evil spirit

Chapter 68 Fifth Master

Chapter 68 [Fifth Master] According to the media, after receiving the news, in a raid, they found Xiao Ruan, the No. 3 figure of the Vietnamese gang, who was wanted, in a motel on Highway 6 in the northeast of Vancouver. In a fierce battle, Xiao Ruan and his three All the famous armed men were killed... Then in the gunfight, because of the explosion, one-third of the main building of the motel was bombed to the ruins, and Xiao Ruan and his three armed men were all killed.

This is the biggest news in Vancouver in the past two days.

In this way, I " handed over" Xiao Ruan to the police.

Although I handed in only a corpse, it was enough for Doug to explain, at least to the outside world.

Moreover, Doug must also understand that I am unlikely to give a living little Ruan to him. After all, Xiao Ruan has mastered too many secrets about me.

Give him a thick body, which is enough for him to shape his achievements.

As for Da Ruan, it is reported that he has fled to Vietnam, and the Canadian police will contact Interpol for further pursuit.

These are the news reported through the mainstream media.

Of course, I think... Well, I'm afraid that Interpol's arrest of Da Ruan will last for a long time, a long time. As for the Bill who openly refuted my face at the meeting, this guy is also very powerful. He learned from some special channels that Da Ruan had died in my hands that night. Rest. It's over.

Although this white man is arrogant, he is not an idiot.

Think about it carefully, the Vietnamese are against me, no matter what means I use.

And the reality is: the originally powerful Vietnamese gang was uprooted in Vancouver! This is the reality! That night, Bill asked someone to deliver the message to me through some special channels.

This time he was soft and asked to talk to me.

I know, this guy is scared.

His power is not great. In the white ***, if Norton had not covered him in the past and the existence of hell angels, the white gangsters in Vancouver would be a mass of garbage.

For his softness in private, I thought about it for a second, and then asked the middleman to hand him back.

This lovely Bill, I give him two choices.


I designate a place to set up a tea place according to the habits of our Chinese people.

He personally apologized to my fifth brother.

Of course, if his pride as a white man makes him refuse to do so, I will give him two days. Within two days, he and his people must quit Vancouver.

Otherwise... "I killed a hundred people, and I don't mind killing one more."

This is what I said to the middleman who sent the message.

After weighing the comparison of the forces of the two sides, Bill cleverly opted out.

It didn't take two days.

He left Vancouver with all the people in just one day.

If this Bill is such a subdued guy, then I will feel that he is more or less a character. Maybe I will be a little afraid of him in the future, but unfortunately, his cleverness does not seem to be enough to make him against me.

After leaving Vancouver, this guy actually ran to Toronto to meet Mr. Solin.

I don't know what he said to Solin. I think it's nothing more than discord now suppressing white forces in Vancouver.

The result is... Two days later, I received a parcel.

There is a pair of bloody ears in the bag! And I immediately received a phone call from Solin. On the phone, the leading Canadian leader gently said to me, "You are excellent. I am very satisfied with you. Ba Ye is my friend, and now you can also be my friend.

Our previous obstacles were Vietnamese, and now the obstacles do not exist. I think our local business should be able to continue.

I hung up the phone and sneered a few times.

Old fox.

Solin, at the beginning, negotiated business with us, but after the Vietnamese intervened, he caught us off guard, and this old man actually wavered regardless of credit! Do you remember that when I was in Toronto, I asked to see Solin, but I was rejected? Humph... This guy doesn't want to contribute! He just wants to wait for us to fight with the Vietnamese until the end. He wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight! Now that the Vietnamese are finished, he can only come to cooperate with me! What do I have in my hand? Drugs! And I did something that surprised everyone in my hands!" Starting from today, stop all the drug business in our hands! All the sources and channels are transferred to the hell angel!" I leaned lazily on the chair: "Aren't they going to trade drugs? Give it to them, give them all!" Even Fatty Fang felt that my decision was a little too risky.

"Winter Friday, do you know how much the annual profit of the drug trade accounts for a large circle of revenue?" The fat man narrowed his eyes and said, "So many brothers want to eat!" In Asia, we shed so much blood in the Golden Triangle every year and rob the drug business with others. Now you say give up?" Brother Hai!" I sighed, "I'll settle two bills for you.

First, some of the drugs you get from there every year are sold in North America, and our Vancouver is your main sales channel... I know, this is the job of your brothers. Don't worry, I won't smash your brother's job! I will give you the supply of drugs to the hell angel! I have calculated that the price of goods in Asia is half lower than that in South America, and the Angel of Hell will not want it... Moreover, most of the plantations in South America are ruined because of the hurricane. It will take at least two years for them to recover! These two years are enough to establish a solid cooperative relationship between you and the hell angel! In two years, you can occupy the market with a low price of half of the Feiku! It's just that I don't want to interfere in the drug business. I'm only responsible for transferring the channel to the hell angel.

In the future, you can talk to him in this way... There is no big circle in Vancouver that turns hands in the middle... You know, even if we changed hands before, we have to make a part of the profit in the middle! We are gone now.

You give it directly to the hell angel, which is equivalent to making a lot of money in terms of cost! If you turn this into a price advantage, then even if the plantations in South America regain their vitality two years later, they may not be able to compete with you! As long as you are careful of those drug lords in South America who play behind their backs, but I think if they want to fight and kill the land, you won't be afraid! Right? " Of course! Fight and kill, who have we been afraid of!" The fat man smiled proudly, and then lowered his head and thought for a moment: "What you said makes sense, but in this way.

It means that you don't interfere. Our interests have no impact, but here... it's equivalent to a large amount of profit missing for no reason!" Drugs are hot!" I sighed: "Let's say something selfish! I always feel that.

It's really against my conscience to do a drug business! This money is very hot! In the past, I was not the boss, and I didn't have the right to speak, but now I'm in charge of the money.

I don't want to make money."

The fat man waved his hand: "What you said makes sense, but we also do things with principles! As you know, the slogan of our enclosure is that Chinese people are not poisonous Chinese.

Our drugs are all sold to Southeast Asia and North America, as long as they don't flow back to China. Do you care so much? These foreign devils, you don't care whether they are poisonous or not.

"Dude, this is not my pretentiousness."

I'm still very determined: "It's just that my philosophy is different. Please don't say anything more."

"It's just! Anyway, this is your money. If you don't want it yourself, I can't say anything.

The fat man is very cheerful and doesn't care about these.


In Hell's Angel, our transaction originally started last month, but it has been delayed until now because of the trouble of the Vietnamese. I guess they have been in a hurry for a long time. I think the transaction will be carried out soon, and Mr. Solin will send someone here soon. At that time, I will transfer these businesses directly to you.

In the future, I don't care what you talk about.

I paused and said with a smile, "Don't think I'm not selfish.

Solin is bleaching now. He has a collectivized company under his men. The content of this transaction is that we exchange drugs for shares in his group.

Of course, that's only a small part of the shares. We have no say in his organization, but according to the size of his company, I can also get a lot of dividends every year.

Don't rob me of this money.

I lost the profits of the drug trade. Although the dividends of these shares are not much, they can subsidize me at least every year, and the money is not hot.

The fat man lowered his head and thought for a moment and said seriously, "Although I can't promise you now, the bigwigs who want to come to Asia will not object.

In this way, you lose part of the profit, but we reduce part of the cost.

It should be no problem."

"Dude, I still say that. Although everyone is in the underworld, to be honest, doing drugs is really detrimental to morality! This money is hot.

I sighed: "In the future, I'm going to focus on smuggling. Vancouver is a port city. Now I control the gangsters here and the smugglers in the port. In the future, the smuggling business here will not be what I say in a word? Although smuggling is also illegal, the police's crackdown is much lighter than drug trafficking!" After a pause, I smiled and said, "What is the most profitable business in the world? It's not drugs, it's not arms! It's a monopoly! As long as you can monopolize any business, you can make the most money! And now, all I have to do is monopolize! Vancouver is the largest port city on the west coast of Canada! All the smuggling trade on the whole West Coast is through here! In the current situation, as long as I control here... Do you think I will still care about the profit of that drug?" The risk is small, and the profit is big... The fat man blinked his mouth and sighed, "***, a young man like you is much more powerful than us."

The road has come out, and the stall has been spread out, but the following operation may not be as smooth as I thought.

I can think that monopoly is the most profitable, but others can't think of it? If you want to monopolize the smuggling industry, how can it be so simple? In the original gangster forest in Vancouver, immigrant gangsters from all parts of the world fought with each other, and the smugglers at sea were not good at all! Those guys at sea.

They are all semi-pirates and semi-smuggling guys, with guns and cannons! If I do it with them purely by force, I'm afraid I can't do it.

Fortunately, I don't have to fight with them.

I just need to control the land world... They are arrogant at sea again.

You have to go ashore! When I control the gangsters in Vancouver, in my words, no one dares to do the smuggled goods business with their maritime smugglers... At that time, don't worry that they won't bow to me! Moreover, I also have an old friend Wick to help me reconcile and communicate in the middle.

In silence, the gangster forces in several blocks of Vancouver have changed their owners.

The tradition of the Vietnamese has been carved up by me and the Chinese gang and the Italians.

I didn't learn from the practice of the Eighth Master. I raised my brothers in the repair yard... I have long understood that the mode of "airborne troops" is very sharp.

But there are big flaws! Indeed, I can transfer a team of elite airborne troops at any time, which is very powerful.

When fighting, these gangsters can not be my opponents... But after all, airborne soldiers are other people's arms, not my own strength! It's not good to rely too much on Asia! These brothers have been suffocated in the car repair yard for too long, and the Eighth Master gave too few opportunities.

Few people can go out to work... The big circle takes the route of elite soldiers. Although elite soldiers are good, it takes too much time and energy to cultivate elite soldiers.

The cost performance is too low! This is also the reason why the big circle has the most powerful gunners and hitter, but it has never been able to make a big deal! The first thing I did after I took office was to select 100 people in the repair yard in one go and send them all out! The original territory under the control of the big circle, the territory taken over from the Vietnamese, and the new territory obtained by the division of the Vancouver underworld forces this time all need to be managed by manpower! This move undoubtedly made his brothers extremely excited! These people have been suffocated for too long.

Who doesn't want to go out, control one side of the territory, and take a group of little brothers out to have a good time? I'm afraid everyone in the underworld has this kind of dream and plot.

So, my principle is: as long as you have the ability, I will give you a chance! Taking advantage of the high morale of the servants, I let Silo out again and took people to sweep the field of the three gangsters! It was the three gangsters who were invited by me but didn't come to the Eighth Master's funeral and meeting place.

I have to stand up! We must use thunder to suppress the other gangsters! Here, the big fist is the boss! If you show that your strength is strong enough, others will convince you.

Of course, I won't do it blindly. If it's too noisy and affects social security, I'm afraid Doug won't be able to get through it.

My methods are very insidious... To deal with these three gangs, I asked the police to come forward and send people to their territory every day to check and crack down on the gang.

For the hard ideas in other people's organizations, I first grabbed a batch, solved a batch, and finally let my people go out to sweep the field! Three gangs, two bosss ran away, and the other was a hard-hard. They fought with my people and were captured back.

I ordered it, put it in a sack, filled it with stones, and threw it directly into the sea.

When I ordered, I said it in front of several other gang bosses.

At that time, I deliberately invited the leaders of several other gangs to have tea and chat, including several boss of the Huabang.

Although I don't like playing mahjong, I bravely played a few laps with them on the mahjong table that day to show harmony, in order to win people's hearts.

It's funny to say. At the beginning, I kept losing money, but in the middle of the game, the boss who resisted me was arrested. I ordered him to throw him in sacks into the sea on the spot... I didn't care about the faces of the other bosses on the table, but I continued the game... If I had any From the fart to the earth, it's simply a god blocking the god, the Buddha blocking the Buddha... Those bosses' faces are ugly... Well, in fact, they don't know that I just carefully measured my luck in the back card game, and then quietly put on the ring.

However, behind the scenes, the evaluation of "killing people without blinking an eye, eagles looking at wolves" is deeply imprinted in the hearts of these people.

I used a lot of tricks to make an uproman. I used it very skillfully and quickly, the underworld in Vancouver.

There is no more voice against me... At least there is no more in public.

I can't control what others say behind their backs, and I can't control it.

Because I understand that I am a saint.

It's impossible for everyone to really convince me.

But as long as they give in openly, don't make trouble for me, and be obedient, I will turn a blind eye.

There is even one interesting thing.

In order to cooperate with Doug... This guy is my umbrella after all. He wants political achievements, and I can't help but cooperate with him.

I can control the local underworld in Vancouver, but I can't control some foreign robbers.

So I issued an order: "Without me, anyone who dares to cross the boundary is against me!" As a result, three days later.

There was a bank robbery in downtown Vancouver. The robbers were three armed gangsters who rushed from other places to commit the crime.

Originally, I knew that there had been a riot in Vancouver recently. I probably thought that the situation here was chaotic and I could come here to make a profit.

As a result, they really succeeded in robbing the money and managed to escape under the pursuit of the police.


The day after the police issued a wanted notice... Early in the morning at the door of the police station, a car without a license plate sped by and passed by the police station.

The car slowed down, then the door opened, and three people were thrown down from the car, all of whom tied their hands and feet, blocked their mouths, and three bags were thrown down at the same time.

Before people could react, the car sped away.

When the police rushed out, they found that these three unlucky guys were the bank robbers the day before! And the stolen money they robbed is also in the three bags around them! From now on.

On the Vancouver tunnel, the name "Five Master" is a momentary!! That is, from that day on, in Vancouver, in addition to the people around me who still call me "Winter Fifth Brother", other outsiders have ignored my age. Whenever they mention me, they will call me the "fifth master" in a big circle! On a day in early July, in a building in downtown Vancouver, a Sino-Ocean International Trading Company called Huaxing was established.

And from this day on, I officially completed the integration of the power of the Vancouver underworld! The establishment of this nominal international trade company is also the beginning of my official hand to smuggling trade! Under the contact of Wick, I invited nine sea owls who are currently engaged in smuggling business on the West Coast to sit down and negotiate together.

And I also invited 11 top figures on Vancouver Road.

There is not much nonsense. Everyone agrees. I am now the first person of the underworld in Vancouver! Even if the hell angel returned to Vancouver, Mr. Solin was not as powerful as I am now! Moreover, my natural relationship with Solin is still in the honeymoon period! What's more, no one will provoke me in this limerick! I began to reach out to the smuggling trade. From today on, without my nod, no gang or organization in Vancouver dares to do business with smugglers at sea! As a result of the final negotiation, an agreement was reached. We set up a round table with my Huaxing Trading Company as the core, and from that day on, all Vancouver ports entered the smuggling trade... No matter how big or small, Huaxing will charge 5% of the fee on my behalf! This is the "protection fee" of my income.

According to my estimate, the maritime smuggling trade on the entire west coast of Canada will be at least $2 billion a year! If the smuggling business is added, the number will reach more than 3 billion US dollars! Among them, the smuggling trade gathered in Vancouver is about 2 billion US dollars.

I took 5%, that is to say, Huaxing Company can earn up to a net profit of 100 million US dollars every year! One hundred million beers! This number stunned the fat man, Ciro and others! What they didn't expect was that in the past, everyone fought and killed, smuggled drugs, killed and set fire, and did everything. In a year, they could only earn millions.

If you can earn tens of millions, you can be a big gangster in the top world! One billion dollars? Crazy! It's all crazy! I know that if I get this 100 million, I'm afraid I won't have a good life! After all, I'm actually using all the underworld power in Vancouver to force smugglers at sea to bow to me! Therefore, I readily gave up 30% of Huaxing's shares, which I gave to more than a dozen other gangsters in Vancouver for free, and made a distribution by the power of each gangster! This is the net profit of 30 million US dollars a year! After playing with this, almost all the gangsters are really convinced of me! Moreover, I think they will further unite around Huaxing in the future! Because this company will bring you a direct income of 30 million US dollars every year!! Unity."

In an internal meeting of the distribution of interests of gangsters, I sat in a chair, still looking lazy, playing with my fingers, and said to everyone below, "If you unite, you can make money!" In the past, those smugglers could bargain with us, because we were not united. They did not do business with the Chinese, could do it with the Vietnamese, did not with the Vietnamese, and could do it with the Indians.

If you don't do it with Indians, you can do it with Iranians... So they have the choice to negotiate with us and bargain with us! But now, as long as we unite and speak to them with one voice... they must give in! Because we are in Vancouver, the largest port city on the west coast of Canada! Unless those smugglers can re-establish a large port on the West Coast with the permission of the Canadian government... However, I think it will be impossible in hundreds of years... Unless some of the smugglers are elected president of Canada... Haha..." "Well, now think about it, we used to be for a little territory. , fight and kill, shed blood and sweat for a little drugs, ***... We have really lived a lifetime in vain, guarding a port city as big as Vancouver, but we don't know how to make money here!" This is the sigh of Uncle He of the Chinese Gang.

If the name "Big Circle Fifth Master" was only threatened by force before, but only stayed in everyone's mouth... Now, driven by those seductive money, it is really deeply engraved in the hearts of these deruly gangsters! I have a big fist, so they have to obey me! This is just the first step! And I can still take them to make a lot of money... In this case, if someone still rises up against me... I'm afraid that without waiting for me to do it, others will directly bombard him into a scum.

My name is Chen Yang. I'm 25 years old.

Starting from today, I have a new nickname called "Fifth Master".