evil spirit

Chapter 65 Little Money Fan

Chapter 65 [Little Money Fan] After hanging up the phone, I walked out of the phone booth, passed a roadside convenience store, and looked at the clock hanging on the wall inside.

The time now is about five o'clock.

Yang Wei said that she would drive to pick me up, but no matter how fast it was, she would have to wait for an hour.

I can't help it. Shanghai is too big, and the traffic situation is very bad.

Summer just passed, and in early autumn, the sun went down late. At this moment, there were more and more pedestrians. I realized that my appearance was a little dazzling: my clothes were wrinkled, and there were blood stains on my shirt! More importantly, the coat on my body was taken randomly from Xiao Xuan's car. It should belong to the second head. My figure is too small, and my clothes are tightly tight on my body. It looks like it was stolen. In addition, I dodging, like a tramp.

I walked a few steps along the road and saw a public toilet at the intersection. I ran in quickly, washed my face and hands hard on the edge of the pool, and then took some hand sanitizer. Relying on the smell of hand sanitizer, I barely covered up the bloody smell on my body.

I really want to take off the shirt inside, because I'm worried that my appearance on the street will attract other people's attention. In case the police patrolling... My coat is full of blood stains, so I can't tell.

More importantly... I don't trust the police here! I know very well that the deep-rooted old underworld power like Qinghong must be inextricably linked with the local police! I'm not afraid of the police, but once I get entangled by the police, I'm worried before my people find me.

Qinghong will come over as if the shark smells blood! After taking out my pocket, I pinched the credit card and money left by Xiaoxuan and walked out of the public toilet.

After cleaning, I don't look so sloppy and like a tramp.

At a glance, I saw a small clothing store in front of me. I thought about it, took a few steps and pushed the door in... This is a medium-sized small boutique clothing store. Obviously, the business is not good at this time. There are only two guests in the small store plus me.

I pretended to look at the clothes on the shelf, and then randomly picked a shirt, but the only sales lady in the store didn't bother me, because another middle-aged man was pestering her to ask the price of a leather coat.

I took the opportunity to flash into the locker room with my shirt and changed it quickly. Then I made a ball of the bloody shirt I took off, found a plastic bag to wrap it, and then tore off the price sign on my body.

When I walked out of the locker room, I casually took a coat on the shelf and drew it. The size was just right, and no matter what style it looked ugly, I directly tore off the price sign on it and put it on.

After changing my clothes, I felt a little relaxed.

At this time, the salesgirl was still bargaining with the middle-aged man.

But it seemed that the salesgirl was a little impatient. She turned her back to me and leaned casually on a shelf. She let the middle-aged man look left and right with the leather coat, but looked lazy.

I know, although summer has just passed, many clothing stores will deliberately take out some anti-season clothes for sale, low-price discount promotion, and many people like to take this kind of cheap.

I have to say that this sales lady is very incompetent.

Because the sales girls in the store I know are all the kind of people who can blow up the goods they sell, and then fool the customers into being dizzy and finally take out their wallets.

And this sales lady didn't look good, leaning lazily and talking all the time.

That middle-aged man doesn't look like he has any money, otherwise he wouldn't have come to buy such cheap inventory for anti-season sales in such hot weather.

"Miss, do you have the size of this dress I wear?" How old are you wearing?" XL, um... Sometimes, L's is also okay."

"No, just this one."

"Well... can the price be cheaper?" The sales lady didn't even bother to say anything this time. She pointed to a brand next to her: "Promotional products, no bargaining."

The middle-aged man pinched and pinched on this leather coat: "What kind of leather is this?" Rabbit skin."

"Well... Well, is this dress waterproof? Will it get wet on rainy days? The young lady was finally angry. She stood up straight and quickly threw a sentence, "Have you ever seen a rabbit holding an umbrella on a rainy day!" ..." The middle-aged man was choked and speechless. He angrily threw down his clothes and turned away.

The sales girl turned her head and didn't seem to look at me much. She said quickly, "Two hundred and eight shirts and four hundred coats."

I finally saw the sales girl with a very tucky attitude. When she turned around, I was just about to talk, but I was stunned! The pretty little face, with a delicate smell, especially the way she stares at her eyes, and smells like a savage girlfriend. She crossed her waist with one hand and a fierce look on her face, but her eyes didn't look at me. Instead, she looked at the wall clock: "Hurry up, pay for it if you want to buy it. Yes."

Damn it! Is there such a drag sales girl? But I was not angry with this girl at all. Instead, I looked at her carefully several times, and then suddenly smiled.

I laughed happily, very happily, and with some surprises.

"Little money fan!" I looked at her: "A Mei? Are you Mei? Why are you here?" I blurted out, and she was immediately shocked. Then she looked at me, looked carefully for a long time, and suddenly shouted, "Ah!! Is that you?" The girl in front of me is not the private little caretaker beside me at the beginning, who is the little money fan Amei? A Mei was wearing a sales lady's clothes, a white shirt and a short skirt. Her face was lightly put on makeup, and her hair was tied up. At a glance, she looked a little more charming, but her eyes still showed that kind of unruly and playful look.

She stared at me as if she was too surprised. After saying "ah" just now, she didn't say a word again.

I approached her, raised my hand and shook it in front of her eyes, and said with a smile, "Stupid? Or don't you know me?" You, you, you... you... Chen Yang!?" A Mei rubbed her eyes hard, as if she finally dared to believe that it was really me standing in front of her, and her face showed a little bit of surprise.

"Of course it's me..." I looked at her with a smile: "Why are you here? Don't you take care of yourself? Why did you come here to sell clothes?" Don't mention it!" Mei sighed and looked helpless, but then she stared at me for a while, turned her eyes, smiled and said, "Great, I didn't expect to see you here.

Walk around, let's have dinner together in the evening... Ah, no..." She suddenly stepped back, looked at me carefully, and couldn't help saying, "I remember you seem to be developed now.

Well, I've read the newspaper. You're a rich man now. Why did you come to me? I smiled: "What rich man... Am I not me if I have money?" Mei was relieved and smiled, "That's right. Chen Yang I know is a good man who is willing to give me food and live for free."

After saying that, she came over with a smile, but grabbed my arm: "Let's go, let's eat."

I took a look at the store: "You... don't have to work?" Cut! I was supposed to be the last day at work today, so I won't do it tomorrow! Now that I met you, I went on strike after leaving work early!" I smiled bitterly: "It's rare for a sales lady like you... You just left a guest angry, and your boss doesn't care?" Cut!" Ah Mei raised two eyebrows, and his face was full of color: "That old man! Humph, he always wants to take advantage of me. This afternoon, he dared to touch me when I bent down to tidy up the shelves! I kicked him hard, and he is still in the hospital.

There was a girl colleague here who sent him to the hospital.

I shook my head: "Such a boss, what are you still doing here?"

"I can't help it..." A Mei sighed and shrugged her shoulders: "I owe him money.

When I paid the rent before, I asked him to advance a month's salary.

I don't have money to pay him back, so I can only work here for a month and pay back my salary, so I can leave.

Today... Alas, I hit him today. I guess he will trouble me again when he comes back in the evening... She suddenly looked at me and said, "Well, long time no see. I'm really sorry to tell you this as soon as we met... However, you seem to be rich now... Can you lend me a thousand yuan? Money? I owe this pervert boss a month's salary, but I've only put up with it for half a month. Now I still owe him half a month's salary. Originally, I wanted to put up with it, but today I can't stand it. I hit him... After he comes back, he will definitely trouble me with money."

[Kiss of Heaven] I smiled, immediately took out the money from my pocket, counted it, and collected a thousand yuan of the cash Xiaoxuan gave me and handed it to her.

"Great! Thank you, Xiao Wu!" A Mei smiled, but she didn't forget to say to me seriously, "I will return it to you next month!" After saying that, she put the money on the counter and took out a bunch of keys and pressed it on it.

I smiled and added a few hundred yuan and pointed to my clothes: "Well, I also want to give this money."

Amei pulled me out of the store, and then locked the door. This time, she breathed: "I'm free! I'm finally free!" Can you go in this way?" I frowned: "You put the money on the counter. What if the boss comes back and says he didn't receive your money?" Cut! With you, if he cheats, you can be a witness for me.

Ah Mei raised his eyebrows.

After a pause, she said quickly, "My eyebrows do things according to my conscience! Even if I don't care about this boss and leave his monthly salary, what can he do to me? Can you still sue me in court? When ordinary people encounter this kind of thing, they think they are unlucky.

Although I'm very stingy and you say I'm a fan of small money, I won't be greedy for money that is not my own! The reason why I gritted my teeth and continued to work here is that I must pay him back!" I sighed.

Indeed, this is the most standard A Mei's character.

Although she is a calculating little money fan, she even helped me and the property company cut the rent price, bargained with the taxi driver, and even helped me with the housework. She seemed to be a very material and greedy girl.

But she is very principled. She is not her own money and will never be greedy.

Especially for such a young and beautiful girl, as a private nurse, she must have met a lot of rich people, and many people have thought of her, and they were all rejected by her.

In the words said by Mei herself, it is: the little woman loves money, but she takes it! When I won the lottery and wanted to give her money, she resolutely refused.

"For so long, you haven't changed."

I smiled.

"What about you?" Ah Mei listened to me, but suddenly looked at me and said slowly, "Have you changed?" I was stunned, as if I saw something complicated in A Mei's eyes, but she smiled quickly and looked at me easily: "Are you with Yan Di now? Let me tell you, Xiao Wu.

Don't let Yan Di down with a playful man like you! If you bully her... I..." "What about you?" Mei sighed and curled her lips: "What can I do? I'm a little girl.

I can't beat you, and I don't have money or power, and I can't help Yan Di revenge... At most... At most..." "What's the most?" Humph!" Mei looked at me fiercely: "At most, I'll go back and get a picture of you, hang it on the wall, and use it to practice flying knives every day!" I said, "..." As we spoke, I took her to a big tree behind the safe island by the roadside, avoiding pedestrians on the street.

"What's wrong with you?" A Mei looked at me with a different look: "It's sneaky, as if it's hiding from someone."

"If I tell you, I'm being hunted down now.

Do you believe it? I smiled bitterly.

"Cut, I don't believe it!" Ah Mei curled his lips, and then suddenly remembered something: "Oh, I know! You are a big celebrity now! Are you worried that you will be recognized by your FANS? Well, you are super famous now! I read the entertainment news. You are the headline of entertainment in the United States!" The little girl touched her bag for a while, but she took out a pair of sunglasses and handed them to me: "Take it, put it on! Don't be recognized."

I was stunned for a moment. Looking at the lady's sunglasses in my hand, I even recognized that the sunglasses were actually a style of a world-famous brand... Of course, this is not true, but a fake cheap goods.

A Mei was originally teasing me.

But I hesitated a little and actually put on my sunglasses.

Mei couldn't help shouting, "Do you really wear it? Oh, my God... You're not really hiding from anyone, are you?" I smiled and didn't say anything. After thinking about it, I said, "Amei, I'm not joking with you... Originally, we are old friends. I'm glad to see you.

And... I think Yan Di would be very happy if he knew that I had met you.

Oh, you don't know. You have been disconnected from us since then, and Yan Di often thinks of you.

But I really have something to do today... Well, I'm telling you now, and you don't believe it... You're in danger with me now.

My enemy is looking for me.

My friend is coming to pick me up.

If my enemy finds me before my friend finds me, then you will also be unlucky!" Ah Mei's eyes widened and looked at me in a daze: "You... Have you provoked someone you can't mess with?" Leave me your phone number."

I didn't answer her question. I smiled and said, "When I go back, the matter will be solved. I'll call you. Let's get together then."

Mei hesitated for a moment, but looked very concerned: "What trouble do you really have? Aren't you rich now?" Don't rich people have enemies? I saw that she would not leave. I was a little anxious, so I wanted to scare her: "I'm offended by the underworld! If I am caught, I will be finished.

And you will also be unlucky. Be careful of being raped and then killed!" Ah!" Mei screamed and looked at her expression. It seemed that she was about to run away on the spot, but she finally bit her teeth and looked left and right. She looked sneaky: "What should you do? Just wait here? This is the main road. What if someone finds out?" My friend will be here in about an hour.

I'll find a shade behind a tree and sit for an hour. I think it won't be all right.

"Alas!" A Mei hesitated for a moment.

sighed: "That's it. When I ate and lived around you for so long, I always owe you a big favor! Come with me and hide where I live first.

After a pause, she raised her finger not far away and said, "Do you see that community? The house I rented is right there.

Looking at the direction of her finger, I couldn't help but be stunned.

There is really such a coincidence! The residential community she referred to was actually the place where Xiaoxuan sent me to park a little while ago.

"I live there. Since you are so dangerous now, how can I leave you on the road! You and I will go back.

It's safer in my house.

Ah Mei sighed.

I hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Indeed, it's really unsafe for me to hang out like this. Even if the people of Qinghong didn't find me... But you know, I'm a celebrity now!! I don't know how many newspaper headlines and TV programs I have been on this face! In case passers-by recognize me, gather around and attract some troublesome people, it's not good.

Since Mei lives nearby, go to her house for a while, and then call Yang Wei.

Let her drive directly to the door of the residential community, which is safer.

After I nodded, Mei pulled me back.

This is an old-fashioned residential community, and these apartment buildings in it are all old buildings built in the 1980s.

There is definitely no greening and property management in the community, and even a real "community" cannot be counted.

It's just a circle of walls outside several old residential buildings, a big iron gate was made at the exit, and there was no community security guard in the next hut, but an old man was asked to watch the door.

When we went in, the old man at the door sat in a chair listening to the radio without even looking at us.

Mei lived in the innermost building, and we walked all the way into the community.

She seemed to be relieved, and then returned to normal. She told me that she had lived here for a year. Originally, she was looking for a job outside, but later lost her job, but she accidentally found that the small clothing store near where she lived was recruiting, so she temporarily went to be a salesgirl.

Who knew that the boss was a pervert... I listened to Ah Mei chirping in my ear. Walking in the dark and narrow corridor, there was a smell of dampness and mold. I couldn't help sighing: "Amei, why did you run away? Alas..." In fact, after I ran away, A Mei was with Yan Di at the beginning.

Fang Nan took care of them for a period of time, and then Qiao Qiao took them away.

Originally, when Fang Nan took care of Yan Di and others, he even let Yan Di and A Mei temporarily work in Deep Blue Entertainment.

But later, for some reason, Mei left later.

Exactly more than two years ago, after Qiao Qiao found me, after the news was brought back to China, Yan Di and Qiao Qiao went to Canada to find me.

At that time, Mei was still with Yan Di.

But she didn't go to Canada with Yandi.

Later, I left alone without even saying hello to a few friends in Nanjing.

I didn't want my job, and I didn't live in the house. After packing up, I left quietly.

Oh, by the way, after she left, but later Aze received a phone call from her.

On the phone, A Mei did not say where she had gone. She just said that she went to her relatives at home, and she didn't say the details.

Yan Di and A Mei lost contact and were very sad for a while. After all, the two are good friends.

But at that time, Yan Di was by my side, knowing that I was busy with my career very hard, and there were many troubles pestering me. Yan Di didn't want me to be distracted, so he kept it in his heart all the time.

It's really a big accident to meet A Mei here today.

Looking at this dark tube building, I couldn't help sighing: "A Mei... Why? Why did you leave in the first place? Among other things, if she is willing to continue to work in Fang Nan's company.

Deep Blue Entertainment's salary to its employees is very high, and it will even provide employees with a place to live. The treatment is quite good, and it will not let A Mei live in such a place now.

After I asked this, Ah Mei seemed to be silent for a while. She went upstairs silently and said lightly after a while, "I can't do anything. I learn nursing, and I can only take care of and serve people.

I don't know anything and can't do it when I go to work in the company.

That job, such a high salary, I know that it was given to me by others for your sake... I, I don't like the feeling of being under the people."

I am silent.

Indeed, this girl is so eccentric, as if she is greedy for money, but she is very strong.

Although she said that she would eat and live in my house for nothing at the beginning, she has been working hard to help Yan Di with the housework.

"The little girl loves money, but she has the best way!" A Mei straightened her chest, and then suddenly blushed and pointed to a shabby iron security door in front of her: "It's here."

This is a very old-fashioned tube building. The pattern is very old. After going up the stairs, it is a long corridor.

There are six households on each floor, but there is only one bathroom and one kitchen, which is public.

I also lived in such a building for a while when I was still serving dishes in a nightclub as a younger brother.

But it's really inconvenient for a single girl to live in such a place where even the toilet is a common place - it's really difficult for this little girl.

Mei was embarrassed to take out the key to open the door.

Open the door. The house is very small. There is only one house, about ten square meters. There is a bed in it, a small dining table, and a water bottle on the floor.

The room is very clean. After all, she was born as a nurse, and A Mei is still very fine in doing housework.

The narrow room was decorated by her. Not only did she not feel cramped, but she added a little more warmth to the girl's boudoir.

The pink sheets and curtains are cheap at first glance, but they are obviously carefully selected, and the colors and patterns are very harmonious.

There are several cheap small decorations hanging on the wall, with a little warm taste of the girl's home.

There is also a simple wardrobe next to it, on which there is a baby rabbit doll with long ears.

The ground is very clean, and the ** bed is also folded clean.

"There is no need to change slippers."

Mei seemed to have no inferiority in her small house, but was very proud: "How's it going? My home is good, right? For such an area, I have killed the landlord for a long time! The rent is so low that it almost makes me wake up laughing at night!" At this moment, A Mei's face no longer looks like a little money fan at all. Instead, with a calm and satisfied girl's joy, she closed the door happily, and then said with some embarrassment, "Sorry, the place is too small. If there is no chair, you can sit directly **... I usually sit in ** for dinner. ."

I sat down and was about to praise her, but I suddenly saw a row of clothes shelves hanging under the window sill, hanging under the curtains. I was stunned... Oh, my God... Er... That's a row of girls' underwear! No wonder people said, don't rush into the girl's house! Two bras, pink, light yellow, and quite sexy... Especially a pair of pink underwear, cotton... Er, the front of the underwear also shows a Little Winnie the Bear... There is also a small red underwear, only as big as my palm... Unexpectedly, it's still a thong! I opened my mouth and didn't say anything. A Mei had already noticed my eyes. She screamed, "Ah" and suddenly blushed. She ran over and quickly tore off all her underwear, and then stuffed them all under the ** quilt.

Then he turned to look at me and stared, "What are you looking at!" Naturally, A Mei and I are very familiar with each other. I know that we must not continue to talk nonsense with this little pepper at this time, otherwise we will definitely be kicked out of ten! So I quickly turned my face and pretended to appreciate the baby rabbit in the wardrobe.