evil spirit

Chapter 160 Objectives

Chapter 160 [Goal] The sun is shining! When I walked out of Beihai Airport in Guangxi, my first impression was that the air here was really good! I was a little uncontrollable excitement in my heart.

Especially when I walked out of the customs, I saw people with yellow skin and black hair who came to live here... Listening to the familiar Chinese... Of course, many of them are dialects.

But even so, the excitement in my heart quickly appeared on my face.

We first flew to Shanghai, and then transferred from Shanghai to Beihai, Guangxi.

This is a coastal city, but because there is no industry, the air in the whole city is very good.

It is sunny and makes people feel lazy.

Although I have been flying for nearly 20 hours in a row, I still don't seem to feel too tired.

When we walked out of the airport, we all felt relieved.

After a long journey, the first thing we do is to take out cigarettes... For people who are addicted to smoking, not being able to smoke for more than 20 hours is really a kind of torture.

The exit pick-up at the airport is crowded with many people.

The airport in Beihai City is very small, and the pick-up exit is not large, which is crowded with many people.

I also saw a tour group next to me walking over. Coincidentally, I seemed to hear someone in Nanjing... Say something a little ashamed... Suddenly I heard the local accent, and I really had an impulse to cry on the spot! I was a little in a daze where I stood, and there was only one voice in my heart: I'm back to China! I'm finally back in China! My first reaction was to look up at the flight schedule of the airport... At this moment, I had an impulse! Just buy a ticket back to Nanjing immediately and take a plane home! After coming out for so long, I feel so close to home for the first time... "Tiger!" Just as I was in a daze, I felt Tiger patting me, and then there was such a shout in the distance.

I saw a skinny man standing at the exit of the airport. He was wearing a baseball cap and a very casual coat.

He is very short, only about 160 centimeters, and his cheekbones are a little high.

Typical characteristics of southerners.

But he can come out. His body is very strong. Although he is thin, he is not weak.

Tiger walked over, hugged him warmly, and then pulled us aside.

"This is Xiao Wu, Ciro.

Good brother who came with me this time.

Tiger introduced it, and then pointed to the man in front of him: "Ponytail.

The horse of the stallion, the tail of the tail, haha!" The horsetail doesn't seem to care about the joke.

He took a serious look at me and Silo.

Then he hugged us.

His hand is very powerful. When I can feel the hug, his neck hidden under his clothes is very strong! Let's go.

My car is parked outside.

The ponytail enthusiastically took us out of the airport.

This is a very old red Inger car, with a displacement of only one point four, but this ponytail is simply a madman! Have you ever seen a 1.4 car sling on a city road at a speed of 100 yards? And it's still in broad daylight! I listened to the sound of the engine, and I was really worried that he would explode when he drove like this! But the ponytail looked like he didn't care. He even had the leisure to chat with us when he was driving.

But our topic is only limited to the weather or some gossip.

He never asked a personal question about us and didn't say a word.

The city of Guangxi is not big.

But small cities naturally have the benefits of small cities... It's very clean here! The air of the coastal city is full of a faint salty smell.

And the climate here is very warm, which is very different from Vancouver.

We have taken off our coat and only wear a shirt. The ponytail is a very enthusiastic landlord. He drove us around Beihai City, and then parked the car at the beach entrance of Beihai.

"This is the first paralysis in the world." He smiled and pointed to the inscription on a huge stone, which was left by a country leader.

However, I always feel that this beach is very dilapidated and the scenery is also very ordinary. The gravel on the beach is very rough, and there are even some pebbles, which seems to be a lot away from the name of "the first in the world".

At dinner, he took us to a seafood stall near the seaside.

This has aroused my great interest! For me, since I went abroad, this kind of roadside platoon scene in China has only been a precious picture that exists in my memory.

We ordered a dozen of Tsingtao beer, some barbecue snacks, and some seafood such as scallops and squid. The four of us sat around a dirty round table.

Ciro is obviously very novel about this kind of scene... It is the first time he has returned to China. Such a scene, such a scene, eating in such a dirty place on the road, is probably incredible for him... He is a child who grew up in Canada. In his concept, such a dining place may be allowed abroad. I can't even get the certificate. Looking at us biting off the lid of the beer bottle, then a mouthful of beer, a mouthful of barbecue, and then throwing bamboo sticks all over the ground, this boy is somewhat unaccustomed to it.

"Our boat is at night."

There was no one around. The ponytail took out an envelope from his arms and handed it over. "This is a boat ticket, a total of four. I will go to Vietnam with you. There are still books in it. Our empty travel visa and transit passes. In addition..." He looked at Tiger: "Our goal is also the same as us. There are two of them on the ship. Now I let my brother stare at them. Don't worry! They are at the dock now, and they are eating just like us.

The ponytail smiled and said, "I'll do my business. Don't worry."

Tiger nodded, collected the boat ticket, and then smiled and said, "That's right, I don't have to worry about what you do! We have been brothers for so many years!" Then Tiger and Ponytail talked for a few words. They used the local dialect, and Ciro and I couldn't understand a word.

But looking at the way they laugh and talk, I'm sure of a few points: Tiger seems to be from Guangxi! Maybe it's even a Beihai person! Tiger seems to come back often! At least it's not the first time he has come into contact with a ponytail! I probably drank a few glasses of beer, and the atmosphere was much more harmonious. The ponytail spoke a little more liberally. He held the cup and touched me: "Brother, is this your first time to China?" I smiled and didn't say anything. I just drank the wine in the glass.

Tiger frowned slightly and looked at the ponytail.

He immediately realized that he was a little gaffe and quickly smiled, "Sorry, I have a lot to say when I drink too much. Well, I shouldn't ask this according to discipline. I'll punish myself for a cup!" After drinking a few beers, I also sweated a little. The sea breeze blew on my body, which was really refreshing. I couldn't help standing up, left my seat, and slowly walked towards the seaside.

Close your eyes, I really have an impulse in my heart... Touch the phone in my pocket... Do you want to call home? This impulse is really stronger than ever! My fingers trembled and touched the mobile phone in my pocket, but late, my fingers didn't go down... behind me, Tiger approached me speechlessly. He patted me gently on the shoulder. I turned around and saw Tiger looking at me with deep eyes.

Then he pulled me back to the table. We raised our glass together and drank it all together! At 11 p.m., we drove to the port of Beihai City.

This is the place to get out of the customs.

The ponytail parked the car, then took out his own backpack from the trunk, and made another phone call. He spoke the local dialect. After a few words, he smiled at us: "Okay, they have entered the customs and boarded the ship.

We can also go."

I followed the end of the three people silently and looked at the time.

It's ten minutes at eleven.

smiled bitterly. From the morning to now, I have only been standing on domestic land for ten hours... From Beihai to Vietnam, there is a very good way, which is to take a cruise ship! There is a direct travel cruise ship to Vietnam in Beihai City, which can be reached in one night by boat to Vietnam.

Here, the tourism industry is very developed, especially several famous South Asian cruise ships, all docked in the North Sea, the most famous of which is the "Princess Minghui".

This is a luxury cruise ship registered in Panama, which can carry thousands of people! There are entertainment centers, large restaurants, bathing centers, nightclubs, and... casinos on the cruise ship!! It is also very simple to go to Vietnam from Beihai Customs. There is a Vietnamese customs office here, which can directly apply for a tourist pass.

When we left the customs, we checked our luggage, then took the boat ticket, and we got on the deck!" Xiaowu, you and Ciro live in th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th That's the goal this time."

The cabin is very small, but very clean, and there is a separate bathroom! For a luxury cruise ship, these hardware facilities are quite good! Because the ship sailed at twelve o'clock, we entered the cabin, sat for a while, and then we heard a dull whistle, and then I could feel the hull begin to move... I made eye contact with Ciro and put down my things and walked out of the cabin.

In the corridor, we saw Tiger and the ponytail also come to open the door.

And their eyes looked at the end of the corridor ahead.

Two men have just gone up the stairs at the end.

On the left side of our second-class cabin, there is a staircase leading to the armor wrench, and then a door turns in, which is the entertainment center.

The four of us walked into the entertainment center one after another.

There is a kind of recreational ball game going on here.

My eyes were on the two men who were buying chips at the counter.

One of them is my goal!