evil spirit

Chapter 170 Drive away the wolf and swallow the tiger

Chapter 170 [Drive the Wolf] This guy has been in Hollywood for many years, and he really has a lot of skills! Once he started to operate, he caused me a few troubles.

First of all, my company was inspected by the official tax department. On this point, I was not worried before. Although it had some impact on the efficiency of my company's operation, my previous good performance and my dazzling public image also made the tax department afraid to set a trap on me.

And I also learned through some channels that these were driven by Gao Qi.

Then, several agents and economic companies specializing in organizing ordinary actors on the set began to deliberately alienate me! At the beginning, we didn't care too much, and it was not until one day before the shooting began, two economic companies that signed a contract with us suddenly called and broke the contract and said that they would stop the cooperation, which made director James Cameron popular! In a movie, there can't be only a few big stars and official actors! I don't know how many supporting roles and tricks there will be! As a result, on that day, only a few stars arrived in the empty set, and all the original dozens of dragon sets did not come, which directly forced the film shooting progress to be suspended! Things began to deteriorate the next day! In the filming team, someone began to resign.

A famous director, of course, has his own team.

For example, photographer, assistant director, and other important positions, Director Cameron of course found his most trusted old partner to take up the position.

But the problem is that all the people who resigned this time were some inconspicuous small roles! For example, three makeup artists in the makeup team suddenly resigned.

Then the people in the props group asked for temporary leave... These little people, who were originally just like screws, suddenly disappeared, and immediately brought big trouble to the crew! And the news I got was that the heads of several economic companies and the crew members who resigned temporarily received a letter with bullets in it the night before, almost at the same time! On the third day, a prop that should have been saccharified glass.

It was found inadvertently, and it was actually real glass! This kind of thing shocked everyone!! This is what the special effects staff found when they accidentally checked the props! After that, after careful investigation, I couldn't find out who it was and when it was transferred! Imagine the consequences: If we really took out this real glass when shooting... When the actor thought it was saccharified glass and hit it directly, I'm afraid he was seriously injured now! In view of this situation, I gave the order decisively.

Shooting is suspended! Director James Cameron also noticed a special smell. This time, the "tyrant" did not make a big deal, but found me directly that night: "Someone is staring at you."

"I know."

When I met him, it was on the dinner table. I held a glass of red wine and took a sip.

After being able to call for so many years in Hollywood, Director Cameron is naturally a power figure in Hollywood. He thought for a moment and said, "If you need it, I can ask an economic company to send actors tomorrow. The missing personnel.

I can also guarantee that it will be in place in two days... But similar to stealing props and replacing fake glass with real glass, I think you should call the police... Or, find out the problem! I don't want my people to work without ensuring their personal safety.

The meaning of his words is not only a reminder to me, but also a gesture of kindness to me.

At the same time, he also euphemistically expressed to me that he was willing to help.

I know that with an Oscar-level director like James Cameron, his connections in Hollywood are not ordinary! However, I don't want to rely on him on this matter... Because, I understand that he can't solve this matter.

Because, in the final analysis, Cameron is just a director after all, although he has popularity and fame and even a lot of privileges in Hollywood... *** The film suddenly suspended the shooting progress, the news was spread, and many media with a keen sense of smell seemed to notice a special taste.

I received several calls from the media asking for interviews, but all the company's people dealt with it, and I didn't give any answer to it.

External news is an internal minor adjustment of the shooting plan.

The suspension of a movie, the damage to the company is very obvious... First of all, the cost of renting the set is a day's money! And the schedule of those stars! There are also the crew, many of whom are paid on a day-by-day basis.

But to the outside world, I seem to have nothing to do. I still attend various commercial activities in a high profile and continue to be exposed.

[Heaven's Kiss Hand] On the fifth day of the filming pause, that night, in a golden palm restaurant, I secretly met a mysterious guest.

This restaurant is a carefully selected meeting place. It is located about 50 kilometers away from Wally Hills. It is a long way to drive here, so the business here is not very good. The advantage is: quiet enough! I sat, casually holding a piece of coconut cake in my hand.

And opposite me, there is a VIP of my tonight.

He looks much younger than on the screen. Unlike the image of many occasions, he shaves cleanly (in fact, everyone who knows him well knows that he only doesn't shave when he works, because he is used to focusing all his time and energy on work.

And when each movie is over, he will clean up his appearance again.

) His face is slender, with a trace of beauty, and the iconic round lens glasses are on the bridge of his nose... His face also has the characteristics of Jewish descent.

A very neat suit, dark, and his eyes are full of wisdom.

If he is now a film director who is still alive in the world, then he may not be recognized as the most genius, may not be recognized as the best, or even not be recognized as the most authoritative one... However, he is definitely recognized as the largest card! It is also recognized as NO. 1 character! As the most influential director on the planet, he looks very modest, just scooping the coffee in front of him with a faint smile on his face.

And even so, no filmmaker would dare to show any disrespect in front of him.

Because he is now recognized as the godfather director of the film industry in Hollywood, the owner of a film company, and the authority in authority... Stephen Spielberg! Now, no one can deny Spielberg's position in the film industry.

He may not be a film art master who can convince everyone, but as a powerful figure, he can definitely convince everyone! The almost brilliant and dazzling series of classic films, coupled with the "DreamWorks" company he founded in Hollywood over the years.

And the most important point... He is Jewish!! Everyone knows the wealth of Americans.

One-third of them are in the Jewish pocket! In the top elites of the United States, Jews occupy a huge force that cannot be ignored! As a Jewish film giant, Spielberg, coupled with his "Schindler's List" for Jews in those years, has pushed his position in the Jewish *** to an extremely high! It can even be said that Spielberg is in Hollywood.

is the representative of the Jewish group! Moreover, he is also a veritable godfather in the film industry... For example, the recognized Hollywood slutty girl Drubary Moore, this drug and alcoholic illegitimate talk**, and at the same time unruly problem actress, will only be shuddly in front of Spielberg! Because Spielberg is her godfather! Similarly, there are a large number of Hollywood stars who have maintained absolute respect for Spielberg! It can be said that if Spielberg wants to do something in Hollywood... there are few things he can't do! In the last century, someone once compared James Cameron with Spielberg.

Because James relies on the momentum of "Titanic" to sweep the world, it can indeed be said that he is close to Spielberg in his pure film career... But James just stays in his position as a pure director.

And Spielberg, who not only has the talent of a film director, but also has full business genius and other skills... All of this has created a godfather-level film giant.

In Hollywood, no one can say "no" to Spielberg.

There is also a legend that he is a member of the Jewish Freemasonry, the most mysterious and powerful elite organization among Jews! It's not the first time I've met Spielberg. I had a hasty meeting with him at an event before, when we just had a brief conversation.

"Chen, I think I already understand what you mean."

The giant's voice is very gentle, with a faint bookish smell: "But what makes me doubt is.

How much sincerity can you show?

He looked at me and smiled peacefully: "Oh, please don't misunderstand me.

I am very interested in your proposal, and I have always been very interested in making such a sensational real event into a movie.

Moreover, I also believe in James's directing ability..." "It's very simple."

I looked at him without any attempt to beat around the bush: "Stephen, I think you also understand that I'm in trouble now.

Those mafia vampires stared at me.

I don't want to have anything to do with them! Everyone can see a series of troubles that my company has encountered recently.

Every day when the movie stopped shooting, I lost a lot of wealth.

But I don't plan to have anything to do with the mafia... I've been thinking about it for a long time. Even if I want to make friends, I'd rather cooperate with Jewish friends with good faith!" I carefully bit the word "Jewish friend" very hard.

Sure enough, Spielberg smiled, but he is not the kind of fool who will faint after being praised for a few words. The shrewd giant said in his special and slow tone, "Well, frankly, I also like you very much, Chen.

I think you are a good person, and now all Hollywood owes you a big favor... Of course, I also hate those mafia.

However, these are not enough for me to come forward to help you resist those troubles... You know, if you want to find a shield, you have to pay the price."

He looked at me with a playful smile and picked up the spoon and gently stirred it in the coffee cup a few times.

I no longer hesitated and put forward my condition directly: "At present, the authoritative estimate of the risk of this movie is less than 5%. This is a profitable movie.

As a condition for me to show friendship and sincerity, I would like to invite your 'DreamWorks' to join the investment in this film! I hope that all the computer effects of this movie will be produced by DreamWorks.

As a reward, you can get 351% of the final profit of the film. Well, I said the final profit, but it deducts the previous number of the theater share! That is to say, you can get the first piece of this cake!" Spielberg raised his eyelids, and he calculated quickly. He smiled and said, "Oh, this gift is very heavy.

35%, and it is still the figure before the theater is divided, so it is estimated that DreamWorks can earn at least nearly 100 million US dollars.

My friend, the conditions you offered are really generous.

I didn't say anything, I just raised my eyebrows.

The current authoritative godfather of Hollywood smiled at me, and then he shook his head: "I'm very moved by your kindness, but I think this condition is really unreasonable... So, I want to put forward another condition. I don't know if you can accept it."

Huh? I was stunned for a moment. Isn't he satisfied? But then, to my surprise, Spielberg smiled and said his conditions: "On the basis of the conditions you put forward, I want to make some changes. In addition to using computer special effects technology to calculate the investment, we are willing to provide another 10 million dollars in cash as a shooting investment.

And the final profit distribution, I think 30% is enough to satisfy me and my partners.

Dear Chen, what do you think? Dizzy! He automatically reduced the price?! Stephen."

I frowned and looked at him: "Do you understand that you automatically gave up the proceeds of about $30 million!" But he winked at me and said with a gentle smile, "As I just said, the whole Hollywood owes you a big favor, dear Chen."

I: "............" *** After meeting with Spielberg, I was still a little confused on the way back... or I doubted whether I was dreaming just now.

Spielberg is so easy to talk about. He knew that I had invited him as a shield, but he agreed, and at the same time, he took the initiative to reduce the price?! But then, I began to get excited! Humph! Gao Qi, keep coming! If you dare to continue to provoke me, it is equivalent to provoking Spielberg! In Hollywood, no one dares to say "no" to Spielberg! And provoking Spielberg is equivalent to provoking the Jewish group! That's a group of Jews that even the U.S. government dares not provoke!!! Gao Qi, Gao Qi, I can't beat you, but this move to "drive the wolf and devour the tiger" is the thirty-six tricks handed down by our old tenant family... *** (Everyone should be satisfied with the update in the three days of the first month, right? Friends who have a monthly pass, please help support it.

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