evil spirit

Chapter 110 is here!

Chapter 110 [Here it is!] I cursed in my heart.

Jinhe is really strong! Although I have never had a fight with him before, and I have only heard of his toughness, but when I fight with him today, I am almost no match for him at all! Strong! And it's not generally strong! In the master I met, no one except my brother could beat me so badly, and almost no one had the power to fight back! According to my estimation, he is even more powerful than the first pair of red stick sand tigers of the Hua Gang that I killed! You know, the sand tiger's kung fu was far above me, and it was only killed by my sneak attack.

I pressed my waist with one hand, gasped desperately, and stared at Jinhe.

Seeing that he forced him over again, I suddenly turned around and pulled my hand hard at my waist at the same time! Oh!! A dark shadow scratched in the air and threw at Jinhe's head. Jinhe raised his arm to block it, but the shadow would turn and hit Jinhe's face with a crack! He immediately snorted, stepped back two steps, and put his hand on his face.

Looking at Jinhe's face, a blood-red mark has been pulled out, and blood even flowed from his forehead.

"That's good. It's a very smart reaction."

Jin He snorted and stared at me.

I have a belt torn off my trousers in my hand... It seems that this Deng Xilu belt is still very good.

I just hold this kind of thing as a weapon in my hand, which inevitably makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

Jin He looked at me and said with a mocking smile, "Do you really think you are Bruce Lee? Can holding a belt also be used as a double stick? He forced it over with a smile, and this time I threw out the belt.

was caught by him at once, and then pulled hard... His strength was much greater than mine. I couldn't compare with him in strength, and suddenly my heart moved in an instant.

He rushed into his arms! A trace of essence flashed in Jinhe's eyes. He realized that I wanted to take the opportunity to approach him, so he raised his hand and punched him. This time, I just sank my shoulder slightly and let the punch that had hit my chest hit my shoulder. Although my eyes were blackened with pain, I still stuck to him smoothly! Jin He realized the danger, but his other hand was entangled by my belt! I can't spare my hand! I was punched by him on the shoulder, but my right hand has finished the bending of the arm... Bang!! With a muffled sound, my arms and elbows hit Jinhe's chest heavily!! I did my best this time! And I still use my unique trick.

The force of the heavy hand is played out! Jinhe's chest was hit hard by me, and his face changed wildly in an instant! At the same time, I felt that I was hit by a huge force, and my whole body flew out.

Unexpectedly, he flew up! It hit the wall hard! This terrible power, I don't even know what action the Golden River used to beat me out! And he fought with all his strength in a hurry! I hit my body against the wall and even cracked a hole in the lime wall!! When I fell to the ground, my whole body was in severe pain, and I even suspected that I had broken several of my bones... Just as it was black in front of my eyes and I almost fainted.

The broken glass on the ground pierced my skin, and the severe pain of the skin made me wake up in an instant, but I coughed repeatedly.

The mouth is full of blood! And Jinhe, he staggered back a few steps, leaned against the wall, covered his chest with one hand, and his face changed wildly. He stared at me. Finally, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouth of blood.


Good boy! This is the real kung fu next time.

Jin He took a deep breath, his breathing was also a little messy, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. Although my heavy blow caused a lot of damage, it was obvious that it did not make him lose his combat effectiveness.

And I can hardly do it anymore.

Jinhe's eyes exuded a chill. He strode over. I only saw him lift his legs. I was in a hurry and raised the coffee table beside me to stop him... Bang! He actually kicked through the coffee table with his leg, and his toes still kicked me in the stomach. I shouted and retreated, feeling that I was entangled in my intestines.

Jin He kicked through the coffee table, but his legs were also trapped in the hole on the coffee table.

I knew that I had no chance to win in his hand, and at this time I had retreated to the edge of the window. I gritted my teeth and broke the window with my back elbow. With a bang, the broken glass splashed everywhere. I picked up two pieces, raised my hand and shot at the Golden River. Then I didn't look I rushed out... bang! When I fell to the ground, I only felt that I had been hit. My eyes were black, and I bit my tongue hard. I woke up a little in severe pain.

Fortunately, Ni Duoduo's house lives on the second floor. If the floor is higher, I will be doomed.

I also know that the last two pieces of glass I shot out could not hurt the Golden River. I struggled to get up from the ground and staggered and ran out to the street.

It was also my life. When I ran out, I saw a taxi coming. I rushed to the street. The taxi quickly braked sharply, and it almost didn't hit me. I ignored the taxi driver's scolding and surprise, and threw my body in the door with one hand.

The driver looked at my ragged clothes, my whole body was covered with wounds and blood, and my face was even higher and swollen. At that time, I was stunned, but I shouted at him, "Drive! Drive!!" I took a deep breath, cleared my mind a little, and shouted at him, "Drive quickly! I'm not a bad person! I'm rich! I ran into a robbery! If you can take me back to Hotel XX, I'll give you a thousand dollars!" I don't know if my explanation worked or the "thousand dollars" worked. The driver finally closed his mouth, although he still looked flustered.

But he still stepped on the accelerator quickly.

As the car rushed out, I saw that Jinhe had rushed out of the building, but the car had already started.

He can't catch up with me.

It's just that looking at the figure behind me gradually fading away, I was a little annoyed!! For the lobby waiter of LeRoyalMerenKingEdward Hotel, today is destined to be an unforgettable day.

In this five-star luxury hotel, there have always been people in and out of the well-dressed people, and tonight, I, who was covered in blood and ragged clothes, rushed out of a taxi and knocked down the doorman who opened the door for me.

Then I threw myself on a cart full of suitcases, and I turned over and fell to the ground.

Two waiters in the lobby immediately came to help me.

And the manager of the lobby has picked up the phone and called the police.

The security guard of the hotel also rushed over and tried to hold me.

I almost fainted at this time. I just grabbed the man in front of me. I didn't know whether he was a security guard or a hotel waiter. I reluctantly said, "I'm a guest of Room XX... I encountered a robbery..." "God! Call the police! Then call the doctor! We need an ambulance!!" The lobby manager finally recognized me.

After all, I'm a VIP living in a luxury suite here! And the waiter who held me.

If I remember correctly, he carried my luggage when I checked in.

I also tipd him a hundred dollars! That's enough for him to remember me.

My whole body has relaxed, and I don't have any strength. The pain on my body makes me unable to open my eyes.

vaguely, I seemed to see Hammer and Hansen coming out of the hall. Suddenly, they saw me, shocked and rushed over.

I was relieved, closed my eyes and fainted.

When I woke up.

Lying in the hotel room, I also have a doctor and even two medical instruments.

I was covered with a thin quilt, but I felt that I, under the quilt, the upper body**.

I think my head is very heavy and I feel numb. This kind of head-heavy feeling is like being drunk.

I found out later that it was because my head was wrapped up.

My body was beyond my expectation, and there was no feeling of pain... Maybe I'm numb now.

A middle-aged white doctor opened my eyelids and looked at it, and then asked me in a low voice, "How do you feel?" It's okay."

I moved my mouth: "I just feel a little dull."

The doctor looked at me: "That's because the effect of the injected drug hasn't passed yet."

Then he muttered a few words: "It's strange that no one has ever thought that you wake up so quickly. Most people have to inject drugs for at least eight hours to wake up."

Then he walked out of the room, and Yang Wei came in from the outside.

She looked ugly, but when she saw me wake up, she was relieved. She sat by my bedside and said in a low voice, "What's going on earth?" Have you been ambushed?" No."

My voice was very weak, but I smiled bitterly: "I met an old acquaintance and fought with him, but I was beaten badly by him."

"Aren't you very good at it?" Yang Wei frowned: "One person beats you like this?" I sighed, "How's my injury?" Yang Wei looked at me and said, "It's okay, it's not too heavy.

You are lucky this time that you didn't break the bone again, but there were a few bone cracks.

In addition, there are many skin injuries.

I don't know what happened. I didn't dare to let you stay in the hospital, but spent a lot of money to stay in the hotel for treatment... It's safer than in the hospital.

The people in the hospital are too miscellaneous.


I nodded.

Yang Wei is always so thoughtful.

"Now, tell me what happened!" Yang Wei said in a low voice, "Didn't you leave with that little girl? She should be the girl you said, the girl who let you die because of her, right? Her name is Ni Duoduo, and she is Ye Huan's daughter, right? I remember you told me.

She stared at me: "Did you meet Ye Huan? Is it Ye Huan who wants to kill you? I'm not surprised that Yang Wei would think so. In fact, it is logical for her to know Ni Duoduo's identity and have this kind of association.

"No... I didn't meet Ye Huan.

I just met his men, Jinhe.

I told Yang Wei.

Yang Wei frowned: "Golden River? Is it the man who has always been with Ye Huan... I remember I met him.

Hansen has also seen him. Hansen said that the Golden River is a very dangerous person.

I smiled bitterly: "He is really awesome.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been beaten so badly... In fact, if I hadn't run fast, I would have died in his hands."

A trace of fierceness flashed in Yang Wei's eyes. She said angrily, "So now, Ye Huan and the others still won't let you go? It's better to do this kind of poison to you!!" My existence is a threat to them.

I forced a smile: "Because, in China, Ye Huan made a fake appearance that I have died in order to explain to his boss.

If someone knows that I am alive, Ye Huan will have bad luck.

So, unless he can't find me, he will definitely kill me.

This is to silence the mouth."

Then I smiled and said, "Actually, Jin He has let me go once. This meeting him was just an accident."

Yang Wei thought sideways for a moment, and suddenly, her face became a little strange: "Accident? Do you think this is an accident?" What do you mean?" Chen Yang.

Yang Wei sorted out his thoughts and said slowly, "According to the things you told me before, Ni Duoduo, a girl, was also sent by Ye Huan abroad to hide here.

Because it is far away from the domestic sight... And Ye Huan gave her a lot of money.

And I think that for the sake of safety, Ye Huan must have little contact with his daughter during the safety period... This is for the sake of safety.

At most, he will only visit his daughter occasionally when the opportunity is right.

So, Ni Duoduo is here, and no one protects her all the time.

This can be seen from the last time she was cheated into attending the ** party.

Jinhe did not protect Ni Duoduo's side.

Because this is a secret, Ye Huan will not send someone to protect her daughter in order to keep it a secret! Because he is afraid that if the people sent are not reliable, they will reveal the secret.

And the only person you can trust is the Golden River.

I nodded and thought for a moment, "Well, that means it's an accident.

Even the princess dares to bully Ni Duoduo, which means that Jin He has not been by her side before. Otherwise, Jin He would have intervened long ago with the things the princess did to Ni Duoduo.

Yang Wei shook his head: "No, that's not what I mean.

I don't suspect that Ni Duoduo deliberately lured you to ambush you.

This matter has nothing to do with this little girl... I'm talking about the Golden River!!" Yang Wei looked at me: "Indeed, it may be a coincidence that Jinhe met you here... But have you ever thought about it... Jinhe has always been inseparable from Ye Huan! If Jinhe is here..." My face suddenly changed! Yang Wei took a deep breath and said slowly: ... Well, Ye Huan is also likely to be in Canada, even in Toronto!!"