evil spirit

Chapter 163 Don't take the girl back to the room!

Chapter 163 [Don't take the girl back to the room!] I saw a waiter in a white uniform standing in the distance, holding a garbage bag in his hand.

I took a look at Ciro, who stood not far from me. He didn't look at me, but walked directly to the back.

I coughed: "Nothing, I'm just going back to my own room."

"Oh, but this is a cleaning room, which is a pile of debris."

The waiter approached and smiled politely at me. He smiled and said, "What's your room?" A pile of clutter?" I was stunned for a moment.


When the waiter came over, he also took out a card and opened the door easily. Sure enough, there was a room full of debris, buckets, brooms and so on... and some tools.

I just took a look outside and made sure that it was already piled up.

It is impossible to hide people.

The waiter looked at me and wondered, "Sir, which room do you live in?" Well, let me think about it..." I smiled bitterly, pretended to think, and then shrugged my shoulders: "I forgot... Alas, I'm separated from my companions, and I forgot my room number... Damn it, the rooms here are almost the same!" The waiter immediately smiled a very friendly smile: "Oh, then you can go straight ahead, then turn the stairs in front of you, go to the lobby on the deck, then at the service counter, and then give your name. They can help you find out your room number... You just need to show your ID."

"Thank you."

I replied politely, "Your service is very thoughtful."

"I hope you have a pleasant journey."

The waiter went in and took out a bucket, then nodded to me and slowly left.

I was relieved and quietly stuffed the gun in my hand into my pocket.

When there was no one in the corridor, I whistled at the corner of the wall, and Ciro immediately flashed out from behind. I made a gesture to him to let him go.

Then I used my room card to open the door of the cleaning room where the debris was piled up.

This room is very narrow, and there is no bathroom... The cabin is really full of debris, not to mention people, not even a mouse! I still checked it carefully.

I hope to find some clues... But unfortunately, I didn't find them! Then I retreated and went back to the room with Ciro.

"It seems that what I guess may not be accurate... This guy may be on the boat... But the card on his body that opens the door of the utility room must be useful! There is no doubt about this..." I sighed.

Ciro thought for a moment: "Maybe he hid the gun in the utility room."

"It's possible."

I nodded.

Before boarding the ship, the security check is no less than the airport! When passing through the security check, all luggage must pass through the X-ray luggage channel.

Tourists themselves also have to go through the metal detection door, and customs security personnel will take metal detectors for full-body scanning.

A gun.

It's really difficult to get on the boat.

Unless it is prepared in advance.

Hold the gun in the utility room! I sighed, looked at Ciro, and rubbed my temples: "It's a little complicated... Our goal is targeted by others."

Ciro shrugged his shoulders: "Our goal is to kill him anyway."


I smiled bitterly: "The eighth master said.

No one can touch him before he meets the contact! Our goal is not only him, but also the contact person of Hongda! If Hong Da had died before this... we would not have access to his contact person!" ***, do we still want to be his bodyguard? Ciro smiled bitterly.

"I'm afraid it is, Ciro."

I also smiled bitterly.

"Unfortunately... it was me just now... I was unprepared. I didn't expect him to wake up suddenly. If I hadn't been overturned by him..." I stopped Ciro from continuing and told him seriously, "You have tried your best! Even I didn't expect that guy to wake up so soon... I think he may have received special training... You know, some experts in this industry are specially trained.

They have been trained to fight coma, and after coma, they will wake up faster than ordinary people... Moreover, I don't even rule out that he is pretending to be unconscious at the beginning!" A moment later, someone knocked on the door. It was Tiger.

Tiger walked into the room and I saw no one outside.

"The ponytail follows the target."

Tiger came in and whispered, "What's wrong?" Uh-huh."

I briefly said something, and Tiger gradually frowned.

Then I also told the guesses between me and Ciro.


Tiger raised his head and slowly took two steps: "We have to be careful... Things are not simple. Some people want the target to die before they see the contact person... As for who did it and what their conspiracy behind the scenes is, we don't need to take care of it! The only thing we have to do now is to complete this task! For the rest, I will tell the eighth master and let the eighth master decide. That's not what we should consider. Do you understand?" I noticed that Tiger used some imperative tone.


I nodded.

Ciro couldn't help standing up involuntarily.

"Now the first guy has been killed by us... He jumped into the sea, at least he must be no longer on this ship... I don't think a person who fell into the sea can climb this boat from the sea without any equipment... His is not in our consideration... But now, I doubt this ship. And our opponent... At least you guessed, this killer's gun must have been hidden in the utility room in advance... By the way, the cleaner you've seen, is there anything wrong with him?" Tiger's eyes flashed at me.

"No problem."

I said slowly, "I paid great attention to his hand when I talked to him. His hand didn't seem to have been practiced."

Tiger thought for a moment and said, "Well, now let's continue to work... I thought it would be easy before the target met his contact person, but now it doesn't seem to be like this... Brothers, it seems that no one can sleep tonight, and now we have to go back and continue to stare at our goal... The ponytail is I'm worried about him."

"Where is he now? Are you still watching **? I asked.


It seems that he went to the casino... But now there is another person around him except that.

Tiger's tone was a little mocking.

"Oh? Who?" A **girl."

Tiger curled his lips and said in a disdainful tone: "Those ** women on this ship are high-level prostitutes, and they can spend the night with you for 3,000 yuan."

I smiled bitterly, and then couldn't help laughing and scolding, "This old guy is really interested... I'm afraid he doesn't know. If I hadn't reacted quickly just now, I'm afraid his body is already cold now."

"What about this gun?" Silo suddenly said.

Tiger took a look and said flatly, "If you don't want to get into trouble, you can find a place on the deck and throw it away!" I can see that Ciro is a little sorry.

He has always liked guns very much... Unfortunately, when he was in the repair yard, he didn't have a chance to play with guns.

And this silencer pistol is undoubtedly beautiful, which is a rare toy for him.

I patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "Okay.

After I go back, I'll lend you my gun for a few days.

The three of us went out together, and then separated from two different exits in the corridor and went up the stairs.

The casino on the ship is on the roof.

The casino here is very professional... It can be said that this ship is not only a famous cruise ship, but also a very famous gambling ship in Southeast Asia! There is a special counter at the door to sell chips, the casino staff are dressed in neat uniforms, and the security guards in black walk back and forth.

As soon as I entered, I saw the ponytail standing in front of a table, holding two chips in his hand, pretending to be a bet, and opposite him.

is our goal.

Hong Da really followed a girl, who was the first ** girl I saw tonight! This is a petite but well-proportioned girl.

After putting on the clothes, I couldn't even recognize her. Her clothes were very simple, but very clean. At this moment, her slender waist was hugged by Hongda's arms, and her body was leaning in Hongda's arms. With a professional coquettish smile on her face, she was whispering to Hongda.

"This fat man, it's so cool tonight."

Ciro muttered an a little anxed, and I walked with him with a smile.

"Don't worry, he can't have a good time tonight."

I smiled and said, "I suddenly had an idea."

"What?" For the sake of safety, we'd better make sure that he doesn't look out of our sight... especially on this ship.

I laughed and said, "But if he takes the girl back to her room to do that thing, we can't go in and watch!" So, the best way is to ask him not to go back to his room tonight! Stay within our sight!" Do you have a way?" Ciro gave me a look.

I nodded: "Look at him and wait for me."

I left quickly, then went to the bathroom and took out a small thing in my close-fitting pocket... Now I'm used to sewing a special pocket on my close-fitting underwear, with a soft cushion inside, and here is my measuring device! I held the measuring instrument in my hand, and then began to pray in my heart.

It seems that I'm really lucky today! Or... I'm really lucky today! I breathed a sigh of relief, and then took off the ring that had been hanging on my chest from my neck with an indescribable complex heart.

Gently put it on the middle finger of the right hand.

I walked out of the bathroom and went straight to the gambling table. I stood opposite Hong Da and smiled at him, "Hey, my friend, are you interested in a game?" Does Hong Da like to gamble? That's good. I'll let him lose without the table! He doesn't want to take the girl back to his room tonight!