evil spirit

Chapter 128 Looking back

Chapter 128 [Looking back] (Part 2) "Why did I see you today... Why... If I don't see you, I can still keep a trace of illusion and leave a trace of hope for myself! But what about now? I saw you, but you... you are so cold to me!! Hundreds of days and nights of missing... During the time you left, I cried every night and couldn't sleep... I finally got the news of your safety, but you have left me behind... When you lived in Vancouver, every day and night in Vancouver, I once thought that in China, there were A woman like me, I still care about you every day?" I..." I was really shocked! I could hardly say a word. Looking at Fang Nan, this woman cried in my arms. I suddenly felt that I was really afraid that I owed this woman a lot... "But today, I saw you... Maybe I should be happy? Should I be satisfied? Is it time to be satisfied? But you said a few words to dispel the hope in my heart..." Fang Nan looked at me with a little resentment in his eyes: "Chen Yang, why are you so cruel? Why can you be so kind to others, but you can be so ruthless to me?" Fang...Fang Nan."

I finally changed my color, and now I can't care about anything else. I put my hands on her shoulders, and then said, "It's not that I'm cruel, let alone that I'm ruthless to you!" Fang Nan, I mean, you may have misunderstood.

I sighed and grabbed her shoulder hard.

looked into Fang Nan's eyes and said, "I don't know what kind of life Aze told you what kind of life I live now. How much he told you and how much you know!" But I just want to tell you.

Today's me, and Xiaowu in China, have already changed too much! I'm not the Chen Yang before! It can even be said that I'm afraid I'm no longer the Chen Yang you used to like! Do you understand all this?" Fang Nan stopped crying and she looked at me.

I took a deep breath, let go of her, and then rolled up my sleeves to the upper arm, revealing a long centipede-like scar on my arm: "Do you see this?" I smiled bitterly in a low voice: "You know that.

There are only 20 such scars on my body now.

In addition, there are three bullet holes! Do you know what kind of life I live now? I stretched out my hand in front of her: "Did you see my hands? Fang Nan.

In those years, I could be your driver, drive you, stay with you, do housework for you, and even change the light bulb for you... But now.

The most common thing my hands do is to soak in blood and then deprive others of their lives! Me.

is already a person who is going to depravity and hell! He is a cold-blooded butcher, a dictator, a notorious underworld boss... Do you understand all this?" Fang Nan was stunned. She stared at me for a long time, looked at the ugly scar on my arm, and listened to my cold words.

Then she jumped up like crazy, and suddenly hugged me, and she suddenly clung to me desperately.

Then he took the initiative to press over and tried desperately to kiss me.

When the soft and sweet lips stuck to me, at that moment, I was about to surrender.

But I still resisted the impulse in my heart. My movements were very slow, but I was very resolute and pushed her away.

"Fang Nan, what I want you to know is that I don't think I can give you happiness, so... please forget me!" The person in her arms shivered for a moment. She looked up at me with an incredible and desperate look on her face. Then she suddenly showed a trace of madness in her eyes and bit me hard on my shoulder! She bit very hard! It's really hard! He even bit out the blood! Looking at Fang Nan, she raised her head, her rosy lips, and there was still a trace of blood on the corners of her mouth, which reflected her heartbreaking eyes, with a little sadness... Then she pushed me away hard, and then stumbled away.

I sat down... Although this was exactly what I wanted, I really watched Fang Nan leave disappointed and sadly, and I suddenly had an indescribable emptiness and fatigue.

"You shouldn't be like this."

Aze, who had been lying on the table and pretending to be asleep, suddenly raised his head. He was still a little drunk on his face, but his eyes were clear.

"Well, you still say that!" I said depressedly, "You led me here on purpose, didn't you?

I don't want to see Fang Nan, just to avoid such a scene... Alas, Aze, you shouldn't be like this."

"Chen Yang, so I said you didn't know women at all."

Aze sat up straight: "You don't even understand Fang Nan's thoughts... Well, I heard what you just said. Don't you think you can't be with her now and can't give her happiness? So what do you think Fang Nan wants? Do you think she wants to marry you as a wife? Do you think she wants to stay with you for a long time? Xiao Wu, in fact, she knows very well that whether from your situation or your own situation, these are all impossible! If I guess correctly, Fang Nan's request is very simple, that is, to get at least a little affection from you... even if it's just a little good memory.

Xiao Wu, you don't know women, let alone the heart of a woman who is over 30 years old and still alone! Fang Nan didn't expect anything at all, but you refused her too harshly and refused too far!" So...what on earth does she want?" It's very simple, a little good memory, so that the pale life can get even a little color.

Even if there is only a little smile, it is enough to make people have more photos to support their hearts in the future.

These... You don't understand.

In fact, all she wants is just a little response, making the poor woman feel that her infatuation is at least not wasted... And what about your current attitude? I said something unpleasant. Your attitude will make Fang Nan feel desperate! Your cold refusal will make her feel that her affection for you is a kind of... very cheap behavior!!" Aze stared at me and said coldly, "Just imagine, if you treat someone like a treasure, but that person regards you like a mustard... How would you feel?" I was stunned and couldn't help standing up.

"Go out and chase it."

Aze said lightly, "She must be very sad now. I'm afraid she will drive out and find a place where there is no one to cry... If a person can't think about it, I'm afraid she may even want to die."

"What did you say??? No way!!" I was stunned.


Do you know women, or do I know women? He pointed out of the door: "There is an alley when you go out and turn left. If you follow one, you will encounter a canal, but the canal is not wide. It should not be able to stop you. If you jump over, you can take a shortcut to the front of Fang Nan.

Her car is parked there. Go quickly. If you go late, you can't catch up.

Remember, it's a Hanma HP3 off-road vehicle! I hesitated for a second, and suddenly I ran out! After listening to Aze's words, I went out of the door of this tavern and turned left. Sure enough, there was an alley here. I ran down in one breath, only to find that the alley was getting narrower and narrower. After running out 200 meters, I found a canal in front of me... It's just... Shit! Who said that this canal is not wide? Did you say that you definitely can't stop me? This canal is at least seven or eight meters wide! Even if I'm the Olympic long jump champion, I'm not sure to jump! I looked left and right, but found that there were no bridges nearby. I'm afraid it will take at least five minutes to run to the nearest place that can cross the river in the distance.

I was anxious to catch up with Fang Nan in my heart. At this time, I didn't care so much. I stepped back a few steps, then took a deep breath, sprinted over, and then jumped... My legs kicked the ground as hard as possible! And my body also stretched in mid-air... I was like a big bird, and then... plop! I fell into the canal.

I couldn't help scolding Aze's intelligence mistake in my heart. I climbed to the opposite bank in a hurry, and my whole body was soaked. The shoes under my feet were full of water, and I slipped... Fortunately, the water in this canal was very clear, and there was no garbage and debris. It seemed that the scenic area management I couldn't take care of my appearance, so I chased forward in one breath.

Sure enough, I forcibly crossed the canal, and indeed took a shortcut.

The passers-by next to me looked at a wet guy like me running on the road, and they all got out of the way for me.

I ran to the parking lot outside the ancient town in one breath, and I saw a row of cars in the parking lot listening to a yellow Hanma H3 SUV! Far away, I really saw Fang Nan with her back to me, as if she was opening the door open. She stood on the ground, but her upper body was lying in the co-pilot's seat in the front row of the car... Well, is she crying? My heart was soft, I ran over desperately, rushed to the front of the car, and then hugged Fang Nan from behind, so that her body clung to me. At the same time, I whispered in her ear, "Fang Nan, it's my fault, it's my fault! I shouldn't have made you sad. What I just said was wrong... Huh? You're not Fang Nan, are you?" My scalp was numb, and I stared at "Fang Nan" in my arms.