Star Soul Road

Chapter 10 After waking up

Chapter 10 After waking up

"Xiao Nan, tell me what happened before you fainted?" Xiao Jingyu interrupted at this time. Others also stopped asking Xiao Jingnan and looked at Xiao Jingnan one after another.

"Brother Yu, it was like this at that time..." Xiao Jingnan told his strange feelings when he saw the stone tablet at that time, but he did not tell his strange dream, because he felt that the dream could not be real.

"What, stone... The stone tablet is strange?!" Xiao Jingchuan was puzzled in shock.

"Xiao Nan, have you seen it wrong!" Xiao Xuan also looked at it with a strange look, as if he didn't believe that the stone tablet would exude breath and make Xiao Jingnan faint.

"I clearly felt that the stone tablet oppressed me and fainted. How can I be wrong?" Xiao Jingnan also shook his head and explained confusedly.

"Cough, that stone tablet is the grave of our ancestors. Since the main vein of our Xiao family moved to Shangge, it has been built there. I haven't heard of anything strange about the stone tablet since I was a child. It's just an ordinary stone tablet. How can it make Xiaonan faint? It's strange..." Xiao Jinghong shook his head and said puzzledly.

"Alas, how do I know what's going on?" Xiao Jingnan looked helpless and sighed, "I can only know what's wrong with me until Grandpa comes back."

"Yes, when Grandpa comes back, everyone will know." Xiao Jingchuan patted Xiao Jingnan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Xiao Jingnan looked at Xiao Jingchuan's cheerful face, and he was no longer disappointed. He thought that he would know the strange things about his fainting when his grandfather came back, so he smiled and asked, "Brother Chuan, is it fun to go to the Star Soul Training Hall? Is it exciting?"

When Xiao Jingchuan heard this, the black line on his forehead came out. Recalling his painful devilish training in the Star Soul Training Hall, he couldn't help but shine in his eyes and said secretly, "Hey hey, it's fun and exciting."

Xiao Jingnan looked at the strange light in Xiao Jingchuan's eyes, couldn't help shivering in his heart, and said carefully, "Then tell me."

"Cough, we are like this in the Star Soul Training Hall..." Xiao Jingchuan cleared his throat and began to talk about his training life in the past few years.

The Star Soul Training Hall is set up in a mountain col where the power of starlight is better than other parts of Zixiu Mountain in Zixiu Mountain. It is a training place that Xiao's children must go to after the awakening of the star soul.

The Star Soul Training Hall, hence the name, is a training place to train the star soul combat effectiveness, strain ability, as well as the star master's physique, star soul use ability and other survival skills. You can only graduate as long as the star soul level breaks through to Lan Yao.

The training in

can be said to be an unusual star soul training ground, which is not only cruel, but also accompanied by more or less danger, and sometimes even life-threatening. It can be said that this is a devil training hall.

However, as always, the Xiao family sent the children after the awakening of the star soul to the star soul training hall, without a trace of excessive doting. After all, it is impossible to survive in this world with many star masters without strong strength.

Therefore, the children of the Xiao family, whether they are the eldest son or the heirs of the family, the training hall will not have any preferential treatment at all. As long as your strength is not good, you will not have good achievements in the Xiao family and are likely to lose everything before.

Therefore, although Xiao Jingchuan and others worked hard in the Star Soul Training Hall, they did not humiliate the main vein of the Xiao family. In particular, Xiao Jingchuan, the eldest brother, has reached the level of Lvyao. In his twenties, he arrived at Luyao, which is rare in Shangge City. However, Xiao Jingchuan is not proud. He still adheres to his low-key style without a trace of arrogance. He is worthy of being the eldest grandson of the Xiao family.

Xiao Jingnan listened carefully to Xiao Jingchuan's training career in the past few years, and his eyes were full of excitement. Although he knew that the Star Soul Training Hall was very hard, for the sake of his dream, as long as he persisted, he could succeed. He especially hoped that the Star Soul would wake up quickly and go to the Star Soul Training Hall one day earlier. But thinking of the strange phenomenon of my body, I couldn't help but feel a trace of loss in my heart, afraid of affecting the awakening of my star soul.

With Xiao Jingchuan's statement, Xiao Jingyu and others interrupted from time to time and bursts of laughter from time to time, which was really happy. And with Xiao Jingchuan's continuous narration, it was late at night.

"Okay, let's all go. I have something else to do tomorrow!" Xiao Jingchuan stretched out his waist for a long time, and it seemed that the sky was already deep in the night, and said to the crowd.

"After parting, Xiaonan is a little yearning for the training hall. We are tortured. It's strange that we have said so much tonight and are still very happy." Xiao Jingchuan looked at Xiao Jingnan with a smile on his face.

"Brother Chuan, don't look helpless. I will train with you soon. You wait." Xiao Jingnan patted Xiao Jingchuan's solid shoulder and said with a smile.

"Let's go, let's go." Xiao Xuan yawned, waved his hand, turned around and left.

The rest of the people also left the room in Xiao Jingchuan's shouting. Seeing that it was getting late, they were not talking and walked to their room one after another.

Although Xiao Jingnan slept for most of the day because he fainted. At this time, he listened to Xiao Jingchuan's story and was even more sleepless in his heart, but Xiao Jingchuan still had something to do tomorrow, so he had to leave slowly with an inexhaustible mood.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the starlight is even more brilliant. The cloudless night sky is really a beautiful scenery. Xiao Jingchuan's house went dark with the departure of everyone, and the lights also went down.

"Well, I can't sleep anyway. Let's practice first." Xiao Jingnan was not sleepy, and he remembered the wonderful life of the training hall in his cousin's mouth, so he began to practice vigorously.

Hey, hey, hey, whoo.

Xiao Jingnan fell to the ground again, his forehead was sweating, and he kept breathing the cold air at night. There was a doubt in his heart: Why when I was running to practice, the strength in my body could not run according to the usual route, and I gasped after a while.

The three veins of the forehead are sealed, and the soul power needed to awaken the star soul cannot run to the forehead and carry out a complete cycle, then it will gradually disappear. Even if Xiao Jingnan has been practicing qi for a long time, if it cannot be unblocked, then in less than a year and a half, Xiao Jingnan's soul power will completely disappear.

Without the support of a complete cycle of soul power, Xiao Jingnan's practice will definitely not be as handy as before. If he doesn't practice for a long time, he will be tired and panting.

Xiao Jingnan lay on the cold land and stimulated his nerves with coldness. After a while, he got up, took off his coat mixed with sweat and mud, threw it aside, and went into the inner room.

Xiao Jingnan put on a clean coat, walked in front of the desk, dragged his head, and was stunned. I couldn't help thinking of today's strangeness, but there was no result, and I couldn't help sighing.

Squeak, squeak.

As the door was opened, Xiao Jingnan's sigh was interrupted. Xiao Jingnan looked up and was a little puzzled in shock: How did Grandpa come to his place so late? So he got up, greeted the two old people to the table and gave up their seats, and asked, "Grandpa, Master Fu, why are you here?"

After Xiao Qintian and his party came back from Yuhua Mountain, Xiao Qinsong and Xiao Qinfeng went back to their wing to deal with their own affairs, and did not follow Xiao Qintian to Xiao Jingnan's residence.

After all, Xiao Qintian's grandson didn't know what to say in the past, so the two had to go.

Therefore, Xiao Qintian and Fu Bo returned to Xiao's family and walked to Xiao Jingnan's small yard.

Xiao Qintian slowly opened the door. Seeing that Xiao Jingnan was looking at him, he smiled and said, "Xiao Nan, why don't you sleep!" And Fu Bo also nodded behind Xiao Qintian with a smile.

"I slept a lot after fainting today, and I don't want to sleep now." Xiao Jingnan couldn't stop complaining about himself at this time.

Xiao Qintian looked at Xiao Jingnan lovingly and thought that he would send Xiaonan to Yuhua Mountain tomorrow. He couldn't help but bear it for a while. At a young age, he was allowed to live alone in Yuhua Mountain, and it was likely to be more perverted than the Star Soul Training Hall. I couldn't help but bear it.

However, if you don't send Xiaonan, I really don't know who else can unlock Xiaonan's soul blockade and make Xiaonan a star master. If the soul blockade can't be lifted, what will Xiaonan be different from ordinary people?

Xiao Qintian also decided to send Xiao Jingnan to the mountain between the two. Even if there was a little hope, he would not give up.

Soul blockade is a kind of blockade of the three veins of the human body's forehead, which prevents the soul power in the body from running to the three veins of the brain, so that the star master cannot use the soul power satisfactorily, and the soul power cannot run smoothly, and the strength of the star master is greatly reduced. It doesn't take long for the rank to fall, the strength to decline layer by layer, and finally it becomes like Ordinary people don't have a trace of soul power.

However, the emergence of soul blockade is extremely rare, and its history is no longer investigable. The person who is blocked by the soul is either a heavy blow to the brain, or go crazy when rushing the steps, or other damage to the brain.

However, if it appears on the teenager who has not awakened the star soul, it is unknown. Perhaps the three veins of the forehead are sealed, and it is extremely difficult for the star soul to awaken, and there is basically no hope. In the future, he will be born, old, sick and dead like ordinary people, and there is no possibility of pursuing the road.

But if you go through an unforgettable process of life and death, you can completely unblock the three veins of the brain, and the star soul will naturally awaken. Maybe he is no longer an ordinary star master.

Because this naturally awakened star soul often mutates, the possibility of mutation is much higher than that of the general star master's martial soul awakening. If the mutation develops in a favorable direction, the future is immeasurable. If the mutation is unintentional to you, or even not as good as an ordinary star master, it can only be regarded as God's will. No wonder.

Xiao Qintian looked at his grandson without saying anything for a moment. Xiao Jingnan followed Xiao Qintian's eyes and also looked at his grandfather. There was no sound, just a quiet pair of grandparents looking at each other.

For a long time, Xiao Qintian came to his senses and said kindly, "Xiaonan, grandpa will take you to a place tomorrow to meet the two teachers. If possible, you will live there in the future."

"Where is it, and what kind of teacher is there? Why am I going to live there in the future?" Xiao Jingnan heard Grandpa's words and said confusedly.

"A mysterious place, you will know when you go there. There will be two great teachers who will teach you how to become stronger and a lot of knowledge that we don't know. Xiao Qintian said kindly.

"Oh, then I will definitely fight and won't let you down." There is a longing in Xiao Jingnan's eyes.

"By the way, Grandpa, why did I faint? Why do I have the strength to walk on the right route?" Xiaonan remembered that he fainted strangely today and couldn't help asking.

"Ha ha, it's okay. When you go to that place, the two teachers will give you the answer." Xiao Qintian did not answer Xiao Jingnan directly, but left the question.

"Well, but..." Xiao Jingnan seemed to be very dissatisfied with his grandfather's answer. Just as he was about to go on, he was interrupted by his grandfather.

"Xiao Nan, don't think too much. Go to bed quickly. You have to get up early tomorrow!" Xiao Qintian said in a slightly commanding tone. After saying that, he got up and was ready to go out.

Because Xiao Qintian knows that the way to practice is cruel after all, the power of chasing the peak will make many people crazy. This makes the star world a cruel collective.

If you indulge in the greenhouse, don't learn to face cruelty as soon as possible, and learn how to survive. When there is no greenhouse, people who hide in the greenhouse all day will be broken to pieces by the cruel reality.

"Well, Grandpa, Xiaonan knows. Take your time." Xiao Jingnan was not asking questions and silently sent the two old people out.

Xiao Jingnan waited for his grandfather to go far away, so he went back to the house and closed the door. Lying quietly in the quilt, I kept wandering around the scene when I fainted today, and what Grandpa just said. I was so confused that I couldn't sleep for a long time.

The moon is like water, and the starlight in the night sky is very brilliant. However, who knows what the situation is above the starlight? And many star masters, who are poor in their lives, can't reach a height, can leap over the sky, reach the starlight, and explore everything that no one knows.

Xiao Jingnan may not know how long his trip tomorrow will not appear in the Xiao family. He will leave the family at a young age, go to the unknown forbidden place, and unlock his sudden soul blockade.

The night passed like this. The starlight gradually converged, and a trace of light lit up in the east. Slowly, a golden light sprinkled on the earth, and the rooster sang a loud song at this time, awakening the people who had been sleeping for a long time.

Hey, hey, hey, whoo.

Xiao Jingnan had already got up at this time and was meticulously practicing. Although he could not last for too long because of the soul blockade, Xiao Jingnan knew that he could not waste the practice for some reason.

Xiao Jingnan practiced for a long time and couldn't hold on any longer, so he stopped, lay down by the stone chair and rested, constantly exhaling rough air and wiping the sweat on his forehead.

After a while, Xiao Jingnan heard a few sounds outside the yard, so he got up from the stone chair, slightly adapted to the rhythm of breathing, and went to the door and looked up.