evil spirit

Chapter 22 My family has a girl growing up

Chapter 22 [My family has a girl growing up]

After putting down the phone, I was stunned for two minutes. I don't know what it feels like...

"Li Wenjing... Li Wenjing..." I recited the name silently. After a long time, I suddenly smiled, but there was a trace of haze in my eyes.

"Li Wenjing, Li Wenjing... What do you mean by doing this?" I muttered to myself, and then an idea suddenly came to my mind, and I couldn't help shouting, "Hammer!!"

As I shouted, the hammer opened and pushed the door in: "What's the matter? Fifth brother?"

I looked at the hammer with a strong face. I know that if I order now, let him take someone to stop Alan immediately and catch him back, the hammer will definitely be able to do what I told.

Catch Alan back... Kill him?

At this moment, I did suddenly have this impulse!

However, this impulse was quickly extinguished by another emotion.

"Well, good to you, Li Wenjing!" I sneered and said to myself, "Since I said it, I won't breaking my promise!" Hey hey... You deliberately used this sentence to squeeze me, didn't you? Um... It's easy to calculate, easy to calculate. But since you said so, how can I be embarrassed to go back on my promise?

Speaking of this, I waved my hand and looked at the hammer: "Okay, it's okay. You go out first."

I don't know why, at this moment, I suddenly felt a little hostility in my heart!

Subtle, this hostility is not aimed at Allen. Because through contact with Alan, I don't think this person is easy. But I haven't raised him to the point where he can threaten my great enemy in my heart... And at this moment, what really makes me have some scruples in my heart is Li Wenjing!

He taught Alan not to leave and stay here for one more day. This really dispelled my original suspicion of Alan.

Then, Allen called again and told me frankly that he was going to leave... Well, this should be what Li Wenjing taught him to do... Sure enough, I also allowed Alan to leave smoothly and let him live.

Is it simple?

No, it's not easy at all!! Li Wenjing taught Allen to do these two things at will, but accurately hit the biggest weakness of my character!

One sentence: This Li Wenjing is really right for me! He knows my character too well! He can even put out these two moves at will through my character, and then predict... No, it can even be said to "control" my next practice.

If such a person is my enemy, won't he become a deadly enemy to me?

I called Xiao Zhu again: "Let go of all the people who caught you." Then just before Xiao Zhu was ready to go out, I stopped him again: "Wait... Send them to monitor Alan's men... Let them come back."

"Huh? It's... the fifth brother." Xiao Zhu answered like this.

I looked at his young face and said with a smile, "What? Don't understand? Hey! They all called to beg for mercy, and they were very single. Under such circumstances, we still have someone to monitor him. Doesn't it seem to be pettering? Pull the people back. Alan is not a threat to us now.


There are no waves on the sea. This is a shallow bay south of the Vancouver's waterfront, less than 80 nautical miles away from the coast. The yacht was parked at sea, and I lay on the deck, basking in the sun with a pair of sunglasses on my face.

Yan Di knelt down next to me and applied it to me with a bottle of sunscreen in his hand. Her soft little hands gently kneaded on my thigh muscles, which made me so comfortable that I almost wanted to moan.


A sound of falling into the water, and then I heard Aze wow shouting, "Joe Joe! You guy! I ran away from my fish! Can't you swim from somewhere else!!"

I sat up and saw Aze standing on the deck with a fishing rod in his hand, pointing to Qiao Qiao in the water and cursing.

"Fishing? Can you also fish? Forget it, Aze! You little bastard, it's almost the same if you catch a beautiful girl, fishing? You can catch a turtle!"

Aze was so angry that he couldn't help pulling the wood sitting next to him: "Hey! Why don't you talk? This girl scared our fish away! Aren't you angry?"

The wood raised his eyelids, and then continued the old monk: "Good men don't fight with women."

This sentence is not big, but Qiao Qiao, who was in the sea, heard it and couldn't help raising his eyebrows and shouting, "Wood! What are you talking about!"

With that, Qiao Qiao had swam to the side of the boat and got on the boat with a handrail. As soon as she got up, she picked up the fishing rod on the ground and wanted to chase the wood.

The wood had no choice but to put down the fishing rod and stand up and dodge, sighing: "The gentleman doesn't move..."

"I'm a woman!"

"...only women and villains in the world are difficult to raise... Ouch!"

The wood was beaten to his head and rat. The next minute, the words in his mouth became "When will the injustice be redressed!"

At this time, our little five, the little girl came out of the cabin. She wore a lake-blue swimsuit, with a slightly immature figure, like a flower bud. In addition, she was originally a little beautiful woman, which made Aze next to her can't help looking at her.

"Alas, it's another little Luo Li... I said Xiao Wu, I'm afraid this girl is comparable to yoyo. You didn't come here with the harem cultivation plan, did you?... Ouch!" Before Aze finished speaking, I took the sunscreen bottle in Yandi's hand and hit him directly on his head. [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

I have practiced the accuracy of the flying knife, how can I shoot astray?

At this time, the wood had come with a sad face and picked up the fishing rod on the ground under Qiao Qiao's cove.

I was curious: "Yi? Aren't you fighting?"

"Go! I'm a literati!" Qiao Qiao rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I made peace with Wood... But we made a bet that he would do one thing, otherwise he would not be allowed to eat today!"


"Fishing turtles." Wood sighed, then looked at the fishing rod in his hand with pitiful eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "She asked me to use this fishing rod to catch a turtle, otherwise I won't eat."


"What do you think the conditions put forward by Wu Gang will be?" I took a look at Aze and others.

Aze blinked his eyes and suddenly smiled and said, "... He doesn't want you to help kill Lai X Xing, does he?"

I rolled my eyes and said to him, "Say it's serious."

"It's hard to say." Aze said slowly, "One of the biggest contradictions between the two countries now is Lai X star on the table. Are you trying to find a way to extradite? But you, the boss of a gangster, can't interfere in this kind of thing.

"Well, I don't think it's likely to be such a very political thing."

Suddenly, I heard a timid voice and said softly, "I think..."

We all looked over, but saw the little girl sitting aside, who was biting a big crab. After listening to our talk for a while, they suddenly put down the food in their hands and raised their greasy little hands and said.

"Oh?" I smiled and said, "What are you trying to say?"

A strange look flashed in the little girl's eyes, and she said slowly, "Master, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you... But you thought I was a child, and you didn't speak behind my back... Well, I heard a general idea. Someone came to talk to you about cooperation and asked you to help do something. If So that you can go back to China for development? And you can get official support, right? This person should have a deep official background, right?

I nodded with a smile. Instead of blaming her, I said gently with an encouraging smile, "Well, you heard it carefully and you're right."

The little girl breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly, "Master, you are underworld here. Your power is also on the underworld. Then the other party will ask you for help, which should be what you can do. Moreover, it must have something to do with your current sphere of influence. Right? In other words, if you are a shoemaker, then others will only let you make shoes when they come to you, and you won't be asked to repair the car... right?

"It makes sense." I smiled.

"That's right. Therefore, we might as well think about it from the business you control now. Speaking of underworld affairs, I think the other party is from China. Master, your territory here in Canada, protection fees, or entertainment places such as restaurants, restaurants and nightclubs, these will certainly not be what the other party wants... So in addition to these things in the underworld, Master, the biggest thing you control is Huaxing. The company, right?"

"You mean the smuggling in Huaxing?" I didn't have that smile on my face, but looked at the little girl seriously.

Although this little girl's face is still a little childish at this moment, she is much more confident than just now. The more she talks, the more calm she is. There is a taste of talking: "Smuggling... That may not be 'smuggling'. Because of smuggling this kind of thing, if it is found out, it is called smuggling! If it is not found out, it will be called normal import and export! Right?

Looking at this little girl, I couldn't help whispering, "Who taught you these...?"

"No... No one taught me, I thought about it myself." The little girl looked into my eyes and shouted.

I sighed, looked at her, looked at the way she spoke, looked at the confident look on her little face, and her eyes flashed...

This girl really looks like a person! Like another strong woman who is extremely intelligent, calm and rational, and strategic!


(There is another chapter, which will be updated in about an hour.)