evil spirit

Chapter 101 Eliminating Hidden Danger

Chapter 101 [Eliminate hidden dangers] My depression directly led to an increase in the workload of the calculus period. In the next two days, I don't have time to go to Huaxing Company to do the work of setting up a company, recruitment, talent selection and so on. Basically, I just have a brief look at it, and most of them Zhou did it.

The place I stayed the most was my brother's martial arts school.

I spent most of my two days in my brother's martial arts school.

I even returned to the days when I used to be in the gym of the car repair yard, practicing and boxing every day.

Big brother is very depressed and knows that I have something on my mind, but Big Brother is not a woman, and he won't bother me.

He examined my current physical condition and my current kung fu level, and then did not make too many comments, but sighed: "How on earth have you been here in the past few years?" Looking at him frowning, I know that the eldest brother is a little dissatisfied with my current situation.

He thinks I'm a little weak now.

I blushed a little.

Originally, with my skills, I was much better than ordinary people... Among other things, when I fled, I could cut off with more than a dozen people on the streets of Guangzhou alone! Then you can escape alive! With my current skills, if I deal with seven or eight big men, I can also win.

But let me deal with seven or eight big men with knives, then I will probably lose.

I'm a human, not a superman. Even if I can do martial arts, I'm just a little better than ordinary people, but I want the kind of one hit, one palm, flying sand and stone... That's a movie.

If it's an ordinary fight, I will deal with seven or eight strong men alone.

I can be ruthless, and then knock down two or three people of the other party as soon as possible, and cause serious injuries to the other party, mainly to crack down on the other party's beliefs... I am more ruthless than others, which is the most important thing.

As long as I kill two or three people as soon as possible, the rest will be afraid, disintegrate their fighting spirit and choose to retreat and escape.

However, if the other party fights with me, and both sides are fighting hard, it is still a little difficult for me to deal with seven or eight strong men. Even if I win, I will get hurt.

Moreover, if the other party has a knife or other weapon in his hand, I can only escape while fighting.

It's like on the streets of Guangzhou, I deal with more than a dozen big men with knives alone.

Although I tried my best to get rid of a few, I was also seriously injured and had no choice but to run away.

This is the real "kung fu". There are not so many gorgeous and magical special effects, because this is not a movie.

Or another fact that may discourage the vast majority of people: even the real Huang Feihong in history, a recognized strong martial arts generation, is one of the representatives of Chinese martial arts in the late Qing Dynasty.

It's not as exaggerated as in those movies.

Master Huang Feihong in real history, he is indeed proficient in martial arts and is a generation of masters.

But when he fights with others, he is not that kind of superman... It is true that history has recorded that he has at most one group battle, and one person has defeated the thunders of 47 bullies.

One VS forty-seven This is already the record of the strongest one in the record.

Even if you casually pull out the top martial arts strongman in China now, who dares to say that he can defeat 47 people alone? However, for those heroes who can do martial arts in the movie.

Take a knife or sword at any time, and you can easily win even in the face of hundreds of people... Those are all fake.

Make the simplest explanation and knock down an ordinary person.

The so-called "down" is not simply to make him fall down.

Instead, he really beat the opponent until he temporarily lost his fighting ability! Let the other party get hurt, or directly stun the other party.

Anyone who can fight a little knows it.

To make the other party really temporarily lose the ability to continue fighting, the most effective way is to hit the opponent's critical part or the vulnerable part of the body.

Okay, I'll assume that if you knock down a person, you have to make a heavy punch. Note that it's not an ordinary punch, but a heavy punch!! That is, similar to the "heavy hand" I used before, or the "backhand heavy punch" used by professional boxers. Such a gravity attack consumes a lot of power on the person who takes action! ( Moreover, in real combat, you don't expect to defeat an opponent with every punch?? Do you think dozens of people on the other side are standing there and letting you hit the live target?) Well, then completely knock down forty-seven people, even if in theory, at least at least, at least forty-seven heavy punches! Human bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and the pressure they can withstand are limited!! Every heavy punch must be sent with all your strength, so... imagine... or some people don't understand it, so it's very simple. You go to find a sandbag, then hold the sandbag, and hit the sandbag with your greatest strength to see how many "heavy punches" you can hit! I promise, if you punch seven or eight times at most, your arm will have no strength!! Or after seven or eight punches, you say you can still fight... But measure it yourself, after you punch seven or eight punches, the strength of your arm, even if you can still punch... How much lethality is left in such a punch? Even if you don't have a sandbag, it's very simple. You punch hard at the air, and you have to punch every punch with all your strength... At most a dozen punches, and you will feel that the fist you swing is as soft as cotton.

Forty-seven heavy punches in a row, and the boxing can completely "down" a strong man!! This kind of combat effectiveness is simply horrible!! And let's do another calculation... An excellent boxer, with a heavy punch, has about 100 kilograms of strength.

This number is relatively conservative.

Anyone who has studied physics knows that the role of power is mutual.

That is to say, you hit 100 kilograms of power on the other party, and your own arm also has to bear 100 kilograms of power! Forty-seven heavy punches (maybe far more, because in actual combat, in the face of the siege of dozens of people, it is impossible to ensure that you hit the opponent accurately with every punch.

After all, the enemy will dodge, and at the same time, you have to resist the attack of dozens of the other party's people) Well, forty-seven heavy punches, each punch is 100 kilograms, a total of... 4,700 kilograms!! What kind of concept is this?! That is to say, even if you can punch 47 times, then your own arm must bear 4,700 kilograms of strength in a very short time... Your arm has been completely abolished!! Therefore, one vs. forty-seven, and in the end, it can win completely.

Although it is much inferior to the exaggerated shooting in those movies... But in fact, it is already terrifying to the extreme combat effectiveness!! And I, naturally, are far from that kind of combat effectiveness.

If it's just a simple fight.

I rely on my heart to be cruel, and I can use heavy hands to intimidate the other party to beat away seven or eight strong men... Note that it is to run away, not to knock them down.

If the other party works hard, I also have the ability to win, but I will definitely get hurt.

If both sides take the knife.

And the other party has a strong will to fight, with the belief that he must kill... Then I will lose. If I am smart, I will resist for a while, kill one or two, and then run away before I lose the ability to escape!! Even if I am willing to work hard, the best result can only be both defeats! If I kill the other party, I guess I will be more or less lucky.

This is my real strength at present.

To be honest, I'm actually very satisfied.

Wushu is not as exaggerated as the legend.

Moreover, with my current combat effectiveness, I have been recognized as the number one master in the big circle.

Even Ciro, in front of me, when I don't work hard, it's just ten minutes.

And I have always been proud of my skills.

But at the same time, I also think it is enough to practice kung fu to my level.

Continue to practice, no matter how strong it is, it may not be very useful.

After all, it is not ancient now.

Even if I practice to the realm of Huang Feihong, I can win by forty-seven. What's the use? A child can kill me with a pistol as long as the opportunity is right.

I am very satisfied with my current level.

However, I'm not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of shopping around!! People are more popular than people! After a little bit of contact with my eldest brother, I fully experienced the huge gap between me and him! Master's words in those years really didn't lie to me.

In a few years, the gap between me and my eldest brother is getting bigger and bigger! Although it's just practice, the eldest brother is obviously not serious after a few faces, but in my heart, it is full of a sense of powerlessness! This feeling is almost the same as when I faced my master!! Or, the current elder brother, his kung fu has reached the level of the master in those years.

Therefore, when the eldest brother expressed dissatisfaction with my level, I did not refute it.

Even if I was a little complacent before, I'm a little depressed now.

I thought that even if I was not the opponent of the eldest brother, I could at least hold on for a while, or force him to be serious about me.

Now it seems that my kung fu is really less than 30% of his.

"You have been abandoned for the past few years."

Big brother frowned. After turning me over with one foot, he reached out and pulled me up: "You know what? In fact, your bones are very good, and I even think that if you are willing to work hard in the past few years, even if you can't beat me, you should be able to win when you meet the second and third, but now it seems that you are far worse than them.

"No way."

I smiled bitterly.

"Practice martial arts, you should know how to cultivate yourself!" The eldest brother sighed. He frowned and said with a straight face, "Smoking, drinking, and other things... will ruin your body.

I'm not asking you to be a monk, and I'm not asking you not to drink or smoke.

But to be honest, it's better to touch those things less.

The simplest truth is that smoking will cause damage to your lungs. Although such damage is accumulated over time, your lung capacity will definitely be damaged... Although you are not lazy on weekdays, it is always bad for a long time.

And wine..." I shook my head with a wry smile: "Brother, okay, I know it all.

It's just that I'm not determined to be a martial arts master after all.

My little effort now is enough to settle down.

But the brother stiff-faced and scolded, "Nonsense! Practicing martial arts is like sailing against the water.

If you don't advance, you will retreat!! You are almost the same as eating the old capital now! If you don't work hard, it's useless for you to regret when your physical function begins to degenerate in the future!!!" He paused for a moment.

said in an irresistible tone: "Don't talk nonsense. Starting tomorrow, you will come to me to practice for three hours every afternoon!! In this two months, I can put your kung fu ** to the best of your current level.


, if you want to continue to practice, I can consider teaching you other kung fu. If you don't want to practice, I will give you a plan to practice. The intensity is slightly lighter, and you can practice according to this method.

Even if you are old in the future, you can maintain your state for a few more years.

He looked at me. Although his face was stiff, his eyes were obviously very meaningful. He patted me on the shoulder: "Chen Yang, you have been hurt too much!! Look at you, there are so many scars and gunshot wounds.

Don't think it's all right now that you're cured! Western medicine is just a treatment! But in fact, these injuries will really kill you!! In a popular word, you have been hurt too much, and you have hurt your vitality!! You are just young, in good health, and have a good foundation, and you can still stand it.

But you will get old in the future... Humph, do you want to become the kind of wound that hurts all over your body when it comes to rainy weather? He glanced at me: "Look at your body now. Humph, you can jump and jump now, but I tell you, you will live in a wheelchair when you are 50 years old at most!" My heart was cold, and my face changed!" Is it... that exaggerated?" I feel that I am even reluctant to **.

But I know that my brother is a person who never likes to joke. Since he said so, he definitely didn't scare me!" Humph, look at those retired boxers, those injured and retired soldiers, what they look like when they are old.

The senior brother looked at me and said slowly, "Listen to me. Starting tomorrow, you have to exercise well. If you don't practice, you won't have a chance.

You do what I said, at least you won't suffer when you get old in the future.

can also remain like a normal person.

Imagine that I would be in a wheelchair from the age of 50... I couldn't help but feel cold, shivering all over, and quickly agreed, "Okay, I'll start practicing with you tomorrow."

The next day, I came to my brother's martial arts school to see him as promised.

Not only did I come, but I also brought the hammer.

I'm still a little selfish.

Although the eldest brother doesn't like what I'm doing now, such a master of martial arts is almost comparable to that of my master. If he is willing to teach me half a trick, then the ability of the direct brothers around me can be greatly improved! Although Qiao Qiao's departure made me sad, it made me feel more depressed... I just vented all my depression on martial arts practice, so I seemed to work very hard.

The brother didn't say much about the hammer I brought. He just casually asked his apprentice to go down with the hammer to change his clothes, and then let the hammer walk.

Looking at the hammer with an indifferent face, I sighed in my heart: Boy, just wait to suffer.

Humph, do you think it's easy to walk? Sure enough, I was still doing activities with my brother. After two punches, the hammer in the distance was a little unbearable.

"Your subordinate is in good health, very strong, but lacks flexibility."

The senior brother looked at me and said, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Don't want me to teach your men how to do it."

I couldn't help but be a little disappointed, but then my brother said, "I can't teach kung fu, but I can help you ** him a little... Humph, he is a big man, his muscles are stiff, and his airs are beautiful, but it's not very useful.

Let him follow you every day in the future and make him more sensitive. It's okay.

I was relieved.

The three hours of training actually passed quickly. My brother and I practiced boxing twice, and then he took me to the house in the back and let me lie **. Then, just like when I was a child, my brother took out a ceramic jar, poured ointment out of it, wiped a large piece on my hands, and then rubbed my hands. I wiped it for a long time.

His palms are all red! Then my brother gave me an hour's massage with his special technique! My brother's massage technique is very strange. When I was a child, when he gave me a massage, I didn't care about these details, but now when I enjoy his massage again, I realized a trace of it.

His hands, patted, pinched and pressed, varied and extremely fast, and did not stop all the way down.

I took off all my clothes and only wore a pair of shorts.

When my brother's hands passed on the muscles of my back.

I seem to be able to feel a trace of heat! Of course, I know that this is the effect of medicine, but I can't help but have an experience like the internal power in martial arts novels... And often, his fingers seem to just shake gently, and my bones click somewhere... After the one-hour massage time, I only feel refreshed and indescribably relaxed. !! Even the body seems to be a little lighter.

Looking at his brother, his forehead was already sweaty, his eyebrows were a little tired, and his breathing was a little heavy.

"Okay, don't move and lie down."

My brother held me down, and then he walked out of the room. After a moment, he brought a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine. I couldn't help trembling when I smelled the strong smell.

The medicine is hot.

Obviously, my brother has made a lot of preparations for me! Drink it, it's good for your health.

Brother handed the bowl to me.

My heart was hot. Looking at my brother's sweaty head, I only felt as if something was going to flow out of my eyes. I quickly took it, lowered my head, and drank a few mouthfuls.

"From now on, come and drink a bowl every day, Guben Peiyuan."

The brother smiled. He watched me sit up from ** after drinking the medicine, with a trace of comfort in his eyes.

This feeling is probably family affection.

I just felt so excited that I couldn't help saying, "Brother, if I don't leave today, I'll stay with you.

I want to eat your winter melon sparerib soup in the evening... Tonight, our two brothers will drink and chat all night.

Brother was stunned for a moment, then laughed and dragged me up from **: "If you want to drink winter melon sparerib soup, I'll ask someone to buy it. I'll make it for you in the evening... But if you live here, forget it.

Well, I heard that you have a girlfriend now. You'd better go back and live there, haha, so that my sister-in-law won't be unhappy.

After a pause, he smiled and said, "Another day, bring your girlfriend to my brother to see," I quickly nodded and agreed.

That night, I stayed with my brother for dinner, and finally drank the familiar winter melon sparerib soup, and even an extra bowl of rice.

It's a hammer. First, he took a horse step for an hour, but he would let his brother hang two red bricks on his arm and raise his arm to continue the horse step... As a result, when the boy was eating at night, his arm trembled so much that he couldn't even hold the chopsticks.

In the evening, I still listened to my brother and went home to live.

Qiao Qiao left, and there was only Yan Di left at home, and I know that although she looks calm now, she must be very sad. At this time, it is not easy to leave her at home alone.

When I went back, Yan Di was sitting alone in the sofa in the hall in a daze.

The light was not even turned on in the room, and it was quiet.

When I came in, she seemed to react from her mind. Suddenly, she jumped off the sofa and rushed into my arms barefoot a few steps.

In the dark room, I heard her gasp gently. Her soft body was still trembling faintly, as soft as a pigeon.

She seems to be afraid of something.

"What's wrong?" I hugged her: "Why don't you turn on the light? You can watch TV at home.

"I thought you weren't coming back."

Yan Di seemed to hesitate for a while before answering me in a low voice in my arms.

I immediately stopped my words, then quickly hugged her hard, hugged her and sat on the sofa: "Don't think about these thoughts, it's impossible."

"But it's so late and it's getting dark."

Yan Diyou said, "You didn't talk to me last night. After you left today, you haven't contacted me for a day. I'm alone at home, and I'm always afraid.

At night, it's dark outside, and you still haven't come back.

There was no phone call... I thought you didn't want me anymore..." At this point, she suddenly cried and threw herself into my arms again.

I panicked, patted my forehead hard, cursed myself as an asshole in my heart, quickly hugged her, and comforted her repeatedly.

Yes, after Qiao Qiao left, Yan Di and I seemed to be a little embarrassed.

Yan Di naturally noticed something.

And I was depressed... and ignored Yan Di's feeling.

After all, she is a girl, in a foreign country, and the only thing she can rely on is me! I hugged her hard, kissed her on the face a few times, and said softly, "It's my fault, it's my fault."

Well, I will definitely come back early tomorrow... Well, no, you can go out with me tomorrow.

Just stay with me, okay? Yan Di twisted a few times in my arms.

After quieting down a little, he thought about it for a moment, but shook his head and said softly, "I still don't want it. I know I'm useless, and it's not good to follow you... You men have to do things outside. If you take me with you, it will only be a burden... I'd better wait

After saying that, she seemed to sigh in a low voice.

I was moved, really moved, but at the same time, there is a deep self-reproach in my heart!! Such a kind and gentle girl, but I made her so painful... Alas!! This night, I hugged Yan Di and slept in a **.

But I didn't invade her... I know that if I want to do something, she will definitely not refuse.

It's just that at this time, there seems to be some embarrassment between the two, and I don't want to do anything in this situation.

Hold her tightly, but I feel a deep peace and happiness in my heart. This feeling is something that others can't give me! Yan Di curled up in my arms like a cat.

With a gentle breath and a quiet face, she looks so weak that she can't help but let the man stimulate the desire to protect her in his heart.

That night, I slept surprisingly soundly soundly, as if she were my best tranquilizer.

Well, this is not a desire, but a real kind of warmth that makes my soul feel quiet, calm and peaceful.

This is the feeling of home... I said to myself.

The next day, although Yan Di refused my suggestion to take her out, I insisted on taking her to my brother.

I practiced kung fu with my senior brother, while Yan Di was watching.

The eldest brother seemed to be very satisfied with this gentle and kind-looking girl, especially when he knew that Yan Di used to study nursing and had some understanding of medicine. What's more, when I was practicing, he simply called Yan Di to the medicine hall and began to teach Yan Di to do some basic things.

When I practiced for an hour and ran out, I saw Yan Di carefully distinguishing the amount of the medicine in front of a small tube scale on the table... Well, my brother was teaching her to catch the medicine.

Later, he simply took out a brochure and let Yan Di read it by himself.

That's a basic Chinese medicine book.

"This girl is good. Anyway, she just stays at home at your place every day, which is not a way. If people always stay at home and don't go out, they will be suffocated.

From now on, let her come to me every day. I will teach her something. It happens that there are two careful people in my medicine hall.

My apprentices are all hairy boys.

Hey!" My brother patted me on the shoulder. It seemed that he was very satisfied with my girlfriend.

I didn't even think about it, and I immediately agreed.

Indeed, it is not a way to leave Yan Di at home alone every day.

She majored in nursing and still has some basic knowledge of medicine.

It's not bad to help the big brother do some work in the pharmacy.

I talked to Yan Di, and I could see that she was very happy.

Indeed, I also ignored some of her before.

In the past, Qiao Qiao was with her, and I could not worry about her being alone, but now that Qiao Qiao has left, I can't keep her in a cage every day like a canary.

It's really a good choice for her to come to her brother.

In addition, I'm more happy to be the disciples under my brother. When these guys saw such a beautiful and gentle girl I brought me today, their eyes widened, and when some people practiced, they couldn't help staring out... But after knowing that this was their "uncle"'s girlfriend. After that, these kids can only sigh and envy.

After practicing today, I stayed with my brother with Yan Di for a meal.

But at dinner, I got a phone call.

"Chen Yang, I'm Yang Wei."

On the phone, Yang Wei's voice was very brisk: "I will come to Vancouver tomorrow morning. Well, this time on behalf of my uncle, I will complete our cooperation transaction with you..."