evil spirit

Chapter 116 The End of an Era

Chapter 116 [The End of an Era] (Part I) Uncle Seven's disease is in the brain.

I don't know much about those complicated medical terms.

The only thing I know is what it means: Uncle Seven has a tumor in his brain, which is malignant. Because of the location, the success rate of the operation is less than 7%.

Therefore, the possibility of surgical treatment is basically eliminated.

And this tumor, with increasing growth, will eventually kill Uncle Seven! Once it grows to a certain extent and oppresses some nerves in the brain, Uncle Seven will lose some people's basic senses, such as vision, hearing, smell... and so on.

Now, Uncle Seven's eyesight has declined.

In half a month, any day, Uncle Seven may suddenly die suddenly without warning.

When I walked behind him, Uncle Seven didn't notice it - in fact, his hearing also declined.

Gently, I heard the old man's sigh, and then he stretched out his dry hand and tried to touch the tender green bud on the branch... But his hand reached halfway and stopped, as if he was reluctant to give up. He paused a few centimeters away from the buds.

"Seven...Uncle Seven."

I shouted softly.

He turned his head, looked at me silently and smiled.

Uncle Seven's face was very tired, but his eyes were still bright. He whispered, "Help me up."

I helped him into a wheelchair and sat down, and then covered him with a blanket. I frowned and said, "Where's Xiao Zhu? Didn't I ask him to take care of you?" Uncle Seven shook his head: "I asked him to go out and help me buy something."

He looked at me and said, "Do you have any cigarettes? I want to smoke a branch."

I didn't hesitate and immediately took out the cigarette box for him.

I know.

He is definitely not suitable for smoking... But can I refuse him? This old man is about to die.

or three days.

Or five days, or... just the next minute! Let him enjoy it as much as possible before he dies.

Uncle Seven's body is already very weak, and his fingers are trembling with cigarettes.

I felt a little sad and pushed the wheelchair: "Let's go in, Uncle Seven, it's a little cold outside."

"No, let me stay outside for a while."

He smiled.

I stood silently beside him, not knowing what to say... comforting words? I don't know how to say it, for a person who already knows that his life will be long.

Those boring and comforting empty words are meaningless at all.

Uncle Seven quietly finished a cigarette and sighed pleasantly.

Then regardless of my obstruction, he struggled to bend over and scratched it on the ground... On both sides of the cobblestone ground are new soil, because the planted plants have just been transplanted.

So the soil is still a little loose.

Uncle Seven was very laborious. He grabbed a handful of soil from the ground with his already trembling fingers.

Then he sat up straight, grabbed the mud and leaned it against his nose, and sniffed hard... "I'm old."

Uncle Seven sighed and looked at me, as if smiling, with a little loneliness: "In a few days, I will merge with these soils... Well, dust to dust, dust to earth.


Sooner or later, there will be such a day.

Then, he waved his hand with difficulty and pointed to him: "Sit down and talk to me."

There is only one cement table in front of him, but I don't care about it now. When I heard the words, I immediately sat down and sat opposite him.

"Xiao Wu..." Uncle Seven nodded. He looked at me with shining eyes... This may be the only angry place in the old man's body: "You did a good job... Really, you did a good job."

Uncle Seven whispered, "Since you took over, in fact, at the beginning, I also doubted you... After all, you are too young, but for the livelihood of the big circle of brothers, I still decided to come out to support you.

Now it seems that I made the right choice.

I didn't say anything.

"Brothers in the big circle now are better than at any time in the past 20 years! I want to say something to you today..." Uncle Seven looked at me with a smile on his face, and then he said with great relief, "Two years ago, you came to me, and I took you into the big circle... I'm afraid it's the most proud and successful thing I've ever done in my life."

He stretched out his hand, gently touched my face, and smiled and said, "Gangzi, I still remember that you carried a bag on your back that day. It looked like you had just stuggled to the shore, with a stunned face... Alas, but I didn't expect that it's only been two years, and you are already the fifth

I was a little sad and squeezed Uncle Seven's hand hard.

"In my life, I have come to the end of my life."

Uncle Seven sighed and pointed to the tree: "Do you see the tender buds?" I just saw it sprout today... Well, it's good, it's good.

You are better than me, better than our previous old guys.

I believe that you will make these brothers more popular in the future. I can't see it anymore... And I'm afraid I can't help you with anything."

I felt a little choked and wanted to say something, but I couldn't say it.

"People, when it comes to death, there is always a little Rosso. I always feel that I can't say enough, and I can't see enough. I always want to open my eyes for a few more days... How can it be so cheap! Hey hey! In my old man's life, the scenery has also passed, and he has also done the business of killing and arson. He has drunk a big bowl, eating a large piece of meat, and happy and enmity. That kind of life has also passed.

It's worth it! ***."

Uncle Seven laughed and said, "Moreover, I'm more proud than those old brothers that when they died, the circle was still in turmoil! And when I died, I saw the prosperity of the big circle with my own eyes!! When I get to the bottom, when I meet those old brothers, I can also show off to them.

He smiled happily, and then sniffed the mud in his hand again and spilled it on the ground.

"Xiao Wu, I beg you for one thing."

Uncle Seven looked at me.

"Uncle Seven, tell me about it."

I didn't hesitate to say, "No matter what, I will do it for you!" I'm old."

Uncle Seven looked at me quietly: "I came out of my hometown when I was a teenager. In those days, it was turbulent! I went to the countryside to jump the queue and stayed in Yunnan for ten years! It's been ten years! At that time, I was still a boy. When I came back from the countryside, I immediately caught up with the war with Vietnam. As soon as I got out of the car with a group of old brothers, we rushed to sign up for the army! Hey hey! After that, after fighting Vietnam, our guys also became bloody guys.

It's strange now... Well, I've been in Canada for so many years, and until now, I'm dying, but I never think about my hometown.

Not at all.

There is nothing left in my hometown. My mother's grave is gone. When I left, there was only a broken cowshed.

I don't have much to think about... But these days, in my dreams at night, I always think about that mountain village in Yunnan.

is the place where I went to the countryside to jump the queue.

I've been there for ten years.

Alas, in the past two days, I have been thinking that people are cheap! People say that when they are old, the fallen leaves return to their roots, but where is my roots? I don't want to go to my hometown. There is nothing there.

I just thought that there would be a church to go back to Yunnan and go back to the mountain village where I lived for ten years.

Kid, do you know? I have always felt that that is my root! It's my hometown."

I was moved: "Uncle Seven, if you want to go back, I'll arrange it immediately!" No."

Uncle Seven shook his head: "I dare not go back now... I'm not afraid of you laughing... I, I'm afraid! I was afraid to go back. When I saw that the place had changed, the familiar house was gone, and the familiar people were gone... When I went back, I felt uncomfortable.

Hey hey, boy, do you know why I miss that place?" I don't know."

Uncle Seven looked into the distance, and he seemed to recall: "In those years, there, in that mountain village, I was only eighteen years old that year. At that time, Lao Ba, and Lao San and Lao Si, all jumped the queue there. I was in the best health and practiced a few kung fu with the people in the mountains.

Relying on his youth, he also likes to fight with people.

Old eight, three, four, they always wipe my buttocks, haha! However, I fell in love with a girl later... Well, what's the girl's name? Well, yes, it seems to be Awang.

Don't laugh. The name doesn't sound good, but that girl is beautiful and smart! Where have we seen any women in those groups of us? They all treat her like a fairy.

Hey!" He recalled those years. When he said this, he became more and more energetic, and even asked me for a cigarette.

Uncle Seven continued to recall with a cigarette: "Well, when A Wang was interested in me... Alas, I can't remember.

I helped her pick water and help her chopping firewood.

She smiled at me, ***, the smile is so sweet! Later, one night, just behind the small ditch, I secretly met her. I couldn't control her, so I took her... Hahaha!" Then Uncle Seven smiled for a moment, and a trace of haze flashed in his eyes: "Alas, I want to marry her as a mother-in-law, and she is also willing.

But in those years, in those years... We were outsiders. We went to the countryside to jump the queue. To put it in a bad way, we are not good! The locals also refused to marry their daughter to us.

A Wang and I secretly got together for a month, and her parents married her. They married a guy from Lincun, damn it!" Uncle Qi stared and shouted, "I was young. As soon as my brain was hot, I took a pole and rushed to Awang's house. I split the door of her house and quarreled with her parents. Then I took the pole and guarded at the entrance of the village. I knew that the boy who married her was going to give a betrothal gift I saw him coming from afar with a burden. I didn't know where the evil fire came from at that time. One person carried the pole and jumped out, and one person beat seven or eight of them away! That boy was hit on the shoulder by a pole by me. After returning home, he lay in ** for three days!"