Legend of Star Peak

Chapter 12 Strong appearance

The ancient flood is very generous to hunters from the East. The treasures growing on it are at their choice, and a large amount of Ganoderma ginseng is taken away by these oriental hunters.

The hunters in the East are silent these days. They are no longer attacking those beasts, but are digging some tools belonging to civilized creatures - traps! Unfortunately, the trap does not have a good effect in the face of countless beasts!

They finally know that human beings are nobler than other species because they are wise!

Wisdom let them know that avoiding reality is empty, and it is the wisest to get the greatest results with the least energy. When they fail in countless beasts again and again, these oriental hunters know that they need to unite! Or the hand is to use the power of others!

In a relatively gorgeous tent, representatives of the eight major forces gathered in it. Today is the turning day of their fate.

"Everyone, my Li family gathered you today to deal with those groups of beasts. I, the Li family, think everyone should unite and deal with them together, so as to get a lot of fur. Otherwise, we will have less harvest when we work hard in the wilderness!" The leader of the Li family, the contemporary second elder, smiled and proposed to several other bigwigs.

The Korean people immediately said, "What the second elder said is very reasonable. I believe that everyone has found that the beasts in the flood and famine are not so easy to deal with these days. They are very united, generally in tens of thousands, and there are even some leaders among them, which are extremely powerful!"

The people of Jin seemed to feel the same way and sighed, "Yes, the green wolves we met last time are really powerful. After several fights with the green wolves, we already have some methods. Last time we have killed a lot of green wolves, but suddenly more than a dozen more huge green wolves appeared. Let me call Wolf leaders, these green wolf leaders are really awesome! None of my team is their opponent. There are a lot of casualties!"

Shi Ming smiled and said, "In fact, just like human beings, how can there be no leader in tens of thousands of beasts? It's normal that they are more powerful than ordinary beasts. I guess everyone has failed in these leaders!"

All of them nodded in agreement.

Shi Ming looked at the second elder and scolded in his heart: "You, the Li family must have the realm of heaven this time, the master of the realm of the god, and now you even summon everyone to discuss. Damn, as soon as the master of the Li family takes action, what kind of beast leader is not easy to capture! I really don't know what to do!"

In fact, the Shi family also brings the masters of the realm of heaven. They also have the same calculation, only allowing themselves to do this, and not allowing others to do it. This may be a common problem for human beings.

The second elder was kind-looking, holding a cup of tea in his hand, slowly took a sip and said, "Guys, in this case, I propose that our eight teams unite and act together, so that it will be much easier to deal with the beasts!"

Shi Dong immediately agreed and said, "The Shi family agrees with the proposal that is good for everyone. How can we disapprove it?"

The representatives of the rest of the forces discussed with each other, and in the end everyone agreed.

"Akay, all we have to do now is arrange, how to deal with these beasts?" The second elder immediately said again.

Shi Dong smiled and said, "The second elder seems to have a strategy. Let's ask the second elder to say it!" Since other people's plans are the same as your own, why do you say it yourself?

The second elder took a deep look at Shi Dong, smiled and didn't say anything.

The rest of the major forces seem to know that they don't have enough to talk and don't say anything. For a moment, the whole big account seemed a little silent.

The second elder still had a faint smile on his face, and there was no change at all. He didn't seem to feel the depressing atmosphere in the big tent, and he enjoyed drinking the cup of tea that seemed to never be able to drink.

Finally, Shi Dong couldn't stand it and said, "Since the two elders don't say anything, I propose that for the sake of fairness, each force will send out half of the people and horses, so that half of the eight major forces can be gathered. It is estimated that there are 20,000 horses, and 20,000 masters are estimated to be enough to deal with those beasts! If there are too many beasts, the remaining 20,000 will also be dispatched!"

At this time, Yelu Hongfan of Liao State stood up and said, "I agree, but I want to know how to distribute fur, Ganoderma lucidum and other items!"

All the participants immediately concentrated, and they knew that now was an important part of the meeting. Profit distribution is the most important thing.

"According to the number of people dispatched, the more people are dispatched, the more materials will be allocated!" The speaker is the representative of the joint force of the Earl family, which has the largest number of people.

The second elder sneered and said, "Can the value of a five-grade master be the same as that of a second-class master?"

Everyone calmed down. The power of the Li family had been on the head of these forces for hundreds of years. They obviously could hear the coldness in the words of the two elders at this time.

Who dares to speak when the second elder is angry, unless it is the person of the Xingfeng family that no one dares to provoke.

For a moment, the whole account became depressing again.

Suddenly, the representative of Goryeo said, "In this way, when the people of each force are concentrated, they are divided into eight teams. When dealing with fierce beasts, the eight teams deal with each area separately. Finally, the number of beasts killed in the area is used to distribute supplies.

The second elder whispered, "Although there are certain problems in cooperation, there is no other way. Well, distribute materials according to the results. The more beasts you kill, the more furs and other items will be allocated!"

Shi Dong said secretly, "You old man, hum. No matter what you do, I will accompany you!" Shi Dong immediately laughed loudly and said, "What the second elder said is very reasonable. I agree!"

After saying that, Shi Dong and the two elders looked at each other, and their eyes were very strange. Maybe only the two of them themselves understood what it meant.

Since the Li family and the Shi family have said so, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it, everyone agreed, and the eight teams finally came together.

On this day, the air is refreshing and clear, and the cooperation of the eight major forces began for the first time! Today, their goal is to eliminate the abominable wolves.

20,000 people!

20,000 innate masters, what a powerful power this is. Perhaps only the cooperation of major forces can appear. Of course, now the Li family and Zhang Xingfeng also have such strength.

When thousands of people face the tens of thousands of beasts, it may be very difficult, but when the number of people is several times higher, it will be much easier to attack!

With the roar of a master of the Li family, all the masters were dispatched!

For a moment, 20,000 masters rushed to kill the group of green wolves in front of them. The machete flashed with cold light, and the masters gritted their teeth in their hearts: "Damn it, these green wolves, I'm here to take revenge today!" They have suffered a lot of losses on the green wolves these days. Today, relying on the large army, they have a chance to take revenge.

Suddenly, a wolf howling sounded, which seemed to be different from the previous wolf howling.

Twenty thousand masters are ready to deal with the impact of the green wolves. They know that the green wolves are very ferocious, and every time it is a ferocious attack, regardless of life and death! But this time, the 20,000 masters were dumbfounded, because with the wolf howling, all the green wolves fled to the west, which was extremely fast!

That's not bad. They have long wanted to kill the green wolf for revenge. Now the opportunity has come. How can it escape? All the masters continue to rush over, but the green wolf is famous for its speed. They can only watch the green wolf get farther and farther away.

"Be careful, there are powerful bears in the south!" A master shouted. All the masters are full of heart, and the huge bear's paw of Lixiong has scared these masters!

"The powerful bear group has come!" The voice seemed a little trembling.

"You are all masters, are you still afraid of these beasts? Well, the force bear moves very slowly, but the palm waving speed is fast. Everyone shoots its throat with bows and arrows first, then attacks its lower body with a machete, and retreats with one blow. I don't believe that these guys can't die!" A big man roared, constantly waving the machete in his hand, and his eyes were shining. Obviously, his skills were very high.

Listening to his confusion, everyone calmed down and everyone had confidence: "Yes, we are all people, 20,000 innate masters. What are we afraid of? Isn't it just a beast?"

One by one, they took out bows and arrows from behind. Obviously, everyone uses a military strong bow. Only a few people in the army can pull it open, but of course these innate masters can pull it open it!

"Hey hey, let you guys know the power of bows and arrows!" A master in front pulled his bow and aimed at the throat of a powerful bear in front of him!

"Buzz--" With a string, the bow and arrow had sunk into the throat of Lixiong. Lixiong took two steps and fell weakly!

seems to be encouraged. All the other masters have begun to shoot arrows, but it seems that the others are not as accurate as the guy just now. They shoot randomly one by one. But the bear's skin is so thick that it can't shoot through the bear's skin. It can only be half shot. Only in such a weak place as the throat Wear it!

Even so, the bows and arrows of 20,000 innate masters are not a joke. After one attack, nearly a hundred powerful bears are finished. Unfortunately, every bear is full of arrows. Of course, the bear skin is scrapped!

The powerful bears were angry, and they all took big steps, roared, waved huge bear paws, and rushed to the team!

"A move the knife!" Suddenly, a master shouted. All the masters immediately picked up the weapon, and the silk was full of innocence on the weapon, which strengthened the attack power of the weapon, but obviously the masters here are basically Wupin, the level that has just reached the innate realm, and it is still very difficult to send out the innocence of the first! The innocence on that weapon is too thin!

There are also many six-grade masters here. Most of these six-grade masters come from places where there are relatively few masters such as Liao and Jin. After the death of three groups of people in Huangyu Island, is it possible to let the innate masters come out? Of course, they are ordinary masters, but even if the people of Huangyu Island go to the flood and famine, they can't survive in the flood and famine with such skills!

The masters rushed up one by one, and their feet began to take a relatively advanced pace to avoid the attack of the force bear, and the machete in his hand kept waving! The goal is the lower body of the bear!

Tian thousand masters, this is really not nonsense. The power is really great. For a while, the force bear's howled, and the legs of the force bear were cut off and injured!

Suddenly, a loud howling sound sounded, and a master innocently looked at the force bear in front of him. Obviously, when he attacked his legs just now, he accidentally attacked the center of his legs. Obviously, this is a male bear!

Each master seems to find that such an attack is very effective. Each master attacks that part regardless of face, and a tragic howling makes people feel sad!

It seemed that the Lixiong behind also knew what had happened. One by one, Lixiong began to get angry. One by one, Lixiong's eyes were red, waving the bear's paw crazily, and half squatted! Yes, it's half squatting!

Even if you half squat at the waist, the force bear is three meters high! Moreover, the attack range of the bear's paw is larger. With one palm, you can wave it anywhere in front of you! Obviously, it is impossible for masters to attack their lower body as they want!

The disaster of the masters is coming. Obviously, these powerful bears want to avenge their companions, waving their paws one by one, killing one master after another!

But the masters also seem to have found that the death of the powerful bears is getting faster and faster, because the number of human masters is more than ever. When a black bear kills a master, the other master will send the sword into its throat!

Some masters can also avoid the bear's paw with that step, with a flying thorn, stabbing the bear's throat!

Lixiong kills the masters, and the masters kill Lixiong!

One by one, their eyes seemed to be red, constantly killing each other, and finally... Finally, the masters won, and all the power bears were dead!

"Three thousand deaths, one thousand serious injuries, and three thousand minor injuries! Almost all the masters are exhausted. This power bear is really awesome!" Shi Dong muttered.

"Ah, the West, the West, look, the West!" Suddenly, a voice of fear sounded.

Shi Dong looked at them and they were all stunned. What is that?

Countless green wolves are rushing over, boundless, and there is no end to it. According to visual inspection, the number is definitely more than 100,000! Oh, my God, there are so many green wolves, and now there are so many masters who have exhausted their innocence!

"The other 20,000 masters come here quickly, take all the brothers away and withdraw!" Shi Dong roared loudly.

Needless to say, the representatives of the major forces immediately sent people to bring down their people on the battlefield and began to flee. In the face of so many green wolves, even if they win, it is estimated that few people can stand in the end!

"It was only tens of thousands of green wolves just now, but now it seems to be several times more at once. Why so many!" A master ran depressedly.

"It seems that the green wolves fled just now to gather their companions. Oh, my God, I don't know how many green wolves there are in this flood!" The master next to him said sadly.

How many green wolves are there? In this boundless flood, the number of green wolves is absolutely horrible. These hundreds of thousands are just a drop of water in the sea. Although it is exaggerated, it is not much different!


"Ah, everyone, look, someone, someone!" A master suddenly pointed to the green wolves in the west and shouted in horror.

Everyone turned around and was dumbfounded at a glance. No matter who it was, they were dumbfounded at a glance, Shi Dong was dumbfounded, Yelu Hongfan was dumbfounded, the second elders were dumbfounded, and everyone was dumbfounded...

At this time, there is a team running in the green wolves at a very fast speed. As long as the green wolves on the team route are completely killed, even countless green wolves can't let the team slow down a little! Yes, you can't even slow them down!

Destroy and die!

In a short time, tens of thousands of green wolves were destroyed. But this team... No one is dead!

How is this possible?

This is the question in the hearts of all masters. The shock in their hearts at this time can be said to be indesistible. It's too horrible, and this team seems to have only about a thousand people. Tens of thousands of innate masters will be chased to escape, but this thousand people will easily solve the green wolves!

If they hadn't fought with the green wolves, they would have even thought that the green wolves were vulnerable, but they knew that it was not the green wolves, but these people were too powerful! It's far more powerful than them. It's no longer as they can imagine!

But the combined forces of these eight forces are absolutely strong. Even in the eastern countries, they are absolutely horizontal forces! Now there are teams that are much taller than them! This... This...

"Zhang Xingfeng!" The second elder suddenly looked at the elegant silver-haired man flying with a sword above the team and shouted in horror! Everyone looked at the dusty silver-haired man in horror and muttered unconsciously, "Zhang Xingfeng!"