evil spirit

Chapter 176 Doctor's puzzle

Chapter 176 [Doctor's Solution] Although I seemed to be cool in front of Yang Wei when I was below, when I returned to the room, I threw myself back to **, but I couldn't sleep.

Whether this matter is right or wrong, it is not clear at all.

Although it's dawn now, I'm not sleepy at all, and my frustration still hasn't subsided... Although I went out at night and met Martin in that club, a magical opportunity to solve my biggest problem at present.

But after coming back, facing Yang Wei, there was still a knot in his heart that had not been opened.

At this time... I suddenly moved my heart.

At this time, it seems that I need to find someone to talk about my depression.

Friend... I smiled bitterly, jumped out of bed and took out my mobile phone. After hesitating for a while, I dialed a number.

When I was holding the phone, I casually glanced at the wall... Well, it's early morning, but in China, it's evening.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected, and then a dry voice came from the microphone: "If you have something to say, don't delay watching Naruto."

I don't know why, with just such a sentence, I seemed to see the wooden Lord standing in front of me alive, wearing a doctor's white coat and reading a painting in his hand.

And, it's amazing.

I feel better in a little bit.

"Wood, it's me."

"I know."

The sound of the wood at the end is still unchanged: "It's okay. You won't come to me. Say it.

Are you disappointed in love? Bankrupt? Or is it a terminal illness?" .........※¥......%#¥%" I couldn't help scolding a few words, after the scolding.

I smiled, and my depression decreased a little, and then I whispered, "Wood, how have you been recently?" Being able to eat, drink and sleep, Aze made an 18-year-old beauty.

Joe was locked upstairs in their mansion, and the princess was waiting for the knight's rescue... As for the rest..." Wood thought for a moment and said slowly, "Jenny is going to have a concert, yoyo is going to have a parent-teacher meeting... Damn, who said that I'm old-fashioned and want me to be her parent."

The smile on my face is three points more.

Suddenly, I miss everything in China, my friends, and the carefree days with them... And now, I'm abroad.

Although it seems to be a mixed scenery, in fact, it is walking a tightrope all the time! The Gambino family, Rothschild, Solin, clover... Damn it, where are these annoying things in China! Wood, I have some trouble, and I'm very upset.

"Don't you know what to wear for the Oscars?" Wood made a joke.

My heart is moved... Wood usually doesn't say so much.

And on the phone today, it sounds like he speaks much more fluently than before.

Has anything changed for him? However, listening to his tone, even if it is a change, it should be a good change.

"No kidding, I'm really in trouble."

I smiled bitterly.

"...Say it."

Wood said helplessly.

I thought for a moment and said, "I have an opponent now. They have ten times more people than me, ten times more money than me, ten times more powerful than me, and a hundred times more official background than me.

And... They made me suffer a great humiliation, and I swear to take it back."

The wood didn't say anything.

I continued, "Just last night, I was a little excited and ready to fight with them..." "Then you're dead."

The wood inserted a sentence very directly.

"...That's right."

I admit that the other party is much stronger than me. If I really fight, I'm afraid it will be a dead end.

But fortunately I didn't. Later, something happened that made me change my mind.

"A woman... Well, or a woman of mine. She strongly opposed me to do so, and in order to stop me, she had a big quarrel with me. Finally, she slapped me in the face and scolded me."


"We quarreled a lot... I know she's for my own good, but after all, I'm a man... I..." "You can't lose face."

The wood said the problem directly.

"...but she is too strong! I'm a man. I don't like to be led by my own woman, and I don't like to be controlled by women to do things..." Before I finished complaining, the wood interrupted me: "Did she control you before?" ..." I was stunned.

Yang Wei... Does she control me? It seems that I didn't... I developed in Vancouver and cooperated with the Yang family, including coming to Los Angeles to open a film company. Among them, I got Yang Wei's help... Of course, she acted as my military division many times.

However, she has never really put her strength above me.


I sighed: "But this time she... I'm worried about the future..." "Is she a very smart woman, so smart that she even makes you feel ashamed?" The word wood directly pierced my weakness again!" Yes, she is so smart.

It seems that there is no problem that she can't understand, and there is no problem that she can't solve.

She even helped me with a lot of advice before... I... I suddenly closed my mouth and had an idea in my heart that surprised me! It turns out that... I have always been unhappy with Yang Wei in my heart! Nothing else, just because her ability is too strong! She is so smart! Anyone in front of her will be seen through by her at a glance! However, the vast majority of men in the world don't like women who are too smart and strong! As a man with some male chauvinism, of course I don't like women who are too strong! But the contradiction is that after a series of things and mistakes, I just fell in love with Yang Wei... This caused a contradiction.

Although this contradiction has been covered up before, until now, an opportunity suddenly breaks out... The root of the problem is not that she has taken some strong measures to stop me this time... but that I have never liked her to be too smart.

Stand from the perspective of a normal person.

I'm afraid that 99% of men in the world like the kind of gentle and lovely women who are attached to themselves.

Of course, smart and sensible girls and men also like it.

But Yang Wei... She is really too smart! Although some people also like strong women, I'm not a "queen control".

Listening to my silence, the wood suddenly snickered twice: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that when you and that woman ** in the future, she will wear a leather suit, whip you with a whip, and then order you to call her queen while smoking?" ..." I scolded, "Wood, you'd better watch less porn!" The wood smiled, and then his voice became serious: "Listen to you, she should be a very powerful woman.

Well, it's true that women who are too smart can make men feel unhappy or even scared.

Because it is difficult for such a woman to be obedient to you, and it is difficult to be obedient to you. Even when you are in a good mood, she will not look at you with worship to satisfy your inner vanity - well, but most men in the world like these.

I sighed, and then I couldn't help talking about the relationship between me and Yang Wei... from the first time we met.

The first time I was in distress, and then I said it all the way.

Everything, every experience... As I spoke, I suddenly couldn't help but feel a little tenderness in my heart... This woman, she and I have experienced so many things together. She helped me so much and paid so much for me.

We were born and died together... How long did I say it, and I even forgot it myself, but after saying it, there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

"Wood...wood?" I shouted twice with some suspicion.

"Huh? Oh, you're done."

Then the sound of wood came back.

"Are you...re you listening or not?" "Listen.

, "But I seem to hear the sound of turning pages in books... Are you watching Naruto all the time when you were just saying it!! Shit!" Wood disdained and said, "No... What if you look at it? Use your eyes to read comics, and listen to your words with your ears.

"I'll rely on※...¥%...¥※...¥#◎◎" "All right, all right."

Wood smiled and then said in a strange tone, "Xiao Wu... You are lost on the road of love..." "............" I gritted my teeth: "You said you didn't read comics... This is Kafka's line!" Wood ignored my accusations, and suddenly laughed and said solemnly, "You just said so much... The girl named Yang Wei is not worth it."

"...what?" She did a lot of things, didn't she? It has also helped you a lot, right? She spared no effort and painstaking efforts, but in exchange, it was the suspicion of the beloved man. Instead, she would be worried about the intelligence she showed... I think she is very pitiful.

"..." "And, let me ask you, has she ever been so selfish to help you so wholeheartedly? Is there any plan for herself?" No."

My voice even sounds a little weak.

"That's it."

Wood said rudely, "She slapped you in the face to save your life.

You are here with a small face problem.

Why do I feel like it's my fault more and more I listen to it?" But... she has one more thing that is really difficult for me to accept.

"I sighed, told Yang Wei about asking Li Wenjing to help me, and then briefly told the relationship between the three of us.

This time, the wooden tone softened a little: "It's no wonder you're angry.

No man is willing to accept help from his rival.

Yang Wei's matter is not done properly.

But...I have another question."

"Huh?" Did she have any other lovers before?" ...It doesn't seem to be."

"So, has she ever had another man before?" There should be none."

"Has she had any emotional experience before?" After thinking about it, I recalled the words I said when I talked with Yang Weiye, and it seemed that I heard from Yang Wei's words that she had disdained other men around her since she was a child... "It doesn't seem to be."

At this point, I was suddenly shocked... It turned out that I was Yang Wei's first love?! " Do you understand?" Wood said with a smile, "She didn't do it on purpose. It's a complete mistake, or an inexperienced performance.

She has never been in love and has no emotional experience, so she is not good at dealing with this kind of problem... although she is very smart.

But being smart is not everything. There are always areas that she is not good at.

I think your woman is a little more stupid in the face of emotional problems.

I took a deep breath, thought for a long time, and said to the phone, "Thank you... Wood, I'll hang up."

"Wait... Next time I get some of your autographed photos, the girl yoyo has always wanted..." I hung up the phone, walked back and forth in the room, and then couldn't help opening the door and walking downstairs.

Yang Wei's bedroom is downstairs, but as soon as I walked down the stairs, I saw the lights in the living room on.

Yang Wei didn't go back to her room to sleep. She lay on the sofa.

He curled up in a ball, but fell asleep here.

I walked over lightly and stood on the sofa and looked at Yang Wei quietly.

Her eyes are closed, and although in her sleep, her eyelashes still tremble gently twice occasionally.

The breathing is well-proportioned and gentle, and the face is calm.

As for sleeping, he frowned gently, as if he was still a little sad.

I looked at her for a while, then turned around and found a blanket and gently covered her.

Then he bent down and looked at her quietly for a long time.

Her skin is delicate and crystal clear, and her eyelashes tremble. After falling asleep, Yang Wei looks indescribably pitiful. She has a little more pitiful charm than the posture of a strong woman who has mastered everything during the day.

After looking at it for a while, I finally reached out and gently inserted one hand under her neck, and the other hand was copied under her knees. Then I picked up Yang Wei with my arms.

Yang Wei was shocked in her sleep, but did not wake up immediately. Instead, she stretched out her arm with a little confusion, hooked my neck, and her head tilted forward on my shoulder.

I took her back to Yang Wei's room, pushed the door open, and I gently put her on **.

Then I sat down, sat by the bed, looked at Yang Wei, and suddenly muttered, "Alas, after falling asleep, I'm as docile as a cat... How good would it be if you use your gentleness during the day? Men don't like women who are too strong. With your intelligence, you won't understand this.

After saying this, I smiled and stood up and was ready to leave, but as soon as I turned around, I felt that my hand was held. Turning around and saw Yang Wei lying **. She had woken up. In the darkness, she looked at me with a pair of big eyes shining.

It turned out that she had woken up, but she just took my hand, as if she didn't want me to leave, and there was a pitiful look of reluctance and pleading in her eyes.

I turned around and sat down again, gently stroked the messy hair on her forehead with one hand, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

Yang Wei closed her eyes, and then she opened it again and said in a low voice, "I... I know that I shouldn't do those things for you.

I... Alas, I also know that sometimes, I'm afraid I'll scare you away one day.

But don't men really like women to be too smart? I smiled.

[Kiss of Heaven] A trace of blush suddenly appeared on Yang Wei's snow-white cheeks, and then she gently said in a trembling voice, "Then... I can become a little stupid in the future.

I heard that...when a woman has a man, she will become a little stupid.

It's rare for Yang Wei to show the delicate appearance of her little daughter. It's really rare that I can't help but feel in my heart. I can't help bowing my head and kissing her cherry lips. I laughed in a low voice and said, "No.

I like what you are like now.

Actually, I should thank you. Without your intelligence, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to be today's climate.

After a pause, I said softly, "But.

Sometimes, don't forget... You are not just my military strategist and think tank... At the same time, you are also my woman.

Do you remember? Military think tanks need to be smart, while women need more gentleness.

A cunning smile flashed in Yang Wei's eyes. He smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, I remember."

One day, the cloud of sorrow seems to have disappeared.

When I walked out of Yang Wei's room, I couldn't help but feel relaxed.

Well, thanks to the wood guy.

It seems that people are like this. When you are depressed, it is the best choice to find friends.

But I think of the unusual performance of wood today... Well, what should I say? Wood's personality seems to be much more cheerful now, and he talks much more than before... Is there really any reason for him to change? ***** Because I tossed around all night before.

I didn't get up until two o'clock in the afternoon the next day - well, it's great to be my own boss.

As long as there is nothing important, I can go to the company at any time every day.

Yang Wei and I got up at two o'clock in the afternoon, and then had a "breakfast" and drove to the company.

At breakfast, I just told Yang Wei about the cooperation with Martin Rothschild last night.

Yang Wei listened to all the processes I said carefully. She thought about it and said, "I don't think there is any problem either.

The Rothschild family has never had a bad reputation, at least they have no tradition of selling their allies.


The purpose of this family is only to make money.

What's more..." Yang Wei and I looked at each other and said at the same time, "What's more, even the worst plan is just the result we expected before. We have nothing to hurt our husband."

Although Martin is an alternative Rothschild, he also inherits the low-key tradition of the Rothschild family.

After two or three days of preparation, including the statistics of the company's current assets - this process saves a lot of time, because I also bought this film company not long ago. The work of asset statistics has just been completed, and I only need to do some supplementary statistics on the company's operation in the past few months.

On the third day, Martin came to my company with several assistants, and we signed a cooperation agreement in a low-key way.

Then, some professional questions were left to the lawyer to complete.

We open champagne in the office.

According to the final agreement, the Rothschild family invested 30 million US dollars to buy a 50% stake in our company.

And I continue to serve as the chairman of the company.

If the company is listed in the future, the listed shares will be shared equally by both of us.

This is fair.

Then the Rothschild family began to fully intervene in the company's business. Martin brought a group of professionals from their family into the company and placed their people in several departments, so that they could truly jointly manage the company.

However, Charlie will not continue to be the general manager of the company. To be honest, he is better at public relations, so I handed over the media contact and public relations work to him.

And the new CEO of the company, Martin, unexpectedly recruited a vice president from Warner.

I'm not familiar with this person's name, but Martin convinced me with one sentence: "At that time, he tried his best to exclude public opinion and decided to pay for the copyright of Harry Potter's film if others didn't like it.

And now you can see the result.

***** And I finally realized what Martin told me at that time, a small gift for me... My name was included in the VIP list by all the Rothschild family financial institutions in the world! And the teacher I got: I am at any time, anywhere, under any circumstances! I can get an emergency payment from any Rothschild family bank and financial institution! The amount is five million US dollars... The repayment period is half a year... and it is... the minimum interest!! I know very well how meaningful this kind of treatment is! That is to say, when I encounter any difficulties in the future, I can get the support of a sum of funds from the Rothschild family at any time! Business people know that at the critical moment, a life-saving fund for your turnover can often bring you back to life!! The original brand of Mount Billy Film Company was removed, replaced with a new brand, and the production was more sophisticated. Although the name of the company on the brand has not changed, it is still "Mount Billy Film Production Company".

But the only arrogant change is in the upper left corner of the front of this line, with a small logo: in a circle, a capital letter R.

This small mark indicates that the company belongs to the industry of theluo siside family and enjoys all the protection of the industry of the outside of the Rothschild family! Starting from today, even if President Meiyuan wants to find trouble for this company, he will have to think about it.

As for the Gambino family..." Martin said lightly, "No one can stop the Rothschild family's money-making business, otherwise it will be the enemy of the family."

I noticed that Martin's tone when he mentioned the Gambino family was like talking about a reptile lying on the ground.

***** (In the past three days, tens of thousands of words have been updated, but the monthly ticket has only added poor two or three hundred votes... It's really helpless... Guys, haven't I worked hard enough? Do I have to use a hundred votes to get everyone to vote?) Please~! Month~!! Ticket~!!!