evil spirit

Chapter 15 Attempted on

Chapter 15 [Unattempted] (Part I)

Mountains without edges, heaven and earth...*** Snow in June, thunderstorms in winter...

All of these are possible, but I played cards and bet with people with a luck ring, and I actually lost!

How can this happen?

How is that possible?

In the sigh of everyone, my heart calmed down in an instant!

Yes, in the eyes of others, it seems that I, who had been very powerful just now, was defeated by the more powerful Yang Wei. After all, it is normal to win or lose at the gambling table. Four and nine won Shunzi, and the world doesn't know how many times it happens every day in every casino.

It seems that everyone is not surprised by my surprised expression. After all, a person who had been winning just now suddenly lost. My performance is not surprising.

But my inner shock can't be described in words at this moment!

Yang Wei looked at me quietly. The eyes in her eyes were very strange, as if with a little complicated taste. Then she threw a bunch of eyes at me, which seemed to be a hint and a comfort... I felt that she seemed to have something to say to me.

I lost all the chips I won in front of me, but the eighth master just took the opportunity to get out and pulled me up to say goodbye. The others didn't force it. Solin just smiled faintly. Then Li Wenjing came to the stage to take my place.

The eighth master and I came out. The eighth master also took a long breath and looked at me with a smile: "Xiao Wu, I was a little strange just now. Why didn't you listen to me and make the decision without permission? It turns out that you knew you were losing... think. But why do you play cards so well? Hey hey..." He smiled: "And in the end, your expression is also perfect. They should not see anything."

I have words of suffering in my heart.

The eighth master actually thought that I lost on purpose... Whatever, he thought so, but he didn't have a lot of trouble to explain.

It's just that before I left, Yang Wei's eyes were always shaking on his face, and his eyes seemed to have all kinds of reasons, which made me not a little suspicious.

I was originally very suspicious of Master Ba's intentions for a few days, and wanted to ask him why he was so low-key. But at this moment, he was a little confused and forgot about this matter. However, as the Eighth Master casually said a few lingering guests outside, the Eighth Master looked at me and suddenly said, "The princess will come out to you later, Xiaowu, no matter what you think, but now you still have to wrong yourself and that woman. Let's go around."

The strange look on my face couldn't help showing: "Master Ba. You don't want me to be a little white face, do you?"

The eighth master laughed and scolded me and kicked me. He pulled his face and said, "Where is your face white?" Shit... A woman can't cover it? Let me tell you, make her happy, at least she won't ruin our business. This woman is very crazy. If you offend her, God knows what she will do. Solin has only one daughter, and now we don't want to offend him."

Sure enough, as expected, less than a moment after we left the gambling table, the princess ran out. She issued a card as a dealer, which was Xiang Zhuang's sword dance, which was intended to *** my little white face and I ran away. Naturally, she will not continue to stand and issue cards to those people.

"Baby, why did you come out in such a hurry?" The princess smiled charmingly. At this moment, she was almost like a different person. She had already forgotten the quarrel between yesterday and today, and smiled as if nothing had happened, "Are you not enough to gamble?" I can lend it to you first..." At this point, she deliberately bit her lip gently. He came to my ear and said in a greasy voice, "If you don't have money to pay... It's okay to pay off the gambling debt."

Damn it!!

Do you really want to betray your little brother? I subconsciously went to see the eighth master. Who knew that when the old man saw the princess coming out, he immediately nodded and said hello. Then he ran faster than a rabbit.

The ** princess in front of me can't be offended. At least I'm standing on the same boat with the eighth master now. Although there is a grudge between us, I still can't ruin the major events in my organization under the premise of great interests. I sighed and suppressed my discomfort. I smiled bitterly and said, "No, it's just that my gambling skills are really bad. I'm worried that the more I lose, the more I'll stop as soon as possible."

It's really a child's face in the June weather. If you say it's a reversal, it's a reversal! As soon as I finished speaking, the princess's eyes stared, her face sank quietly, and said angrily, "Did you see Yang Wei's woman and can't bear to beat her?" You were so good in a row just now. Why did you run away after losing inexplicably?"

Damn it! You ask me? I still want to know why! Who should I ask?

I'm also confused now.

What is a ring? All the time, the ring is the last baby for me! Although this thing causes me much more trouble than it brings me benefits, after all, it is really useful! The real product can work!

Think about it, from the earliest time I wore the ring, to the later several intentional or unintentional use of him... How could it be unfavorable? Invincible? No matter how much I am tortured by the side effects, but when I use the ring, it's a majestic!

But it's good today, but it suddenly doesn't work!

It's like a great husband. He just held a little lady in **, took off his clothes and was ready to do it. He looked down and found that the thing under him was gone!!

What does it feel like?

I don't have the confidence!

Whether the ring is good or bad, it has always been my confidence! I know that even if I encounter something desperate, I still have something magical to count on! And the last trump card... Now, suddenly this trump card doesn't work...

Seeing that I was in a daze and didn't answer her, the princess looked a little unkind. She hummed heavily as if she wanted to get angry, but then she turned her eyes and smiled instead. She pulled out a smile from the corners of her mouth and took my arm intimately and pulled me to one side.

The more I think about Yang Wei's strange eyes, the more I feel that there is a problem. Yang Wei's eyes were so complicated that I felt that she must have something to tell me...

"Honey, don't be depressed even if you lose money." The princess smiled, took two cups of incense, handed me a cup, and then gently touched the cup with me. Her eyes seemed to be dripping water. Meiyan looked at me: "Come on, cheers."

I was helpless. Because of the Eighth Master's rex, I still couldn't be too indifferent to this woman. I looked at her and still raised my neck with a cup in my hand.

I saw the princess stying her lips and looking at me smiling. There was some malice like a successful prank in her smile, as if she was a little proud...

I was at a loss when I suddenly felt my body shaking, and then everything in front of me seemed to be shaking, and gradually there was a double shadow! The princess's smile gradually became blurred in my eyes, and even the sound around me seemed to twist and slow down!

People, tables, walls, and buildings in the distance suddenly began to turn... The key is that they don't matter, but I also turned around myself. Finally, my feet were empty and I wanted to shout, but I couldn't shout. My body softened, and my head was heavy...

"This woman drugged me!"

This is the last trace of sober consciousness in my mind.

I seem to be half asleep, and everything around me is like a movie, as if the scenes in the movie flash, appear in a flash, and disappear in a flash.

There is no complete and sober consciousness in my mind, and everything has become fragments...

I vaguely felt that I was lying somewhere, and it was dark around me... Maybe it was my hallucination, or maybe it was because my eyes were half-closed and my sight was too small.

I always lie down and look up, with heavy eyelids. It seems that I saw the princess condescending look. There was a proud smile on her face. Then I felt that the clothes all over my body had been taken off, and then someone changed my clothes. Finally, I saw the princess pick up something and put it on my face...< /P>

At that moment, I fainted and there was darkness in front of me.

I feel that my body is floating and moving. Of course, maybe someone is carrying me.

I can't open my eyes, but I can faintly hear some strange singing voice around me. The sound is very familiar, as if it were the kind of ceremony of the ** party the princess took me to...

But I can't tell it accurately.

Finally, I completely fainted...

I had a dream, I really dreamed.

I dreamed that I was so familiar with the downstairs, street, the street lamp and the tree in China. I also saw a delicate back in front of me, holding a handful of rain. The back looks like a long hair shawl, and the waist is as slender as a willow.

In the rain, the back became more and more familiar. I tried to reach out and touch her, but my fingertips were always a little short!

I shouted, but my voice could only make a very small and hoarse sound.

Just when I was sweating profusely, she finally turned around.

The drizzle was like smoke. She looked back and smiled in front of her. On her delicate face, she hesitated like a heartbreak and smiled with tears!

I'm in front of my eyes. I just instinctively think that I should know this woman! I'm familiar with her face...

But who the hell is she?

She seems to be Yan Di and Fang Nan. I don't know if I can't see clearly, or her face is constantly changing?

I can finally reach out and touch her! But just as my finger was about to fall on her shoulder, the beautiful face suddenly changed into a charming look of laughter and anger, and said to me with a "vicious" smile, "Xiao Wu, how dare you forget me! Uncle can stand it, but aunt can't stand it!"


I'm spinning!