evil spirit

Chapter 12 careless, careless--

Chapter 12 [What's careless, careless...]

"...There is a gun hidden in my sleeve."

When the princess said this, I really changed my color!

If what she said before, it's just the rebellious behavior of puberty, is a kind of shadow caused by childhood life that makes their father and daughter discord... Then, when old Solin killed the man who made his daughter commit suicide... In fact, it was the first man the princess fell in love with. Such terrible mistakes and practices may directly lead to a kind of bitter hatred!

and miscalculated the relationship between their father and daughter... The impact is also very serious for me!

Seeing that my face was different, the princess suddenly smiled and said, "Chen Yang, what's wrong with you?" Then she said mockingly, "Don't worry, I didn't kill him. Because I can't succeed at all. I know that even in his study, I can't have a chance to kill him... So, when I was with that gun, I actually wanted to commit suicide in front of him. I hate him... But I also know that I am his only bloodline and his only hope. The only thing I can revenge on him is to let him see his hope dashed under his eyes - it may be silly, but that's what I thought at that time.

It took me a lot of effort not to blurt out the sentence "and then". Because the later result is obvious: the old Solin is still alive, and the princess is also alive.

"Do you know who stopped me from committing suicide?" The princess has a mocking tone.

"...Yes, Alan?" Damn it, I blurted out the name.

The princess nodded: "Yes, it's him. Before I walked into my father's study. He stopped me and found a pistol from me... But he didn't tell my father, but hid the pistol in his clothes and didn't tell anyone."

I narrowed my eyes... Alan, this guy, it's really not easy.

"You don't have to think so hard." The princess smiled and told me bluntly: "Allen's purpose is very clear. He wants to get the position of my father's successor. Of course, he doesn't want me to become a strong woman... But at that time, I couldn't die. Because Allen was also very young at that time. Although he was the godchild of his father, he had not cultivated enough power in the organization. If I died at that time, then my father may not be his turn when he set up the heir, so he must let me live..."

I began to have a headache. According to the princess's words... Is it that the princess and Allen are plotting against her in the current situation? If that's the case... Then the old Solin tried his best to let his daughter take over was in vain.

"That was the second time I walked into my father's study to talk to him. Before that day, the relationship between us had been very cold. But after that day, I suddenly changed my mind. The princess gritted her teeth, with a cruel smile on her face: "Since I am his only hope, I might as well make this hope bigger. In this way, when the hope is dashed, the blow to him will be harder!

"After that day, I changed my strategy for my father. I didn't treat him coldly anymore, and I didn't face him with a hostile attitude anymore. On the contrary, I pretended to be a poor little girl who was hurt by love for the first time. That day, in my father's study, I even hugged him and cried for a long time... Humph, he really thought that after his daughter was hit by Yu looked up to his father's support. After that, I began to change my attitude, gradually became intimate with him, and gradually made my daughter's attitude towards my father. He was afraid that I would mess around again, so he simply transferred me to a school... Do you know? He is really powerful. There are few traditional girls' schools in Canada, but he actually found one for me! He was worried that I would be hurt by some 'abominable man' again, and he hoped that I could settle down in the girls' school. The princess said and looked at me: "But, guess how I did it?"

"How did you do it?" I sighed with a wry smile.

"Since I can't seduce men, then I will seduce women!" The princess laughed a few times.

I shook my head: "So, you later became bisexual."

"My father didn't find this until I graduated... His expression was really wonderful at that time." When the princess said this, she smiled with a happy revenge.

"I've been like this over the years. On the surface, I pretend to be very affectionate to him, and I even act coquettish to him. He meets all my requirements, and I have whatever I want... But I will never do what he wants me to do. I will never be a strong woman! The more he has a headache, the happier I am!"

I suddenly interrupted, "So...what about that Alan?"

"He?" The princess turned her eyes and said, "He is a very cunning guy, a very powerful man. My father gradually became desperate for me, and he finally chose Allen as his successor. Allen began to develop his own power with his support. You see, he is very smart. He has never dared to develop his own power, because he is under his father's eyes. He can bear it and endure his father's despair of me, but he can take over many things openly, take over the business given to him by his father, the power he gives to him, the people, the power... If things happen If it develops according to the normal trajectory, sooner or later, the surname of Hell Angel will no longer be Solin, but will change its surname to Allen! In the past two years, Allen's development has become smoother and smoother... But it's biased... Because of an unexpected factor, things have changed.

I smiled bitterly and pointed to my nose: "Because of me?"

"Because of you!" The princess exhaled, and she pressed the cigarette butt in her hand hard. I found that her hand was even a little trembling.

Then a thin layer of fog suddenly appeared in her eyes - I couldn't help but be a little surprised. Will this heartless woman still cry?

"You...that day, that night. In this hotel, at my father's party, I saw you for the first time. Well, at that time, you were still Master Fang's subordinate... but when I first saw you. I was stunned. " The princess bit her lip hard, and then said astringently, "You... really look like him! It's so similar!"

She suddenly raised her head, and then quickly bounced off a tear from the corners of her eyes. She picked up the glass in front of her and took a sip. She looked at me with a miserable look and smiled, "That night, you were thin and tall, wearing a suit and stood beside Fang Ba. You were obviously him His men are his followers. But you squeezed your mouth and didn't say anything. There is no smile on his face, and his eyes are very cold. That's a kind of arrogance in his bones and a kind of stubbornness in his bones! When other followers stand beside the boss, they will bend down slightly and show a little respect. But you didn't... You stood up straight, as if you didn't care about everything around you... At that moment, I was stunned, and I almost thought you were him.

Then the princess shook her head: "Of course, don't think I'm a child. I'm not that romantic. Although you are very much like him, you are as arrogant as him, and you disdain me as much as he is. But I know very well that you and he are completely two people, and I won't fall in love with you immediately because you are like him. However, I left a note for you at that time, and then..."

Speaking of this, I can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Because I remember that after the banquet that day, the two of us flew out and spent the night in the car.

"The longer I know you, the more I feel that I can't forget you... I'm even a little confused. I don't know whether I can't forget you or him! But you later disdained me! I asked you to accompany me to see Li Wenjing, but you actually took Qiao Qiao away at the dinner table. You don't pay attention to me at all! Later, when you came to Toronto, I went to pick you up at the airport. I was kind enough to please you, but you have been perfunctory to me. Although you try your best to pretend to be polite, the disdain in your eyes can't be concealed. I was also very angry, but after I was angry, I couldn't help thinking about you.

I couldn't help rolling my eyes. Does this princess have a tendency to be abused? The more others ignore her, the more she looks at her, the more excited she is?

"I used to like Yang Wei very much... That woman, I had the idea of her, but later I found that she had something to do with you, so I began to hate her very much...,

I sighed: "You called me here tonight just to tell me this?"

"Well, let's go back to the first question." The princess sneered, "Do you have an appointment with my father?"

I have understood the problem: "Did your father tell you?"

"Well, just after the banquet in my father's castle, the day after you left, my father saw me in the study. This is the third time I have talked to him in my study. He told me that he wanted me to take his place and inherit his power. In fact, he has told me many times in the past, but I deliberately made him frustrated every time. But this time, I suddenly didn't know how to refuse him... It's the same, because of you!"

The princess looked at me with a naked provocative look: "I know I don't have the talent for intrigue. But I know very well that you don't like me, and you can even say that you hate me a little. You look down on me and disdain me... In this case, why do you encourage my father to make me a successor? You will never do it simply for my own good... Although I am not smart, I also understand that since you do this for me, the only answer is: you do it for yourself!! It's good for you to be a successor. Am I right?"

"...Well, you're right." I have to admit: "In fact, your father wants you to take over, but his problem is that he won't live long. It's impossible to keep you for the rest of your life. So I took the initiative to express my willingness to help you. As your protector, the condition is to get some benefits from your father. It's that simple. I looked at her and the girl, and suddenly felt that she was not so annoying, but a little pitiful: "I'm sorry, I actually used you."

"You don't have to say sorry." The princess shrugged her shoulders and said coldly, "The world is like this. Either you use me or I use you. Alan is also using me, and I'm also using him... I'm used to using him like this.

Then she gently closed her hair and suddenly looked at me with a different look: "But that time, I didn't refuse my father. It's not that I don't hate him anymore, or that I'm determined to listen to him and be a strong woman... But, it's all because of you. I understand that it's good for you to be a successor. You need me to be a successor... So, although I don't want to, I can't let you go at that time. So... I didn't refuse my father to his face, but acquiesced in his arrangement.

I instinctively thought of a question: "So... Alan?"

"Of course he is very upset." The princess sneered: "I have been cooperating with him all the time. The better he is in the organization, the more extraordinary he is. The less capable I am and nonsense I am. But this time, I suddenly obeyed my father's arrangement, and then went to the company to register my name, and accepted the assistant my father arranged for me... I even went to the company to preside over two meetings. These signs scared Allen.'s Because he understands that even if he is my father's godchild, he is just an alternative after all. As long as I cheer up a little, my father will definitely choose me again without hesitation.

We had a big fight, and then he was transferred by his father to do something else. I was very contradictory at that time. I don't know if I should continue... Chen Yang, I'm not an innocent little girl... I've seen too many men. I know men very well and understand how you feel about me. You don't care about me at all. Even if I care about you very much, you will never look at me more because of it! In other words, it's a joke. Even if I miss you alone, you won't fall in love with me... But these things make me more contradictory... Because in those years, he did the same to me! The more he ignores me, the crazier I will love.

The princess said this to herself, but I was thinking of another thing!

My deal with Solin, since old Solin told his daughter... But Solin didn't know that his daughter had joined up with Allen to calculate him!

In this way, didn't Allen know all about my deal with old Solin?

Thinking of this, I smiled bitterly and said, "No wonder... I always feel that there is something strange in Alan's eyes... Although he pretends to be very calm... But my sixth sense is very keen. I felt that he was dangerous to me... It turned out that he had known it for a long time. Because of me, he lost his position as a successor.

"...he does know." The princess whispered, "I... Although I'm not a good woman, although I'm a dark and vicious woman, I'm not an idiot, and I also have my own feelings. Alan has been working with me over the years. I can't show mercy to him, so I told him.

I rubbed my temples... It's complicated. [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

Originally, I thought that with old Solin's cleverness and cunning, I could easily clean up Alan's. But now it seems that he has been pinning his precious daughter, who has been uniting with outsiders to calculate the old guy for so many years... In this way, it is hard to say who will kill the deer in the end!

Trying to get rid of these distracting thoughts first, I stared at the princess: "It's still the question. What do you mean by telling me so much? You won't come here to chat with me for no reason, will you?

"Because you are married!" The princess suddenly enlarged her voice and shouted at me!

Her sudden mood was beyond my expectation. I frowned and looked at her without moving.

"You are married! Chen Yang! To my surprise, you didn't choose Qiao Qiao or Yang Wei. I once thought that the little baby named Duoduo was also your woman... But you married a woman I didn't know. Her body trembled uncontrolibly: "I'm unwilling! I'm really unwilling!! Chen Yang, I really can't forget you in my heart. I really can't forget you! Do you know? I didn't want to come to your wedding this time, and my father didn't let me come... He just asked Alan to come here to represent him... But I finally asked him to come. Do you know? I don't want the position of successor, I don't want a father! I don't want any hope... The only thing I want is you! That's you!!"

She suddenly seemed to be out of control of her mood. Her eyes were wide open, she stared at me closely, and gasped gently: "You... Why are you? Why on earth?" Then her eyes became blurred. There was a pathological blush on his cheeks, and his forehead was sweaty: "Why don't you look at me directly? Do you know if I can do anything for you? I can be a good girl for you! You don't like me to be with those men... I dumped them all one by one... But why did you ignore me... Why?"

Then she suddenly let out a creepy sneer. Her shoulders kept fluctuating, and then she stared at me, gritted her teeth and smiled, "Hahaha... But you're dead... You're dead too. Humph, this may be retribution... I killed myself for you, and I didn't die. But you are dead... Why didn't you accept me earlier? If you accept me earlier, I can change for you... And as long as I am willing to change, my father will not kill you, but may treat you well... You are an asshole, an idiot..."

I finally realized that something was wrong. The princess was in the wrong mood. Her eyes were confused and she spoke intermittently. At first, I didn't understand, but then I finally understood. Does she seem to be drunk? Or do you think of me as that person?

The princess suddenly trembled violently. She was like a patient with a swing. Her body trembled, and then her body was sweating like a lot, and finally her eyes began to turn up.

My heart moved, and my heart suddenly lit up! I understand what's going on!!

I immediately jumped up from the chair, and then ran to pick her up. The princess's body was hot and trembling, but her face was already in a mess. Her tears, snot, and even saliva all flowed out!

Someone around looked here. I used it to shake her and whispered, "Damn it! Did you take the medicine? Or did you use some drugs! Are you addicted to drugs!!"

The princess bit her teeth hard, and I could only reluctantly pinch her chin and open her mouth: "Speak! Did you take drugs?"

"Upper, noodles." The princess shivered and reluctantly burst out a sentence from her teeth: "In the room, in my bag... in the room... in the bag..." She pulled my arm hard and pointed to a small handbag in front of her desk. I immediately opened it and saw that there was a room card in it.

The princess actually stayed in the upstairs guest room of this hotel.

I think she can't stand it, and she can't care so much. After all, although I hate this woman, I can't watch her miserable appearance in front of me. I picked her up horizontally, and then strode out of the restaurant. When the waiter at the door came over, I casually took out my wallet from my pocket and lost a pile of money to buy the bill, and then refused the waiter to carefully ask if he needed help.

I rushed out of the door of the restaurant and walked to the elevator. They were waiting outside with the hammer. When they saw me coming out and holding the princess in my hand, they all surrounded me.

"You wait here for me." After thinking about it, my men are all men. The princess is addicted to drugs at first glance. Such an ugly situation is not suitable for my men to intervene. After all, she is still the daughter of old Solin. I sighed, "I'll take her up. You wait for me here."

After the elevator came, I went straight to the elevator and came to the 21st floor of the hotel. This is a presidential suite where the princess lives. I opened the door and walked in with her in my arms. I saw ** put a white Chanel lady's handbag. I threw the princess in **, and then hurriedly opened the handbag and turned it over. Sure enough, a bag of drugs came out of it!

At this time, I hesitated... Did I give her drugs?

Instinctively, I am very disgusted with drugs. Let me use drugs for a person with my own hands, and I instinctively refuse to do so. But the princess in front of him can't stand it anymore...

What else can I do? Should I call the police?

It suddenly occurred to me that there should be a lot of secret followers around the princess, but when I rushed out of the restaurant with her in my arms, why didn't anyone stop me?

As soon as I woke up, I immediately realized that something was wrong! But at this moment, the princess beside me suddenly hugged me hard!

At first, I thought she was just addicted to drugs and was uncomfortable and scratching randomly. But suddenly, I felt a tingling pain in my thigh! I immediately shouted in a low voice, raised my arm hard, and bounced the princess out. She flew out and fell to the ground on the other side of the bed. I looked down and saw a short needle on my thigh, and the medicine in the syringe was empty! It has been injected into my body for a long time...

I was furious. This woman actually plotted against me!

I was about to stand up, but I immediately felt a flower in front of me. Then my body softened and fell heavily in **, but this time I couldn't even lift a finger.

"Ggle..." There was a burst of laughter on the ground under the bed. The princess got up from the carpet with a charming smile, supported ** with her arms, supported her upper body, and deliberately pressed a pair of ** on **, revealing the cleavage in front of her chest. She looked at me with a charming smile and said, "Chen Yang Although you have been in Hollywood, I have also taken professional acting classes. Do you think I should get a full score for the performance of pretending to be addicted to drugs just now?

After saying that, she climbed over from the head of the bed like a wild cat, then turned over and rode on me, gently scratching her hands on my chest, and her eyes flowed with almost crazy eyes:

"You are mine!" Her eyes became a little crazy and awake again: "And this time, even if you want to die, you can only die in my hands... No one can take you away from my hand!"


(Dizzy, when did I say that the princess would become one of Xiaowu's women... Absolutely not! This woman may have a pitiful scene, but as the readers in the book review area said, poor people must have something hateful!! She is just an important supporting role. This task is portrayed to undertake the development of the plot, which is just an important plot need... I'm speechless. Can't you describe female characters other than the heroine in the novel? Characters are one of the three elements of a novel. Ranked as a watcher, just look down. To be honest, without this princess, the following plot really can't be picked up.)