evil spirit

Chapter 155 Double Entry Next

Chapter 155 [Double Entry] (Part 2) And in the smoothness of these covers, Hansen began to act!! I went back to the window and quietly looked at the Gemini Building opposite.

I saw the upstairs opposite, and suddenly there was a place where a black line visible to the naked eye shot directly at the Torch Building! That's a rope with a hook with strong metal penetration! It went straight into the 60th floor of the building!! Then, between the two buildings, a black cable was connected! From the Twin Buildings, a metal handrail was inlaid on the cable, and then I saw a man, Hansen, holding the handrail with both hands, and then leaned out of the opposite building. Using the power of the high and low drop, he slid straight from mid-air all the way!! The whole process takes less than a minute! I believe that many media in the Twin Towers must have seen it! Moreover, the police below must have found out... As for whether the terrorists have found out, I don't know that.

After all, there are only eleven or twelve terrorists.

And on the back of the building, I let the police make a move and attract a lot of attention, just to cover Hansen's actions.

This is a bet! Almost using the method of flying in the air, Hansen slid directly from the air, and then successfully entered the 60th floor of the Torch Building!! And the current distribution is very clear! The 59th floor is the place where the front attackers of the police are on standby.

The 60th floor was originally an empty buffer zone between the terrorists, and Hansen is now entering this layer! The 61st floor was originally occupied by terrorists, but when I first escaped, I almost killed all the terrorists in that layer.

So when Lamucci is understaffed, the defense is contracted, and the 61st floor is actually empty.

On the 62nd floor, all the terrorists are here.

The hostages are also here...and I.

It's also here now! The rooftop... is the one who has defected to my group of Jack.

The whole situation is probably like this.

Now is the most nervous time. I was patiently waiting for the news that Hansen was in place, but my walkie-talkie kept flashing. After I turned it on, the head of the FBI immediately roared from the headphones! Mr. Chen, you are messing around again! You have been so much! I swear, I will definitely arrest you! You will be severely punished!!" The FBI leader was furious: "We have put up with your personal nonsense! But you still have accomplices.

Now you have entered the danger zone in such a dangerous way... You..." I had expected it for a long time.

Hansen's action will definitely be seen by them, and it will definitely make them angry.

I didn't wait for him to finish and said in a low voice, "Now I'm in place.

Listen, I don't care how much responsibility you can bear.

Now that my people have come in, you shout too fiercely, and he won't go out.

And my assistant is a person with strict military training.

You are angry with me instead.

It's better to think about how everyone can work together to do something meaningful.

The other end of the walkie-talkie was silent for a while.

There was only a heavy gasp, and then Officer Louis's voice came: "Mr. Chen Yang, you have gone too much this time.

Your action is too risky... I mean, you should tell us in advance.

In this way, I can cooperate as much as possible..." I smiled inside. This Louis was deliberately softening his words, and I immediately said, "Okay.

Now is not the time to chat. I need you to talk to Ramucci.

Then try to argue with him as much as possible.

I can only act.

Now my people will find a way up from the 60th floor to the 61st floor.

Because the 61st floor is empty.

But you'd better not take large-scale operations. The helicopters sent should be withdrawn immediately. I'm afraid that they can't help stimulating the terrorists like this.

Then I turned off the walkie-talkie.

Finally, Hansen contacted me, and he told me that he was in place.

Then according to the plan, he will open the passage on the ceiling on the 60th floor and enter the 61st floor.

"Next, it's up to you."

Hansen's voice is very serious.

I sighed, sorted out my equipment, and then went straight into the ventilation duct from the women's toilet.

This time I'm crawling in the ventilation duct, I can't figure out the direction like last time.

The architectural layout drawings of the whole 62nd floor are all in my mind, and all the rooms and distributions are remembered by me.

From the time I entered the women's toilet in the ventilation duct, I crawled in a clockwise direction all the way. In the canvas bag I carried with me, I prepared a lot of timed small blasting equipment.

I crawled carefully, and then gently pasted a small remote control blasting device to the net cover of the outlet of the ventilation pipe at the exit of each ventilation pipe I passed.

After I have set up a full of nine explosive devices - this means that I have climbed nine rooms.

Suddenly, I heard a cry from the outlet of a ventilation pipe in front of me, as if it were a woman's voice, and my heart moved! Immediately, I climbed over carefully. The more I climbed, the more familiar I became familiar with this place... Because the ventilation pipe in front of me had been blown up! I see. Below where I am now is the security lounge where our group of people hid before! And further ahead is the temporary kitchen! The ventilation duct behind has been blown up.

I lay on the ventilation duct of the security lounge, tried my best to stick to it, and listened carefully.

The crying woman's voice seems to be very familiar.

After listening for a few seconds, I finally confirmed it! That's Jessica's voice! The cover of the ventilation pipe in this room has been removed by us for a long time.

So I can only carefully huddle on it, and then quietly poke out my eyes and look down.

The room is still the same room, but I saw that there were more than a dozen hostages in this room! There are not only Jessica, but also Old Bruce and his female companions, as well as many other hostages... But there is no Yang Wei! In addition, there are two terrorists, one guarding by the window, and the other sitting in front of a table, carefully wiping a dagger with a piece of cloth.

I immediately had a bad feeling in my heart... Could it be... Ramucci changed his strategy and began to disperse the hostages to guard? This approach, although it will decentralize his own manpower.

But it will also bring great difficulties to the police's rescue operation! Because if he disperses more than 200 hostages to take care of them, I'm afraid the police will not be able to break through in multiple places at the same time and successfully rescue all the hostages at the same time!! In this way, the risk of rescue will be greatly increased! I lay on the ceiling, at the exit of the ventilation pipe under my eyes, it was Jessica! She sat on the ground, and there were many people around her. Jessica was crying in a low voice. Next to her was Old Bruce's female companion, who was still comforting her in a low voice.

And most of the others are sad, but no one dares to speak.

The terrorist standing by the window was smoking, looking at him indifferently.

And the other terrorist sitting in front of the table is at least seven or eight meters away from him... This has caused trouble for my actions, and it is difficult for me to kill both of them at the same time.

Because if I make a little noise... You should know that these terrorists have contact devices with them, and a little noise will attract the attention of other terrorists! If Ramucci knew that someone was lurking in... My plan would be difficult! I carefully dragged my canvas bag and looked in it... I found a weapon I had selected before.

This is a small tube, a dark metal tube, in which a steel needle with the length of a cigarette can be placed! One end of the needle was hollowed out, and a small amount of super anesthetics was stored in it! Steel needles are shot into the human body, and the anesthetic can quickly make people fall into a coma in just three seconds! But this is not enough for me to kill two people at the same time! I had no choice but to take a risk.

I gently pinched a small pinch of dust around me, then mixed a little of my own foam, pinched a small rice-sized mud ball, and threw it down at the old Bruce below.

...two times.

Old Bruce didn't notice it until I threw it for the third time.

He couldn't help raising his head subconsciously, but suddenly saw my eyes poking out of the ventilation pipe on the ceiling, and then I quickly made a gesture of bowing to him!! Old Bruce was so alert that he immediately lowered his head, but I had seen some surprise on his face.

Fortunately, the two terrorists in the room were not aware of it, and the dagger was still wiping his dagger attentively.

When he stood by the window smoking, he looked out of the window with a solemn face... After a while and confirmed that others were not aware of it, old Bruce quietly raised his eyelids. He deliberately hid behind his female companion and raised his eyelids to look at me.

I pointed to him, pointed to the guy who was smoking, and then I pointed to him.

My meaning is very clear: ask him to do it for a moment to help pester the smoking guy.

And the dagger will be solved by me! Bruce nodded, and then I took out the blow tube in my hand, aimed at the guy sitting at the table, and put his head in his mouth... Blow hard! There is no sound! A steel needle shot out and stuck directly into the back of his neck where he came out...