evil spirit

Chapter 45 The Heart of "Slaughter"

Chapter 45 [The Heart of "Tu"] The room was very dark, and the curtains around it were closed. It was opaque, and there was a solemn atmosphere in the room... Tu didn't say anything. He still looked at the mirror, and his eyes were as calm as water, but occasionally there was a faint trace of confusion, but soon he regain

"Do you like your new image?" Looking at Tu's slightly beautiful face in the mirror, I asked him about his age. This terrible super humanoid weapon is really one year younger than me. After cosmetic surgery, his appearance has regained some of the vitality that a young man of his age should have. .

However, those eyes are still as sharp as African vultures.

"There's nothing to like or dislike... It's just a piece of skin."

Tu answered me gently. He raised his hand and gently touched his cheek and sighed, "My face is still a little numb, and I don't seem to feel anything."

"It will be fine in a few days."

I told him with a smile, "Your fingerprints and appearance have been changed, and I have also given you a new identity. Your current identity is a second-generation immigrant from Nigeria."

"Thank you..." He hesitated for a moment and said such a word in a low voice, and then he continued to look at himself in the mirror, as if he couldn't see enough: "I... always feel a little uncomfortable."

He stood up with his hands on his wheelchair, slowly moved to the mirror, and then unbuttoned his coat and shirt.

The muscles are still full of elasticity, as if they were full of explosive power, well-proportioned limbs, full of the aesthetic muscles of the human body... But what is amazing is that the fragmentary scars on his original body have all disappeared! I can't help marveling at the miraculous effect of cosmetic surgery.

In order to further hide his identity, this operation used a lot of laser technology, smoothed many scars on Tu's body, and even had skin transplants in some places.

His body, which was originally covered with knife wounds and gunshot wounds, now looks smooth... Of course, surgical cosmetic surgery is not omnipotent. There are some deep scars, even after surgery, it will still leave some faint traces... But in general, the current Tu, from the appearance, is already a A completely strange new image! Even for someone who is very familiar with him, it is difficult to see any fw in front of him.

My expression was undoubtedly very satisfied, and I even considered whether to give the doctor some more compensation.

But then I noticed that Tu Di's eyes showed a very complicated meaning.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Less... a lot of things."

He didn't seem to know how to say it, and his face was a little gloomy.

"At least you look clean now... and complete."

I tried to joke: "And when I first saw you, your body... was like a rag doll that was torn up and sewn with a needle and thread."

Tu shook his head: "It's very clean... but it's too clean."

Looking at my puzzled eyes, Tu's eyes became more and more sad. He whispered, "Although I'm a killing machine... I also have feelings, I have... my own memory."

He pointed to his head: "A lot of things were originally hidden here by me."

He stood in front of the mirror, his fingers sliding down from his shoulder. Suddenly, he smiled, revealing his snow-white teeth. His smile was a trace of heavy that I couldn't describe: "You know? I firmly remember every wound on my body! For example, here... There was originally a penetrating injury, which was when I was trained. In a live-fire attack exercise, according to the regulations, only the winning party could survive, and the losing party would be eliminated as a loser... Execute.

That time, we dealt with a team of soldiers led by our instructor. Finally, I killed the instructor with my own hands. The original wound here was inserted by the instructor with a dagger. As long as it was a little more, it would stab my heart..." "... And here, there was a bullet hole. It was a trip in Congo. Move, we raided a secret stronghold of a mercenary. My comrades-in-arms around me blocked a bullet for me. He was disabled and I was injured. As a result, after returning, he was 'eliminated' because his injury could not fully recover, and I was cured.

"And my back... There were whip marks originally, which were whipped in violation of discipline when I was trained at the base.

I was almost shot that time, but in the end they gave me a choice to fight with another disciplinary guy, and the winner could survive.

The result... I won, the loser was crushed by me, and I only got 20 whips.

"And here..." He suddenly bent down and pointed to his calf: "Here, there was originally a knife wound... That was the first time I went out on a mission.

We killed everyone in the other base. In order to kill the mouth, we slaughtered all the living people there.

Finally, I faced a little boy and hesitated a little... But just as I hesitated, the little boy pulled out a dagger to stab me... Unfortunately, he was too short and lay on the ground again. He just gently stabbed my calf and hurt a little skin.

Then he was shot and smashed in the head by my companion.

He looked at me with a smile on his face, but his voice was cold: "From then on, I understand that the place where I live is the battlefield. On the battlefield, you are either companions or enemies! Any kindness will hurt yourself.

He said word by word, so slowly, the indifferent voice with a trace of coldness, coupled with the speed of speech, fell into my ears, but it was extremely shocking! For a moment, I suddenly had a strange idea: I was a little at a loss and didn't know what attitude I should use to face this black young man.

Because fundamentally, his previous experience and we are completely people who belong to two worlds.

After a moment of hesitation, I smiled, walked behind him and patted him gently on the shoulder. I could see that he had a subconscious dodging movement, but I hesitated slightly and finally didn't move, leaving my hand on his shoulder.

I turned to him, buttoned his shirt, and then smiled, "Okay, remember, you're not a machine anymore.

You are a human now.

People, do you understand? Remember what Delong said to you.

[Heaven's Kiss Hand] I walked to the window, and then suddenly opened the curtains hard...wow!! The light outside the window spilled in, and the originally gloomy room suddenly lit up. Tu seemed to be a little uncomfortable. He closed his eyes slightly and turned around, and then he looked at me.

"Look outside."

I pointed out of the window: "This is not Africa.

This is not the kind of world with only enemies and comrades-in-arms... The world may be much more complicated than the world you originally lived in, and the rules are not that simple... But this world has something that you didn't have in your original world... That is, peace and freedom.

I suddenly made a decision: "Actually, I have no purpose to save you.

And now, you are free.

You don't have to feel that you owe me anything... Now you have a new look, a new identity, and you have come to a free new world.

You can leave here at any time as you want.

I promise that with your skills, you can live a good life in this world.

I looked at Tu with a smile, and Tu also looked at me quietly. Then after a long time, he whispered, "Are you really letting me go?" Really."

I nodded and looked at him sincerely.

"But I know my own value."

Tu said slowly, "I'm an excellent soldier.

I can help you do a lot of things.

I can help you kill people and help you deal with your enemies... I know you are not an ordinary person, and you must have your enemies and enemies. If you have a warrior like me, you can solve a lot of problems for you.

Don't you...don't you want this?" I hope."

I don't hide my thoughts: "If there is a close subordinate like you who has such a strong strength as you, then anyone would like to see it.

But remember, remember what Delong said to you, you are a human, no longer a machine.

After a pause, I looked into Tu's eyes and said in a low voice, "Every word I say is true. As long as you want to leave, I can send you out of here immediately."

"..." Tu looked at me. His eyes were so bright that I couldn't even guess what was going on in his heart.

Finally, he laughed.

"I'm not leaving."

Tu shook his head, and his smile this time finally brought a trace of warmth: "I know I'm free now.

But I know that even free people need a job.

Didn't you say you wanted me to be your driver? Then I'll stay and accept the job... Anyway, even if I leave here, I may not be able to find a good boss like you.

******* That's it. I have such a driver around me.

In this way, at least free Xiao Zhu from my driver position - because the hammer guy still can't learn to drive.

The stunned young man seems to be able to complete any task I gave him without hesitation, and the hammer's loyalty to me is absolutely unquestionable. I even suspect that even if I ask him to blow up the White House with a bomb now, the hammer will leave without hesitation.

However, this guy seems to be rushing with the car. He has crashed several of my cars, but he still can't tell the position of the clutch brake and the three pedals of the accelerator.

The doctor said that it seemed to be a kind of psychological obsessive-compulsive disorder.

*** (announcement, it will be written that Xiaowu will officially return to China immediately!! There are more than 600 votes today, and three chapters have been exchanged. If you have tickets, please continue to support it.
