evil spirit

Chapter 148 Operation Begins

Chapter 148 [Operation Begins] After the call, I turned off the computer.

Officer Lewis's words shocked everyone and brought fear to everyone at the same time! Originally, these people thought it was "safe" to hide here, at least for the time being.

But now it seems that there is speculation about "terrorists" and whether they will take extreme suicide attacks.

These bring people unknown fears - although these are only at the level of speculation, and there is no evidence to prove this.

"Hey!" The first speaker was a male guest... In fact, I was already full of disgust with these two male guests. At this time, he raised his male voice and said excitedly, "I think that guy is alarmist!" Look, he is just a policeman! Those are just guesses! We don't have any evidence that those guys outside will kill everyone desperately - including themselves! No one would kill himself like this... I don't believe that policeman! This is just a random guess! It should be safe for us to hide here!" His voice was trembling and he spoke loudly, but he was not very confident.

And these words are not so much to convince others, but rather trying to comfort himself.

Unfortunately, it seems that there are other people who agree with him.

Another male guest also shouted, "That's right! We have no evidence! We don't have to take risks for a guess that may not be valid, right?" He said.

Looking at everyone at the same time, it seems that they want to find supporters of his views.

"I think so too.

This is an adventure."

Then Old Bruce also sighed, and his face was very gloomy: "Now I'm sure that these people outside are terrorists... But about what Officer Louis just said, I personally don't think I can completely believe it... Look.

If we listen to him, we will take risks! And it's very dangerous! And remember... Once we start to take risks, there is no room to look back! You know, once the floor is cut through, it means that we give up the current environment we can stick to! The floor can't be blocked! If we risk failure, those guys can catch us! - And now, at least we're here.

It's still safe."

I didn't say anything, I just looked at them, these people.

The three waiters didn't say anything, but looked at their expressions.

also seems to be obviously a little hesitant... And ladies, except for Yang Wei, who is on my side, even Jessica is a little hesitant.

I know very well that this is probably the weakness of human nature: in a relatively safe environment.

No one will choose to risk their lives when the situation is uncertain.

"Bruce!" I looked at old Bruce and said in a low voice, "I know it's difficult to make such a decision.

But now do you also think this is just a baseless hypothesis? Damn it... Will you be like those bureaucratic FBIs? Do you think the most terrible thing can't happen?" ...At least.

At present, these people's demands are only to blackmail the authorities to release their accomplices.

Old Bruce hesitated.

"Aha!" I laughed deliberately and stared at him.

questioned, "Well, I'll ask you, even if their purpose is really what you said.

What if the authorities do not compromise and refuse to release? I took a look at him, stopped him from trying to speak, and continued, "Okay! Even if the authorities had to compromise because of the captured hostages, they released the leaders of the detained terrorist organizations.

But... How can these terrorists in our building retreat now? In the end, when the fish's net is broken, who can guarantee that they will not die together? No one spoke.

After all, life is their own.

I looked at them, mainly at old Bruce, and continued, "Then I'll ask you again... Look, the policeman just told us that these terrorists have a kind of nerve gas called TG23! This kind of thing should be regarded as a weapon of mass destruction, right? What the hell! Do you know how difficult this kind of weapon is? How much does it cost to get this weapon? Did these terrorists get this level of equipment just to intimidate the police? I stared at old Bruce: "If it's just to take hostages to blackmail the authorities to release the leader of the terrorist organization, then it's enough for them to take hostages with ordinary guns! Is it necessary to spend so much money to get such a powerful weapon of destruction? So, there is only one conclusion to all this... These people must be ready to use this weapon!!" Finally, I looked at these people: "If you are going to stay here and wait to die... I'm sorry, I'm not going to accompany you!" After saying that, I called Lei Xiaohu and asked him to hand me the fire axe, and then I was ready to go into the dressing room to chisel the floor.

And the two male guests suddenly shouted and stopped me: "Daed! What do you want to do! Once you cut through the floor, they can come in from downstairs! You want to die by yourself, but don't get everyone involved!!" The two of them actually came up and pestered me in a hurry.

At this time, my heart has been on fire for a long time. Looking at these two guys who have made me very unhappy for a long time... Damn, do you really regard me as a vegetarian Bodhisattva? I'm the boss of the underworld who has done everything to kill and set fire! I'm in a hurry. I don't need terrorists to do it. I'll split these two people with one axe first! I raised the axe in my hand, with a murderous face, and shouted, "Get out of the way!" One guy suddenly softened and stepped back a few steps, while the other guy hesitated for a moment and was kicked to the ground by me, and then I cut his head with an axe... With his scream, the axe hit his scalp on the floor.

The man was so scared that he almost fainted.

I ignored these people and walked to the locker room with an axe.

Behind the old Bruce suddenly shouted, "Wait!" Seeing him follow me, I frowned: "Bruce.

Are you going to stop me too?" No..." He hesitated for a moment: "I think what you said makes sense... It's just that this matter is too critical.

We need to make a plan... because once things start.

There is no chance to turn back! We need to grasp a little more!" Bruce!"! This time, it was the young female companion named Monica in Old Bruce who suddenly spoke.

She came over and whispered, "I also think what Mr. Chen said makes sense.

I also think it's more dangerous to stay here.

So..." "...okay!" Old Bruce finally nodded. He said with difficulty, "But we must think of a way first... It's not a good choice to go on so recklessly."

I didn't say anything more, as long as he didn't object.

In fact, what he said also makes sense. We really need to make a plan. It's not a good idea to rush on.

"Mr. Willis."

Yang Wei suddenly said, "I have a plan."

Everyone looked at Yang Wei, and she was short of breath.

But the eyes are very calm: "If we all rush down, it must be a dead end!" We have no weapons, and the other party is a heavily armed terrorist.

We can't cut through the floor of the 61st floor downstairs under their eyelids! So, we only have one choice... We must find a way to distract most of the terrorists on the 61st floor! So.

My plan is..." She slowly came to the table, took out a piece of paper and drew it roughly: "You see, the 61st floor is different from the 62nd floor where we are now.

This is the exhibition center on the top floor, and there is a large exhibition hall in the middle.

And it is surrounded by corridors, toilets, lounges and so on.

And the pattern distribution of the downstairs floor is not like this.

Downstairs is a land service area, which is the 'backstage area' for all performance shows.

There are a lot of rooms and a lot of dressing rooms.

There are also some small rehearsal rooms, even small stages.

Judging from the distribution, the pattern downstairs is more complicated.

At the same time... it is also more suitable for hiding.

And you should know that there are still a lot of hostages on the downstairs floor, with dozens of models, artists, and several famous female stars! Others include some makeup artists and stylists! I'm afraid there are dozens of people together! To control these hostages, these terrorists must leave at least three or four people to guard them.

And our problem is that we don't know which room the gangsters controlled the hostages in... We still need to bet here! Because if we are unlucky, it happens that the other party controls the hostage's room at our feet... Then, I'm afraid that as soon as we go down from here, we will immediately face the heavily armed terrorists! At this point, we can only pray for God's blessing.

When Yang Wei said this, Jessica suddenly said, "This, I don't think so."

Her words attracted everyone's attention. Jessica thought for a moment and said, "It's not my first time to come here, and I have participated in a show here. A large dressing room downstairs is in the east of the building, and our current location is in the south.

That is to say, I think after those people took hostages, they should be in the big dressing room on the east side of the building.

So it should not be below us.

"Very good."

Yang Wei took a deep breath and found that her breathing suddenly became very short... It was a feeling of short but weak. She began to take more deep breaths, but continued: "Then our first problem has been solved.

The next thing is... When we chisel the floor, we can't avoid the sound! At this time, according to my guess, the other party will definitely send someone to look for the sound to check.

Do you understand? They will hear the sound, but they don't know what we are doing! So they won't send everyone... Most of them will only send one or two people to check... This is our chance. I need Chen Yang and Xiaohu to go down first.

Because you two have the best skills! Only the two of you can get rid of the terrorists who came to check as soon as possible... I know it's dangerous, but I trust the skills of you two very much!" But..." Old Bruce said, "However, even if Chen and his friend can immediately kill the terrorists who came to check, it will inevitably happen! We have been exposed. How can we continue to dig a hole on the 61st floor downstairs? You know, we are downstairs.

There are no strong walls and gates like this place now! We can't continue to dig holes in this place below! Because the terrorists will come to the ground.

"No!" Yang Wei said firmly, "We are not digging a hole in this place below!" She seemed to smile: "Didn't you hear what Officer Louis said just now? In the original building, from the 60th floor to the 63rd floor.

Two channels are designed for each floor! That is to say, the 61st floor below us, except for the place under our feet.

There is another place where you can dig a hole!! Officer Lewis just said that there was a stairway in each of their two lounges! We can dig a hole in another place!" But we don't know where the other channel is.

Old Bruce asked.

"Don't forget, it turned out to be 'one up and down stairway for each of the two lounges'. According to the general pattern, the two lounges should be symmetrical on both sides of the building! That is to say, the two sealed passages up and down the stairs should also be symmetrical! Our access here is on the east side of the building.

So it's very simple. The other channel should be in the west! As long as we firmly remember the principle of distance and symmetry, we know the location of the channel under our feet.

It's easy to figure out the location of another channel! Isn't it?" Yang Wei said as he pointed to the top of his head: "Everyone has seen that there is a ventilation pipe overhead, which is enough for one person to crawl inside! My plan is.

After we go down for a while, Chen Yang and his friend, Mr. Lei Xiaohu.

The two of them went down first and killed the other party to check our terrorist! And you must move quickly! Then.

The rest of us, get in through the ventilation duct immediately! According to the principle of symmetry, quietly crawl to the location of the other channel!! At the same time, Chen Yang, I need you and Lei Xiaohu to make as much noise as possible to attract each other's terrorists! According to my estimate, there should be fewer terrorists downstairs than on our level! Because the number of hostages downstairs is relatively small, when they take action, they will be assigned to control the 61st floor, which must be less than ours! Moreover, in the actions of these terrorists, they also have weaknesses!" Oh?" Yang Wei coughed, gasped, and said with a smile, "Look, they sealed up all the elevators and fire stairs... That is to say, when we arrived downstairs to make a scene, the terrorists on our floor could not send people downstairs to replenish manpower! Do you understand what I mean? Therefore, we only have to face the enemy on the 61st floor. Don't worry about the people on the 62nd floor to go down and catch us!" Then Yang Wei looked at me: "As I said just now, the pattern on this floor downstairs is much more complicated.

I suggest that after you go down, make some noise, try to delay the time, and play hide-and-seek with those bandits.

Your task is to attract their attention and as many people as possible, and make more noises, more noises, and the farther away from us, the better!! And we will quietly come to the location of the other channel to dig a hole while you are dealing with them! That's about it."

I took a deep breath and looked at everyone: "Do you have any objection?" No one speaks.

Yang Wei's plan is very good. The dead point of our plan to break out is that after we dig to the next level, we will be found immediately, which is inescapable.

However, Yang Wei gave up his intention to continue digging in place, and boldly proposed to "cross" the whole building to the other side to find another blocked passage! No one objected any more.

As for the two male guests, I only said to them, "Do you want to go or not? It's up to you.

But we're set to go! If you two are willing to stay here and wait to die, then go!" As a result, it goes without saying that people who are afraid of death are always afraid to leave the army.

In the locker room, because the fire sprinkler was opened by us, the floor was already wet and slippery! It's wet everywhere, and the air in the room is humid.

I hold a fire axe in my hand, and Lei Xiaohu holds the fire extinguisher as a tool. Old Bruce has a pillar of a floor lamp, and the others can only stand still and see.

We carefully searched the ground and pushed away those bulky metal lockers.

Empty the middle floor of the room.

After knocking on the ground with the handle of the axe countless times, I finally found a place where the sound of tapping sounded hollow.

Then I carefully inserted the axe into the edge of the large floor tile on the ground, and carefully pryed up the floor tile... After digging up some filling materials, my axe finally knocked on the ground.

made a crisp sound of metal impact! We finally found the sealed entrance! The passageway, which was originally designed to be a staircase, is very wide, but now it is locked by a steel door.

I tried and found that the steel plate door was not welded around, just locked on the ground with a latch lock! We smashed the rusty lock with an axe... We ping-pong and pry the rusty steel plate open! Below is a ceiling! After pulling up the steel plate, I can directly see all kinds of pipes, fire sprinkler pipes and air conditioning pipes in the suspended ceiling below.

Ventilation duct... "Shh..." I suddenly turned around and made a silenced action! At the same time, I listened... Sure enough, under the ceiling, I faintly heard the sound of footsteps.

There is also the voice of someone talking.

It's two men... I'm sure I'm a terrorist! Because they don't speak English! And these two footsteps sounded from far to near, and they seemed to be searching for something.

was probably disturbed by the sound of us digging the floor! With so many metal pipes in the ceiling, it is really easy to transmit sound.

"Are you ready?" Yang Wei whispered behind me, "You go down with Xiaohu... But you must kill them in the fastest way!" It must be fast!" I nodded and then suddenly raised the axe.

Just look at the ceiling below! At the same time, I flew heavily from the entrance of the channel and smashed heavily into the ceiling! First, it's an axe with all my strength.

Coupled with the power that I jumped down and deliberately hit it heavily, suddenly.

A large ceiling below has collapsed! With a bang, I took the opportunity to fall from the ceiling.

But he just smashed a guy down! It turned out that the two terrorists did not stand very close! Another terrorist is standing about two meters away from me! He saw that the ceiling suddenly collapsed and pressed his companion down! In the dust, I saw a man on it! Instinctively, he raised his gun at me! At this time, Lei Xiaohu has fallen from the sky! He turned over and jumped on the terrorist's shoulder, rode on his neck, and then grabbed his head with both hands and twisted hard... Ka!! The terrorist fell down without humming! When I got up from the ground, the unlucky guy below had been knocked unconscious, and I didn't know if he was dead.

I picked up his gun in a piece of debris, regardless of whether he was dead or not, pulled out a dagger from his boots, and then scratched it from his neck and solved him directly.

Lei Xiaohu also picked up the gun, but it seemed that he had killed for the first time just now. His face was a little unnatural, and he couldn't help looking at me.

I stared at him and said in a low voice, "What are you looking at! Now is not the time to be kind-hearted!" Others jumped down from the top one after another, and I had already opened the ventilation duct and let them climb in.

"Quick, fast! Hurry up! If you don't want to die, go in quickly!" I was relieved to see the last people enter the ventilation duct.

The walkie-talkie on the two terrorists who died on the ground had been talking just now, but with no reply, now I have heard someone running inward outside! This is a small tea room, and the surrounding walls and doors are said to be simple boards or glass.

There is no possibility to stick to it.

But fortunately, now that I and Xiaohu have finally got two guns! Yang Wei, they climbed north! Let's go south!" I pulled Lei Xiaohu out of the room. As soon as I came out, a shuttle of bullets brushed my scalp! I immediately rolled on the ground, and then I couldn't stand up and raised my hand with two shots! Bang, bang!! The bullet hit a terrorist rushing out! But he was wearing a bulletproof vest, and his body just shook and was knocked down in pain, and then someone dragged him back.

"Little tiger! Check the two bodies inside to see if they have grenades!" I turned around and shouted, while I flashed in a corner and hid behind the wall.