evil spirit

Chapter 30 Gangster Conference?

Chapter 30 [Gangster Conference?] Yes, we haven't even robbed our periphery of the territory now.

I think the police should really give us a good citizen award!" I smiled and said, "Now the situation is almost done. All the gangs have ** up. After being distracted, now the police are worried and have no time to trouble us... Next, it's time to fight against the Vietnamese."

"Vietnamese... how to find them?" Ciro's face darked.

I sneered and disdained: "Ciro, you're thinking wrong! Can't find it? How can I not find it?! They are just gangsters. Do you think they are agents of the CIA? If they have that ability, we don't look for them! Humph, the gangster is just a gangster after all. No matter how careful you are, it is just a bunch of rabbits, not so rigorous! It's just that I didn't want to do it before because I'm afraid that something will happen. If I kill a thousand enemies for revenge, I will lose 800 yuan. In order to revenge, I let half of my brothers go to prison, that kind of thing won't work!!" I smiled and said, "Well, I guess it's almost time today. It's time for me to meet Officer Jeff... Now we're not just looking for Vietnamese! Now several gangs are in a group. Indians, Arabs, and Chinese gangs are all looking for Vietnamese! I don't believe that the Vietnamese can really dig three feet and hide on the ground!" I took a look at Silo: "You and your brothers are guarding here. It's still very secret in the short term. I'll repair the car yard today... Well, you don't have to follow me.

You need to guard here... Remember my words, no one is allowed to call!" However, you can't be surrounded by no one.

Ciro frowned.


I thought for a moment: "I'll take the three of them back with the hammer."

The hammer is a brother in the gym.

is also one of the nine brothers who once went to Vietnam to rescue me... Although I haven't really fought, I'm sure that if I really let go, the hammer may not lose to Ciro! The hammer man is like his name.

His fist is very hard! It's like a real hammer. If you hit it, you can kill people! This guy is as strong as a calf, but his face is as simple as a farmer's uncle. Qingshi has no expression on his face at all, and he doesn't like to talk.

But when fighting, it is always fierce! When you do it, it's like trying your best! Such a person is undoubtedly the most suitable person to be a thman.

But I like the hammer not because he can play, but because he is very loyal.

Every time I go out in muddy water this time.

Hammers rush to the front and retreat to the back.

I think if he is willing to use his brain more.

I will be my best helper like Ciro in the future.

Unfortunately... The talent of the hammer is all on his fist, so there is less talent in his head.

This guy is also stubborn. Now he almost only listens to me and Siro. I bet that now I want him to rush to the police station with a gun and sweep it.

I'm afraid the hammer will rush out without saying a word, and he won't frown! I'm in charge now. What do I lack the most? Lack of people! I can't have only one Ciro around me! And I can't take Ciro with me in everything.

Ciro is very good at playing.

But I think it would be too wasteful to use Ciro purely as a fist.

We left the shore of the island with a small motorboat, then found the car hidden near the coast and drove all the way back to the repair yard... I forgot to mention that the hammer has a disadvantage... He can't drive.

And I can't learn how to learn.

That is to say, if I take him out with me, even if I am his boss, I have to be his driver... The repair yard has been quiet for the past two days, and several people I left have worked.

Open the door to do business every day... Although there won't even be a ghost.

But I bet that after such a disturbance yesterday, there must be a police stalking nearby now! Well, I just took the bus back to the repair yard. After listening to the reports of several people left behind, my buttocks were not hot, and a cup of tea was still hot in my hand. The police came to me outside.

Jeff's eyes turned red, his face was haggard, and his eye sockets were deeply concave. It seems that he hasn't slept much these two days.

I met Jeff in the former eighth master's office.

As soon as he entered the door, he looked angry and turned around and closed the door in the office.

Then he rushed at me angrily, grabbed the collar of my clothes, and shouted in a low voice, "Okay, Chen Yang! The good thing you did! You promised me that you wouldn't mess around! Look at the situation outside now! It's just a fucking world war!!" I looked at his hand coldly, and my face sank.

My eyes seemed to have a thorn. Jeff was forced by me and involuntarily let go of his hand.

I looked at him coldly, tidied up my clothes and collar at will, and said lightly, "Please remember one of my habits.

When someone asks me to talk about something, it's better to be polite. I don't like other people's manipulation.

This is my rule. I'll just say it once. I don't like to repeat it.

Then I sat down and leaned against the chair: "Officer Jeff, please sit down.

If there is anything, we can sit down and discuss it.

Jeff looked a little embarrassed, but he still sat down on the fire. After all, he had a fire in his heart: "Say it! Did you make it up in the past few days? Chen Yang! Hey!! What a little fifth brother! Don't think I don't know! Others don't know, but I know very well that these are all things you made!!" I lowered my eyelids and played with a dagger in my hand. This dagger was given to me by the old cat before I was trained on that farm.

I have always been with me.

At this moment, I casually played with the dagger, and the blade flashed with a cold light, imprinted on my face: "Oh, do you have any evidence? You are a policeman. You have to tell the evidence to accuse others. You don't know this, do you? ..." Jeff suffocated and then shouted, "But we have a consensus! In the fire passage of the hospital, haven't we reached an agreement? Little fifth brother.

You won't be so forgetful!" I remember it clearly.

I haven't forgotten every word I said.

I said lightly, gently trimming my nails with a dagger, then raised my hand to look at it, and continued, "I promised you.

After I came back, I ordered my subordinates not to make trouble.

Didn't I do all this?" I raised my eyelids and looked at Jeff: "In the past few days, I have opened the door to do business here, and my people are working honestly in the repair yard... Someone outside is sweeping my territory, and I have called people back... Now outside, Huabang, Indians.

Middle Eastern people, fight into a ball... But did you see that our Dayuan went out to shoot with a knife?" ..." Jeff's words are blocked.

"Two days..." I raised two fingers: "In just two days, I lost two street sites.

Six venues were swept away.

But I promise that in the past two days, none of the people in my repair yard will go out to fight with those people!" ***!" Jeff became angry, and his face was distorted: "You fooled me! Don't pretend to be stupid with me! Everyone was fine.

Suddenly, they fought with each other! How dare you say that this is not what you provoke!! Overnight, at a glance!! Now our police have been discredited.

At least 500 people are demonstrating at the gate of the municipal government!!" Take it! My dagger was re-plugged on the desktop! The sound shocked Jeff and interrupted him.'s words.

With evil on my face, I stared into his eyes and said word by word, "Overnight? OK! What a night!" I stood up and looked at him coldly: "It was also overnight that I died several brothers, and now the body is still lying in the mourning hall!! It was also overnight that my boss was assassinated, and now he is still lying in the hospital!!" Every time I take a step closer.

Jeff just back down a little.

I walked up to him and looked at him condescendingly: "What complaint are you talking to me about now, your police reputation? Then who will talk to me about my blood debt!" Jeff swallowed his saliva with difficulty. He looked at me a few times, lowered his voice, and his momentum softened a lot: "Okay...okay.

Let's calm down... I'm not here to quarrel with you today... I just want to solve the problem."

"Very good, I like to solve problems."

I laughed.

I changed my face so fast that Jeff couldn't react for a moment.

He was stunned for a while, then smiled bitterly, looked at me deeply, and suddenly said in a strange tone, "Say a very personal thing... Chen Yang, you really look like a boss now."

Then he stood up and said slowly, "I'm here to send an invitation. Last time, Mr. Norton invited you and the heads of various gangs in Vancouver to go to the police station for coffee at three o'clock this afternoon... Of course, this is not an arrest, but an invitation to solve the problem. "

He looked at me deeply: "Brother Dong... I know you are tough and awesome.

But remember, as we Chinese people say, we can't twist our arms and thighs! If you go too far, it will cause trouble! After all, we are soldiers, and you are thieves! In the end, if we are forced to take extreme measures, you will definitely lose at that time.

I thought about it and smiled, "Okay, I admit you're right.

I'm also willing to accept this invitation... Oh, I'm still willing to cooperate with the police... to establish a harmonious relationship between the police and the people!" The last sentence made Jeff almost fall off the table. He looked strange, as if an egg had been stuffed in his throat: "You... little fifth brother, fifth master, stand in my position, as long as you don't make trouble for us, I'm even willing to go to church every week in the future..." After saying this, Before leaving, he whispered, "Well, I'll give you a piece of advice... In the afternoon, when you see my boss, Mr. Norton, you'd better be polite. That guy is a bastard who doesn't recognize his relatives.

Sometimes, when we treat pets, we have to follow the hair, right? He winked at me: "From my point of view, I'm willing to cooperate with you. Those Indians or Middle Easterners, I don't want to interact with them."

When Jeff left.

I sat alone in the eighth master's office for a long time.

I thought about it carefully for a while... Humph, did the police hold a gangster conference? Interesting, really interesting! I walked out of the office and shouted, "Hammer!" The hammer immediately ran over from below and looked at me.

"Prepare the car. I'm going out later. You can go to the police station with me... Well, find a brother who can drive... I don't want to be your driver anymore."

I smiled.

I strolled to the front of the repair yard. Everyone was here. Everyone wore overalls as usual, but because there was nothing to do, they all had nothing to do and sat there smoking and chatting.

Seeing me coming over, they all gathered around one after another: "Winter Fifth Brother... How long do we have to put up with it..." I didn't answer this kind of question, but just looked at the empty door: "What's wrong? No business?" That's a ghost! At this time, so many things have just happened that the ghost came to us to repair the car!" A brother sighed helplessly.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a black car parked at the door outside. A man jumped out of the car and laughed loudly, "Is there anyone: I'll repair the car!" His long hair fluttered, his eyes were slightly raised, and the corners of his mouth seemed to smile. With his hands behind him, he stood at the door calmly and looked at me... It's not Yang Wei! I was stunned for a moment and rubbed my eyes hard to make sure that I was right. Then I separated from the people around me and walked over and said with a wry smile, "You... actually you? Why are you here?" After Yang Wei, the tall Hansen walked down from the bus station behind Yang Wei, with a cold face as hard as granite and sunglasses.

Yang Wei looked at me, smiled and said, "I remember I told you to call me once you landed safely... But it seems that you forgot my sentence... Since you didn't call me, I had to come and ask for my guilt in person."

My heart was full of surprise, but there was still a faint surprise. I couldn't help pulling her up: "Come on! I have a lot of problems now. Now you, a live strategist, have sent it to your door, saying that you have to contribute!" I stared at her: "I haven't asked you to settle accounts yet!" What kind of plane did you take for me to parachute... In case I fall to death, wouldn't it be doomed?" Yang Wei squeezed his lips and smiled. Instead of answering, he raised his hand and stretched out a finger and made a move to put a ring on his finger.

I understand what she means... I have a lucky ring, and I should not fall to death.

But, damn it... On the day I came back, I didn't put the ring on my finger! Obviously, although Yang Wei is smart, she doesn't know much about the use of the ring and how to use it! Moreover, it seems that a girl stretched out a finger and made this kind of gesture... Er... It really smells like a hooligan...