Legend of Star Peak

Chapter 14 Smile

At this time, the Liao army is marching urgently. Taihang Mountain is really far away from them. Taihang Mountain is still on the other side of Qingzhou City, but they are on the side of Tieyang City, and they can only rely on two legs, right? It's been a day and a half, and they haven't reached Taihang

"Come on, mother-of-law, you guys are the slowest!" A numb-faced man from Liao shouted at several soldiers beside him.

Those soldiers lowered their heads, but muttered, "It's just a head. It's so arrogant. Why do you want to run so fast? I'm in a hurry! Forget the ugliness, and being so arrogant. If it were me, I would have committed suicide long ago!" Several soldiers did not dare to look up, lest this head see their mouths moving.

The big man with a numb face stared at these soldiers with his eyes and was secretly angry: "Dadamn, how did these guys who didn't grow up get to me? It seems that it is difficult to make contributions this time. It is estimated that the brothers in front of the thieves in front of them will be defeated after a shock. How can you have your own chance? Oh, it's all because these guys are so slow!" Thinking about it, the numb-faced man stared at several soldiers again to vent his dissatisfaction.

At this time, the whole Liao army was full of the atmosphere of meritorious service. Everyone regarded the mountain thieves of Taihang Mountain as a piece of tender meat, and everyone wanted to eat a bite. 800,000 troops rushed to speed up and wanted to attack first.

"Report--" The detective shouted from afar.

"Report, marshal, there is an army of Taihang mountain thieves estimated to be about 100,000 in front of you. They are standing in a square battle array, as if they are waiting for the army!" The spies immediately told the information.

Yelu Hongjin was at a dazzment and suddenly laughed: "Ha ha... Hahahaha... The army of 100,000 mountain thieves actually lined up... Hahahaha... They actually lined up... Haha..." " Yelü Hongjin laughed proudly as if he had heard the funniest joke.

Yelu Hongye immediately danced: "Oh, big brother, God is helping us. I'm still worried that they are shrinking in the Taihang Mountain, so it's really difficult for us to do, but I didn't expect that they... Hahahaha... "

A bearded general said, "Those mountain thieves still come to the phalanx, haha, I'm laughing to death. The mountain thieves in Taihang Mountain seem to have a total of 100,000 yuan. God, who is the leader of this mountain thief? Unexpectedly, everyone in his hand is in the phalanx to attack the . "

A general next to

took over the words: "Oh, this Taihang Mountain also has a history of thousands of years. If the ancestors of Taihang Mountain knew that his descendants would have such meat, they would probably jump out of the coffin!"

How did this general know that the ancestors of Taihang Mountain are still alive and well? I guess he will be stupid when he knows it. After all, this is not what he can understand.

All the generals also despised the retarded leader of Taihang Mountain and laughed loudly.

Isn't it? Is there anything more funny than this that the scattered 100,000 mountain thieves actually lined up to fight with the standing army of 800,000 Liao? All the generals of Liao began to believe that there would be no loss in eliminating 100,000 mountain thieves, and everything seemed to be good. These generals have begun to imagine that there is no good time in the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty! There were bright smiles on their faces.

At this time, Li Tianxiang was still arranging coldly: "Damn it, hurry up, yes, that's it. Everyone should be careful not to be found. Whoever is found in advance is ready to commit suicide to apologize!"

This time, Li Tianxiang lined up the most periphery of 100,000 people into a phalanx, in order to make the Liao army think that the mountain thieves of Taihang Mountain are ready to resist with them. Here, Li Tianxiang will thank Yu Chigong. At any time, Yu Chigong will only show 100,000 mountain thieve Up to now, people outside think that there are only 100,000 mountain thieves in Taihang Mountain.

The 150,000 masters were lying quietly in ambush. Without saying a word, they were waiting for the enemy to appear. As long as the army of the State of Liao enters the ambush circle, 150,000 masters will attack the army of the State of Liao like a tiger going down the mountain. I believe that the scene must be very spectacular at that time. Li Tianxiang looked at the 150,000 masters quietly and nodded with satisfaction, flew into the air and controlled everything.

Everything is developing as expected.

In the city of Tieyang!

Zhang Xingfeng smiled and said, "Well... The 400,000 Liao army is stationed in a dangerous place to Taihang Mountain. Well, it's really smart to be stationed in such a dangerous place. What if it's really a little difficult to attack? I don't think I can really attack it without 800,000 yuan, but... But...? Who said I was going to chase you? Hehe... As long as I wait on your way back, as long as... Hey hey... Although Li Tianxiang's skills are at that level, he is still very powerful. I guess it's no problem to deal with your 800,000 troops!"

Zhang Xingfeng looked at a mountain on the military map and smiled: "As long as I'm waiting for you there, don't have too many people, 400,000 is enough. When you run away in a hurry, give you two an ambush and rush... Ha ha!" Zhang Xingfeng seemed to have seen the future of the Liao army, with a smile on his face.

Hong Zhu suddenly ran in and said in surprise, "Count Zhang, the army of the pre-state army is about to arrive, and it is estimated that there is still an hour's way to go."

Zhang Xingfeng suddenly laughed: "Okay, okay, I didn't expect that God is helping me, huh... One hour, General Hong Zhu, you are going to let the 300,000 pre-state army be stationed in Tieyang City. I'm going to take this army to have fun with them!"

Hong Zhu was shocked and said, "Count Zhang, we can't be careless in the war. We'd better stick to it here!" It's not a joke to send 400,000 troops. Count Zhang should think more about it!" Hong Zhu was also a guy who liked to be surprised, but now the war is not his little game at the beginning. Maybe the whole Ming Dynasty will suffer disaster. Under such pressure, does he dare to be surprised? Stability is the most important thing.

Zhang Xingfeng smiled and said, "Hey hey, General Hongzhu, you don't know how strong the power of Taihang Mountain is. Let me tell you, it is an attack of 1.5 million troops. It is estimated that Taihang Mountain can fight off 1.5 million troops!"

" 1.5 million troops, you said that Taihang Mountain can fight off 1.5 million troops!" Hong Zhu's eyes burst out in surprise. What is the concept of an army of 1.5 million? The army of 1.5 million can't see the edge at a glance!

Zhang Xingfeng smiled and said secretly, "Hey hey, 50,000 innate masters deal with 1.5 million troops. Isn't it a congenital master killing 30 soldiers? Although under the impact of the battle array, the masters have little advantage, and there are also innate masters in the army, after all, the innate master is Scattered, and the number is at most 10,000, but the 50,000 innate masters can form an extremely strong battle array. It is estimated that only by grinding people can these 50,000 innate masters be killed!"

"General Hongzhu, don't worry, there are 300,000 defenders, and now the 800,000 Liao army has attacked Taihang Mountain. Do you think the 400,000 soldiers have broken through the city of 300,000 defenders?" Zhang Xingfeng joked.

Hong Zhu was at a moment and said, "Oh, that's right. I didn't react just now. As soon as I saw that the count was about to move, I stopped him. Yes, can't 400,000 be attacked now? I really don't believe that the 400,000 Liao army can break through the city of 300,000 defenders!"

"Earl Zhang, you can rest assured. Here, don't worry, everything has me. Hey hey, I really hope those guys will attack, only 400,000. What am I worried about? Without more than twice, there is no hope of siege!" Hong Zhu exudes strong self-confidence.

Zhang Xingfeng nodded and said, "Okay, as soon as the army of the Pre-State Army comes, I will immediately bring people out. This time, I'm a fisherman."

"Yes, yes, the fisherman, we are the fisherman, hey hey, I like being a fisherman the most!" Hong Zhu smiled with great excitement.

"Earl Zhang, don't worry, ah, don't worry, hey hey, I'll go first!" Hong Zhu said hello with a smile and walked out of the door, still humming, which seemed to be a small tune in the countryside.

Zhang Xingfeng smiled and said, "Okay, you go!" Suddenly, there was a trace of strangeness on Zhang Xingfeng's face: "Well... Why is it so weird?' Count Zhang, don't worry. Why do you feel uncomfortable with this sentence?

Zhang Xingfeng shook his head, and suddenly a trace of joke appeared on Zhang Xingfeng's face: "Haha, now let's see how you are playing!"


"Marshal, it's only 500 meters away from there now. I guess I can charge!" The bearded general said excitedly in Yelu Hongjin. There was an excited flush on his face. Yelu Hongjin looked at the big beard and said secretly, "You guy, you are so excited every time you fight. Every time you fight, your beard turns red. But why, for so many years, his beard is still black, and he has not It has been dyed red!" This strange idea suddenly came to Yelu Hongjin's mind.

Yelu Hongjin looked at the anxious look of his beard, shook his head, drove away the wild thoughts in his heart, and said seriously, "En... Well, it's estimated that the charge is almost done. Oh, why don't these fools in Taihang Mountain charge? Are they really waiting for us to charge?

The bearded man laughed and said, "Marshal, they are all fools. How can they be fools if they charge?"

Yelu Hongjin looked at the proud look of the beard and said secretly, "I guess you are a real fool, but all I want is you to be stupid, hehe!"

"Okay, good, ready, look at the signal, as soon as the signal comes out, start charging immediately! Oh, it's bad to have a lot of people. Attacks can only be attacked by the front army. The middle army and the rear army can only see it, but the 300,000th impact of the front army is estimated to be almost the same!" Yelü Hongjin was frowning.

The beard smiled and said, "Commander, don't worry, as long as the former army has me, there is no problem with everything. Oh, I haven't killed the Ming Dynasty for a long time, and my hands are itchy. At least this mountain thief is also from the Ming Dynasty, and it's not bad to kill!"

Yelu Hongjin was disgusted, but he still smiled and said, "Well, you go first!" Yelu Hongjin is still very good for his beloved generals.

The beard sat on a tall horse, holding a huge cutting axe. What's chilling is that the edge of the giant axe is so bright, and from time to time there is a bloody light flashing on the blade of the axe, which is extremely strange.

"Fight!" As soon as the beard saw the signal, he immediately roared, and the whole army heard it clearly.



The shout of killing immediately sounded. The sound was absolutely earth-shaking, and even Yelu Hongjin, who was in the Chinese army, felt deafening.

What! In the Chinese army, he actually felt deafening. Yelu Hongjin's heart was suddenly shocked. Suddenly, Yelu Hongjin found that the deafening voice was not from the front, but in the direction of his left hand and the direction of his right hand!

There is an ambush!

Yelu Hongjin suddenly woke up in his heart and looked at the fiercely ambush army on both sides. He was once again chilled by the powerful attack of the army. Seven or eight of his own dead opponents died, which was not bad! His biggest doubt at this time was why so many people were not found in the ambush.

Unable to be shocked, Yelu Hongjin immediately gave full play to his skills as a commander-in-chief and roared, "The Chinese army and the rear army unanimously moved closer to the middle and attacked. All enemies were killed without mercy, and the front army accelerated the elimination of 100,000 mountain thieves!"

Li Tianxiang showed a proud smile on his face: "Haha, a blindfold, so that you can't pay attention to my people. Haha, now I'm impacted by me, I guess I'm going to play, hey hey!"

150,000 masters, like meat grinders, staggered back and forth, and immediately killed nearly 100,000 Liao troops, and only killed about 2,000. The number of Chinese and rear troops immediately dropped to 400,000, but Yelu Hongjin's order obviously played a role.

The Chinese army and the rear army immediately began to attack the 150,000 masters among them. When they found that these were masters, it was automatic, and a team of every three people began a triangular formation attack!

The masters of Taihang Mountain were shocked to find that when they dodged an attack and were ready to start killing soldiers as they had just now, they were surprised to find another attack, "Why, how fast is it?" These masters died before they could react!

150,000 masters died 20,000 in just one hour, and the Liao army also died 20,000. This result made Li Tianxiang, who was watching the battle in the sky, suddenly understand: "Ah, it's like this, it's like this. Three people formed a continuous attack. What's the matter!"

"Everyone forms a giant triangular array for me and shock me!" Seeing the hope of victory, Yelu Hongjin immediately roared. Yelu Hongjin looked at these sudden masters and said secretly, "Hey hey, I'll kill you while you hurt!"

The giant triangular array charged once and killed more than 10,000, but 150,000 masters actually died another 10,000.

Li Tianxiang finally howls: "You fools, form a giant triangular array for me and attack them!" Li Tianxiang's roar made the soldiers of the Liao army shake, while the masters of Taihang Mountain resisted and immediately formed a giant triangular array. Although they had not been trained, they played half of the attack power of the formation with their own attack power.

The result is self-evident. Nearly 120,000 masters immediately formed two giant triangular arrays, attacking the Chinese army and the rear army respectively.

In an instant, the battle array of the Liao army was smashed a lot, and the dead soldiers fell down in batches like cut down wheat. It was only tea time, only 220,000 masters died, and the Liao army died more than 100,000!

Li Tianxiang immediately frowned and smiled and felt very happy.

He didn't notice what happened to the 100,000 mountain thieves who stood in the square battle array? In his eyes, the 100,000 mountain thieves are just chicken ribs.

He didn't notice that when 100,000 mountain thieves faced the triangle battle array, it automatically turned into a triangle battle array. Why did the most ordinary 100,000 mountain thieves know how to deal with the battle array, but those Taihang Mountain masters didn't know?

Because they are the most common and specialize in dealing with officers and soldiers, they all know this. And the 150,000 masters are good at guerrilla warfare in the eyes of Yu Chi Gong. At that time, Yu Chi Gong's concept was that as long as 150,000 masters were spread all over Taihang Mountain and they used their familiarity with Taihang Mountain and strong skills to sneak up, even if more than one million troops came to sweep Taihang Mountain, they would be But who knows that Li Tianxiang is going to use these high-level hands for the army today! And Li Tianxiang has not read the military book either. How to know the mystery of war.

Yelü Hongjin, who was in the Chinese army, saw something bad and immediately roared, "Fight east!"

As soon as he heard the excited beard, he suddenly killed a mountain thief with another axe, and immediately roared, "Fight towards the move!" Although Beard is a reckless man, he absolutely obeys orders, which is also what Yelu Hongjin assured him to lead the front army.

"Damn it, these guys are really that!" The beard grunted and charged towards the movement. Only after 30,000 people died, they killed 60,000 mountain thieves. You know, they were attacked by 300,000. It's reasonable that if they died 30,000, they should annih best annih way!

"Ah! Guys, hurry up!" Beard has seen those Taihang Mountain masters who are lined up in triangular battle arrays. The power is too terrible. It's too horrible. How can my 300,000 front army block such a charge!" The beard roared and took the lead...

Li Tianxiang looked at the chaotic fleeing Liao army with a trace of satisfaction on his face: "If you chase for a while, go back to the cottage!" Li Tianxiang said secretly.

At this time, Zhang Xingfeng, who watched the battle with spiritual consciousness, smiled and said, "Oh, thank you so much, Li Tianxiang, thank you very much. I will take this credit, huh... It's estimated that there will be half a day to get to that unknown mountain. These guys estimate that there is still one day left, and there is enough time! Hey hey, I'm going to be a fisherman!" A bright smile appeared on Zhang Xingfeng's face.