evil spirit

Chapter 28 Fishing in troubled waters

Chapter 28 [Fishing in muddy water] (Part 1) I put the dagger on the table and retreated sideways. Then Ciro came up. He also picked up the dagger in the same way, wiped a cut on his thumb, dripped blood, and shouted decisively, "The emperor is thick, I swear by blood!" The scene was very quiet, and then more than a hundred brothers came up one by one. Everyone was dressed in white with a sad face. They silently picked up the dagger, cut their fingers, then put down the dagger, and then turned back to their positions.

The whole process took half an hour, and everyone was emotional and expressionized.

Then I immediately gave a few orders. At this moment, in the situation, I have openly become the first person here, and I can't allow others to be unconvinced.

I gave the first order, which is to let all the big circle outside come back in one day! I don't care about the people on the periphery. What I want is all the real big circle.

Second, I sent someone to pay attention to the movements of other Chinese gangs.

After all, although the Huabang has a temporary truce with us, it is based on cooperation.

And there is a mistake in the drug trade. It is really hard to say whether the Chinese gang is turning to us or the Vietnamese.

From the bottom of my heart, my feelings for these Chinese gangs are very complicated.

On the one hand, they are all Chinese, and it seems that I should unite them as much as possible.

But on the other hand, I think these guys really don't have enough to fail.

The huge Chinatown is divided. Obviously, its total number and strength are very strong. From the past to now, it has always been bullied by Vietnamese, even Indians.

Middle Easterners dare to bully the Chinese gang in Vancouver! However, these guys don't know how to grow up, infighting is endless, and the internal consumption is endless.

A few years ago.

The Chinese gang bowed to the Vietnamese and bowed to the Indians. In my opinion, these are simply a shame! And now, the situation in the big circle has changed, and it is difficult to guarantee that those guys will not be unintentional.

As for the third, I gave an order that surprised everyone and even an unacceptable order.

"From now on, everyone belongs to everyone! Open the door of the repair yard tomorrow morning and do business normally!" As soon as I said this.

Immediately, the pan is under the frying pan.

Suddenly, someone objected and said, "Open the door to do business? Xiao Wu, how can we open the door to do business like this now! You should go to those Vietnamese with guns immediately!" As soon as this statement comes out.

Suddenly, it attracted countless responses.

I looked calm and looked at them: "Do you want to beat the Vietnamese? OK, I'll let you go.

You can take ten brothers to sweep the Vietnamese scene tonight.

If you want a gun, I'll give you a gun. If you want a knife, I'll give you a knife!" That's all.

I waved my hand, and the brother below was stunned for a moment, and then said proudly, "Okay! Now you are the boss.

You said, as long as you allow me, I'll take someone to do it tonight!" After saying that, he greeted him, and suddenly a lot of people poured out. Not to mention ten, I'm afraid there are more than twenty.

"Winter Five..." Ciro glanced at me.

I looked calm: "Gre them guns and let them go."

Ciro looked at what I said and hesitated for a moment.

looked at these people below and sighed.

I looked at everyone present: "Is there anyone else who wants to do it tonight? You can stand up."

As soon as this said, almost half of the remaining people stood up, and the last ones were all in the original gym. There were only about 20 people who had the best relationship with me and knew me best.

I waved my hand: "Ciro, you lead them to the warehouse to get weapons. You lead them there tonight. Remember to be careful."

Ciro looked strange: "Really...really? Aren't you going? You..." I smiled bitterly: "You will know when you go."

After saying this, I stopped explaining, but waved my hand.

The people below were excited and surrounded by a swarm of swarms and ran out.

There are only me and about 20 people left in the mourning hall.

I looked at the rest of the brothers, and they were also looking at me.

"Aren't you going?" One of them hesitated for a moment and looked at me: "Gangwu, we all made a relationship together. We know your person very well. If you are not in a hurry to do it, naturally there is a reason for you.

We are not stunned. Even if we fight a war, we still have to talk about strategy, right?

I smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, thank you for trusting me! Today, I said that everyone heard it. Everyone swore that this revenge must be avenged, but the current situation is not so simple..." I took a look at these other brothers, who were trained in the gym and can be said to be the best elites in the repair yard: "Okay, let's be here. Wait... Is there any wine at home? Go and get some. I think they'll be back in a minute.

Everyone else was a little confused, but someone immediately did it. They went to the back to bring a few bottles of wine and carried a lot of bowls and cups.

I sat cross-legged under the spiritual position of Laohuangdi, first filled a bowl of wine, put it under Laohuang's spiritual position, looked at the cards on it, and said seriously, "Several guys, in the spirit of heaven, bless me Xiaowu to avenge everyone smoothly!" I'm young and knowledgeable. This time, I'm afraid there are cliffs and mountains of fire in front of me. I just hope you can watch in the sky and protect the brothers below!" After saying that, I picked up a bowl of wine and drank it all.

In a short time, in less than two hours, someone outside came in and told me that Ciro and the others were back.

I didn't say anything. Then I watched Ciro lead the gang out and come back dejectedly. When they went out, they were emotional, but when they came back, most of them looked depressed and angry.

Ciro came to me and was about to speak. I stopped him and said first, "Bukong, right? There is no one in the Vietnamese field.

Is that right?" Xi Luo was stunned for a moment and blurted out, "You..." Then he immediately understood and said with a wry smile, "So you have guessed it for a long time."

Just now, Ciro drove all the way to the block west of Vancouver. Basically, the radiant area of the Vietnamese gang was in that area.

After they went there today, they found that there were a lot of police patrolling on the street, and a lot of RCMPs were dispatched.

But as usual, some venues controlled by the Vietnamese gang, such as nightclubs, or gambling stalls, or some bars, repair shops, etc., are either empty or open as usual, but there is no Vietnamese in it.

Siro and others broke into a d'enade hall, where there were usually several Vietnamese leaders here, with a group of little brothers to watch the scene. As a result, when Siro broke in this time, he found that the d'sade hall was open as usual, but there were only waiters, guests, and no one watched the venue.

According to the excitement of these brothers, he was about to smash the field on the spot, but then the boss ran out and pleaded.

The boss is a local. It is said that he just spent money to set up the market a few days ago, and now he is doing proper business. As for the Vietnamese, they have long gone when the venue was transferred.

After that, Ciro took people to sweep the scene a few times, but he couldn't even see the shadow of a Vietnamese. As a result, he not only had no place to vent his anger, but almost clashed with the patrolling police.

Fortunately, Ciro led the team, so he suppressed the people under his hands. He didn't make trouble with the police, so he quickly took the people back.

I looked at the confused brothers below and said slowly, "Does everyone understand now?" I stood up and shouted, "Vietnamese people dare to attack us first this time. They have been planning for a long time!" And obviously, they have made full preparations... They must have expected that we will fight back afterwards. Will they still leave people in the field and wait for us to sweep?" Then we will simply occupy their territory and field! They can hide, but they can't hide for a lifetime! We have taken their foundation. Let's see what they do!" Someone shouted underground.

"It's whimsful."

I categorically refused: "Occupy their field? How do you occupy it? After occupying it, do you have to divide some brothers to see the venue? The territory of the Vietnamese is not small. How many brothers should we divide to see the scene? Those places are all Vietnamese territory, and we can't take root in a short time! It will take a long time to fully control it.

However, our power has been dispersed, and the Vietnamese have another chance to shoot us with a few black guns. What should we do? I touched my chin and said to myself, "This time, the Vietnamese are in charge. It's awesome... Hey! What a retreat for progress!" I looked at everyone again: "Otherwise, why do you think I ordered all my brothers outside to come back?" This time the Vietnamese want to play hide-and-seek with us! Humph... If I guess correctly, the attention of the Vietnamese is to break each one! Humph, they think that we are in chaos now, and we will lose control. We must be going to hit our black gun! Now that we are scattered outside and control the brothers outside, it is really dangerous! That's why I ordered everyone outside to come back! Only when you clench your fists can you have power! If we spread it away, it will make others break our fingers one by one!" Then I ordered, "Ciro will stay. If anyone goes out tonight, everyone else will go back to the room to sleep."

The people below were somewhat unwilling, but they still dispersed one after another.

I asked someone to close the door of the mourning hall, leaving only me, Ciro, and about 20 brothers in the room. These are all the people in our original gym and the group of people with the best feelings.