evil spirit

Chapter 99 Super "Slaughter" on

Chapter 99 [Super "Slaughter"] (Part I)

The flames were burning, the crowd exclaimed and screamed, the injured moaned painfully on the ground, and the security personnel in the airport had rushed out.

But my mind is blank... blank...

Old Solin is dead...

Old Solin died??

He is dead??!!

"Boss! Boss!"

There seemed to be a voice calling me in my ear, but I didn't react. I stared at the outside. On the roadside, three cars had turned into three pieces of scrap iron under the flames! There is no doubt that no one can run out of the car with such a violent explosion! No!!

The fragments of the explosion were shot everywhere, and the guards in the airport had rushed over with the fire extinguisher...

The crowd around is chaotic.



A pain in my face, a slap on my face woke me up. I raised my head, Tu looked at me with a gloomy face, and then he helped me up. My wheelchair next to me had fallen to the ground, and I saw red blood on Tu's shoulder... Is he hurt?

I finally exhaled, and my voice was a little hoarse: "I'm fine."

Tu was relieved and then looked at me quietly. I was so confused that old Solin's death was so sudden that I didn't respond at all! Unprepared!!

I can't even afford to think about the death of old Solin, how many chain reactions will it cause!! How many impacts and consequences will it have! My cooperation with the Golden Triangle, and the cooperation with Old Solin! The situation in Canada... With the death of this old man, everything is going to change dramatically!

Looking at me in a daze, Tu said in a low voice, "Boss, we have to leave quickly!"

"Hmm! Leave!" I suddenly woke up!

Obviously, this is a murder of old Solin! In the world, who wants Old Solin to die the most now? I can almost call out this name!

Allan! Alan, the godchild of old Solin! The former heir of Hell's Angel!

Tu picked me up horizontally. Then he carried it on his shoulder. At this time, the two people who had followed us to the airport to check in. When they saw the boss's car explode, they had already run out.

"Get out of here!" I'll order it immediately!

Since the other party chose to kill the old Solin at the airport, it is obvious that I don't expect to leave on the old Solin's special plane! There was a big explosion at the airport, which must be temporarily closed! At this time, no plane wants to take off at the airport! This is the minimum common sense!

Tu's back was still bleeding, and a sharp piece of glass was inserted into his back. However, Tu didn't care at all. He just pulled it out with his backhand, took a look in his hand, and then put the sharp glass fragment back into his pocket.

People around are running around, and people at the airport are urgently evacuating people. I have to admit that Western countries have a very effective set of procedures for responding to such emergencies.

There have been many guys in uniforms around to maintain order, and there are the roar of police cars and fire engines in the distance.

Tu carried me for a few steps. I was about to go out through the front side door, but just then, two guys in black suits appeared next to him. Seeing Tu coming out with me on his back, they hid behind the flow of people and suddenly took out guns from their arms!


The pistol with a silencer sounded twice, but to the surprise of the two guys, after two shots, the slaughter in front of him disappeared!

Just when they were in an accident, Tu had already flashed behind the two, and the two guys felt a cold neck!

Tu put away the glass fragment, and then quietly held the two guys. Let them lie down quietly, pick up two guns at the same time, and give one to me.

The flow of people was running one after another. No one noticed what happened next to them. Everyone was frightened by the explosion and squeezed out desperately.

"Boss, we are targeted." Tu said lightly, and there was a trace of evil spirit in his eyes! Then, Tu carried me on his back and got into the stream of people.

"Two on the right... one in front." Tu Leng said coldly. He strode forward with me on his back, and then suddenly he lowered his body, hid in the crowd, and ran quickly!

I also saw a guy standing outside the airport in front of him, dressed in casual clothes, but with one hand in his pocket, obviously holding a gun. Tu hid in the flow of people behind my back and approached slowly. It was not until he was less than three meters away from him that this guy finally found us! But it's too late!


Under the action of the silencer, the sound of the bullet is minimized! In this noisy and shouting environment, no one notices it! The guy was shot in the chest, and no one noticed it. Tu quickly walked to him, touched his pocket, and took out a car key. [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

The flow of people was still squeezing out, but Tu put me on the ground, and then took two steps away. There was a trolley luggage on the ground next to it, which was lost by someone in the chaotic crowd.

Tu rudely went over and twisted gently, broke the lock on it, and then quickly turned out two coats. He put on one by himself, and then put one for me. Then Tu no longer carried me on his back, but held me with one arm. My feet dragged on the ground, and he dragged me forward like this.

In the crowd, no one cares about others, and they all run out in shock. Tu drags me away like this, which is more difficult to be found than carrying me on my back.

The police have begun to pull the blockade line. We rushed out in chaos and rushed all the way to the parking lot outside the airport. Tu took me without saying a word. He was very strong. He held me in one hand and seemed to drag me forward without any effort!

The parking lot has also begun to be chaotic. People who ran out of the airport are looking for their cars. The explosion just now was really scary! Everyone is panicking and guessing whether this is a terrorist attack or not! Tu calmly walked by the rows of cars, constantly pressing the car keys he had just found from the gunman.

Finally, when we passed several rows of cars, a Buick finally made a "dudu" sound in the distance. Tu immediately took me over, stuffed me into the co-pilot's seat, carefully tied my seat belt, and then sat himself in the driver's seat to start the car.

Many people in the parking lot are busy driving out, and the originally spacious entrance and exit are now blocked by cars eager to leave. Tu drove the car carefully and looked left and right at the same time. Suddenly, he whispered, "Boss, you'd better lower your head."

I looked at the reversing mirror and found that several people rushed over at the same time in the last two directions! These people are all wearing black clothes. While running towards us, their hands are hidden in their clothes!

Tu frowned slightly, then suddenly changed gears, and then stepped on the accelerator hard!

The car immediately rushed out...

Bang Bang! The man in the back shot! The bullet was fired at the back of the car, and the window glass behind made a cracking sound. Then there were more dense gunfire, and the car kept jingling.

Tu drove calmly, not caring about the pursuit of the gunman behind him, but quietly looked at the surrounding environment, and the exit of the parking lot in front of him was blocked. More than a dozen cars were stuck at the exit and squeezed out, and there were still cars on both sides. Tu whispered, "Sit down!"

The accelerator was trampled to the bottom by him! The car immediately roared out!!

Bang! The car that just drove out on the left was hit hard by us! Tu Ze quickly hit the steering wheel, the car slid in place, and then made a sudden turn and rushed directly into an empty road on the left.

"Sit still!" Tu shouted, which made my heart burst! There is no road ahead!

The open-air parking lot outside the airport is surrounded by a circle of safety islands made of cement platforms, and there are wooden fences on the safety island. Now there is a dead end ahead! A cement safety island about dozens of centimeters high was in front of him, but Tu changed gears again and increased the accelerator...


The car body trembled fiercely, and then in the violent oscillations and bumps, we rushed to the safety island, smashed the wooden fence above in an instant, and then shook again, rushing directly from the parking lot to the road next to us! Tu calmly controlled the steering wheel. After our car rushed out, it directly hit the front of a small pickup truck that roared by. Then I even felt that my body was twisted by the impact, the harsh sound of metal friction, and the bursting of glass, but Tu had controlled the car's rapid steering, and then along I rushed all the way out of the road!

I saw from the mirror that right behind us, the unlucky pickup truck was knocked out by a car coming up from behind...

Looking at Tu Lian's eyebrows, he looked calm and just controlled the steering wheel. Looking back on Tu's flying car technology just now, he "flyed" through the safety island fence from the parking lot, and then shook off the vehicles on the road. Tu drove the car, the engine cover in front of him had been deformed, and the engine also made noise. The inverted mirror on one side had long been knocked out, the window glass on both sides had already been smashed, and several big cracks appeared on the windshield in front.

I couldn't help looking at this guy: "God, Tu, where did you practice your driving skills!"

"Battlefield." Tu said faintly.

He suddenly turned his face and looked at me: "Boss, I need you to promise me one thing."


"From now on, you have to listen to me! Until I take you back safely! But before that, you have to listen to me from now on. After saying that, he pinched the steering wheel in one hand, groped around quickly with the other hand, and finally found a map from under his seat. This is a traffic map of Toronto, and he looked at it a few times in his hand. To my surprise, when he looked down at the map, he could still drive the car calmly and run on the road! At the same time, it can also avoid vehicles roaring left and right.

In less than half a minute, Tu put down the map and raised his head: "Attention, boss, look back."

I looked back and saw two black business cars in the distance, which had caught up quickly!

Our car has just been hit a few times and has been seriously damaged. The sound of the engine is obviously a little lingering, and the speed is starting to be a little difficult.

"Sit down, it may be a little bumpy." Tu suddenly said something, and then suddenly made a large square disk and stepped on the brakes at the same time!

The tires and the ground made a shrill friction sound, and our car slid out in place! There was no time to dodge, and it hit the front of our car heavily. Then the car ran up, tilted in the air, and then hit the ground horizontally.

The car was still hovering, but Tu suddenly pulled out his gun and pulled the trigger continuously against the front of the business cars that caught up behind...

Pump! Plop! Pu...

I clearly saw the bullet hit the other party's car and sparked... Finally...


With a loud noise, the front business car suddenly exploded! The fire in the sky blew the whole car high, and then landed behind it and hit the second car behind it!

The huge explosion immediately made all the front and rear cars on the highway urgently avoid it. For a moment, the sound of collisions and brakes that could not be avoided came one after another, and the sound of ping-pong was everywhere!

Tu calmly put away the gunshot pistol that had been empty, and said lightly, "This car is over. We need a new car."

Then he threw the gun away, kicked open the twisted door, circled to the other side, and took me out of the car.

At this moment, the pursuers behind were blocked by the explosion, and Tu calmly hugged me and walked to the opposite lane next to him.

Because of the traffic jam behind us, many cars in the opposite direction stopped. Tu walked over and randomly selected a white private car. In the owner's frightened eyes, he punched the window glass of the car, and then smiled at the corners of his mouth.

The owner is a young white man. He seems to be a middle-class white-collar worker. He looked at the slaughter with broken glass on his shoulders and the blood on his face in horror. He said in a trembling voice, "You, you... What do you want to do?"

"Sorry, sir, I need your car. Thank you for your cooperation.