evil spirit

Chapter 31 Make a scene at the police station

Chapter 31 [Big Trouble at the Police Station] (Part 2) For a moment, the atmosphere in the room froze.

Aziz's bodyguard was still lying on the ground, and the feet of the chair under me pressed on the back of Aziz's hand. Although he was in a coma, he snorted in pain.

Norton stared at me with angry eyes, as if it was going to break out at any time, and the fat on his bloated face was trembling.

I noticed that the gloomy eyes flashed in his eyes, as if he was a little hesitant. Although he was in a rage, he still had no confidence! Yes, he has no confidence! The windows in the room were closed, and in extreme silence, I could even hear the shouting slogans of the protesting crowd on the street downstairs... So I dare to be so arrogant! I just dare! Because I know, Norton, he dares not do anything to me now!! In the current situation, the whole Vancouver underworld is like an explosive barrel. As long as there is a little spark, it is likely to detonate! Yes, Norton is a senior official of the police... But so what? Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes! Because he is a senior official of the police, he must bear it, and there are more things he must consider! Yes, he is a policeman and I am a thief.

From any angle, it seems that I should be afraid of him.

If it's really uncontrollable, the official uses thunderous means to deal with us, we don't have the ability to resist... But if the matter really gets to that point... Humph... Then the government will be dignified... I'm afraid that the police uniform on Norton will have to be taken off from now on! Therefore, they did not dare to use tough means... Moreover, this chaos came too suddenly.

If there are signs in advance, then the police naturally have their own way to deal with it, or suppress, or divide, or pull in, or intimidate, etc.

But the current situation is like a bomb suddenly thrown in front of you... It caught people off guard! Make it clear that this time, the police actually gathered us bosses on the road for the first time to negotiate... This is a compromise in itself.

So, do you say Norton is tough? I think most of them are pretended! Thinking of this section, I was very stable. I leaned against the chair, deliberately loosened my tie, smoked slowly, and looked at Norton.

After all, he is the senior management of the police. Norton is not a sloppy. He can still see the situation clearly in his rage.

"Jeff..." His voice almost popped out of his teeth: "Ssmold an ambulance and carry Mr. Aziz and his men to the back."

His eyes no longer dare to look at me, and then added: "In addition, transfer a team of people to stay outside.

If someone here dares to mess around... follow the rules!" Humph, mobilized a team of police to guard outside? Or do you want to lose face and pretend to be tough? I sneered. Since you want to continue to pretend, I might as well tear off all your masks! Seeing me sneering, Norton took a deep breath: "Mr. Chen Yang, I hope you understand that the patience of the police is limited.

We sincerely invite everyone to sit down and negotiate. If you continue to use this attitude... Please note that this is the police station. You have injured a gentleman in front of two senior police officers! I hope you can give me an explain afterwards!" An incident after the event? Ha ha... This is to find a step down... I'm not going to give him room. I came here today to make trouble! Joke, if the police settle the situation, what kind of fish will I touch in the muddy water?" No, I can give you an explain now.

I said lightly, "I think what happened just now should be very clear."

"Of course, at least 20 pairs of eyes have been seen here."

Norton couldn't help choking with me.

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrows, put my hands on the table, looked at the bosses around the table, and said slowly, "Gentlemen, who can see what happened just now? Are you willing to testify?" ...No one speaks.

There is a machete in front of me! I still have crazy evil spirit in my eyes! In this case, who will have a brain problem and take this kind of trouble on themselves? These bosses are all mixed up on the road, so naturally they won't be afraid of me.

But after all, everyone doesn't like to cause unnecessary trouble.

The unlucky Aziz was bullied by me, but he may not be very popular.

And now the whole situation is in a mess. Everyone beats me, I beats you, and there are contradictions between them... At this time, who would be willing to offend me for him? Offended the big circle? Seeing that no one was talking, I smiled and stared at Norton: "Dear Mr. Norton, it seems that no one has seen what happened just now."

Norton turned pale with anger and was about to speak when suddenly, Yang Wei beside me made a sound.

She coughed gently, first attracted all her attention, and then Yang smiled calmly: "Mr. Norton, and this... Well, Officer Jeff, right?" Her eyes glanced at the two police officers: "I think it is necessary for me to help Mr. Chen Yang make a protest to the police.

First of all, it happens that the two senior police officers are here now, so we will reserve the right to accuse the parties about the unfortunate incident that just happened.

Then Yang Wei whispered something in my ear. After listening to it, I smiled and nodded.

shouted, "Well, Mr. Norton, I am now accusing the police as a law-abiding citizen of Mr. Aziz and his entourage who just tried to murder me!" I deliberately took the tone and said with a smile, "Everyone has seen it. I just had a conflict with him, but his men pulled the gun first and the knife first! God testified that the police called us here, but I didn't have any weapons with me... I and my entourage, I'm afraid the only metal item on me is a lighter.

And just now, Mr. Aziz, his men actually drew their guns to deal with me... And I just injured the other party in self-defense..." I looked at Yang Wei and said, "Well, is it okay for me to say so?" Yang Wei suppressed a smile: "That's right, that's it."

"Look, Mr. Norton."

I smiled and spread out my hand: "I am a law-abiding citizen, but even if I am a law-abiding citizen, I also have the right to protect myself and fight back when others try to hurt me! These are all clearly written in the law.

I pointed to the knife in front of me: "The knife was brought by them, and the gun on the ground is also theirs... It's not wrong."

Norton almost fainted.

No matter how well he was, he couldn't stand it at this moment. He slapped the table hard, turned around and rushed out.

even knocked down the chair on the side.

He rushed out like this, and Jeff next to him changed his face. He looked helplessly at me deeply and seemed to be speechless. He quickly chased him out.

The room suddenly exploded, and everyone buzzed to talk, and the focus of the conversation was naturally me.

I was extremely arrogant just now, and now I am still very calm in the face of everyone's eyes.

The three representatives of the Huabang looked at me and seemed to shake their heads slightly.

With their style, they will probably think that I am too out of line.

It doesn't matter. These guys have always been used to being weak. They are pursuing strategies such as keeping a low profile and moderation. They deserve to be bullied.

As for those other people, the eyes that look at me are much more complicated.

Some are obviously smiling at me, while others are looking at me with a little guard.

The situation has been so chaotic these two days that everyone has been fighting and killing.

The Aziz just now, he was the leader of an Iranian gang. In the friction, they occupied some territory that originally belonged to our big circle.

And I ordered the contraction before, so after the territory was occupied by them, we did not fight back.

These people probably think that I retaliate against Aziz for robbing territory.

And there are other gang leaders who have robbed our territory in the past two days, and now they are quietly sitting a little far away from me.

After ten minutes, the door of the conference room was pushed open again, and Norton came in with an embarrassed expression. This time, his eyes seemed to be afraid to look at me again. When he swept the whole audience, he simply jumped away from me.

He sat in his original position, took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart.

said in a low voice, "Well, something unpleasant happened just now. Now let's focus on business first."

At this time, several policemen came in and carried Aziz and his two bodyguards on the ground out, and I got out of the way cooperatively.

I did it very hard just now.

The foot of the chair pressed on the palm of this guy's hand, and I deliberately crushed it a few times when I sat down... Humph, with my strength, this guy's hand bone is at least a crushing fracture! Even if he is cured, he can't be more flexible with a knife and a gun in his life! I noticed that after Norton came in and sat down, there was another man beside him besides Jeff.

This man is about 30 years old, but he has gray hair and a very thin face, but he looks very shrewd.

After walking in, Jeff just stood beside Norton, and the man, who did not wear a police uniform, only a gray suit, sat quietly beside Norton.

"Gentlemen, please come here today. We hope to solve the problem."

Although Norton's voice is still very loud, it has lacked the tough momentum just now: "I think that for a long time, although it can't be said to be completely peaceful, we can at least coexist peacefully.

But in the past two days, some very unpleasant things have happened, which have brought great trouble not only to everyone here, but also to the police!"