evil spirit

Chapter 99 Super "Slaughter"

Chapter 99 [Super "Tu"] (Part 2) He only had a napkin in his hand, but he suddenly shook, and then quickly caught the waiter's wrist and raised it sideways. The waiter screamed, his wrist was twisted so much that he couldn't move, and his body immediately knelt down sideways. Tu easily punched him On his chin, he fainted.

The fat waitress behind was stunned for a moment, and then immediately opened his mouth and screamed. Tu picked up a fork from the table and quickly put it into her mouth: "If you scream, your throat will be stabbed."

The waitress was stuffed with a fork in her mouth, and her face turned white with fear. Naturally, she dared not move again.

Tu squeezed the back of her neck and pressed it gently, and she fell down softly.

The police outside had begun to walk towards the door of the restaurant, but Tu calmly touched from one side of the counter. Soon he took out a pistol, and then he walked around the counter and walked calmly on the magazine... At this time, the police outside were still about 20 meters away from the door of the restaurant.

Tu looked calm. First, he walked to the side, locked the side door, then slowly pulled down the shutters, and carefully turned over a "CLOSED" sign.

At this time, the police outside are about ten meters away from the door of the restaurant.

Tu slowly walked to the back of the counter, pushed the kitchen door open, looked inside, then closed it, locked it, and cut the telephone line with a knife.

At this time, the police outside had just stepped on the steps of the door of the restaurant.

Tu had already walked around and walked slowly to the door of the restaurant.

A policeman walking in front of him had just pushed open the door of the restaurant, and Tu's fist had hit him in the abdomen.

With one punch, the policeman softened. After Tu punched him, he immediately hugged him. At the same time, the gun in his hand was already on the forehead of the second policeman behind him.

And the policeman, his hand just reached out to his holster, less than a third of the distance.

During the whole process, I sat there all the time, watching Tu calmly do everything... He was so calm! It's almost quiet! Quiet to almost elegant! He seems to calculate the time of every second just right! First, I closed the other two exits of the restaurant and pulled up the side windows so that people outside the side street could not see what was going on inside.

Cut off the phone line, and then go to the door of the restaurant to wait for the two policemen to push the door in by themselves, and hit again! It's easy! When Tu Na handcuffed the two policemen, I looked at the time... From the time he began to deal with the waiters in the restaurant to the uniform of the police, less than two minutes.

More importantly, he didn't make any big noise, or even fired a gun, so he solved the four living people so quietly.

When Tu pushed the wheelchair and we walked out of the restaurant, he didn't even forget to lock the door in the restaurant, and unplugged the power before leaving, so that the light sign outside the restaurant was also turned off, and then hung up the "CLOSED" sign.

"At least for an hour, they won't wake up and won't cause us trouble."

Tu Dan said lightly, "I have seen the registration records of the hotel.

There are no guests.

In the police car, Tu immediately turned away the radio station in the police.

"This is the police's internal public information platform, and the radio station will report all kinds of cases in each block to the patrol cars on the street."

Tu Dan said lightly, "I think we will hear the latest news about the airport bombing... And the castle in Solin."

I nodded: "If Allen really has a coup, there will be at least some conflicts in the castle, or there will be a small-scale gunfight... If Allen could take down Solin's castle without firing a shot, then the old Solin would have been killed by Allen long ago.

I believe that even if Alan killed Solin, it still takes some twists and turns to take down the castle.

I guess there are three possibilities. The first is that old Solin's loyal subordinates protect the princess from escaping... But this possibility is very small. Since Allen can plan to blow up Solin, there must be a layout in the castle.

The second possibility is that there has been a fight in the castle.

Allen washed the castle with blood and washed away all the loyal subordinates of Old Solin.

But I don't think it's possible, because not to mention that old Solin has been on the stage for many years, and there are many loyal direct lines, and Allen can't get rid of them easily.

Otherwise, Allen would have overthrown Old Solin long ago.

So, the third possibility is: Allen took people to surround the castle and is confronting the stubbornly resisters inside. Old Solin is dead, and the rest of the people are gone. There is no need for Allen to fight anymore. As long as he suppresses people with power, he can evolve peacefully.

So, the question now is that it depends on how long the people in the castle can last.

If Alan has succeeded now, then we don't have to spend much effort to turn around and go back to Vancouver. At worst, we can burn more paper money for old Solin, which is worthy of him.

If Alan hasn't succeeded yet, then we have to find a way to save people.

[Heaven's Kiss] With that, I picked up a car phone and dialed the phone number in the castle in Solin! A few seconds later, I put down the phone and said with a smile, "It seems that we are busy... Obviously, Alan hasn't done it yet.

The people in the castle are still facing each other.

Tu drove forward and said lightly, "How did you judge it, boss?" Because the phone is not connected.

A complicated expression appeared on my face: "Do you remember that we were ambushed in that small town in Kunshan? The other party blocked the communication signal with an instrument at that time.

Obviously, if Allen wants to make a coup, when he surrounds the castle, he will also cut off the communication between the castle and the outside.

The interruption of communication means that Allen has not succeeded. If he successfully controlled the castle, then the communication in the castle should be restored now.

The radio station in the police car broadcasts the repeated cases and the latest news in various blocks of the city from time to time. There is also a flashing light on the walkie-talkie in the police car. Obviously, the police station is trying to contact the police car.

"In up to 30 minutes, the police will find that one of their patrol cars is 'out of control'."

Tu's tone was calm: "Boss, robbing the police car is also within your plan, right? You should know that after robbing the police car, we will be found soon.

Because according to the usual practice, the patrol police will contact the head office regularly.

Once they don't contact each other for a long time, the police find that a patrol car is out of control, and then all the police around the city will come to us like flies!" I smiled and said, "Do you still need to ask... Pull the siren, Tu, make the noise bigger! Let's go to the castle now.

"It's still the same sentence, boss, you're crazy."

Tu said slowly, quickly sounded the siren, and the police car roared all the way on the road... "There is a tunnel ahead. After passing through it, we turn left along Highway 4, and then pass two blocks and cross an intersection.

Drive on Highway 9 and go down, it's the castle.

Tu said slowly while driving: "I have estimated that if we go at full speed, we can reach it in about 30 minutes. If we encounter an interception, I'm afraid there will be a delay, which may take another 20 minutes."

I took a look at him: "I remember it's your first time to come to Toronto, right? Are you familiar with the road?" Have you forgotten? On the way back from the airport just now, I looked at the traffic map.

Tu Dan said lightly.

I rounded my eyes: "You only looked at it a few times, less than a minute."

"Professional habits, boss."

Tu pointed to his head: "Now the map is here."

After we crossed a block.

Suddenly, the sound of the siren came from behind! Two police cars roared after them from behind, and a police motorcycle also caught up from a side road! Boss, it seems that the police found it.

Tu smiled.

"Very good."

I laughed and said, "Would Alan be surprised to see that we brought a large number of policemen to the castle? Ha ha... Well, but, the premise is that your driving skills can ensure that we will not be stopped by the police halfway.

"Please believe in your profession, boss."

Tu raised his eyebrows, and then quickly changed gears and speeded up! In the roar, with several police car convoys chasing behind, we have driven into a tunnel... The light in the tunnel suddenly dimmed, and I immediately turned around to observe the police car catching up behind, and the other party even warned us to stop with a loudspeaker.

One...two, three...hmm...too little.

I frowned: "It's too little... If you only take three or four police cars to the castle, I'm afraid it's not enough."

"Do you mean that the noise is bigger?" Tu glanced at me and said softly, "As you wish, boss."

After saying that, he suddenly freed up a hand to pull out the pistol, and then turned it out of the window... bang!! With a gunshot, Tu blew up the tires of a passing car coming from the opposite road! The car immediately made a shrill brake sound, and then from the inverted mirror, I clearly saw that it hit its head against the wall next to the tunnel, and then the car behind it couldn't dodge, and it also went up, and then... bang bang bang.

I don't know how many cars are too late to stop, and there has been a series of rear-end collisions! For a while, people in the tunnel turned over, and I don't know how many cars crashed into each other.

Tu put away the gun, slowly pulled up the window, and said lightly, "Okay, now I promise that the police car chasing us will be at least three times more in a while."

Sure enough, when we finally rushed out of the tunnel and crossed two blocks, there was a sound of spiral slurry from the sky. Looking up, a helicopter with a police sign hovered over us in the sky, following us closely.

"Look, I'm not wrong, boss."

Tu curled his lips and said, "They have even dispatched the plane."

At this time, on the internal information platform of the police car, some police are cursing loudly: "All the police cars nearby are following up!" I want to catch these bastards who dare to grab the police car!!!"