evil spirit

Chapter 95 Snakes Swallow Elephants

Chapter 95 [Snake Swallowing Elephant] After a long time, many people have been curious about what conditions I have offered to guess, so as to gain the support of the biggest drug lord in the Golden Triangle.

Some people speculated that I spent hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth to impress Chachai, some people speculated that I promised to give Chachai exclusive North American sales channels in the future, and some people speculated that I used African diamond mines as a trading condition.

However, all these guesses are inaccurate.

After I threw the threat, I handed the "carrot" to Chachai, which was actually very simple.

Even the intelligent Yang Wei didn't guess at the beginning.

"When an old man who has been crisscrossed for decades, an old man who has seen the sea of swords and fires, an old hero who has made money for several lifetimes... What do he wants most in his heart?" For Chachai, when he has worked hard all his life, he has everything and lacks nothing... At this time, for him who is already in his twilight years, what drives him to continue on this road? People will be tired and tired.

I can say something very responsible... There are 99 out of a hundred boss in the world. What I hope most is not how to continue to make money, but... I can die like ordinary people in the future."

"But come out and fool around. This is the way of no return.

Once you go up, there is no chance to turn back! Because even if you want to quit, your friends, your partners, even your opponents and your enemies will never allow it!! The only thing you can do is to move forward! As long as you don't die for a day, you don't die for a day! Even if you know that this is a road of no return, you should go on step by step! Until one day, a bullet shot from a certain place will end your life.

"So, what on earth can impress the guess? Money? Or a woman? Or power? Neither!" " Standing in the position of a boss, it seems to be beautiful, but in fact, the responsibility is heavier! Because you have led so many people and such a big cause, you have to be responsible for all this! Thousands of lives are in your hands! These are just open mouths! If you have to go forward! Keep it up step by step! Feed these people... Otherwise, once you stop, these will all turn into your bloody mouths!" If you come out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

It's just that the difference is that if our conversation breaks down, then I'm afraid he will face 'return' immediately! They can't afford to lose the North American market! Such an oscillation will cause an earthquake in the Golden Triangle! And the most dangerous thing is that he is the leader! And the result of the condition promised me is to... maintain it.

That's all.

But it's enough to satisfy him.

"'If you are on my side, then I promise that the Canadian market is still yours.

'This is my promise to guess."

** After more than ten hours of bumps in a row, the plane landed at Toronto Airport.

I rubbed my face, which was a little numb because of fatigue, and then carefully put on sunglasses, and a thick scarf blocked the small half of my face.

Tu pushed the wheelchair.

When we walked out of the airport, the car outside had been waiting for a long time.

The modified RV is very spacious, and the row of seats in the back has been removed, which is enough to move me in with a wheelchair.

Un until I got in the car, in the carriage, Ciro, who was sitting in the front row, turned around. He looked at me with his eyes a little red: "Xiao Wu...you..." I smiled and reached out and patted his face: "What are you crying for? I'm not dead yet. I just broke my legs.

I have a newspaper on my knee.

This is a Chinese newspaper, which I took with me before I got on the plane in Shanghai. The front page headline is: Deep Blue Entertainment announced its plan to have a miscarriage. Chen Yang went to the United States for treatment due to injury, and his domestic business began to shrink. There are signs that the injury in the car accident made the overseas millionaire Cold, retreat... Indeed, Huaxing Company in Shanghai began to gradually shrink its business a few days ago, and the original series of work and market expansion plans began to slowly stop under my instructions.

And even the cooperation plan between Deep Blue Entertainment and Billy Hill Film Company has been temporarily stranded.

The only news is that Jenny went to Hollywood's Billy Hill Film Company after the tour.

In the beginning, all my work on my return to China this time has been temporarily suspended, or even regressed.

All signs indicate that I, who was paralyzed, seemed to be disheartened and gave up my original plan to do a big job in China.

"I don't have time."

I looked at the watch, then stared at Ciro and said seriously, "I originally hoped you didn't come over.

Now that you come to see me, I know you care about me in your heart, but this has increased your danger! You should also know that what the other party definitely wants to kill most now is the two of us! You go back to Vancouver now.

I need you there, and then remember that the operation at sea will be suspended for three days from tomorrow.

Wait for the people in Africa to arrive, and then carry out the next round of sweeping! I want to make drugs from Asia unable to go ashore in Canada in a month!" With a sigh, I whispered, "I know you are in danger now.

You have more experience than me about the power of airborne soldiers and killers in the big circle.

I heard that you have also been assassinated twice these days.

Be careful with yourself. I feel at ease when you have a big brother by your side, but you should try to live as simple as possible and show up as little as possible.

In this way, even if the other party comes to deal with you, there is not much danger.

And the relationship with the police..." "Okay, Xiao Wu."

Ciro shook his head: "I'm not a child anymore.

Don't forget, I'm two years older than you... I know I haven't grown up as much as I expected, and you've always been taking on everything.

But now I will try my best to do things well.


I looked at Silo's eyes: "As long as you can live safely, this is our greatest victory! I really don't want to see the brothers around me die again.

Ciro's eyes were still very excited, but at this moment he was cruel and got out of the car and left.

I sat in the car, watched Ciro walk into the airport through the window, and then sighed.

This boy came in a hurry just to see me... Alas, it's still too immature... Well, it's the same as before.

Hey! He patted the driver's seat in front of him: "Let's go, take me to see Mr. Solin.

Then I think he must be in a hurry.

** Solin is really in a hurry.

This can be seen in his eyes when we meet.

He didn't even come to shake hands or hug me like before.

Walking into Zhuangyuan in Solin, I can feel that the guard here is particularly strict now.

And the old Solin strode to me in full view of the public, and then grabbed the handle of the wheelchair from Tu's hand and pushed me inside.

Under my eyes, Tu quietly gave way and followed.

Without greetings or even a word of politeness, old Solin pushed me directly into his study.

Only the two of us.

Both the Tu and the old Solin's people were blocked.

"Chen Yang, now I need you to tell me what you want to do."

Old Solin looked at me seriously.

His expression is much older, and even he has always been well maintained, and he has a faint dark circles under his eyes.

I didn't say anything, but gently pressed the button, sat in a wheelchair and turned around in this study, and visited around.

Old Solin's study is very large, with a full 200 square meters.

Pure European-style interior decoration, a circle of arch-shaped bookshelves around it, and high stretched movable stairs.

Nothing else, it's just a circle of bookshelves. If I look at it, there are at least thousands of books.

"Have you read all these books?" Instead of answering old Solin's words, I turned my head and asked with a smile.

"No..." Old Solin frowned: "Chen Yang, I'm not in the mood to joke with you now! You should also know that things are serious now.

"My dear friend, you can't have too much appetite."

I smiled thoughtfully and said, "Isn't 15% of the shares of Huaxing's smuggling business not enough to make you temporarily endure your uneasiness?" After saying that, I continued to turn around.

The roof of this study is very high, and it is also a dome structure, and a fireplace next to it makes the room extremely warm.

It's just a black bookshelf and thick red curtains, which look full of iron and blood. The atmosphere is too heavy and depressing.

[Heaven's Kiss] "I've heard a lot about the legend of your study, and I finally saw it today."

I smiled as if it was very relaxed: "I heard that unless it is a major thing or a particularly important person, you will not easily let people into your study.

Isn't it? My dear friend."

Old Solin still frowned tightly.


I looked at his appearance and couldn't help showing a trace of mockery: "Mr. Solin, in fact, in my opinion, when we meet, your first sentence should not be to question me... but you should say thank you first."

"Thank you...thank you?" Yes."

Looking at Solin's inexplicable expression, I nodded seriously, then stared into his eyes and said lightly, "At least I haven't forgotten the 'gift' you gave me at my wedding. Don't you think that as an ally, your behavior may seriously endanger our friendship? Well... Now, at this critical moment, I come to see you, which is enough to show that I don't hold a grudge against that matter, but value you and my friendship as always... So, don't you think you should say thank you to me for this?" ..." Old Solin looked at me, as if he had known me for the first time. There was a trace of surprise and a trace of strangeness in his eyes.

Then, the guy stood up, strode to me, looked at me for a long time, and finally exhaled and smiled, "Okay... I'm sorry for what happened at the beginning... Then, thank you for your past."

After a pause, old Solin looked at me with a complicated smile: "But... my friend.

I think the way you speak now is really strange... In the past, you didn't speak so sharply.

"People always change."

I turned around the wheelchair, took a paper cutter on the desk, and gently played with it in my hand: "Good crafts."

This paper cutter is made of gold, and the handle is inlaid with a crystal... Of course, this kind of knife has no blade and is very blunt.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you."

Solin shrugged his shoulders.


I saw his impatience and knew that I could not continue to challenge his patience. I finally turned back to the sofa in a wheelchair: "Now, let's talk about it."

"What the hell do you want to do?" Old Solin is still the problem.

"You should be able to see it."

I said lightly, and then gently tapped my leg with the paper cutter in my hand, and slowly said, "Look, I'm paralyzed... or crippled.

These are gifts from the big circle... And in return, don't you think my recent series of actions are normal?" Just for revenge?" Solin frowned: "There are many ways to retaliate.

But don't you know that your behavior is pulling the other party to die together!" After a pause, he added unabashedly: "It also brought me a lot of trouble at the same time."

"Hahahahahahaha..." I laughed wildly, which made Solin feel a little weird.

His face was a little gloomy: "Is there anything funny? My friend!" No, no, no..." I shook my head and looked at him gently: "My friend, I laughed because I suddenly found that I like to talk to you more and more... Look, at least you speak frankly."

I pondered for a moment.

I nodded and said, "You're right. It's true that this matter has caused you a lot of trouble."

"That's for sure."

Old Solin said with a gloomy face: "There have been too many bleeding incidents at sea in the past month! Do you know? Daquan has sent someone to contact me. Those drugs at sea, you should know that I am the biggest buyer in Canada! Those goods were shipped and sold to me! Now you have cut off the goods.

Do you know that the drug channels below me are about to turn upside down.

I receive a hundred complaints almost every day! I'm afraid those non-toxic guys are about to rob the street with knives... And in this month, the price of drugs in Canada has nearly doubled!" Oh, I know."

I was unmoved at all: "At the same time, I also believe that, my friend, with your intelligence, I'm afraid you have taken the opportunity to raise the price."

Solin blushed, but he was even more angry: "I want you to stop these actions immediately... At the same time, I need enough supplies to calm down the anger of the following channels!" Mr. Solin!" I looked at him coldly and suddenly changed my name. Instead of calling him "my friend", I called him by his name: "I think you haven't forgotten that just a few days ago, you just got 15% of the shares of Huaxing Company!" There is no free lunch in the world. Isn't that 15% enough for you to keep silent about this matter for a while? As a human being, you can't have too much appetite... You also want to smuggle, and you want drugs... Even God will not agree to such a request.

Solin was smiling bitterly: "If time can do it again... I'd rather I refused to accept the 15% of the shares... All I can say is that every piece of your money is so hot in your hand!" Knowing that the temperature was about the same, I slowly pushed the wheelchair close to him and changed a gentle tone: "My friend, I know you are under a lot of pressure... The drug market in Canada is under your control.

I know that this period of time at sea is not stable, which has a great impact on your business.

I understand the artificial rebellion and complaints below.

Oh, by the way, I think Daquan must also contact you. Did they make any suggestions?" Their suggestion is that if I turn against you, it's better to swallow you in one bite! As long as you, the Huaxing Gang, are killed, then the sea will be peaceful.

I curled my lips and said, "That's right... And after killing me, you can also take over the smuggling business.

They made a good suggestion.

Old Solin sneered: "Aren't you worried that I will accept this suggestion? Chen Yang, as long as I shoot you to death now, then everything is mine... Don't forget, you are on my territory! After you die.

I believe that your subordinate, that Ciro, is not enough to maintain the career you left behind. He is just a child.

"I know... I also believe it."

I looked into his eyes.

The voice was not angry at all: "But if you do that... Then, who will support your daughter to take the stage in the future? When you are about to die one day, who do you entrust you to? Or do you just decide to call your godchild Alan back now and make him the heir again? This counterattack immediately made the muscles on Solin's face twitched.

There is no doubt that I am sure of Solin's weakness.

"What the hell do you want?"

Solin rubbed his eyebrows hard: "Do you want me to keep silent? Chen Yang... Although you have given me a lot of benefits, according to the cost, the 15% shares are enough to offset the loss of my drug business.

But...you should also understand that money is not everything! Drugs are needed in the market! Those drug addicts will not quit drugs overnight! If it goes on like this, I'm even worried that my drug leaders will betray me!" One month... Within a month, the war will be over."

I smiled and said, "And the purpose of my coming today... is to make a small request to you, my friend."

"What do you want to do?" Old Sorin looked at me worriedly: "You're not suggesting that I go to those guys in South America to buy drugs, are you? Damn it... Don't you know that because I chose the big circle at the beginning and fell out with those guys? And now that the market is out of stock, they will take the opportunity to raise the price!" No, no, no... it's not."

I laughed and said, "My request is... I hope you can continue to choose the supply of goods in Asia in the future.

Give up your plan to cooperate with South Americans, my friend.

I promise that this matter will be over soon... And after that, the goods from Asia will be shipped quickly, and the price can be half lower.

"..." The old man stared at me and was speechless in surprise.

While I swept Asian drugs out of the Canadian market, I had forced the largest drug king in Canada to almost turn against me! In fact, it's the same. If it hadn't been for me taking the initiative to give up 15% of the smuggling business, and the tacit understanding between me and the agreement with Old Solin to support his daughter in the future... I'm afraid he would have fallen out with me long ago! He was even afraid that I would ask him to continue to support me, drive Asian drugs out of North America, and completely exterminate the hope of the big circle... But unexpectedly, I changed my words and promised that a month later, Asian drugs will not only continue to come smoothly, but also take the initiative to reduce the price by half.

In the face of such a good thing, old Solin quickly revealed the nature of the old fox! He stared at me warily: "Half the reduction? Are you going to make up half of the money out of your own pocket? My friend... This is not a few million... It's a big amount! And... those guys in the Golden Triangle agreed to reduce the price? I don't believe that you have such a good relationship with them.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood."

I shook my head: "Reduce the price by half. It's not the bigwigs in the Golden Triangle that lose... but the big circle! As you know, the big circle is not a drug troveer, the plantation in the Golden Triangle, and there is no big circle.

The big circle is just a distributor in the middle... Originally, the big circle made a profit of 20% in each batch of goods, and in the future..." "Do you want the big circle to take the initiative to give up part of the profit... Will they agree?" Of course, the boss of the big circle in the past would not agree to this kind of thing.

I smiled and said, "But in the future... I have the final say in this matter."

Old Solin stared at me in surprise: "You... Do you want to swallow the whole Asian circle?!" Why do you use the word 'swallow'?

I smiled kindly: "Look, the United States fought Iraq, but it didn't turn Iraq into a state of the United States.

It's just a support agent to take the stage.

"I probably understand what you mean."

Old Solin's expression this time was extremely serious: "But I doubt it... Chen Yang, let me be frankly... In terms of strength comparison, the Asian circle is the United States, and you are Iraq! I've only heard of the United States swallowing Iraq, but I've never heard that Iraq can swallow the United States!" Not before.

But this time, maybe you will see... And, what's more, the 'America' is in civil strife now.

I shrugged my shoulders, played with the paper cutter in my hand, and then suddenly laughed and said, "This thing is really good... Give me all the gadgets you have."