evil spirit

Chapter 94 Fish Dead Net Breaks

Chapter 94 [Fish dead net broken] "What's the point of saying this?" Of course it's interesting."

I sneered rudely, "Maybe you have made a lot of money and forgotten who helped you occupy the North American market at the beginning! It's not a big circle in Asia! It's me! It's our big circle in Canada, which is the current Huaxing Gang!!" I looked at the wolf eyes on the screen and did not give in at all. I said coldly, "In those years, our big circle in Canada, relying on a cooperative relationship, obtained the support of Mr. Solin of Canada, so that a large number of your drugs flowed into North America!" It's us who have helped the Golden Triangle get the glory of the past three years! Guess, General, I believe you won't deny this, will you? In fact, although what I said is a little nonsense, there is no lack of reason.

At the beginning, it was indeed my concession. I simply gave up the drug business and handed it over to the direct transaction between the Asian circle and Solin. I didn't participate.

This is very important... Because if I don't participate, it means that there is a lack of a middleman in the process of transferring drugs! Everyone knows that in any way of monopoly of goods, every time you change hands, you have to raise the price once! And I didn't participate in the transfer and gave up a procedure of transferring drugs from my hands, which is equivalent to reducing the price of drugs flowing into North America a little! Maybe it's just a little bit, but it's enough to gain an advantage in price competition.

Perhaps many people think that drug organizations use guns to fight and kill the market, which is actually wrong.

Drugs are also a commodity. Although it is illegal, they also pay attention to the words "cheap and good quality" in the process of grabbing the market.

For the same goods, the buyer will buy the one whose price is cheaper! Otherwise, no matter how powerful you are, you can't point a gun at buyers all over the world and force others to buy your drugs, can you? Moreover... I was also involved in the whole process of the drug trade I talked about with Solin at that time. It can also be said that the drugs in the Golden Triangle occupied a large number of the North American market, and the large circle in Canada was a great achievement.

"I mean... I have checked the wealth in the general's account in the past few years, and there is also a credit from our Canadian Huaxing Gang, which can even be said rudely.

The whole Golden Triangle owes us a favor!" I seemed to have no worries at all, so I said it so bluntly.

"The favor?" The little old man's face on the screen showed a strange smile: "Young man, am I overestimating you? Do you think you can get the support of others in such a dispute of interests simply by relying on such things as 'human kindness'? Or are you so naive?" Of course not."

I smiled quickly and looked at this guy with mocking eyes: "If 'human kindness' is useful, then lawyer Zhou, as your old friend, will not be pointed at by your men with a gun now.

I know very well that it takes strength to get 'reme'.

If you don't have strength, then let alone kindness. Even if others owe you a lot of debt, you won't come back.

Chachai's face showed a deep thoughtful expression: "So, do you think you have such strength?" I didn't answer this question directly.

just smiled faintly and said, "You must have seen what happened in Canada these days."

"What if you see it?

What is lost is a big circle.

What do you have to do with me if you have the ability to deal with the big circle and fight for the lives of their men?

"It's related, of course it's related."

I saw this guy hooked step by step, smiled, and then leaned on the back of the wheelchair: "General Chachai, it starts from the sea in Canada.

It has been a month since today.

In this month, although I dare not say that all the drugs shipped to Canada in the big circle have been swept away, at least 80% or 90% have been swept away! Even if there is a leak, it is just a little insignificant.

Of course, I also know that these goods are in a big circle. Even if the goods are lost outside, the direct loss is also a big circle.

Because of these goods, although they are also the source of goods from the Golden Triangle.

But according to the rules, as soon as the goods are handed over, then the goods will be paid.

Anyway, you have got the money here. As for whether the drugs in the big circle are sucked or thrown into the sea, it has nothing to do with you... This seems to be like this.

"Well, isn't it?" Chachai said coldly, "The big circle pays money, buys poison from us in the Golden Triangle, and then sells it to North America... Anyway, we are about to take the money for the goods, and the rest is none of my business."

"If you really think so, you are not a general who has not fallen across the Golden Triangle for decades."

I praised him quietly, and then said lightly, "A month! It's been a month! I can tell you without exaggeration.

With the current level of blockade, with my strength, I will get another two or three months. It's no problem! So may I ask you, if the drugs in the Golden Triangle cannot flow into the Canadian market in three or four months... then what is the result?" ..." I adjusted my tone and deliberately said slowly in an indifferent tone, "Those drug addicts, those pink ghosts take drugs every day, and they can't help drugs all the time!" What if there are no drugs? They will find a way to find drugs! Your goods in the Golden Triangle can't enter Canada... Well, then the drugs in the South American market will come in and replace you immediately! If the supply of goods is not smooth for just one month, then the surplus goods in circulation on the market can still persist... But after three or four months... Those non-toxic guys, those drugs are demolished, I'm afraid they will be driven crazy! At this time, they care whether your drugs are from the Golden Triangle or South America? Four months is not long or short, but the vacuum in the market is enough to make South American goods sweep back and occupy the market! You know, North America is originally the traditional market for drugs in South America. Thanks to us in the past few years, you have made so much money! Now, I set up a card at sea! I even asked experts who understand economics to estimate that according to the market rules, it doesn't even take four months. As long as there are three months, South American goods can reoccupy more than 60% of the Canadian market!" [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight] Chachai's face has really changed.

I said leisurely, "I'm not a fool... I have done a survey. In the past three years, all kinds of bigwigs in the Golden Triangle have made money in the North American market, probably very happy.

The sudden increase of such a large market has stimulated the bigwigs in the Golden Triangle to increase production desperately, because the demand in the North American market is very large every year.

So I would like to ask, four months later, the North American market was re-robbed by the South Americans... Who was the final loss? Chachai had a gloomy face and stared at me and didn't say anything.

"Zhachai General! Perhaps the direct loss of things between things is a big circle.

But you know very well that although the Big Circle Gang is also a drug organization.

But they are not producers! They are just drug trafficking organizations! The major forces in your Golden Triangle are the real source of drugs! There is no plantation in the Golden Triangle! If the drug trade fails, they will lose at most one, or even say something unpleasant.

At most, they will do less of this business! But what about you? You have lost the North American market. Who are you going to sell the poppies in your plantations to? Are all the things made piled up in the warehouse? Or is it all rotten in the field? In the end, it's you who lose!!" You are threatening me.

Mr. Chen!" There was fire in Chachai's eyes: "That's right, you said it very well! Then I don't have to pretend to be stupid with you.

Indeed, your recent actions are essentially seriously damaging the interests of our Golden Triangle! Although you seem to be just targeting the big circle.

But the result of your move is that the goods in the Golden Triangle are losing a huge market! Such a move is intolerable to us! If..." "What if?" The muscles at the corners of Chachai's eyes jumped: "Didn't you think about it... If you provoke us like this, what if we send someone to support the big circle directly? How long can you support those anti-drug 'commans' at sea? How many of your men do you have to fight with us!" When he said these words, there was a real threat in his eyes! That fierce murderous spirit is definitely not to scare people.

"I know, I know, of course I know."

In the face of this old drug lord who has been rampant for many years, I seem to ignore the destructive power that a person like him will bring once he gets angry. On the contrary, I smiled and said, "I understand that you are threatening me."

With that, I slowly pressed the button on the wheelchair.

Then my wheelchair stepped back half a meter.

In this way, you can see the whole picture of me sitting from the other party's screen.

"General Chachai, have you seen it?" I sighed, and then looked at the camera calmly: "Look, I'm in a wheelchair now.

Just a month ago, I was ambushed by people in the big circle. I lost a few good old subordinates and an old brother who has saved my life many times! In addition... I was seriously injured in this ambush, and I'm... paralyzed now! I have no consciousness below my waist.

I can only move with one pair of hands.

I spent a lot of money and invited the top doctor! But he told me that if there were no miracles, I would only do this in my life.

At this point, I ignored the reaction of the guessing and laughed to myself, "Well, you were threatening me just now. What are you threatening me about? Send someone to kill me? Or do you directly send a brigade of people to fight with my people? Destroy all my strength? Oh... I don't deny that it's impossible for me, a Huaxing Gang, to fight against all kinds of bosses in the Golden Triangle.

If you all unite to support the big circle, most of the failure will be me... However, do you think that now I, in such a state, will I be afraid of death or destruction? Chachai was speechless.

"General Chachai, as a man, the greatest pursuit in a lifetime is three things: money, beauty, power! But we are underground forces, and we can't pursue power like those politicians who seek the country.

So, what we pursue is nothing more than money and beauty.

That's the truth, right?" I smiled calmly, and my tone was even calmer, as if I was talking about someone else's business: "Then you see, I'm paralyzed now! Paralysis, for a man, how much is it lost? I think you and I understand the meaning! I'm paralyzed, there are not many things to enjoy in life, and there are not many things that can make me happy... Even women, I don't expect to taste the taste of ** in my life... Because of paralysis, I have lost any consciousness below my waist! As for money... I can't even enjoy it. I can only sit in a wheelchair all my life. Why do I need so much money? So... Do you think I will be afraid of death threats? Will I be afraid of this?" Chachai still couldn't speak. I could see that he was hesitant in his heart.

"Look, I'm not afraid of death."

I smiled, then slowly raised a finger, pointed to my head, and said with a smile, "Even sometimes, I doubt whether I'm crazy... Really, maybe I'm really crazy.

I feel that there is no pursuit in my life... but it makes me fall into this situation! It's a big circle that makes me lose the happiness of the rest of my life and makes me sit in a wheelchair for the rest of my life! Therefore, I don't want anything now. The only belief that can support me is to destroy the big circle! I don't care about death or destruction.

Indeed, with the power of all kinds of heroes in the Golden Triangle, especially the thousands of soldiers under General Chachai, I really sent people to open up the maritime transportation line with blood. I can't stop it in the end... But as I said, I can still block you for three or four months! As for the assassination of me... Sorry, I'm afraid you can't kill me where I am now.

That is to say, if everyone really fights hard.

You can finally defeat me! But at that time, you had lost the North American market... You didn't get anything in the end.

The result is still the same."

"Very good...very good..." The chill on Chachai's face became stronger and stronger: "You actually want to threaten the whole Golden Triangle on your own..." "General Chachai... I think you're wrong."

I shook my head: "I'm a reasonable person.

The threat you raised earlier, and what I said is just my answer.

It's not me who made the threat first... Moreover, I think you and all the heroes in the Golden Triangle are not fools... Now, the era of fighting and killing for a breath has long passed! Business comes first, and making profits is the most important thing.

I don't think you will be interested in wasting time, arms and lives to fight a war that is doomed to no result.

And you... I want to guess the general who has been across the Golden Triangle for many years, and I'm not soyi yi.

"Humph!" I guess I'm probably very upset.

Because I'm telling the truth! If I really fight with them with one heart, I will lose the most according to the comparison of strength.

But it's enough to hold them back and let them lose the North American market! Looking at the guessing expression, I know it's almost time.

It was a bright stick just now, and then I'm going to hand over the carrots.

(Guys, our monthly ticket is now 130 votes behind... I'm trying to code words, please help me with the monthly ticket.

Now the gap between monthly tickets has begun to widen. If we can't try to catch up, I'm afraid we will be thrown away by our opponents... The effort I can do is to code words. As for the monthly ticket, please ask everyone.
