



Author: Cats sheltering from the rain

Category: Fantasy

State: Completion

mortals hold the son of heaven to order the princes, and the true immortals hold the way of heaven to make the heavens and the world! The blood moon appeared, the world was in chaos, the ink sun came out, and hundreds of ethnic groups were killed. The weak river leaves the abyss, the yin soldiers appear in the world, the way of heaven is boundless, and the six paths are boundless. After ten thousand years of silence, with the birth of the seal of the emperor of heaven, suddenly the wind and clouds surged. An ordinary teenager, step by step uncovered the mysterious veil of Xuangu ten thousand years ago, and even the ancient times before the endless years ago, and broke the lies of "Godless" for thousands of years... It is not difficult to get along with heaven, and you will understand it later... Slogan: get closer to Dongge's pit and passion!

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