Star Soul Road

Chapter 18 Little Monster! Appearance

Chapter 18 Little Monster! Appearance

"What are you laughing at? Why do you giggle when you see me laughing?" Lin Fengxi said angry that she was no longer shy.

"Well... I saw that you were beautiful, beautiful and cute, so I laughed, hehe. Xiao Jingnan said in a daze, and then found that he seemed to be wrong.

"You, little bad guy." Lin Fengxi blushed. She didn't expect Xiao Jingnan to answer like this. She couldn't help stamping her feet.

"I... Am I wrong?" Xiao Jingnan said very puzzledly.

"Who says that girls are good-looking as soon as they meet? What do you think you are not a bad guy?" Lin Fengxi was a little angry and said to Xiao Jingnan angrily.

"Then you want me to say that you don't look good." Xiao Jingnan touched his head and was puzzled.

"You... You, this man, what should I say? I'm so angry. Lin Fengxi really wanted to go crazy, but she didn't show it, so she had to turn her head and ignore Xiao Jingnan angrily.

"Uh... I won't say anything, okay?" Xiao Jingnan saw that the girl was angry and said quickly.

"Humph! Ignore you, you are a bad guy. Lin Fengxi stood with her hand in her arms and ignored Xiao Jingnan.

"I'm sorry, I..." Xiao Jingnan hurriedly apologized. But when he saw Lin Fengxi, he still ignored him. He was very anxious and didn't know what to do. He stood beside her in a daze.

"All right, all right, I won't be angry with you." When Lin Fengxi saw Xiao Jingnan standing in a daze, he felt a little uncomfortable, so he slowed down and said in harmony.

"Really!?" Xiao Jingnan was a little suspicious of this girl who changed her face like June.

"If I say I'm not angry, I won't be angry. You have a problem with your head!?" Lin Fengxi felt helpless and seemed to test his patience when talking to Xiao Jingnan.

"Ha ha, it's good not to be angry. Then you sneaked in not just to see me." Xiao Jingnan seemed to think of Lin Fengxi's sneezing just now, and looked at Lin Fengxi with a smile and said.

"Cough, it's just looking at you. There's nothing else." Lin Fengxi did not dare to respond to Xiao Jingnan's eyes, and her heart pounded wildly. She did not dare to admit that she played a prank on Xiao Jingnan, but she accidentally failed, so she had to move her eyes to another place and said casually.

"Oh, that's right. Then why don't you keep sneezing?" Xiao Jingnan said, but he was a little puzzled: We didn't know each other before. Why did I come to see me immediately when I came, and what happened to the scene just now?

"Ha ha, it's nothing. There's a lot of dust in that corner." Lin Fengxi played haha.

"Maybe, this door is also a little trendy. Maybe no one has been here for a long time." Xiao Jingnan felt that what Lin Fengxi said was reasonable, but he forgot that there was water in the teapot just now. If no one was there, how could there be water?

"Well, it's time for me to go back. I'll call you for dinner later. There are still a few partners you haven't seen." Lin Fengxi wanted to escape from here for fear that Xiao Jingnan would not be able to explain if he knew his intention just now.

"Well, okay, I'll take you out." Xiao Jingnan said with a smile.

"No, I'll live in the room opposite you. It's only two steps. Bye!" Lin Fengxi said no, so she ran out by herself. She seemed to be relieved and ran into the room opposite Xiao Jingnan as if she had escaped.

"Why are you running so fast?" Xiao Jingnan just wanted to send Lin Fengxi out, but he didn't expect Lin Fengxi to run away like a fly, which puzzled Xiao Jingnan.

Xiao Jingnan looked at Lin Fengxi's back, and his heart was as sweet as eating secret, at least he felt that way. I have never felt this way before, and I don't know how to describe it.

Xiao Jingnan couldn't help sighing: "I can see her every day from now on." I feel very comfortable in my heart.

Just as Xiao Jingnan and Lin Fengxi staged the first scene, a martial arts arena in the east of Taoyuan Village was another scene.

"Sister Xiaofeng ran away again. Teacher Fang waited for me to come down and asked me to take the blame again. I..." A slightly fat teenager's face was full of bitterness, and he looked at the two men and one woman beside him like a resentful woman.

"Yo, why do you look like a resentful woman?" A teenager lowered his head and said, but ignored the resentful eyes of the slightly fat teenager.

"Yell, you can talk." The slightly fat teenager looked at a girl in a tight exercise suit and revealed her curves as if asking for help.

"Come on, I don't want to pay attention to you." The girl turned her head away and ignored the slightly fat teenager.

"You have a good figure." The slightly fat teenager leaned over his face and looked flattering.

"You, hum." The girl felt that the scoundrel teenager was very disgusting. She walked aside and looked at him coldly.

The slightly fat teenager's sword was that the woman was angry and didn't dare to go over, so he shrugged his shoulders and lay on the grass. He didn't move, and walked to the teenager with a grass in his mouth.

"Rong Shao, you said that every time it was my turn to lead the class, I was lazy. Every time I was lectured by the head of Fang, I was punished several times. Do you think I'm wronged?" The slightly fat teenager complained.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo." A harmonious voice came from the mouth of the teenager with a piece of grass in his mouth, as if the teenager had fallen asleep.

"You, you..." The slightly fat teenager was discouraged and seemed to think of something again. He hurriedly approached the teenager's ear.

"The head of the teacher is here. Let's gather together." The slightly fat teenager roared in the sleeping teenager's ear.

Wow, wow, wow.

The teenager who fell asleep was suddenly awakened by the sentence "Teach Fang is coming" in his sleep. He immediately jumped up, stood up, and said loudly, "Teach, please instruct."

The teenager stood for a long time, but he didn't hear the voice of the head. He really heard someone in his ear who was about to laugh. Looking back, he saw the slightly fat teenager laughing.

"Hahaha... You are really scared by me. No, I should be scared by you. The slightly fat teenager took a breath and said.

"Shit, you boy, I'm with you..." The teenager just wanted to teach the slightly fat teenager a lesson, but found that there was a familiar and cold look staring at them in the distance. He immediately stopped moving and stood straight without moving.

"Come on, come on, how are you doing with me, haha..." The slightly fat teenager laughed fearlessly.

However, when he found that several partners beside him stood straight opposite him and looked directly behind him with a straight face. He immediately realized something. His neck couldn't help shrinking. As soon as he was about to walk to his partner, he heard a gentle voice: "King Sen, why did you laugh so happily just now!"

"Well, it's true." The partners beside him affirmed with one voice.

"The girl Xiaofeng is really naughty, but King Mori is always caught by her, so I can strengthen the training of King Mori." Fang Ping said carelessly.

Everyone looked helplessly at themselves, the head of Taoyuan gossip, and followed him to the dormitory where Xiao Jingnan was staying.

Fang Ping opened the wooden door in the yard and walked to a house on the right, because he knew that Mr. Zhong arranged the freshman's residence from the right, so he must know that the house in front of him was Xiao Jingnan's residence.

Xiao Jingnan was looking at a story book in the study at this time, looking at it with relish. Fang Ping's group walked to the door of his room and knocked on the wooden door.

dong, dong, dong.

"Xiao Nan, I brought your friend to see you. Open the door quickly." Fang Ping opened his voice and said.

Xiao Jingnan was happy to see it. Suddenly, he was shocked by the loud knock on the door. He heard the voice of Fang Jiaotou, who had just asked him about gossip and gossip on the other side of Shanyan Hall just now. There was a thump in his heart, and two words came to his mind: It's over.

Fang Ping didn't wait for Xiao Jingnan to open the door, so he pushed the door and entered. Several young girls behind him shook their heads for a while and didn't say anything. They also followed and entered the room.

"Ah, Teacher Fang, why are you here?" Xiao Jingnan just wanted to open the door, but he didn't expect that they had already entered his room.

"Ha ha, your friends are in a hurry to know you, so you don't ask yourself. Just don't blame them." Fang Ping said with a smile.

Several boys and girls next to him looked at Fang Ping with a black face, and their eyes were as sharp as a falcon.

"Oh, that doesn't matter." Xiao Jingnan smiled, turned his eyes and said, "Inteacher Fang, Mr. Zhong said just now that if you come, I will ask you to go to him."

"Mr. Zhong said what's the matter?" Fang Ping said doubtfully, thinking that Mr. Zhong used to come to me directly. How could he talk to others this time?

"Really, can I still lie to you?" Xiao Jingnan looked upright and didn't seem to lie, but he was looking forward to the gossip instructor leaving soon.

"Then I'll go. You guys get to know each other." Fang Ping was still a little skeptical, but he finally left.

"I see. Let's go, instructor." Xiao Jingnan smiled and was relieved. After saying that, he turned around and looked at the three new partners similar to him in front of him with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Jingnan. I'm just seven years old this year." Xiao Jingnan's friendly self-introduction.

"Hello, my name is Rong Shao, seven and a half years old." The grass-in-the-grass boy said with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Ling Yihuang. I'm seven years old." The low-key teenager said.

"Liu Ran, six and a half years old." The girl said lightly.

"So you are about the same age as me. Are you all from Taoyuan Village?" Xiao Jingnan said with a smile.

"Hehe, no, we come from all over the world, and we are not the original residents of Taoyuan Village." Rong Shao said with a smile.

Xiao Jingnan did not ask where they came from, because he also knew that it was impolite to ask about the origin of others. It was very impolite to meet for the first time.

"By the way, there is a girl named Xi who is also our companion." Xiao Jingnan said.

"Oh, that's Sister Xiaofeng. You've seen her." Rong Shao looked at Xiao Jingnan from head to toe to find out whether there were any traces left by Lin Fengxi's pranks on Xiao Jingnan, but he looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't find anything.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Xiao Jingnan was worried about Rong Shao's movements.

"It's really strange for you to see that Sister Xiaofeng was not pranked by her. Do you have anything magical?" Rong Shao said puzzledly.

"What's so magical about me? Isn't it the same as you? Do you often play tricks on you?" Xiao Jingnan scratched his head and asked.

"Alas, did Sister Xiaofeng take the wrong medicine today and didn't tease you?" Rong Shao came to the door and stared at Lin Fengxi's room for a long time, but he couldn't see a reason.

"Who said I took the wrong medicine today!" A crisp voice sounded.