evil spirit

Chapter 35 Suddenly Thunder

Chapter 35 [Sudden Thunder]

Freud, the great master of psychology, said that sexual desire is the driving force of human progress!

It turns out that I think all psychology is bullshit, but when I got up this morning, I can't help sighing... Freud is really a person of my generation!

Cheer up!

It's really refreshing! Sure enough, our ancestors said that the harmony of yin and yang is the road to human beings! This man, whose desire is satisfied, gets up in the morning and feels that the energy in his body is pervasive, and he is well reconciled physically and psychologically. I even feel that I am energetic and energetic. Now it is probably not difficult for me to kill a cow!

After I slandered Freud in my heart, I got up and went out. Because in the morning, General Trapped Tower's guards came to report, and General Trapped Tower invited me to have breakfast together.

Eating breakfast on time is a good habit, which is good for health... But I really don't feel that sitting on the stone on the hillside, facing a table of bread and milk, under my feet are those slave-like miners working in the valley... In this case, I can't eat anything.

However, the great head of state of State G, General Trapped Tower, seems to enjoy it very much. He looked at the two fat sausages stuffed with bread and bacon on his face, and looked at the valley under his feet as if he was very comfortable. Countless slaves worked for him.

Probably... This kind of person is a psychopath. I sighed in my heart.

"Starting today, the daily meals of these slaves will be increased." The trapped tower told me proudly, "Look, these guys had a spoonful of beans on their plates in the morning, and they seem to work much more now."

I smiled bitterly, but I could only praise him with all my strength, such as "the general really loves the people."

Is it okay if you don't say it? I smiled bitterly, but comforted myself in my heart that it was not my little five who flattered this fat sausage. If I didn't, the poor slaves below would not even eat beans.

But then, the general suddenly put away his smile, and his eyes enveloped me. He looked at me for a long time, and then sighed.


Am I dazzled?

Is there a real pity in the eyes of this tyrant and the executioner's hand? Could it be...does my character explode? After a few casual words last night, he could actually let this guy put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha?

"Chen... I understand you."

His eyes became more and more friendly, but with a hint of "Everyone is a man, I understand you".

Just as I opened my mouth, he suddenly put his hand into his arms. Then he took out a small plastic bottle. Then the general waved his hand and asked him to retreat left and right, and then handed me the plastic bottle.

"This is the herb of our Tutu clan, which is very effective! Especially when a man can't do it... Well, you just need to use a little bit and smear it on that thing to ensure that you will be alive immediately! This was given to me by the old shaman of our clan!"

I'm in a petrified state immediately...

Just when I was almost so angry that I slapped the table, the general's eyes were more amiable. Not only did he stuff the things into my hand, but he also patted the back of my hand with comfortingly, with a face of "Brother, I sympathize with you, I understand you", and slowly said, "Last night I asked the two girls who served you in the bath and asked them to know that you didn't dislike them, but that you I want to advise you that if there is something wrong, you should treat it as soon as possible! I heard that as soon as they met you last night... There, you shouted NO, NO, NO in pain... Alas, I thought you couldn't watch the program I arranged for you."

I was submissive, but I scolded the stepmother of the two women who bathed me last night. I did a good deed, but you think I was... inhumane?

Seeing that my face was different, the sleepy tower finally let out a cheerful laugh... It's just a pity that there is a lack of fun around me, otherwise it would be more interesting to hold the sentence "Why did the general laugh".

Of course, I'm not in the mood to support this. But then, I suddenly felt that the wind at ten o'clock on the right seemed to have a strange light flashing in the sun...



I almost didn't hesitate, and suddenly jumped up from the chair! I picked up the table, and the trapped tower general sitting opposite me was knocked to the ground by the table! At the same time, I heard a shrill voice...


The sound shook me as if my heart was about to jump out of my cavity. I had rolled to the ground... In the next breath, the guard next to me who had just been driven away by the trapped tower had rushed over. They didn't seem to understand what had happened. At first, the two of them had pulled the bolt and then came directly towards me, My chest and back hurt a few times, and I could only hug my shoulder, and my ears were full of shouting, and my head was held by at least three submachine guns!

"※...(×※%!!!!" A majestic voice shouted. It was the trapped tower general who fell to the ground. He had already understood what had happened. Surrounded by many guards, he was not in a hurry, but loudly issued several orders in the local language. [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

At this moment, I found that the obsceneness on this guy's face was gone! He is like a tiger, and his whole body is full of murder and determination in an instant!

The leader of a warlord is worthy of being the leader of a warlord!

At this time, the trapped tower had pointed to the shed next to him and shouted a few words. His face was serious, and he could be seen that he was extremely angry, but he was suppressed...

There is a huge hole in the shed! That's definitely a sniper gun! The guards had reacted, and immediately some experienced people looked in the direction of shooting. After the trapped tower issued several orders, soon, I saw the next team of soldiers on the hillside driving the car quickly and pounced on the hillside opposite in the distance. Several guards searched directly from the hillside.

During the whole process, the trapped tower was so cunning that it didn't get up on the ground. He was surrounded by people and protected him. Finally, he was surrounded by guards. Regardless of his image, he simply lay on the ground and crawled down to a lower place. Then he stood up, and then asked someone to come up to greet me and escort me down the hillside.

After returning to the ground and confirming that it was safe, the trapped tower jumped like thunder. He roared loudly, and then quickly commanded the soldiers under his hands to start martial law. I saw a team of soldiers running out, and even his dogs. An armored vehicle was also driven from behind the barracks.

These soldiers were very experienced and first strengthened the defense of the camp, then separated the people and rushed outside. They first surrounded the villages and towns outside and began to search. At the same time, a large number of people searched around.

Especially in the place where the opposite hillside is shot, there are hundreds of fan-shaped searches!

The trapped tower roared, but issued orders in a very orderly manner. The reaction of these troops under them was not slow, and it could even be said to be well-trained. I didn't feel it until this moment. Although this guy is bloated and corrupter than in the photo, he is still a lion! Although he is old, when he occasionally shows his tusks, he still makes people feel sharp.

At this time, someone soon came with two soldiers. The two soldiers' faces were full of blood, and the black faces were mixed with blood and dirt. I'm puzzled... Did you catch the murderer so soon?

The trapped tower looked cold, quickly took the pistol from the guard beside him, and walked to the two soldiers who were held to kneel on the spot...

Bang Bang! After two shots, the two soldiers were lying on the ground, and blood and brains flowed all over the ground...

"They..." As soon as I opened my mouth, I suddenly realized that I'd better not talk now.

When the trapped tower looked at me, his eyes softened a little, and he said slowly, "It's not them. They are the sentry opposite. Humph... What's the use of keeping such rubbish?"

I found that when this guy was angry, he exuded awe-inspiring momentum all over his body! The wolf-like guards and subordinates around him seemed to be guarding him respectfully, and some people even looked at him almost worshipfully... He took two steps back and forth in place, and his military boots made the sound of a oar, and then suddenly stuffed the gun into the guard, and then strode to the barracks in the distance.

He just took two steps and suddenly turned around: "Chen, you come with me."

When he walked back to the camp behind and went straight back to the palace of the tower, in a room, there were guards standing beside him. At this time, he looked at me and suddenly took a deep breath, in an unprecedented sincerity: "My friend, you just saved my life!"

He stared at me: "From now on, you are not my guest... you are not my business partner... From now on, you are my friend of the tower!"

Suddenly, he raised his foot and stepped on a chair, pulled out a dagger from his boots, then held the dagger in one hand, quickly wiped it on the thumb of the other hand, and immediately cut the sharp dagger.

He walked to me, then looked at me, raised his hand and took the hand that cut his thumb, gently scratched my forehead, and immediately scratched a blood stain in the middle of my eyebrows. Then he didn't say a word and gave me the dagger.

I knew that I could never hesitate at this time. I immediately learned it again, cut my finger, and also wiped his eyebrows with blood.

"From now on, you are my good friend!" The tower patted me on the shoulder and put away the dagger.

The sudden change in things was completely unexpected to me.

Actually...what did I do to save him? This kind of scum-like thing is better to die. But the only reaction in my brain at that time was:

If he dies and G is in chaos, then our business will be over... Most importantly, the business of technology transfer is also over!


tell a story

I was not online in the afternoon. When I received a phone call, a friend specially told me: "Five, your book review area has turned upside down again, and someone is scolding you again..."

I said "Oh" at that time, and then continued to do my own things.

He was surprised: "Are you angry? Don't you fight back? Don't scold back? It's not in line with your Xiaowu's character!"

"I've been used to it for a long time." I said to this friend with a smile, and then suddenly a sentence came to my mind: "There are always a few days every month..."

After hanging up the phone, my wife asked me, "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

I didn't say it in detail, but simply said, "It's okay. There are many SB months. There are a lot of them this month. I don't care."

Indeed, as long as I am "good" and I don't canvass for votes, these people never appear and never speak. However, as long as the first few days of the month, as soon as I break out, as long as I canvass for votes... A fixed group of guys will come out, in short, it's just scolding. Until you scold me... The purpose is very simple, that is, to destroy my action of fighting for the monthly ticket.

Alas, isn't it just a few monthly tickets? Readers are willing to vote for me. Is it none of your business?

Unfortunately, I don't have anything like comfort or Shubao, so when these "things" flow out regularly these days every month, I can't block these dirty things... Alas, it's a pity~

I will continue to break out, continue to canvass for votes, and continue to participate in the competition of the monthly ticket list. Please give me more support. Let me know that even if there are some hidden SBs who make small moves in the back every month, "Awe-inspiring" is a lot of hardcore friends and hardcore Fans! I'm pissed off those scumbags, hahahaha...

Give me a monthly ticket. I've been in good shape recently. I have re-exaversed the recent chapters, and the quality should have improved significantly. Ask for your monthly ticket support, I won't let you down...

Starting from three years, more than seven million words, four complete books! I danced. How did I ever disappoint my friends who really insisted on supporting me?? It's not the first time I've met the low tide. Again and again, I can always walk through it with the support of my friends! This time I firmly believe that it is the same!

If you can scold people to death with a few words, Taiwan will have been unified long ago, and Japan will have been destroyed long ago... Cut, swearing behind behind is a manifestation of the incompetent and weak!

Finally, please put the monthly ticket on the top! Even if I lose in the end, I will lose decently!

If you like it, or have ever liked this book. If you believe that Xiao Wu can continue to bring you happiness, please vote for my monthly ticket.

The evil spirit is awe-inspiring, and the evil spirit is soaring!