evil spirit

Chapter 71 Don't get drunk, people get drunk

Chapter 71 [Don't get drunk, people get drunk] (Part 1) The service quality of this club is first-class. When I went out, someone immediately led me to see Yang Wei. I was still a little restless along the way. Half of them were just flirted by Qiao Qiao, and half of them were thinking about what Yang Wei suddenly saw me. Question mark I won't naively think that Yang Wei suddenly softened and came to me for a tryst.

Once a woman like Yang Wei makes a decision, she will not be easily overturned.

She won't let her feelings change like a little boy.

I'm not nervous, but I'm more or less confused. I followed people into a car in a clubhouse and drove all the way for five minutes to a single villa.

This is where Yang Wei lives here.

After a day, I have become familiar with the general terrain here.

The place where Yang Wei lives is a relatively remote place in the clubhouse.

Does Yang Wei like to be quiet, or does he deliberately choose the farthest place from me? I got out of the car with a wry smile, and then walked to the door, but I saw Hanson coming out of it and looked at me: "Go in, Miss is waiting for you."

When he pushed the door in, he couldn't help sighing. Yang Wei picked this place, which was very elegant.

After entering the door, there is a small pond, which is artificially built. A circle of pebbles around it is spread on the ground. There are a few lotus leaves floating in the pond. It is a living water source under the pond, and some waves can be seen on the surface of the water.

There are many houses in the clubhouse, but Yang Wei's house is completely Chinese style. There is also a water corridor across the pond, and there is a small gazebo at the end.

At the edge of the pond in the distance, there is a piece of bamboo, which is green.

Yang Wei is sitting in the middle of the pavilion, which puzzles me.

There is a woman opposite her, with her back to me.

I walked over and saw that the two women were already having dinner.

A few exquisite dishes, with the taste of Jiangnan, are very beautiful. There is also a white porcelain wine bottle next to it, but there is only a wine glass in front of Yang Wei, who drinks alone.

When I walked over, Yang Wei only looked up at me: "You're here."

At this time, the woman sitting opposite Yang Wei with her back to me turned around, looked at me, was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Little Fifth Brother."

"Xiao Xuan?" I was stunned, and then looked at Yang Wei, and then at Xiao Xuan: "Why are you here?" It was Miss Yang who sent someone to look for it..." Xiao Xuan just said half a word.

Yang Wei has interrupted her lightly: "Sit down and talk."

Looking at Yang Wei's calm appearance, I sighed in my heart.

Yang Wei, after all, Yang Wei! I couldn't get in touch with Xiaoxuan and sent someone to find her, but Yang Wei silently picked her up for me. It seemed that she would always make up for me and silently handled the things I didn't expect or didn't do well.

[Kiss of Heaven] "Chen Yang, you are too careless."

Yang Wei looked at me and said slowly, "Yesterday I heard that this lady saved you.

At that time, I thought it was inappropriate for you to leave her there.

Because you are now taking the blame, if the news is accidentally leaked out, then this lady will be very dangerous.

What's more, the current situation is so special that no one knows what will happen!" Yang Wei's last sentence was very subtle, but I understood the meaning.

Yang Wei's meaning is very clear: Xiao Xuan was originally the woman of the second head of the family. When Shen Shan and the second head of the family died, Xiao Xuan was almost the "sister-in-law" in the organization.

At this time, change the dynasty.

Or if someone wants to make trouble, or if Ye Huan does something else, it is easy for someone to catch Xiao Xuan and use her identity as an article.

Moreover, Ye Huan's people may also kill her.

"I made a mistake."

I didn't distinguish it from Yang Wei.

In fact, I wanted Xiaoxuan to leave with me at that time, but she refused.

Yang Wei glanced at me: "I went out to find her this morning.

Do you know? If I were a little late, I'm afraid the young lady would be dead.

"What's going on?" I turned my head and looked at Xiao Xuan.

After all, it was a little darker. I looked at Xiaoxuan carefully and found that there were some faint scars on her face, especially under the left corner of the eye, there were two finger marks, which were obviously beaten.

Xiaoxuan seemed to smile. She smiled helplessly and whispered, "Yesterday, the girl who helped you attract people..." "Well, I remember her."

Xiaoxuan's face was a little mocking: "She is my lady. I usually treat her as my sister. When she has no place to live, I spend money to rent a house for her.

I paid the tuition fee for her brother's hometown, I paid for the operation fee for her father's sick hospitalization, and even her brother's job in Shanghai was introduced by me..." There was a trace of sadness in her eyes, and then she smiled bitterly, "It's a pity that she sold me today."

I couldn't help but be furious when I heard this: "Bastard!" Don't blame her."

Xiaoxuan sneered: "This ***, little brother, don't you understand? It's nothing more than cannibalistic people.

It is not surprising that men eat women and men.

She was afraid that after selling me, she made contributions, and in the future, she would be able to successfully take my position in that nightclub.

Humph..." I sighed and didn't say anything.

After all, I came from this kind of *** place, and I naturally know it.

The secret fight in such a place is also very fierce.

In the past, when I was working in a nightclub, several groups of moms fought with each other, robbing their red card girls and customers, and even fighting, stabbing in the back, etc.

"This young lady was caught by Shen Shan's men."

Yang Wei said slowly, "Fortunately, they wanted to ask you about your whereabouts and didn't kill her.

But I was also a little scared.

This afternoon, Mr. Ouyang has already let go of his words, but this is more dangerous.

After all, everyone thought that you killed Shen Shan. Although Mr. Ouyang spoke out and explained the truth, so that people were not allowed to trouble you in the future, these words may not be believed by everyone.

Some of Shen Shan's loyal men have determined that you are the murderer. Although they dare not bother you again due to Mr. Ouyang's order, no one can take it over her as a woman.

After all, Mr. Ouyang didn't say not to touch this woman.

I sighed, then stood up solemnly, bowed to Xiao Xuan, thanked him, and said solemnly, "Xiao Xuan, thank you very much for this time! It also makes you suffer! Originally, I didn't thank you. I shouldn't have said this nonsense, but..." Xiaoxuan interrupted me, her eyes flashed, and she said slowly, "Little fifth brother.

I know that you are a good person.

In those years, I was framed by A Qiang and Xiao Feng, and then I lost my job. I knew that I had no chance to turn back.

My only wish is to avenge the dog man and woman.

But then you helped me teach A Qiang a lesson, so I thought, anyway, I will find an opportunity to repay you.

This time, I'm willing to do it myself.

I took a deep breath and felt a little excited in my heart. I couldn't help reaching out and picking up the white porcelain wine bottle on the table, looking up and pouring it into my mouth.

Drink a small bottle of wine in one gulp, wipe your mouth hard, and say loudly, "Your business will be my business in the future!" Xiaoxuan, what else do you have? Tell me at the same time, and I, Chen Yang, will definitely do it for you!" After a pause, I said again, "Since you are here, you don't have to go any more.

As I told you yesterday, I arranged for you to go abroad, leave here, and live in Canada. No one knows you in that place. You can start a new life again and live happily for the rest of your life.

Xiaoxuan shook his head: "I'm not in a hurry to go abroad... Little fifth brother, I want to ask you one more thing."

"Say it!" Xiaoxuan's eyes flashed, and his eyes were a little strange. He whispered, "I... my life has been ruined.

The two people who designed and harmed me in those years, one was A Qiang, who had been taught a lesson by you. Later, I heard that he was broken by someone's leg and kicked out of Nanjing. I'm afraid that it's better to die now... But there is another person, Mommy Xiaofeng in our family! When I went to be a waiter, she encouraged me many times and asked me to go into the water to be a young lady. I refused several times before she partnered with Qiang to harm me.

I was originally just a female student working to make money, but..." Speaking of this, Xiaoxuan's eyes were full of tears and cold eyes.

I understand that she was a beautiful and clean girl in those years. She just went to our place to work and serve plates to subsidize living expenses, but she encountered that kind of miserable thing... I can imagine that an originally clean girl was drunk by several villains that night and then took her away. That whole night Experience must be as terrible as a nightmare.

Later, she encountered such a terrible thing, but her boyfriend didn't understand and abandoned her. Other people's eyes on her made her unbearable. Finally, she gave up on herself and simply embarked on this road.

It can be said that she had a good time, but she was so ruined.

"A Qiang's matter has been settled.

But the mastermind who killed me back then was Xiaofeng!" Xiaoxuan gritted his teeth and said, "I later followed Miss Cang Yu, and I always wanted revenge, but Xiaofeng also left Nanjing, and I couldn't find her..." I looked at her and couldn't help but be silent.

Xiaofeng... I pulled a wry smile at the corners of my mouth: "Xiaofeng... I know her whereabouts..." Xiaoxuan immediately stared at me with her glasses, and I said slowly, "She is dead, and I watched her die with my own eyes, and I sank her body into the sea with my own hands."