evil spirit

Chapter 72 Fortunately, I have you.

Chapter 72 [Fortunately, I have you] (Part 2) "Wei..." I looked at her and calmly said, "Call you Weiwei for the last time.

Let's take this kiss just now as a souvenir of our parting... Well, it's just that I didn't expect that you would bite me twice with this kiss goodbye.

After saying that, I stood up, went to the table, picked up a bottle of water, shook it, and it was empty.

I turned around and looked at Yang Wei: "You just said that as long as you want to get drunk, you can drink anything.

But you forgot a sentence..." "What?" The more you drink, the warmer it gets, but the colder the water gets.

... After saying this, I turned around and left.

After taking two steps, a low call suddenly came from behind her: "Xiao Wu..." Looking back, Yang Wei leaned against the pillar of the pavilion, and she seemed to be delicate and unstable.

Her eyes are as bright as a cold star: "Xiao Wu, let me ask you a question... If you didn't meet Yan Di first, but met me first, would you marry me?" After a moment of meditation, I decided that I still didn't want to lie to her, so I replied honestly, "I don't know."

She suddenly said, "There is a gun under my desk... I really want to shoot you to death now! Then I shot myself... Or, I should slap you in the face, and then we leave..." I laughed.

It's really hard for me to understand. At this time, I can still laugh.

But I'm really laughing... Laughter is actually very simple, isn't it just that the muscles on the cheeks are twisted! When I left, there was only one thought in my mind: me, Yang Wei, or is it really over? I almost walked mechanically with my legs and walked out of the courtyard with my body.

When I went out, I found that it was already dark.

I shook my head and was about to sigh fiercely, but on the road in front of me, a burly black man like an iron tower stood in front of me. It was Yang Wei's bodyguard Hansen.

"I'll take you back."

Hansen pointed to a small car next to him.

"No, I want to go."

Just as I was about to refuse, Hanson added, "I have something to tell you."

After getting in the car, Hansen just drove the battery car in silence, and I sat next to him.

He stopped talking.

Both of them spent the journey quietly until I drove to the door where I lived, and I got out of the car.

Hansen suddenly whispered to me, "Miss is under a lot of pressure. She is about to collapse. You shouldn't make her sad again."

I stopped and looked deeply at Hansen, with a little bitterness in my mouth: "So what should I do?" I have been with her for many years.

I've never seen a young lady cry.

But now she has begun to shed tears.

Hansen stared at me, and a trace of sharpness flashed in his eyes, and then softened: "I didn't like you, but I really didn't like you.

But that time in the Torch Building, you could try your best to save the young lady, and I thought you were very nice.

"...thank you."

"No, I'm just a bodyguard.

But if you hurt her, I may kill you."

Hansen finished speaking and drove away.

* Probably I was a little too long at Yang Wei's place. When I came back, as soon as I entered the door, I saw several of them looking at me with strange eyes.

Especially Qiao Qiao, rushed to me with a bang, staring at my glasses and looking at me carefully, as if he was going to see through me.

I'm depressed at this moment, and I'm not in the mood to say anything to them. I reluctantly smiled, "Why don't you eat? Oh, I've already eaten it."

After saying that, I bypassed Qiao Qiao and walked inside.

Aze seemed to want to say something, but the wood next to him sighed and gently pulled his sleeve.

Qiao Qiao followed me all the way. When I got to the door of my room, I turned around and whispered, "Qiao Qiao... I'm very tired and want to rest first. You..." Seeing that I was depressed, Qiao Qiao couldn't help being much gentle to me and said softly, "Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you?" It's nothing."

I smiled bitterly and said, "It's just that I drank a lot of cold water into my stomach, and now I really want to go to the toilet."

[Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight] If it had been in the past, Qiao Qiao might have laughed with me, but today, she clearly saw that I didn't look well.

Qiao Qiao came up, gently hugged my arm, and said softly, "Xiao Wu, what's the matter? Is it Yang Wei..." I shook my head: "There's nothing to do. Oh, Yang Wei is looking for me. There is something else. She helped me find the Xiaoxuan who saved me yesterday. Later, let the hammer send someone to pick up Xiaoxuan, and then I want to arrange for her to Canada."

"No, you must have something to do."

How much Qiaoqiao knew me. She approached, gently hugged my arm, and whispered, "You..." Suddenly, her eyes fell on my lips.

Look at the wound on my lips, there is a row of fine tooth marks on it.

Qiao Qiao's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly retreated two steps and said, "I thought something had happened to you... Humph, it turned out that he had a meeting with Yang Wei! You..." Qiao Qiao said this, gritted his teeth, stamped his feet and turned away.

At this moment, I was really not in the mood to explain too much. I didn't call Qiao Qiao, but smiled bitterly and turned into the room.

***** When people are in a good mood, they always feel that time passes quickly.

And when you are depressed, you will find that every minute becomes so slow and difficult! I sat alone in the room, and naturally I would not sleep. Thinking about it, I can't help thinking about everything that Yang Wei and I have been thinking about since we first met.

Suddenly, I came up with an idea that made me a little ridiculous... Am I disappointed in love? Haha! I couldn't help laughing.

A person like me who already has a wife is obsessed with other women.

I should be very shameless, right? Um... it's shameless.

I couldn't help slapping myself in the face.

When people are unhappy, they will always find a way to do something to make themselves happy.

Especially when you are alone.

So, in the middle of the night, I suddenly wanted to go out to blow the wind, and I couldn't help coming up with an idea that made me feel weird. As soon as the idea came out, I didn't want to suppress it.

I opened the window and climbed out of the window. With my sensitive skills, I climbed to the roof with my bare hands.

The three-story villa is not too high. The top floor of the European-style building is pointed. I sit on the edge of the house, my legs are hanging and shaking.

I looked up at the sky for a while.

But what disappoints me is that although this is a suburb, it is Shanghai after all.

In this big city full of nightlife and industry, under air pollution, the sky at night is gray.

Without bright stars and moonlight, you can't see anything.

I'm like a young man, quietly and melancholy.

Well, should all people who are disappointed in love be like this? If you add a little stuffy wine, I'm afraid it will be even more into the play.

I'm smiling bitterly.

It's late at night - it should be very deep.

I don't wear a watch, so I don't know the time.

But just when I felt a little cool, suddenly there were footsteps behind me.

Turn her head and look, but I saw Qiao Qiao in pajamas, wearing a blanket, clumsily walking towards me on the roof. She also carried a bottle of wine in her hand.

I sighed. After all, this was the roof. I was afraid that she would fall down. I hurried over to help her, and then the two sat down side by side.

"Why don't you sleep?" I asked her.

Qiao Qiao squinted and smiled. She smiled like a cat: "I heard a movement on the roof, so I guessed that someone didn't sleep at night, but ran to the roof to pretend to be a mouse."

Looking at Qiaoqiao's eyes, I was suddenly moved: "Thank you, Qiaoqiao."

Qiao Qiao was careless. He put the bottle in front of his mouth, bit off the bottle cap with one bite, and then spit out the bottle cap downstairs with a very insignificant mouthful mouthful, smiled and said, "Thank you for what?" A lot, a lot.

I sighed.

Joe didn't say anything. He leaned close to me, leaning against me, and his head was a little tilted on my shoulder.

Each of us took a sip of wine. At the beginning, no one said anything and drank it quietly.

Maybe it's true.

I was originally depressed, but after Qiao Qiao was by my side, she leaned against me so much, as if she brought a trace of bright color, and shallowly took away my trace of melancholy.

Maybe, when you have a girl like Qiao Qiao beside you, even if you want to be sad, I'm afraid you can't be sad.

In early autumn, Shanghai was still a little cold at night. I saw that Qiao Qiao seemed to be a little chilly, so I stretched out my arm and hugged her. Qiao Qiao simply fell into my arms honestly and rudely. He found the most comfortable posture and curled up like a cat.

I have to say that Qiao Qiao huddled in my arms and squinted from time to time to pout for a drink, which was really charming.

After a long time, a bottle of wine was half empty. I suddenly bowed my head and said, "Joe, am I a very bastard?" Huh? What?" I smiled and said to myself, "I feel like an asshole myself.

I'm married, but there are so many women around me, including you, Yang Wei, and Fang... Alas, every woman is so excellent.

If I were a good man, then any one of them followed me, and I should thank God for his gift.

But I seem to be greedy, but I can't wait to be satisfied with everything.

I looked down at Joe: "Actually, in my current situation, it's normal for you to leave me.

It's right to leave me.

It's me. It's too much to force you to stay with me, right? Hearing what I said, Qiao Qiao suddenly sat up straight, and then she stared at me twice, with a warm smile in her eyes, but she deliberately stiffen her face, pinched me hard, and deliberately scolded, "Kid! Do you want to break up? Let me tell you! There is no door! Shit! Such a beautiful woman followed you. You kissed, hugged, and touched your body. Now you don't want me? Humph! I tell you, boy! If you dare to mention the word breakup again, I will..." After saying that, she raised her palm and made a classic gesture of "Brother Yixiu".

I laughed, I really laughed.

Looking at Qiao Qiao's deliberately stiff face, he couldn't help hugning her.

"Thank you, really thank you, Jojo... It's great to have you."