn't say anything.

The identity of future generations salutes everyone here.

These people are all Chinese gangs.

That is, the Chinese gangs who fought with us some time ago... Moreover, if I guessed correctly, the sand snake I killed should have been one of these people.

"We have almost talked about it.

Everyone is the descendants of Yan and Huang, the same ancestor. It's really not reasonable for us to fight like this and let those ghosts see jokes.

The eighth master sighed leisurely, then picked up a tea cup in front of him and took a slight sip.

He moistened his throat and said with a smile, "But now I think it's good for everyone to sit down and talk.

We Chinese have a saying that 'harmony is the most important'.

Everyone understands the situation this year.

Hell Angel has no source of goods now, so I have to find someone to cooperate... I know, you are all an artist, and we all have the source of goods, but there can only be one partner of Hell Angel! Now that everyone can agree, we will work together to kick the Vietnamese out first! We Chinese don't talk about each other! We came forward to trade with Hell Angels. How many benefits did we get? We gave up 30% to give you tea! At the same time, in the Golden Triangle, if you have any good supply of goods, don't hide them under your armpits. Take them out together, and everyone will make money!" ..................I'm behind the Eighth Master, just standing and not talking, listening to these people talking - to be honest, in my position, there is no place for me to talk here.

I gradually understood... The Eighth Master is going to make peace with these local traditional Chinese gangs! Today, I made an appointment with them to talk about it.

These local Chinese gangs, we played so many games some time ago, and they also killed a lot of people, making a lot of trouble... Now they are mostly tired.

Moreover, although they have many gangs and many people... they are far less united than our big circle! After a period of trouble, no one is willing to bear more damaged husbands. Once something happens, everyone tries to hide... It is also such a situation that they have been unable to beat our big circle.

Ba Ye's strategy is very simple. First, make peace with the Chinese gang, and then join hands to drive the Vietnamese out.

This time, the Chinese gang cooperated with the Vietnamese, and there was no benefit. There are a lot of resentful people, which just gave us a chance to win over... Although we have never been very popular with these local traditional Chinese gangs, the cooperation of fighting angels in the sky and the empty prison is the most important thing. Other Disputes will involve our hind legs! Ba Ye's strategy is that within a certain limit, we can give up some benefits to the local Huabang. The cake of Hell Angel is very big.

You might as well give them a little bit.

In exchange for a short period of peace.

For the eighth master, the cooperation with the hell angel is the biggest opportunity for the big circle to move closer to the mainstream and the transformation! Under this premise, some small concessions are acceptable.

The meeting went well.

My malicious guess is that these guys have been scared by us during this period! It's become so talkative now.

But I also noticed that the leader of one of the gangs seemed to have been tit-for-tat with the eighth master in his words.

Most of the anger in the eyes of the eighth master comes from this.

"It's basically the case.

We all wear Tang costumes, and we are all descendants of Yan and Huang.

In the future, putting down the knife and gun will be a family.

This cake, let's share it together.

It's much better to make money together than to fight and kill!" The eighth master's fingers paused heavily on the table: "I've finished my words. Do you have any opinions?" After a while of silence, most of the older people didn't say anything.

"The Eighth Master."

The guy who has been a little tit-for-tat with the eighth master has spoken.

This is a strong guy with a thick neck and wide shoulders.

The Tang suit on

seems to be tightly tied to the body.

The hair is very short.

A face is square, but his chin is raised slightly, which seems to be a little delinquistic... And more importantly, he always looks at the eighth master with a bit of hatred in his eyes.

What I noticed was that the bridge of his nose collapsed... If I guessed correctly, the bridge of his nose was surgically removed! I also noticed his hand.

His hand is on the table. His palm is very big and thick! The knuckles are very thick.

The fingers are very short.

More importantly.

His middle index finger and ring finger are much shorter than ordinary people... And it seems to be the length of one side... From the hard cocoon in his hand, I can see that this guy has practiced martial arts! And what I practice is real kung fu!" ...Master Ba."

He said coldly, "You can hit it, and you can talk about it.

But the blood of our brothers in front of us was all in vain? The eighth master looked at him coldly and said lightly, "Yes.

It's useless.

The man stood up at once! A pat on the table with the palm of your hand! The metal spot welding workbench was trembling by him! My heart is stunned, and this man's hands are not small!" It can't be in vain!" He grinned, looked ferocious, and then looked around and said, "The people present are all my uncles!" Normally, this is the way to get rich, and I shouldn't get in the way of everyone's wealth! But the big circle killed so many of us before... Now that we want to talk, we have to sit down and talk with them... So where to put our faces!" He gritted his teeth and said with hatred, "Okay! Even if uncles and uncles, you put up with it, but I can't stand it. My brother was killed in the woman's house! The throat is cut off! I'm such a good brother. Now I want to pat my ass and think that my brother is dead in vain. It's not that simple!" Hearing this, my heart moved... My throat was cut off... I narrowed my eyes and secretly looked at the man's face carefully for a while.

The eighth master looked at him coldly and said slowly, "There are casualties on both sides. Not only your brother, but also our brother is not human? Today, I sat down to talk about business. If Mr. Sha wants revenge, we will continue to do it!" This guy deliberately laughed a few times and looked at the eighth master fiercely: "The surname is Fang, don't be provocative! I don't want to cut off everyone's wealth! But you are too bully to do things in the big circle! You also fight, and you talk about it. Most of the benefits are also occupied by you... Where did you put us!" The eighth master was not angry this time and smiled faintly: "Mr. Sha, what do you want? What do you want?" My brother's life!" This man surnamed Sha raised his eyebrows and was full of murderous face. He stared at the eighth master: "I don't want anything else! I want you to pay back my brother's life! Whoever killed my brother, I will kill him! Other, I don't care about your financial resources! I don't want the one that should be mine. I'll give it all to you for tea! But the bastard who killed my brother, his life, I want it!" Sand snake!! The muscles in the corners of my eyes jumped.

He is indeed the brother of the sand snake... The eighth master smiled, and there was a chill in his smile: "Sha, who do you think I mean? Do you want me to send my brother up for you to kill? You are too naive."

"Then I'll have a fight with him! Bet on your life! If I click my back, I will admit it if he kills me! Let's gamble and fight, and everyone will have their own destiny!" He had a ferocious smile on his face: "Don't tell me that you are all bastards."

The muscles of the eighth master's eyes are beating. I know that the eighth master is really angry.

I immediately reached out and gently pressed it on the eighth master's shoulder, and then slowly stepped forward and looked at this guy with provocative eyes: "What's your name?" Son, my name is Sand Tiger! Where the hell did you get out? Haven't you heard of my name?" I nodded and just stared at him: "Okay! Sand tiger, I'll fight with you! Life and death are the fate of each other!" You? Little white face, why do you fight with me? The sand tiger looked at me with mocking eyes.

"Why?" I clenched my fist, raised a thumbs-up, pointed to myself, raised my chin to look at him, and said coldly, "I cut off the throat of the sand snake with one knife!"