evil spirit

Chapter 78 Smash the scene

But I was very open and dispelled the extravagance in my mind.

Just kidding, how much capital do you need to run a casino! Do I have that capital now? Do I have such a huge power? Open a casino? Without the ridiculous strength, can you afford to open a casino?

I'm afraid that in another 50 years, I may not be able to do casino business in Las Vegas!

This is not a circle where you can enter if you have money! Do I have power in the political circle in the United States? Do I have any power in the underworld in the United States? Stop dreaming... These are too far away. Although they are beautiful, they are out of reach!

On the contrary, I asked Mr. Yang Er to get 15% of the shares of my Huaxing Company... Will he take this opportunity to interfere in the smuggling business under my control? His family, in my opinion, is still a huge thing! Among other things, I just control a city's gangster. My annual capital is only tens of millions, up to hundreds of millions... How much money does a big family have? You can kill me with money! I'm not at the same level as them!

It's easy to let him in now, but if you fall out in the future and want to kick him out, it will be difficult!

After thinking about it carefully, I looked at Mr. Yang Er carefully and said slowly, "I'm sorry, your offer is too high... I calculated that I can only give up 10% of the shares at most, which is my bottom line. And..." I gritted my teeth and said, "In addition to the one percent of the shares in your casino as a condition, you have to pay part of the cash to buy it."

I didn't ask him to give me more shares in the casino, because I knew it was impossible. And... To be honest, it's useless for me. My current power, the casino, is not something that people like me can touch.

Mr. Yang Er was slightly surprised. This time I finally saw a wave of mood in his eyes, but it just flashed away...

Damn it, I finally know that Yang Wei's strong ability to control his emotional expression was learned from whom!

"To be honest, I'm really surprised." Mr. Yang Er smiled and said, "Do you know how much my newly opened casino is worth? So your current shell company is located in downtown Vancouver and only rented a few offices. How much is it worth? But you proposed not only to exchange equity, but also to pay part of the cash? Oh, my God, you really surprised me."

I didn't move. He said slowly, "But I think you will agree, won't you?"

"Well..." Yang Er pondered slightly: "Okay, I can pay you 10 million dollars. But the shares must be 15%. Relatives, you should understand that the capital injection of our family is equivalent to making you an ally of the clover family. Do you understand the meaning of this identity?

"I know very well." I also smiled, but I didn't show any weakness. Fei quickly said, "You can only use 10% of your casino shares, but the cash discount must be at least doubled! 20 million in cash!"

"Ty million in cash?" He smiled and said, "20 million in cash. I can open ten trading companies like yours in Vancouver.

"But without me, you can't even buy and sell a penny of smuggled goods." I said quickly, "This is my bottom line."

Yang Er sighed: "Cash discount is not a problem. I must have 15% of the shares."

I felt my heart pounding, and at the same time I gritted my teeth: "Okay! 30 million dollars in cash! One percent of the shares of the casino. I'll give you 5% of Huaxing! But I have an additional condition!"

"What are the conditions?"

I did not shy away from Yang Erdi's eyes and stared directly into his eyes: "Within three years, you are not allowed to sell or transfer 15% of your shares in any situation! Moreover, within five years, if you want to transfer 15% of your hand, then under the same conditions, I have the priority to buy! That's all!"

I just finished my voice. I clearly saw Mr. Yang Er's originally calm eyes, which suddenly burst out a strange look in an instant!! Such eyes enveloped me in an instant, as if with a power that shocked me! He seems to see through my heart!

"Good!" Yang Er suddenly laughed, and this time there was a smile in his eyes: "I haven't seen such an interesting young man like you for a long time! Deal!"

I noticed that he didn't hide the appreciation in his eyes when he looked at me, but in the same way, there was also a little faint edge!

It's a deal...

I don't have any joy in my heart. Indeed, I have more than 30 million dollars in cash in my pocket, and I also got a 1% stake in a casino in Las Vegas. With only one percent of the shares, the annual dividend is enough for me to be a millionaire.

But I'm not happy at all... Because I seem to open my own door, and then welcome a person who is much stronger than me from the outside... "Ally"!

I don't know if I will regret doing this now and in the future.

But at least for now, I have no choice but to do so.

"Chen Yang, come on, let's have a drink." Yang Er smiled and seemed to laugh at himself: "God know, I used 30 million dollars plus one percent of the shares of the casino in exchange for 15% of a small company with a market value of less than one million. If this deal is said, someone will think I'm crazy."

"But with this 15%, you can have a net profit of at least 15 million a year. If you don't think the price is worth it... Then in three years, I'm willing to buy back the 15% shares in your hand with 100 million dollars." I laughed.

Yang Er blinked, looked at me and smiled, "No, no, no, this is three years later, isn't it? At least for now, we should raise our glasses and congratulate us on our first cooperation.

"Dreds." I swallowed the wine in one gulp, but my mouth was a little bitter.

At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door outside, and Yang Er frowned slightly: "Come in."

Yang Er, who once led me in, stood at the door and said slowly, "Sir, something happened in the casino below. If it's convenient for you, please go down and have a look."

Yang Er looked as usual and smiled: "I know."

He turned his head and looked at me and suddenly smiled, "Oh, by the way, just take this opportunity to go down with me... After all, you also have a part of this casino. Go and see your new casino.

I didn't hesitate and nodded.

Yang Er seemed to take my arm out of the lounge with an attitude towards his old friend. We went outside one after another, but I saw Qiaoqiao sitting in a high chair from afar, holding a wine glass with a little boredom, walking around and looking around, faintly impatient. Seeing me, her eyes lit up and she immediately jumped out of the chair.

"Winter Friday, where have you been?" She came to me.

I smiled and said, "I just talked to Mr. Yang about something. Well, this is Mr. Yang Er, Yang Wei's uncle."

This time, Qiao Qiao didn't mess around. She said hello to Yang Er with a very ladylike performance, and even made a dignified look with a smile.

I thought for a moment, "Can I go down to the restaurant with my friends?"

Yang Er smiled casually and said, "Of course, don't ask me. Remember, this is also your casino.

After we came out, four people immediately followed Yang Er. Qiao Qiao and I also entered the elevator with Yang Er and came to the big casino on the ground floor of the hotel.

Walking out of the elevator, I couldn't help sighing in my heart.

It's not that I've never been to a casino. When I was in China, I also went to the casino controlled by Brother Huan... But here, the scale here is at least ten times larger than that casino!

comes in at least hundreds of slot machines, commonly known as slot machines. Then there were all kinds of gambling tables, large and small, and all kinds of gambling. Just when I saw such an outside gambling hall, there were at least a thousand square meters!! And there is more than one hall here!

It's obviously not the first time for Jojo to come to such a big casino, and I even know that it's not the first time for her to come to Las Vegas. However, after she got out of the elevator, she deliberately fell behind Yang Er with me. She pulled me and asked in a low voice, "What did he say just now? This is also your casino. What do you mean?

I sighed: "This casino now has some of my shares."

Joe's eyes lit up: "Really? How dare you start a casino business?

I immediately poured out her excitement with a basin of cold water: "I only have a poor 1% stake."

Then I sighed: "Okay, I'll talk to you in detail when I get back."

Because Yang Er had already scratched his head and looked at me and said with a smile, "Are you interested in going in with me to see interesting things?"

I immediately followed: "What's the interesting thing?"

Yang Er shrugged his shoulders and said carelessly, "Any new casino that opens, other casinos will naturally come to 'welcome'. This is the old rule."

Although what he said was insipid, I heard a trace of calmness in his voice!

A meeting?

I see. It's probably to come and smash the field!