Star Soul Road

Chapter 6 Kill, Advanced

Chapter 6 Kill, Advanced

Feng Ying first floated out of the Shangge City without any movement. He took a cold look at the woods in the distance, and his face was gloomy. He walked away without saying a word and came to the forest in a while.

The wind should just stop in front of the woods and not enter the woods alone. He is very alert and observes around from time to time. After about a cup of tea, he said loudly, "Which senior invited the boy to come, please show up and see."

It was quiet in the woods. Only the wind blew into the woods and made a "woo-woo" sound, and there were a few unknown bird calls from time to time. Feng Yingxian's voice did not respond except for a few echoes.

Feng Ying frowned first, but he still lowered his face and shouted again, "Please show up. It was the boy's fault last time. I hope you can forgive me."

There was still no response. Except for the scream of the birds scared by Feng Yingxian's voice, the woods were still so quiet that there was no response at all.

"Is the senior such a pastime boy?" Feng Ying's voice was a little higher, and he was a little angry, but he still didn't attack, but there was a trace of impatience in his eyes.

In the quiet woods, there was no movement, and Feng Yingxian's shouts were ignored.

"Since the seniors refused to show up, I'm sorry for being unreasonable. Don't blame me for being ruthless next time we meet." Feng Ying first came to this place in a hurry. Unexpectedly, he was amused and angry.

"Haha, the wind should come first, the prototype has been exposed, insidious guy." A huge voice came from the forest, and a white figure flashed out of the depths of the forest. Several people ran over and came to Feng Yingxian, and kept teasing.

It turned out that this was Xiao Yunlong, who came here today to delay the time for Yu Bai. He was covered in white, giving people a mysterious feeling.

Feng Ying looked at the man in white who suddenly appeared in the woods, looked at it warily, and his eyes flashed. He said anxiously, "Who are you? You can't be that old guy."

Xiao Yunlong looked at Feng Yingxian coldly, didn't bother to pay attention to the sinister face, and said disdainfully, "It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you know what you did ten days ago."

"Humph, what exactly do you want?" Feng Yingxian was shocked and remembered the scene ten days ago. He was worried, but he said coldly, "Do you want to stand up for that old man?"

"Well, it's you who are looking for. You are a scum like a scum. Because of your beauty, you rob an ordinary civilian woman who doesn't have a trace of soul power. You also hurt a low-level star master who stopped this matter. If it weren't for the fact that the star master wasn't for a strong and famous black star master for a long time, you had some scruples and didn't dare to do anything, I'm afraid you. I have been killing people for a long time. Xiao Yunlong shouted at Feng Yingxian and didn't give any face to the person who did such a bad thing.

"Yo, do you want to stand up for them?" Feng Ying looked at Xiao Yunlong proudly first and laughed, "It's easier for you to die at the level of Lan Yao."

While talking, Feng Ying had already looked at Xiao Yunlong all over, and it was not difficult to see Xiao Yunlong's cultivation with a higher level of cultivation. After all, Xiao Yunlong didn't have that kind of holy artifact, and his cultivation gave Feng Ying a look first.

But Xiao Yunlong did not feel anything about it, because he believed that today would be the best opportunity for him to break through and should not be missed.

Although Feng should be one level higher than him first, he is already at the tenth level of Qingyao. He has his confidence that he will not lose. He may also defeat Feng Ying first. Therefore, Xiao Yunlong did not pay attention to Feng Ying first

"Humph! I don't know who is looking for death!" Xiao Yunlong said coldly, and his tone was full of confidence.

"Haha, I'll let you do three tricks." Feng Ying stepped forward first, straightened his chest arrogantly, and made a bad gesture with Xiao Yunlong with his fingers.

"Don't talk nonsense, look at the tricks." Xiao Yunlong roared, ignored Feng Ying's first action, and took the lead.

It's better to do it first, and then suffer. Xiao Yunlong has a deep sense of this. Xiao Yunlong's body flashed with golden light, and his hands miraculously slowly became bigger. The color was slightly red, and the clothes on his arms were also broken with the swollen blue veins. At this time, his eyes kept shooting a fricing light.

This is the star soul of the direct children of the Xiao family, because the ancestor of the Xiao family is the sun swallowing the tiger, but with the weakening of the bloodline, most of the children of the Xiao family are now most of the tigers. Now none of them is the sun swallowing the tiger, and even the star soul of the tiger is rare.

Although the Lieyang Tiger is not like the anti-sky existence of the ancestor's Lieyang swallowing tiger at the beginning, it is still a powerful star soul. Therefore, Xiao Yunlong is confident rather than arrogant to challenge the challenge. After all, the Lieyang tiger is a descendant of a powerful star soul, and its ability is more or less an ability that ordinary star soul does not have. .

"Oh, yes, your star soul is a strong attack type, with a hint of fire. Come on, let me see how strong you are." Feng Ying put away the previous disdain first, and his expression was slightly solemn, but he didn't take all this to heart.

Roar, roar, roar.

A claw shadow that is enough to tear the air should hit the wind like a wave, and the shadow is heavy, like a dark cloud covering the sun.

The wind should first turn with both feet and repel back to avoid the claw shadow of this weight level. In the mid-air not far from Xiao Yunlong, there was a loud roar, and a dark wing appeared behind him.

This is the star soul of the wind, the dark night owl, which can distinguish the shadows of its wings. Through the soul power, it can use the aerodynamic power to carry out short-distance fast taxi and rapid dislocation movement in the air. Although it may not be as good as Xiao Yunlong's Yanghu, it is also very good.

Puffing, flutting.

The wind should flap its wings a few times first, and then turned around and rushed to Xiao Yunlong, half bent his feet, ready to go.

Seeing that the claw shadow was useless, Xiao Yunlong turned around to defend. When he saw Feng Ying flying over first, he shouted, "Open."

Xiao Yunlong trampled heavily on the soft land under his feet, and a wave of khaki waves visible to the naked eye rose quickly beside him, just blocking the offensive of Feng Yingxian.

Feng Ying saw that the earth wall blocked the way, and his hands moved secretly, and blood-red sharp lights appeared one after another. He said ferocily, "Break the mountain and pierce the cloud claws." The strange power of tearing apart the earth waves in the blood light hit the earth wall in waves.

Poof, poof.

Xiao Yunlong was blown away by the strange blood light, and the blood flew straight in the air. It was like the first blow of the wind that made him seriously injured.

"Die." Feng Ying hit first, his body burst forward, and the blood in his hand caught Xiao Yunlong one after another.

Xiao Yunlong wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, stabilized his body, constantly avoided the blood light of the wind, and waited for the opportunity to fight back.

Puff, puff, puff.

Several blood lights caught Xiao Yunlong again. At this time, Xiao Yunlong's body gradually became unstable, his lips were pale, and he looked like he had lost too much blood.

"You are looking for death, but before you die, let me see which idiot is right with me." Feng Ying first said contemptuously.

I saw that the wind should flash first, and a wind rotated to Xiao Yunlong, throwing him up heavily and then falling heavily.

Poof, poof, poof.

Another mouthful of blood spewed out of Xiao Yunlong's mouth. His face was no longer a trace of blood, and there was only a pair of ambitious eyes on his pale face.

"It's you, Xiao... Cloud... Dragon. I should have thought of the strong attack type of the fire attribute. What else can it be if it is not a sun tiger? Feng Ying was shocked first, and then thought, "No, it's a trick of the Xiao family." After saying that, he was about to leave.

"Ha ha, let's see how your Feng family can survive this time." Xiao Yunlong laughed and tried his best to stand firm, blocking the way that the wind should go first.

Then, his hands were like a tiger, his feet stood firmly, slowly misplaced, and a "tiger roar" roared out.

Wow, wow, wow.

A huge tiger figure appeared on Xiao Yunlong's chest, with a big mouth, overwhelming sound, with extremely masculine power, rushed to the wind first.

Clap, clap.

The big tree next to Xiao Yunlong was constantly overturned by the roar, and the birds in the distance flew away in a hurry, fearing that they would suffer. Many animals crawled on their heads and their bodies trembled. Only from time to time came from the depths of the woods with a few roars that were no less than the roar of the tiger.

"Ah, poof..." Feng Ying was worried about the Feng family first. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yunlong ignored the burden of his body and rashly roared the tiger. When he was shocked, he was caught off guard. He was knocked to the ground by the roar of the tiger, the blood flew, his muscles and bones were broken, and he was seriously injured.

This tiger roar is the unique combat skill of the Xiao family that can only be used by the Ziyao Star Master. However, Xiao Yunlong ignores his own cultivation and uses it step by step. His body must not stand the impact of the tiger roar. Many muscles and bones have been cracked, and his face is as pale as a dead man.

"You... Our Feng family will not let go of your Xiao family. Feng Ying was fierce first, couldn't help covering his chest to stop the injury, and said with a ferocious face.

Xiao Yunlong stood up and sneered: "You don't have a chance today, and you won't have it in the future. Be careful next time you are reincarnated." After saying that, when he mentioned the last strength on his body, the tiger's claws carried a trace of air ripples, piercing the chest of the wind that fell to the ground.

Feng Ying's eyes were wide open first, and his eyes were full of unyielding. He seemed to want to say something in his mouth, but his lips just squirmed a few times and his breath was out.

Xiao Yunlong slowly pulled out his hands and saw that his hands were shining, and a burst of purple light flashed all over his body, and the golden light in his eyes was better than just now.

That inch of muscle kept swallowing the air, and white steam surrounded Xiao Yunlong.

Uh, uh...

Xiao Yunlong hugged his head in pain, curled up on the ground, kept rolling, and hit the broken soil around him to relieve the pain on his body.

Suddenly, a figure flashed. The old man in a cyan brocade robe came out of the woods and came to Xiao Yunlong and looked at him with relief.

It turned out that he was Xiao Qintian.

Father's love is like a mountain. How can a father not love his son? Xiao Qintian has been hiding in the forest, secretly watching Xiao Yunlong fight with Feng Yingxian to prevent Feng Yingxian from poisoning Xiao Yunlong.

Xiao Yunlong did compete with each other. He relied on himself to defeat the wind first, although it was only a fiasco.

Xiao Qintian looked at Xiao Yunlong's painful roll and shook his head and sighed, "Silly boy, what kind of tiger roar? If you haven't laid the foundation for your body, I'm afraid it will be used at the higher level. If the meridians are completely abandoned, you will not die this time. It's just that there is more damage to the tendons and veins. It's already Hongfu Qitian." After saying that, with a few words, Xiao Yunlong stopped rolling and gradually fell asleep.

Xiao Qintian looked at the sky, glanced at one side of Shangge City, smiled mysteriously, picked up Xiao Yunlong, and floated to the other side of Shangge City.

In a blink of an eye, a seemingly unequal duel was over, and the woods turned calm again, as if nothing had happened here. The wind should have a big hole in his chest first, and the blood has dried up, but the smell of blood in the air keeps attracting something. I believe it won't be long before there will be a pair of white bones left here.

Shangge City, Fengjia.

"Master Yu, what wind blew you here today?" The wind kept smiling and smiling to meet Yu Bai.

Yu Bai's still smiling face just replied: "I haven't seen you for a long time. The more the owner of the Feng family is, the tougher he is."

"Humph, Yu Bai, don't do this. Why on earth did you come to Feng's house?" The envoy in black frowned and was very unhappy.

"Special envoy, excuse me for a moment." Yu Bai hurriedly arched his hand to the envoy in black and said solemnly.

The special envoy in black waved his hand impatiently and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it directly." After saying that, he stared at Yu Bai coldly.

Yu Bai did not avoid the eyes of the special envoy in black, and spit out two words in his mouth: "The oracle of the hall." After saying that, he picked up a simple token with the word "worship" engraved on it.

"I will obey the instructions." The man in black was shocked, quickly put away his arrogance, and bowed his head.

"Get up and talk." Yu Bai waved his hand and said calmly.

And the wind beside him kept wondering in his heart, and the strong special envoy in black just became like this in a blink of an eye. But they are in the Star Soul Hall. It's better not to talk too much about their affairs. It's better to take care less.

"Mr. Special Envoy, I have received a secret report that there is a Zixia jade pure bottle hidden in the Feng family." Yu Bai said in a mysterious low voice.

"What, Zixia jade pure bottle, the supreme treasure of the underworld elder family, the Holy Soul Hall has been offered a reward for more than ten years, but it was actually obtained by the Feng family." The special envoy in black was shocked by the news.

"Well, the hall said that this matter will be dealt with in accordance with the regulations, and there will be fewer changes." Yu Bai still said calmly, as if it was not a big deal.

"I will obey the instructions." The special envoy in black lowered his head, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

The Holy Soul Hall does things, three miles away, and the chickens and dogs are restless.

"We are like this, so that the owner of the Feng family will get the stolen goods..." Yu Bai said in a low voice.

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the wind with a smile and said, "Master Feng, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

"Where, where, please come in quickly." The wind kept seeing Yu Bai coming towards him, and Ma * Yu Bai and the special envoy in black welcomed him into Fengfu.

However, the wind doesn't stop, and this entry has never come out.

For a long time, a sad voice sounded: "Why, someone planted the blame..." Just as the sound sounded, all the entrances and exits of Fengjia Mansion were closed one by one and were not opened. At the same time, several faint figures leaped from various places to the Feng family.


, there was no sound, and the Feng family fell silent. It seemed that nothing had happened, but there was a faint smell of blood in the air, trying to tell the tragedy of the Feng family's calmness.

Unfortunately, no one can know what happened in Feng's house. The commercial song city is still as calm as water.


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