evil spirit

Chapter 117 Slap

Chapter 117 [Bit] Although I was pointed at by several guns, I said this sentence without changing my face. I even sat on a plastic chair and leaned aside pleasantly.

This man frowned slightly. No matter how unpredictable he looked, he was scolded "what's wrong with his brain" in front of him, he still couldn't be angry.

"What are you talking about!" His eyes cooled down.

"I said... there is something wrong with your brain."

I deliberately repeated it with an exaggerated mouth, and then looked at him with a mocking expression and said, "To be honest, I have met a lot of people.

Emies, friends.

Smart, stupid, proud, cautious, careful, arrogant.

But I have to say that I have never met a self-righteous guy like you.

"..." The man stared at me.

"That's good, Fang Nan once mentioned you to me.

Moreover, I can also tell you very clearly that Fang Nan will feel very uncomfortable when he mentions you.

Although I'm very upset, I also admit that you once occupied a certain position in her psychology... But please, that's just 'once'.

My words are even more vicious: "Now about me and Fang Nan, she is willing to. As for you, she suddenly came out and said to me, 'Well, you're good, but I'm worried that you can't bring her happiness' such boring words.

Do you know what I want to do most now? I looked into his eyes.

He looked even worse: "What?" I really want to punch you on the nose and see if you will continue to be so self-righteous and intoxicated.

My tone was very straightforward, I said quickly, and then sneered even more: "And, what the most ridiculous thing for me is, you! Why do you stand up and say these words? By what? Just because you were the man Fang Nan once liked? Please! Don't be so-so! What 'Don't worry, can you give Fang Nan happiness'... Don't you think this kind of words are disgusting? I would like to say the most thorough thing. Not to mention that I love her very much now, I will treat her well... Even if I take ten thousand steps back, I am unhappy with her. We have conflicts, uncomfortable, sad... Is this your business? Is she happy or not? Is she happy or not? That's the matter of ** heart.

You...you are not qualified to say these words.

Oh... by the way, you must be very angry now, right? Do you want to refute me and say, 'I'm good for her'! Isn't it? Don't deny it. You must want to say something like that, right? The man's face was gloomy, and the muscles of his cheeks beat, which was obviously made me angry.

But I disdained it even more: "Forget it! Is it good for her? This is the most fucking ridiculous sentence.

Is it good for her? Does she need you to do it for her? Are you good for her or not? Does she care? Yes, that's right. You used to have some concerns about her, but now, you don't know the meaning of the three words 'past tense', do you? Now you, an outsider who can't beat us with eight poles, an irremiscreant outsider... I'm surprised that you don't have anything to do with you, but you come out by yourself and shamelessly stick to care of our affairs... Why did you get her out? Test whether I care about her or not? Let's see if I can make her happy... Fuck! What does this have to do with you? Who are you? Is she the old man? Is she a big brother? You are nothing, just a symbol that has long passed in her life! What's wrong with you in my relationship with Fang Nan? You suddenly came out to take care of these things... Do you think there is something wrong with your brain? What I said is extremely vicious.

When the man heard this, his face turned blue and dark, and his fingers trembled with anger. He couldn't help shouting, "What a boy! It turns out that he can only talk! I thought so.

If you are good, I can safely give her to you..." "Hahahahahahahahaha..." Before he finishes.

I looked up to the sky and laughed, laughed back and down, and even held my stomach and pointed at him, as if I had heard the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"What are you laughing at!" I laugh at you. You are so stupid that you are hopeless.

I sighed deliberately, and my eyes were like a needle: "Don't worry, give her to me? Here we go again... Are you fucking endless? What do you rely on to 'give her to me'? Does she belong to you? Fang Nan may have liked you in those years, but that's all over.

Now she is my woman! You have nothing to do with us.

So, don't fucking pretend to be a saint in front of me!" ..." My last sentence "Dawn pretending to be a saint in front of me" was like a whip on the guy's face, and his facial expression twitched fiercely.

I clearly saw that the man's eyes were murderous. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! You are fine! Do you think I dare not kill you here?" Alas... Here we go again."

I smiled disdainfully: "In the end, it's still like this.

Take a gun to scare people.

Say it earlier! You talked for a long time and pretended to care about Fang Nan very much. For her good, you want to see me... Isn't that unnecessary? In the end, I didn't feel sorry for myself. I was so angry that I had to scare people with the barrel of a gun? I actually feel sorry for a man like you... Really.

Everyone is a man, but I think you are really pitiful.

I stood up, stared into his eyes, and said with a smile, "Hey, do you think it's because Fang Nan had feelings for you before, so she should belong to you all her life? Who does she interact with and what kind of boyfriend she will have in the future? Do you have to be responsible for helping her investigate and assess? I don't think it's enough to describe your words... Well, how to say it... Oh, by the way, it should be... nosy + paranoia!" The guy finally couldn't hold it and shouted, "**!" After saying that, he suddenly rushed over and punched me on the cheek.

I took a punch in the face, and he hit me on the chin. I suddenly felt dizzy, but I was not soft. I immediately copied him from his armpit, then hugged him hard, shouted and turned him over, and then the two of them rolled down the steps of the stands.

Several of his men next to him were stunned and rushed over immediately, but he shouted, "Don't come here.

This is my own business!" Ha! OK! But it's still wrong. It's a fucking matter between me and Fang Nan. You're nosy!" I was still stimulating him, and at the same time, my knees hit his lower abdomen fiercely. He was in pain and hummed. An elbow hit me on my ribs. I shook my body and punched him on the bridge of the nose with my backhand.

The two of us men are like scoundrels in the market, ping-pong and boxing into a ball, and there is no rules at all.

And several of this guy's men were supposed to come up to help, but when he yelled, they all retreated a few steps strangely.

It's just that the two of us fought for a while. After all, the stands are stepped, and it is inevitable to roll down.

is rolling at the feet of one of his men.

The guy immediately kicked me from behind. I was in pain and scolded, "Aha! Are you finally looking for a helper? I think you can only play horizontally.

[Heaven's Kiss] "Who let you do it!" He shouted, but ignored me. He went up and kicked his hand away first: "Get out of the way, I'll deal with him myself!!" This mature man, who made a calm look from the beginning of the meeting, finally tore off the mask he pretended.

The two of us twisted together again and rolled down from above all the way. Finally, the two of us hit the railing of this stand at the same time.

I punched him in the stomach. When he ate it, he immediately bowed like a shrimp. He gasped and almost spit it out.

But just as I was about to go up and make up for it, he punched me on the shoulder with his backhand.

The two of us tore up like this for a long time. He finally lost his strength and was pressed on the railing by me.

The face stuck to the metal guardrail, so that the face was deshaped.

"Are you still playing?" I sneered: "You can't talk about me, and you can't tell me. You can't even make your fists as hard as me... It's rare for you to come and point out to me and Fang Nan like this."

He shook his head desperately and struggled, but he was pressed by me. His breathing was not smooth, but he could only gasp and couldn't say a word.

Finally, I let go of him. He covered his chest hard, turned around and leaned against the railing and gasped violently.

I stepped back two steps, sat on a plastic chair in the stands, and gasped for a while. Then I touched my pocket, took out a cigarette box from my coat that had long been pressed and changed. I took out two wrinkled cigarettes, lit one myself, and threw one to him.

He hesitated for a moment and raised his hand to take it.

Then he waved his hand with an ugly face and let the men around him leave.

His man hesitated for a moment and did so.

"Is it over? Have you finished venting? Can we get to the point now? But please put away your 'Love Saint' face and stop talking about me and Fang Nan.

That will only make me feel ridiculous.

I said coldly.

He took a cigarette in silence, and then gasped: "It's really cruel for you to take action."

"Tough?" I looked up to the sky and smiled: "Haha! I have shown mercy to my hand! With my kung fu, I can beat your ribs with two punches! It's just that we are two men fighting for women, and I don't have to bully you with martial arts.

But if you talk nonsense again, I'm really not polite.

His face darkened: "Ha! Now it seems that you have the upper hand! Don't forget, you are with me now. I have a gun. I can shoot you to death at any time! You have a hard mouth!" Hard-mouthed? It's you who is hard-mouthed, not me.

I sneered: "Do you dare to kill me? If you dared to kill me, you would have had a hundred chances.

You dare not kill me... Don't pretend.

Although I don't know where you come from, first of all, you dare not kill Fang Nan.

With Fang Nan's background, if you dare to touch her, just wait to be killed! As for me, you just spent so much effort to attract me to meet.

As for the pretentious words just now, I just want to overwhelm me with momentum before talking to me... Forget it, come on.

Although you like to pretend to be a saint, you should not be stupid.

You also made me play such a big scene today.

Say it directly. What's the matter with me!" The man looked at me strangely for a long time: "Why are you so confident?" Just because I scolded you just now, you didn't ask your people to shoot me.

I said lightly, "Originally, Fang Nan disappeared, and I was at the mercy of you all the way. At that time, I didn't know that you were the one who kidnapped her. I thought it was my enemy. Although ordinary people in Fang Nan's background did not dare to touch her, now it is difficult for my enemy to keep people to be

That's why I'm in a hurry and scared by you.

But when I saw you here, I was relieved.

Since I'm sure about this one, why should I be afraid of you? Humph!" He was punched a few times in the face, and he was bruised in several places. Now he looks a little embarrassed, but there is still a little momentum in his eyes: "You react very quickly.

It seems that I underestimated you. I shouldn't show up by myself, but send someone to talk to you.

Then won't you be obedient?" Yes, that's your own stupidity.

I have to stand up and talk to me face to face about Fang Nan's happiness, pretending to be a saint! And I don't eat this set of love tricks! Humph, you still pretend to care about her...**, if you really care about her all the time, you were with her back then, and now you suddenly come out to say these bullshit... What did you do a long time ago! Knowing that Fang Nan is in danger, I can come here without my life! And you, the man who left her in those years, have no right to question me about happiness or unhappiness.

"Hahahaha..." This guy suddenly laughed, which made me feel a little weird... He won't be fooled by my punches, will he?" Interesting! Interesting! It's so *** interesting!" The man stared at me: "Your temper is very explosive. No wonder you were a little hoodlum at the beginning, and you dared to blow up the eggs of the bastard son of the old ghost.

Hahahaha..." I looked at him sideways and said, "You're talking about the old ghost... Are you familiar with the guy who was beaten by me?" You and I are just half a lot... I also had a fight with him back then, and I broke one of his ribs.

The man shook his head.

I was moved. He could fight with the son of the boss of Qinghong, and he said it was so easy... Then his identity and background must be extraordinary.

Seeing my eyes, he finally stood up: "Let's get to know each other again.

My name is Sun He.

The owner of Qinghongtian, my old man is Sun Rucai, the boss of Qinghongtian.