evil spirit

Chapter 64 Blood Hall

Chapter 64 [Xuetang] (Part 2) You should know who started this first knife, and the meaning of it is not small! We Chinese will pay attention to a ranking in everything we do.

For example, when eating, there is a table of people, who sits on the head, who sits on the head, the food is served, and the person who lifts the chopsticks first.

On the wine, who is the first to the wine glass... It is full of the meaning of "ranking"! Now, the first knife of the biggest enemy of the hand... It's reasonable that it can't be killed by an ordinary brother! It's even more impossible for an "umbrella man" to do it! The first knife, no matter what, it should be here now, and the highest-ranking leader will get blood first! And this person, no doubt, is my Xiaowu! Thunder Fox's play is extremely cunning and insidious! He showed the qualification of the eighth master's brother to ask for revenge for the eighth master, which took a share of affection.

And if he is really the first to do it... Not only did he lose face in front of so many people, but more importantly, he took advantage of the ranking! If I give in at this moment, doesn't it mean that I admit that he has a higher status than me among all the people present in this mourning hall? Do I still want to be ranked below him? And if he makes a generous speech after he does it, it is equivalent to giving him a chance to win the hearts of the people further! Humph! What a thunder fox! Sure enough, he is an old guy with the word "fox" in his name! In such a short time, you can think of playing like this. This old guy is really not ordinary insidious! However, he occupied a "affection" and suppressed me with the identity of the eighth master's old brother. It's not easy for me to object directly to face.

Lei Fox squinted at me.

I have put my hand in front of me, and I'm going to take the dagger in my hand... But who is my Xiaowu? I have a dagger in my hand, unless I give in to others.

Who can take my knife from my hand casually! I quietly stepped back half a step, unmarked on the side of my body to get out of his hand, and an idea turned into my mind in an instant.

"Uncle Lei is not in a hurry."

I said slowly, suppressing the anger in my heart, and my face was still very calm: "Uncle Lei wants revenge, and naturally there will be a chance."

After saying that, I didn't bother him more. I took a step forward and shouted to the whole audience, "Let me ask you a question!" Who caught Da Ruan?!" Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Then he quickly replied loudly, "It's Ciro!" OK!" I pulled Ciro to me, then pointed to his bloody clothes and asked loudly, "Ciro.

I ask you, whose blood on your body is!" Ciro didn't understand what I meant. He thought for a moment and said lightly, "I don't know.

Some land is mine, and some are Vietnamese.

"Good!" I looked at him: "Take off your coat!" Ciro doesn't understand what I mean yet.

But he won't hesitate to say it.

He quickly untied his clothes and opened the skirt of his coat, revealing his calf-like strong chest.

Ciro took off his coat.

The strong muscles of the upper body were exposed, but there was a new injury under his shoulder! Obviously, the wound was simply bandaged, and it was so hasty that it could not even completely cover the flesh and blood of the wound.

"Ciro, how did you get this injury!" I asked loudly.

"Under water, I was stabbed by a Vietnamese with a fishing harpoon."

Ciro's face turned a little red, and his voice lowered.

I shouted, "Speak louder! What are you afraid of! Revenge for my brother, I got the lottery.

There is no shyness about this kind of thing! Say it out loud!" I was stabbed by the Vietnamese with a fishing fork underwater!" Ciro unconsciously straightened his chest.

"Good!" I said slowly, "Then tell me how you caught Da Ruan tonight!" Silo was stunned for a moment and shouted, "I took someone to wear a wetsuit and soaked in the sea for an hour..." Silo was eloquent, but what he said was simple and clear. Finally, he looked at me and nodded to him.

I immediately shouted to everyone, "I ask you, who caught Da Ruan and brought it back tonight!" It's Siro!" Everyone answered with one voice.

"So, who is bleeding and sweating for his brother's revenge!" I continued to ask loudly.

"It's Ciro!!" This time, the sound is even louder!" Let me ask you again, who has the greatest credit for catching Da Ruan and coming back!!" Ciro!!" Most of the brothers below are familiar with Ciro, and now they are trying their best to answer loudly.

"Good!" I nodded with satisfaction: "So, this is the first knife of the enemy, should the person with the greatest credit do it first!!" It should be!!" In the roaring response of everyone, I couldn't help stuffing the dagger into Ciro's hand and said in a low voice, "Ciro, do it!" Ciro's face turned red, obviously a little excited and at a loss. I gently patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "Be gentle, don't kill him with a knife. There are still many brothers waiting in line behind!" Xi Luo squeezed the dagger tightly and walked to Da Ruan. He grabbed his hair with one hand and lifted him up. Then he raised a knife and inserted it into his shoulder..." Da Ruan's body shivered and obviously screamed, but his mouth was sealed with adhesive tape, and he only made a muffled hum... A trace of yin flashed Shen, standing on the spot with some embarrassment.

I took a look at him, smiled, and said lightly, "Uncle Lei, if this guy is not dead, you will naturally have a chance to do it.

Now, let the brothers vent the fire in their hearts first.

When Da Ruan was beaten nineteen times, he was accidentally killed by a heavy-handed brother.

After all, these people are not experienced criminal law veterans and don't know how to do it.

Then I asked someone to drag Da Ruan's body to the front, dig out his heart, and put it in the silver basin.

Put it on the incense case! The ground of the mourning hall has already been full of blood, and the air is full of a smell of blood.

Everyone looked excited. These young men who were used to fighting in the day were in a hurry at this moment.

It's even more emotional! After paying tribute to the deceased with Da Ruan's heart, I announced that the funeral home would be arranged tomorrow to cremate the remains of the dead brother.

Then I issued a mouth seal order to go out, and Da Ruan's death was not allowed to be publicized.

In fact, this is better than nothing. I know that the news will definitely spread.

But it doesn't matter.

The police will not take care of this kind of underworld revenge.

The Vietnamese have completely collapsed, and Da Ruan's death can help the big circle become famous! Leihu had already come back to one side and never came out again. He just watched me make a series of arrangements with cold eyes.

Press me to appease these emotional men and recover people's hearts step by step.

I guess this old guy must be very uncomfortable.

As the people in the mourning hall dispersed, Leihu gave me a cold look: "Winter Five.

It's a good way."

I didn't say anything. I smiled, stopped Lei Fox, who was about to leave, and said slowly, "Uncle Lei, one more thing.

Please take a look together."

"What else?" Lei Fox frowned.

I didn't say anything, and then led Lei Fox to the secret room behind me.

In the mourning hall tonight, the fat man has never spoken.

I just stood aside and watched, and now I was pulled over with him.

The secret room is much quieter and there are much fewer people.

Only me, Ciro, Hammer, and Fatty, and Thunder Fox and his bodyguard.

So many people were stuffed into the small secret room, and it immediately seemed a little crowded.

The atmosphere is also extremely depressing! If I'm in the mourning hall, I'm more proud.

So after entering the secret room, my face was already full of clouds! There are two sacks on the ground in the secret room, and there are also two people in the sack! Similarly, their mouths were sealed, their hands and feet were tied, and both of them looked desperate.

I am much more familiar with these two people. They were originally brothers in the parking lot! This is when Da Ruan made a deal with me, in exchange, he told me that the Vietnamese bought the traitors around me! And these two guys, that's it! Going out to act tonight, I deliberately asked Ciro to choose six brothers in the garage in addition to the direct brothers fought by the airborne soldiers and my own flying warehouse! Except for the other four who are strong and good in nature, these two people are specially selected by Ciro! Those four people participated in the operation tonight, and these two guys were immediately arrested by Ciro as soon as they got on the boat and went to sea! Tie it up and stuff it into a sack! Naturally, I have my own difficulties when I do this.

In the secret room, the hammer brought a chair, and I sat in front of the two sacks on the ground, and Ciro and the hammer stood beside me.

And the fat man and the thunder fox are obviously a little confused.

I waved my hand, the hammer and Ciro went over, one against one, and tore off the tape from the mouths of the two traitors.

With a murderous face, I said slowly in a gentle tone, "Do you know why I caught you here?" Both of them didn't say anything, and they both hung their heads.

"Humph!" I sneered: "Man, dare to act! Now that you have been caught here, if you are brave enough, answer me loudly! Don't you dare to admit what you have done?" The man in the left sack trembled, raised his head and took a deep look at me: "Brother Dong..." "Shut up!!" I was furious and jumped up suddenly. I kicked him over with one foot: "You're not my brother! I'm not qualified to call me little fifth brother!" This man was kicked to the ground by me, his face was miserable, he coughed twice, and struggled to kneel up.

I took a deep breath, looked at the two people, gritted my teeth and said, "I was too lazy to talk to you. It's easy to end you... But I just can't swallow this breath in my heart! I only want to understand one thing in my heart!!" I leaned forward and said slowly, "What on earth is it for that will make you betray your brothers for many years!!"