evil spirit

Chapter 53 There is a way

Chapter 53 [There is a way] "Of course!" Miss Qiao rolled her eyes, looked at Yan Di, then gently put her arms around her shoulder, smiled exaggeratedly and said, "Good Yandi, now that it's time, are you afraid? When I was at home, who thought about others all day and my heart ached? Besides...cough..." Qiao Qiao's eyes turned around, his mouth came to Yan Di's ear, and whispered, "The little bastard Dongwu's peach blossom luck is too good! Look, the last time we didn't go to Vietnam, we brought back one big and two sisters from Vietnam... I can tell you that there is also a ** princess in Canada! You stupid girl, I miss him at home day and night. If he comes back in the future, there will be one left and right around him, and then there will be you crying!" Yan Di didn't have much expression when he heard the words. Instead, his eyes became more and more indifferent. He smiled gently and said slowly, "If the little fifth brother really forgets that I like someone else, it's nothing.

I just need to know what I'm thinking. If people really want to change their minds, you can't prevent them day and night.

When she said this, there was a little secluded in her eyes. She sighed gently and whispered, "Joe Qiao... I'm just a simple girl. I don't have a family. I know very well that it's just because I know my fifth brother.

But as long as he has me in his heart, I will naturally be happy.

If he doesn't like me in the future, it's useless for me to stay by his side every day.

Looking at Yan Di's peaceful expression, Qiao Qiao frowned slightly, sighed, and said, "But Xiao Wu has been in Canada since he came to Canada.

I don't contact you. Have you really never resented him in your heart?" Of course, I also complained about it.

Yan Di said calmly, "But the hatred is gone."

She looked very calm, as if telling the simplest thing: "I have understood since I was a child that this world is a man's world.

A man.

Most of the time when doing things, it is not convenient to have women around.

Little fifth brother hasn't contacted me all the time. Naturally, he has his reason.

He does great things here. If he always has a woman with him, it may be inconvenient for him.

Qiao Qiao stared at Yan Di a few times and couldn't help sighing: "Oh, my God, Yan Di... You are really a submissive person... If a girl like you is seen by those feminists, she will definitely scold you as a woman's shame.

But most men seem to like girls like you the most.

The two of them walked all the way to the outside of the airport.

Joe reached out and stopped a taxi.

After getting on the car, Qiao Qiao naturally reported the address of the repair yard.

The driver was a black man who saw two different types of beautiful women getting into the car.

He must be a little excited and kept chirping and talking all the way.

Yan Didi's English was not good in the first place. She used to study nursing with A Mei. Naturally, she didn't have much chance to contact English, so she kept silent as soon as she got on the bus.

The driver peeked at her from the mirror, and Yan Di was not angry. Anyway, she looked like a beautiful woman like her.

I'm used to walking on the street.

Joe read a newspaper on the plane and casually asked about what had happened in Vancouver recently.

In any city, taxi drivers are one of the most well-informed groups.

This kind of person walks through the streets and alleys, dealing with the three teachings and nine streams, and all kinds of gossip naturally emerge one after another.

Qiao Qiao was just worried about the situation of the car repair yard. Seeing the newspaper whipping the Vietnamese wantonly, he casually asked this question.

The black driver is indeed a black man. His mouth is like a rap, and all kinds of news are true or false, but a lot of them are about a lot of gossip on the market.

There are also some of them that are even more errred.

Speaking of which, it's nothing more than how the Vietnamese are... What's more outrageous is that the Vietnamese are actually related to al-Qaeda.

After listening to it for a while, Qiao Qiao was not interested when he saw that he could not say anything about the big circle.

From this point of view, the big circle is still well hidden.

After all, with Xiao Ruan in his hands, he can make a black pot for the Vietnamese at any time.

It's just that the driver drove around all the way in his pocket. While making a lot of black money, he also peeked at the two beautiful women in the back row with an inverted mirror from time to time. He couldn't help but feel happy. Just when Qiao Qiao and Yan Di were pulled around by a black-hearted driver, I didn't know that Qiao Qiao dared to bring Yan Di to Vancouver! At the back of the repair yard, I arranged two separate rooms.

This was originally a special place for storing firearms in the repair yard.

Later, I vacated two rooms alone as a secret room.

There is only one gate access here, which is very safe! I asked the hammer to guard the door with a few people.

I talked secretly with Ciro and Hansen.

The matter started two days ago... The news reported by Hansen made me nervous for a while, and it was indeed as I guessed. Hansen stayed to help me secretly before Yang Wei left.

Yang Wei is a smart woman. She understands that if she leaves Hansen by my side in person, I will definitely refuse.

And there is no shortage of people around me. There are many people who can work hard in the big circle.

And Hansen, such a "raw face" in Vancouver, can only be the most effective if it exists in the dark.

Therefore, Yang Wei's order to Hansen is to protect secretly and act at the moment.

Naturally, there is no need to ask about the container truck rushing into the police station. It was also planned by me! We stole a car in a container yard. Hansen is worthy of being a special operations unit. He simply played a remote control device on the car.

This remote control device is extremely simple, and it is absolutely impossible to rely on it to remotely control the long-distance driving of the car! However, if it is only within a few tens of meters, turn and go straight, these simple controls can still be done! As a result, an unmanned truck crashed into the gate of the police station! There was a huge riot on the front! As for me, Hansen and Ciro, we are divided into three ways! The whole operation.

I didn't gather anyone else, only the three of us! Because this matter is too **! We are looking for the sniper. He knows our biggest secret! How can I find Stone's group of airborne soldiers for that kind of thing? Or ask someone to repair the car for help? In case of robbing people.

Inadvertently leaked this matter, then everything is over! The three of us, Ciro, are responsible for destroying the nearby power supply system.

And I, Hansen and I lurked into the police station in the chaos! Hansen was born in a special operations force. Naturally, a place like a police station can't stop us! The two of us came in with a mask, especially Hansen, who is black. In order to hide this feature, I let him wrap his whole body in his clothes! Wearing gloves, headgear... A trace of skin and hair are not exposed! What's more, he didn't even leave a word.

A big truck crashed in outside.

There was a power outage at the same time, and the two of us took advantage of the chaos! It quickly attacked the place where the prisoners were in the police station.

The sniper was injured in the leg and was held in solitary confinement.

The injury has been dealt with.

Fortunately, the police are too busy these days to have time to interrogate the sniper.

We made a lot of noise inside, and there was a mess inside and outside the police station. As a result, we made a good job! In order to hide people's eyes and ears, we didn't just take the sniper away.

He also took the opportunity to let everyone in custody in the police station go! Later, the police couldn't control the scene and had to shoot inside the police station... But how could those prisoners be good at stubble? Immediately, someone robbed the gun and shot at the police.

Hansen and I took advantage of the chaos.

More than a dozen tear gas bombs were detonated in the police station... Finally, we escaped with snipers! Hansen and I returned to the repair yard with the cobra sniper overnight, and then immediately threw the sniper into the innermost secret room, allowing no one to get close to the secret room! As for me, I immediately called Stone and asked Stone to be on the Lighthouse Island. I forced Xiao Ruan overnight, and recorded a video of "Announcement of responsibility for this matter on behalf of the Vietnam XX Gang".

Then send it to the major media... After doing this, I don't think there should be any fleavings.

I originally wanted to kill this sniper with one shot.

But then I changed my mind... I'm worried that I can't find a place to hide the cobra... These people are different from Vietnamese.

Vietnamese are mostly a gang of gangs of gangsters.

These cobras are at least born as professional soldiers and can survive in the jungle of Africa! They are hiding, and it's really hard for me to find them!" He still doesn't say... Hey, these guys have a hard mouth."

I smoke, and the muscles in the corners of my eyes are stirred, which hurts! Ciro held a pair of scissors in his hand and wrapped the wound for me. Then he was relieved: "Okay!" I stood up and moved my body. Although I sweated in pain, I was good enough that I had just been drugged, and under the effect of my heart, it didn't seem to hurt so much.

In the attack on the police station, I finally realized that I had a physical problem! The previous continuous injuries and continuous fighting made my body feel unsupported.

In the police station, without Hansen's help, I would have almost died twice.

When we finally escaped, we rushed to the roof of the police station, and then jumped from the rooftop to another building next to us... Hansen's sniper carrying the cobra jumped over. I had no burden alone, but I almost didn't fall down... Just because when I jumped up, my back was unbearable. The man fell down in the air.

If Hanson hadn't grabbed me and fell directly from the sixth floor, I would have been finished.

"I have a way to make this cobra speak."

Hanson in the corner slowly opened his mouth.