evil spirit

Chapter 122 Dark Room

Chapter 122 [Dark Room] As early as when Ni Duoduo set out and poked into the keyhole, I quickly retreated from the door, hesitated for a moment, and felt that Fang Nan's little hand in the palm seemed to gently pinch me.

I smiled, then pulled her and quietly flashed back, then lifted the curtain next to the living room, and then the two hid behind the curtain.

The wide and thick curtains are enough to cover the shape of the two of us, and the dark color is not easy to show any traces.

Fang Nan whispered in my ear, "You... cheated a girl's heart again."

I smiled bitterly and didn't know how to answer. Ni Duoduo had opened the door and came in.

I quickly closed my mouth and stopped talking.

With the sound of gentle footsteps, Ni Duoduo and Luo Lie had already entered the room, and Luo Lie closed the door carefully.

Bang! A crisp sound turned out to be a lighter in Luo Lie's hand. With the light of a little flame on the lighter, Ni Duoduo could see the surroundings clearly.

"It's a pity that there is a power outage, but if you want to see it, just look at it quickly."

Luo Lie's tone was a little disapproving: "After reading it, we have to go back quickly... Huh? Yi? Miss Duoduo, what's wrong with you? I quietly showed half of my eyes from the cracks in the curtains, but I saw the flame of the lighter flashing down, but Ni Duoduo seemed to be crazy. Standing on the spot, her eyes were just staring at the furnishings in the living room. Her body was stiff, but her drooping hands seemed to be trembling. The fingertips were also trembling, but the eyes were getting bigger and bigger... "What's wrong with you?" Luo Lie saw Ni Duoduo's strange reaction and immediately became alert: "What's going on?" Here, here! Here!!" Ni Duoduo's voice was a little hoarse, and she choked a little. It seemed that she was so excited that she couldn't even speak. She was short of breath.

The chest fluctuated violently, and a sentence was squeezed out of his throat almost trembling: "The decorations here... haven't changed... This is his home! His home!" What?" " This is his home! This is still his house!" Ni Duoduo suddenly got excited, then pointed to the furniture around her and shouted, "Look! Look! This sofa, coffee table, TV, and that table, um... and curtains, all of which have not been changed! It's the same as when I came here before! Look!! Even the position is exactly the same! This is still his house! No one else lives in!" The more Ni Duoduo said, the more excited she became. Her voice began to tremble. Then she shouted and ran into the bedroom next to her. Then she heard her shout in the bedroom: "Ah!" Luo Lie was standing in the living room and hearing her screaming in the room. He couldn't help but be shocked and ran in quickly, but saw Ni Duoduo turn around and come out again with a surprised face: "It's the same in the room! So is the room! I know that room. When I came here once, Sister Yan Di also took care of me to take a shower and change my clothes. I was still lying in the ** inside... I haven't even changed the sheets!" The girl became more and more excited. Finally, she grabbed Luo Lie's hand and shouted, "Luo Lie, do you know what this means? Do you know? Well, if the house here is bought by someone else, or rented by someone else.

If the owner is changed, it is impossible for the new person living in it to keep all the original furniture and furnishings! Even if the furniture was left behind before.

But there is no reason not to even change the sheets and curtains! That is to say, the owner of this house has not changed! This house is still Chen Yang's! Oh, my God... Everything here is the same as it was three years ago! And, look! Look..." She ran to the side quickly, reached out and touched the sofa a few times, raised her hand and smiled, "Look! No dust! It means that someone cleaned it here! Explanation..." The more she said, the more she couldn't help laughing: "It shows that there are still people living here! Ah!!!" Finally, she exclaimed again, "Maybe...ah! Maybe, maybe, in the past few years, Chen Yang has come back to live! Oh, my God! I didn't expect to come in and have a look before! If I had come in earlier, maybe I would have met him here..." She was overjoyed by the discovery in front of her, but she didn't notice that Luo Lie's face in front of her became more and more ugly.

Luo Lie couldn't help hitting her and said, "Miss Duoduo, don't think about it.

Everyone knows that guy has been in Canada in the past few years.

How can I come back and live in this small place?" ..." Ni Duoduo suddenly stopped his words.

Indeed, I have been in Canada for the past few years, which is an iron fact, and Ni Duoduo has met me twice in Canada.

I don't have a separate spell, so it's naturally impossible to live in this house in China.

Ni Duoduo couldn't help but be disappointed, but then she raised hope again and said, "Well... Well, maybe he has lived here recently, maybe! Ah! That's right! Chen Yang is a very nostalgic person! After he returned to China, he may have come here quietly! Well, by the way, he must have been to this place!" I sighed. Ni Duoduo really knows me well. Her later speculation is basically in line with the facts.

I'm really a nostalgic person, so I came here in the middle of the night to have a look.

"Humph!" Luo Lie's face was ugly in the flash of the lighter. He liked Ni Duoduo in his heart. Seeing that Ni Duoduo was so excited, he was naturally unhappy. He couldn't help continuing to refute: "Okay, Miss Duoduo, you should know that no one has ever lived here. It's very simple!" After saying that, he strode to the kitchen, pulled open the refrigerator, and then shouted, "Look! Look!" The refrigerator is empty, there is no food, and even the power is not plugged in.

"There is no food in the refrigerator! What does this mean? It means that no one lives here at all!" Luo Lie said angrily, and then he strode towards the bedroom, quickly opened the wardrobe in the bedroom, and then shouted, "See! The wardrobe is also empty! Not even a dress! There is no food in the refrigerator and no clothes in the wardrobe! Can't this explain anything? Don't you give up? This is just an empty house! An empty house where no one lives!" Ni Duoduo's body shook, under the faint firelight.

The wings on her face faded little by little, and then suddenly shouted at Luo Lie, "Why are you doing this! Why!!" She suddenly ran over and pounded Luo Lie's body with her fists. There was already a crying voice in her voice: "Why! Why do you say this! I just had a little hope, just a little hope! Do you want to break it cruelly? Luo Lie let Ni Duoduo beat on his body and did not dodge. He just sighed gently: "Miss Duoduo, we have agreed. Come in and have a look.

Then I gave up those fantasies in my heart and obediently went back with me.

Now you have seen it..." "No!" Ni Duoduo shouted stubbornly, "Anyway, the furniture and furnishings of this place are obviously the same as what he left behind!" It means that the owner of the house here has not been changed! Explanation..." "This doesn't mean anything."

Luo Lie said lightly, "Have you forgotten? We have checked that the owner of the house here has changed.

The house was bought by someone else.

As for why the furniture and furnishings here have not changed... Humph, maybe the woman who bought this house is also one of the many women abandoned by him! I also miss him like you, relying on a house to let go of my boring fantasy! Anyway, you know, that guy has so many women! God knows if it's one of them!" [ What I said made me feel a little strange in my heart hiding behind the curtains.

The palm of my hand hurts slightly.

It turned out that Fang Nan couldn't help pinching me in the palm of my hand. I turned my head and looked at her, and there was a resentment in her eyes.

Alas, indeed, this boy named Luo Lie is not polite.

But it's also true... At least Fang Nan bought this house and misses me, and I'm really sorry for Fang Nan over the years. I left her in China and let her guard an empty house to miss me... Indeed, these are my fault.

Luo Lie's words not only moved my heart, but even Ni Duoduo couldn't help but be stunned when she heard this, and the movements in her hand also stopped.

"Okay, I've seen it. Let's go now."

Luo Lie sighed, pulled Ni Duoduo's arm, and was about to leave when he suddenly glanced across the bedroom next to him... The two of them stood at the door of the bedroom in the living room. From the angle where Luo Lie stood, they could just see the bed in the bedroom room... The young man just glanced over casually. But suddenly his eyes fell on ** in the bedroom, and he suddenly changed color! Suddenly, he took Ni Duoduo behind him, and Luo Lie said in a low voice, "Duoduo, you were in the room just now... Have you ever lied in **?" ...Lying? No."

Ni Duoduo is a little confused.

"Hey!" Luo Lie gritted his teeth, then suddenly pulled out a gun from his arms and shouted, "Come out!!" Seeing Luo Lie's behavior and pulling out his gun, Ni Duoduo was shocked: "Luo Lie! What are you doing? What's the matter? Luo Lie's face was gloomy, his eyes swept around, and he whispered, "I didn't expect that I was blind!" Hey! The ** inside is obviously a trace that someone has just traveled! On the sheets and quilts, there are traces that someone has just been pressed down! There is someone here!" I sighed. This boy is really a little talented. He is a talent.

Indeed, I once carried Fang Nan into the room and put it in ** just now. I lingered with her, but I didn't tidy up the sheets, which was seen by him as flaw.

Luo Lie's eyes are searching around. The house is not big in the first place, and the living room is only more than ten square meters. Where is the Tibetan place? Luo Lie's eyes naturally fell on the wide curtains! Come out! I'll shoot if I don't come out."

He said in a low voice.

I sighed and then smiled: "Unexpectedly, it was still found."

I easily lifted the corner of the curtain, and then came out. Fang Nan also held my hand tightly and followed me.

The first step I took from behind the curtain, Ni Duoduo, standing behind Luo Lie, my eyes widened! She almost broke free from Luo Lie's hand, stared at me incredulously, and finally shouted in a trembling voice, "Chen Yang! Is it really you?" I smiled, and then looked at her, sighed, and whispered, "Duoduo, you... Alas, you are so stupid."

Ni Duoduo shed tears on the spot. She was about to run towards me, but Luo Lie grabbed her arm. Ni Duoduo struggled twice, but did not break free. She couldn't help but be furious: "Luo Lie! Let go of me!" Luo Lie's face was gloomy, and in the other hand, he held the gun tightly and pointed it at me: "No! Miss! He is his father's sworn enemy!" Then he stared at me: "Chen Yang? Humph, the famous little fifth brother! We met again! But meeting under such circumstances didn't make me think of it.

What else do you have to say now? I raised my eyebrows and said, "What can I say? What do you mean?" Humph! Now you are pointed at me with a gun.

Luo Lie gritted his teeth: "As long as I pull the trigger, Brother Huan will immediately lose a life-and-death enemy!" Before I spoke, Ni Duoduo had already screamed, "Luo Lie! Put down the gun!" Luo Lie wrinkled and suddenly turned his hand back and cut the back of Ni Duoduo's neck. Ni Duoduo was about to say something when she fainted softly.

Luo Lie held her with one hand and then continued to stare at me: "How's it going?" It's not good.

I frowned and looked at the young man: "You actually knocked her unconscious... Well, it was very clean just now.

Is your kung fu taught by Jinhe? Do you think you can kill me?" Humph... In this situation, I'm stunned by Duoduo. When I go back, her father won't blame me, but only praise me! It's you, Chen Yang, why do you say I can't kill you? Now the gun is in my hand..." "Then you can shoot."

I shrugged my shoulders, but took a small step forward quietly, blocking Fang Nan behind with my own body.

Luo Lie's face was a little ugly. He held the gun, but he didn't dare to pull the trigger.

I smiled: "You dare not shoot, Luo Lie... You are a smart man. You should know that since I'm here, how can I not have anyone around me? Even if you can kill me, my men are outside, and you will not be able to live.

You are not a person who is loyal to Ye Huan.

You don't have to exchange your life for my life... right? Besides, do you think you can kill me if you have a gun in your hand? For so many years, I don't know how many times I have been pointed at a gun.

But I'm still alive now.