evil spirit

Chapter 10 That's it

Chapter 10 [That's all] Not to mention the prisoner, everyone can't help looking at the wood, even me, Ciro and the gang of brothers around me.

Looking at the wood, there was a little more awe and chill.

As for Mr. Zhou, he still covered his mouth and sprayed wildly in the corner of the wall.

The wood has put away the scalpel and looked at me with a wink.

I immediately woke up and quickly asked my men to put down the two prisoners hanging on it. Xiao Huang dragged them back to the container. As for how to ask for a confession, then there is no need to worry about it.

"You... are really not an ordinary pervert."

I stared at the wood.

Indeed, such a guy, although we used to hang out together when we were in Nanjing, drink together, play together, and pick up girls and fight together in bars, and I also know that Wood is actually a sultry guy. Although he is sty and sloppy, he is not soft at all when fighting.

But... Think about this guy doing a physical examination for those old people in the community clinic in his youth, and sitting in the clinic reading Japanese comics when he has nothing to do... Such a person can actually say such a heinous cruel words as "I want to dissect you alive", and scratched on a big living person with a scalpel. Cross it... "It's installed."

Wood shrugged his shoulders: "I'm not a pervert, but when I was studying in medical school, my anatomical class was indeed excellent. I remember that in the first anatomical class, the teacher took us to dissect a corpse. I was the only one of all the students who didn't vomit, and

He tore off the leather gloves in his hand and threw them on the ground, and said lightly, "I was scaring that guy just now. I think ordinary people.

Even if he is a tough man, even if he is not afraid of death, he should still be afraid of being dissected alive.

He was covered with a pungent smell of blood, but the wood looked calm.

I just took off my coat, and then casually pulled one of my men: "Where is the water? I want to wash it."

The man looked at the wood with awe and hurriedly pointed in one direction.

Now, everyone is impressed by my friend.

These brothers here are not afraid of killing and arson, especially these direct subordinates, all of whom are fierce people who can fight and work hard.

But it was shaken by the wood today.

I sat down for a while, and soon Xiao Huang pryed out the information from the prisoner's mouth.

These two killers are both Chinese, which is right.

But both of them are from a subordinate branch of the Huasu Gang in the United States... to put it simply.

is an extremist organization that specializes in taking business and helping people do things, such as killing, kidnapping, extortion and so on.

When I heard the name "Huaqing Gang", my heart sank first.

Because I know.

The Huaqing Gang has a blood connection with Hongmen.

The first thing that came to my mind was... Did Ye Huan find someone to deal with me? The Huaqing Gang is a large Chinese gang organization in the United States, but the organization is relatively loose. Most of them are under the name of "Huaqing" above their heads, and there are many branches below.

Generally speaking, the power is not small, but the organizations below occupy the top of the mountain.


And these two killers are nominally belonging to a killer-like organization under the name of Huaqing.

According to the prisoner's appointment, the main business of their organization is actually just kidnapping.

The business of killing is also taken over, but after all, there are too few killing work in the world, and it is rare to play several oily businesses in a year, and there are still more kidnapping cases.

This time, someone asked them to deal with me at a high price.

These two people are also veterans. They have been in Vancouver for ten days. These days, they secretly collect my information, my background, and many details of me every day.

For example, my age.

Identity, my preferences, my personality and temper.

The main thing is my daily access route.

Where I go every day, what route I take, and who I follow, I'm basically touched by them clearly by them... What makes me depressed is that they get a lot of information almost effortlessly... Just because I'm really well-known now, there are usually a lot of tabloid paparazzi behind me. Looking at me, they don't even have to check a lot of my information in person, and they can get a lot by looking through the newspaper.

According to their words, they originally planned two plans. The first was to find a route that I was used to walking, and then shot a hidden gun to kill me.

For example, near my company, kill me with a sniper rifle.

But this plan was aborted.

Because I'm almost a shopkeeper now, I seldom go to the company, and my whereabouts are too erratic now.

After I came back from Luoshanji, I did everything almost every day, and I didn't have a fixed plan. Most of the time, when I patted my head and thought of what to do, I immediately went out. I didn't have any plans or rules to go in and out. They really couldn't figure out my rules of access.

Therefore, the plan to squat down and shoot a puffocated gun was aborted.

Then when they received the news of my wedding, these people thought of the wedding party, guests, staff, bands, etc., etc., the personnel were complicated, so they decided to sneak in at this time.

Thanks to the place where I live, the terrain is flat and there are no high-rise buildings around, so they can't arrange snipers.

As a result, I planned to tamper with my wedding cake.

On the wedding day, although I arranged a lot of men to maintain safety, after all, this is a wedding, not a military restricted area, and no one expected that someone would come to me on this day, and people's hearts will inevitably relax a little.

And my house is really not a place conducive to protection. It is a big house. Outside is a yard, surrounded by a circle of low walls, and the area is not small. There are only dozens of subordinates who have to maintain order in the field, and have to watch the entrance outside to prevent people from the media from coming in?? It's impossible to surround the house.

These two guys are also good at it. They directly found a dead corner and slipped over the wall.

In fact, in addition to their hands and feet in the cake, they are also prepared, that is, both of them changed into ordinary clothes and filled the guests to wander around the field?? The guests on this day are really not small, and there is a underworld.

I don't even know all of them, let alone my subordinates? Both of them have guys, especially a miniature pistol with a plastic shell.

can only fire two-particle bullets.

The two of them originally thought that it would be better if they could meet me on the scene before the wedding, they would kill me directly with a cold gun.

As a result, I deserved my life. After Wood and Aze came, I almost pulled the two brothers into the bride's dressing room and couldn't chat, so that they didn't seize the opportunity to kill me before the wedding.

In the end, I can only use the last move to kill me with the bomb in the cake... The bomb is fixed! I had calculated the time, which was just enough for me to explode when I cut the cake.

To be honest, at the wedding.

In addition to the sixth sense in my heart, in fact, the biggest flaw that reminded me at that time was: the cake was pushed out of a yellow man!! This is the biggest stake! Because I know very well that the pastry chef Ciro found for me is a senior talent of the British royal family.

Even if the pastry master can't push the cake cart, it should be his deputy.

Whether it's the pastry chef or his assistant, they are all white!! However, I just said a few words casually because I saw that Yan Di was a little tired.

shortened the speaking time! Now it's beyond their expectation! As a result, they didn't have time to make up (originally, they wanted to make up as white people... In fact, it was very simple, with a beard on their face, or simply put on makeup to fool around.

Maybe it can be fooled) Unfortunately, there was a mistake in the time, so I had to push the cake truck out!! In the end, I saw the flaw on the spot.

These two killers caught by me are just taking money to kill my "professional talents". Naturally, they have no grudge against me.

As for who entrusted their organization to deal with me, I don't know.

They are just front-line operators, and the client can't ask.

There are so many materials in my hand that I can't ask for any more.

I thought about it.

ordered: "It's useless to put it directly into a sack and throw it into the sea."

Xiao Huang didn't say anything. He turned around and was ready to go back to kill, but I then stopped him and said, "Wait!" I thought about it and said, "Don't kill it first, and stay for another day."

Maybe I remember something to ask again.

Then I ran to the corner of the wall to pull up the colorless fangs: "Lawyer Zhou, have you finished vomiting? Come back and discuss things after vomiting.

Next to him, a brother came back with his fangs with soft legs, and hot tea was offered to him to rinse his mouth.

I asked my brothers to retreat, leaving me and Silo's fangs, as well as the wooden Aze, in the warehouse.

"First of all, I need to find out who paid for my life."

I rubbed my temples and looked at the buck teeth and Monday's eyes: "Lawyer Zhou, among us, your brain is the best. Please help me think about it."

The fangs were sitting next to the wood. The wood had changed his clothes, but his body still smelled of blood. The fangs was a little pale. He gritted his teeth and said, "You have a lot of enemies. There are not one or two people who want you to die. How can I know?" I smiled bitterly: "Well, the people who miss me to die... Indeed, when it comes to my place today, there are naturally many people who miss me to die.

There must be enemies..." What should I say? There are many people who offend me.

First of all, they are Vietnamese.

Vietnamese people are in Vancouver, no, it should be said that since the Vancouver riots I made, the whole Canadian and Vietnamese gangsters have been treated as street rats and madly suppressed by various forces.

Especially in Vancouver, Vietnamese gangs have been uprooted for a long time, and there is nothing left.

But I don't believe that Vietnamese people paid for my life.

First of all, Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan are all over. Without the bitter master, who has nothing to spend money to avenge the two dead? Gangsters are known for their loyalty, but most of them are just coaxing slogans.

Who does things that are not good? If it were you, would you have paid for the so-called loyalty to offend a powerful boss? Moreover, even if the Vietnamese want to do it, they won't ask the Chinese to do it.

So...the mercenary organization called Cobra? The cobra took over the work of the Vietnamese to deal with me, but I killed all the people who sent them to North America.

It is reasonable to say that people definitely can't wait for me to die.

However, after losing the elite soldiers and generals sent to North America, Cobra, an organization that was originally just a second-rate mercenary gang, has lost its strength.

In the mercenary circle, self-insurance is not enough.

Where can I find trouble for me? And the rule of this industry is that if you spend money to help your employer do things, if you can't do it, there is no reason to get revenge on someone?? Being a mercenary.

Which day will people not die? If you fail to carry out the mission and someone dies, then go to revenge, then the mercenaries all over the world will not do anything else, and they will only have time to revenge every day! Well, it's not a cobra. Basically, I won't have any intersection with this organization.

I've offended the most recently. Naturally, the first recommendation is those terrorists! Mr. Ramucci's revolutionary comrades... Well, these people probably hate me so much.

But those people have their own terrorist careers. They are all people who do great things. There is no reason to deal with me, right? To put it as an example.

Uncle bin Laden has been arrested for so many years, and he has not seen the whole family of the American officers led by al-Qaeda killing the team.

Even if Ramucci's accomplices want me to die, it should be a group of Middle Eastern bearded people coming to trouble me.

can't get involved with the Chinese people.

So... the Gampino family? I laughed... lend them the courage! The Gambino family is awesome, and I really can't afford to provoke them.

But now the Rothschild family is my backer. Do they dare to touch me? I am now a money-making tool and money-making partner of the Rothschild family! No matter how much Lao Gaoqi hates me, he won't be so impulsive.

As for buying murder, the Gambino family will not be stupid enough to think that the people of the Rothschild family can't find out.

Lao Gaoqi is a character.

It won't be such a fool who doesn't know how to advance or retreat.

He will not drag his family into danger in order to breathe out.

Clover family? Does Mr. Yang Er want to recruit me as my niece and son-in-law? As a result, I didn't marry Yang Wei and pissed him off? Just want to kill me? I immediately rejected this idea with a smile.

What a powerful figure Mr. Yang Er is. How could he do such a stupid thing? Except for being selfish about his own son.

This man is definitely a first-class hero! So... Solin? I frowned.

Solin will never be hostile to me... But that Alan can't tell! It can be said that most of Alan's current situation of falling out of favor is my fault! If I hadn't been tempted by the determination of old Solin to pass the throne to his daughter in order to protect himself, then Allen is still a beautiful successor now! As a result, it was because I put a bar in the middle, and now old Solin must be going to kill Alan.

Although only the two of us know about my cooperation with old Solin, there is no impenetrable wall in the world!! But it's not right to think about it. It's difficult for Allen to report himself now.

Even if you want to do something, you will step up to seize power! Instead of coming to me.

I sighed, and finally I had to mention the name I didn't want to mention again: Ye Huan! Ye Huan is Chinese.

Ye Huan wants me to die the most, because only when I die can he be safe! But... Even if Ye Huan wants me to die, he will let the person he trust the most do it, and he will never buy murder! Because of my relationship with him, the fewer people I know, the better! So...is it Hongmen in China? The people in Hongmen finally found my identity! Then find someone to get rid of me? I am very famous now, not only the fifth master of Vancouver, Canada, but also the leader of the Vancouver circle.

At the same time, because of the experience of Hollywood, I have a red head! He is often the front page of the news! I even put it on the cover of Time magazine... Such popularity must have spread to China.

But the problem is that I have always ignored this problem.

Because except for Ye Huan and others, no one in Hongmen knows that I am still alive! This is a very critical issue.

I castted the biological son of a boss in Hongmen. Naturally, what I hate most is the boss and his eunuch's son.

But even if these two people, do they know me? I don't know! They know my name at most, my background information in China... Moreover, even if the person who met me in person, that is, the guy who was beaten as a eunuch by me, only met me and saw my face that night after playing drugs.

Later, they cast a net to hunt me down, and it was all based on photos.

But now it has been more than two years! More than two years have passed, and in their minds, I am already a dead person!! Those thousands of subordinates who arrested me in those years.

Naturally, I have forgotten me for a long time, and maybe I have forgotten what I am like.

It's easy to think: if it were you, you had seen a picture of a stranger two years ago, and now two years have passed.

Can you still clearly remember what the photo of the stranger looks like? Who will remember? Cut-! As for the boy who was beaten as an eunuch by me, and his old man, he should be the one who impressed me the most.

But the problem is that they all think I'm dead! They won't deliberately inquire about me and track me down.

Even if I heard about it occasionally, now the person in charge of the big circle in Canada is nicknamed the fifth master?? Do they know who the "fifth master" is? The problem is... I've been too popular recently!! My photos frequently appear in newspapers, magazines and media! I may be recognized when I walk on the street now! Well, about the possibility that my photo of "Chen" in the United States appears in some domestic media.

It must be very big! If, one day, the guy I beat up as a eunuch.

Or he, as soon as he looked through a newspaper with a picture of me... Well, why is this man so familiar? Think about it again, it's not right.

Why is it so similar to the guy who disabled me at the beginning? Check it again... It's very possible.

But there is also one! If they knew that I was not dead, the first misery was definitely not me! It's Ye Huan!!! At the beginning, Ye Huanyi had a body of mine to be handed over!! Now I find that I'm not dead. The first one to bear the anger is Ye Huan.

So identify whether it is the enemy of Hongmen to seek revenge.

It's very simple, just to check whether Ye Huan has been doing recently.

Ciro knows my foundation, and I haven't hidden it from him.

But I don't know about the periodontal periodion.

After thinking about it, there was no need to hide it now, and I said it on the spot.

"Lawyer Zhou, you know, I smuggled to Canada and then joined the big circle.

I got into a lot of trouble in China, and I couldn't stay in China before I came out.

Now I suspect that it may be the enemy in China.

The fangs look at me.

doesn't seem to care too much: "Many people in the big circle are smuggled out of domestic crimes.

But is your enemy very powerful? I thought about it: "I don't know how to say it. It's awesome, but it's nothing... Well, Hongmen, you know? When I was in China, I beat the son of a boss in Hongmen into a eunuch.

I didn't react much. The periodontal of the dental was just raised and raised the eyebrows, and then said "Oh".

Indeed, if it were me in the past, the word Hongmen would definitely make me stand up! But now... just one word, hum! In the face of the most awesome mafia family in the United States, I dare to fight.

Hongmen is very powerful, but it depends on where it is.

In the Chinese place, Hongmen has a long history. The underworld in Hong Kong is all handed down from the branches of Hongmen. Basically, the whole Hongmen can represent the modern history of China's underworld! But that's in China! In terms of absolute power, Hongmen is probably a little inferior to the mafia.

Moreover, it's not the whole Hongmen that offends me, but just one of the boss.

An organization like Hongmen is actually similar to the mafia.

It seems huge, but in fact, the interior is also relatively loose.

The mafia has more than 20 families in the United States, in the inner mountain forest, and Gambino is just one of the larger ones.

The same is true of Hongmen.

If you deal with a gangster like me in those years, a boss said something, of course the other bosses will not refute the face of his peers for this little thing. After a Jianghu chases the order, I don't want to fool around in China.

I'm a nobody. Killing me is just a small thing. Find a pit to sell and do something. It's no big deal.

But who am I now? I am the leader of the big circle in Vancouver. I have controlled the smuggling trade on the west coast of Canada. I am a veritable hero.

If the opponent is an unindulnerable gangster, one of the bosses in Hongmen said something. Naturally, all the bosses will show their face to help. Anyway, the next Jianghu pursuit order will not be useless.

But if the opponent is an overseas underworld leader with strong power... then it's different! In this case, are other old congresses in Hongmen willing to erect a strong enemy like me? And the reason is just for a boss's personal grudge? These days, who will do things that are not profitable? If the whole Hongmen is united to fight me, I will naturally be like a great enemy.

But if it's just the boss of a hill under Hongmen who wants to deal with me... Shit! Who is afraid of whom! Now I want to be famous, have money and money, and have a background.

Even if the Gambino family dealt with me, they didn't dare to kill me! At most, it's just trying to make trouble for my business! That day, Gao Qi just humiliated me and let me go back! Why? Just kidding, I'm so famous now, news figures, celebrities... Is it for nothing? Whoever dares to kill me will cause trouble! You killed a little man and buried him. No one knows.

But you can try to kill a social stry! These are all my amulets.

Therefore, the enmity that caused me to flee thousands of miles to death in those years. Now, in the eyes of the buck teeth, it is just a sentence, "Oh, I see."

That's all.

After discussion, the final conclusion is that the biggest suspect at present is still my old enemy in China.

However, if you want to confirm this point, the bao ya zhou means to check how Ye Huan has been doing recently.

Then when I came out of the warehouse, I immediately prepared to go to the hospital to see Yan Di.

On the way, I suddenly received a phone call, which turned out to be Her Royal Highness! Chen Yang, do you have time? I want to talk to you."

I frowned, this woman, my wedding is over, and she hasn't left Vancouver yet? There are not many plots in this chapter, but some problems need to be solved, which can be regarded as a transition.
